
lvnnsi:10/23/2020 // dionysus // iglvnnsi:10/23/2020 // dionysus // ig


10/23/2020 // dionysus // ig

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Book Illustrations From The Daredevils Of Sassoun: Part IIThe Armenian epic Daredevils of Sassoun reBook Illustrations From The Daredevils Of Sassoun: Part IIThe Armenian epic Daredevils of Sassoun reBook Illustrations From The Daredevils Of Sassoun: Part IIThe Armenian epic Daredevils of Sassoun reBook Illustrations From The Daredevils Of Sassoun: Part IIThe Armenian epic Daredevils of Sassoun reBook Illustrations From The Daredevils Of Sassoun: Part IIThe Armenian epic Daredevils of Sassoun re

Book Illustrations From The Daredevils Of Sassoun: Part II

TheArmenian epic Daredevils of Sassoun recounts the story of David of Sassoun, a defiant and self-reliant youth, who by the grace of God defends his homeland in an unequal duel against the evil. The epic falls within the tradition of heroic folktales that dramatize and voice the deepest sentiments and aspirations of a nation. The epic is told in a lyrical voice with rhythmic enunciation, while separate cantos are sung in a rhyming poetic style. It is performed annually on the first Saturday of October (Epic Day holiday in some villages), during weddings, birthdays, christenings and major national cultural events. Usually the epos teller sits, wearing national costume and is accompanied on the duduk, a woodwind instrument. The epic-telling art has no gender, age or professional limitations. It is transmitted through families as a vocation, most strongly in rural communities with close links to folklore culture. There are 160 variants. Performances nowadays last up to two hours with the epic narrated in parts. It is commonly cited as one of the most important works of Armenian folklore, functioning as an encyclopaedia and repository of the entire range of knowledge about the heritage of Armenian people, their religion, mythology, philosophy, cosmology, customs and ethics.

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 Leda:She is a Spartan queen who was seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan. Leda became pregnant and


She is a Spartan queen who was seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan. Leda became pregnant and gave birth to two sets of babies, each in an eggshell. One set was Castor and Clytemnestra. The other was Helen and Pollux. Castor and Pollux later became the constellation Gemini. Clytemnestra was the wife of the famous Greek hero Agamemnon, while Helen was the catalyst of the Trojan War.  

Unlike many of Zeus’s mortal consorts, Leda went on to have a relatively normal life as Queen of Sparta.

Find prints of this piece and many more through the Etsy store linked in my profile!

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I’m currently running a K*S* campaign to get some pins and stickers made.  The designs are based on I’m currently running a K*S* campaign to get some pins and stickers made.  The designs are based on I’m currently running a K*S* campaign to get some pins and stickers made.  The designs are based on

I’m currently running a K*S* campaign to get some pins and stickers made.  The designs are based on my latest painting, which is still in progress.  I’ve added the link to my tumblr page in the links section.  

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charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD charnel-divining:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their sealsXD



The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their seals


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Reading TOO MANY YA romance books, simping for TOO MANY bad boys to be healthy. 

Reading TOO MANY YA romance books, simping for TOO MANY bad boys to be healthy. 

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#prancing #pony #unicorn #publicart #publicartnyc #publicschoolnyc #art #mural #fantasy #mythology #

#prancing #pony #unicorn #publicart #publicartnyc #publicschoolnyc #art #mural #fantasy #mythology #literature #books #reading #library #education #beaunicorn #inspiration #underhillwalls #underhillwallsbk @jeffbeler (at PS 9 PTO (Brooklyn, NY))

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For Inktober, I am doing an Egyptian mythology theme! For my first drawing, I did one of the 4 pairs

For Inktober, I am doing an Egyptian mythology theme! For my first drawing, I did one of the 4 pairs of the Ogdoad - Nu and Nunut.

The Ogdoad were 4 primordial pairs who existed before creation, before Ra and the earth, before humans and gods. The pairs were very symmetrical, a woman with the head of a snake and a man with the head of a frog - masculine and feminine representations of the same concept - so much so that their names even were identical except the change in gender.

Nu and Nunut represented the primordial waters that existence spawned from, the great chaotic expense before the order of creation.

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My Anubis Kickstarter launched two days ago and already we are on the verge of hitting our 4th stret

My Anubis Kickstarter launched two days ago and already we are on the verge of hitting our 4th stretch goal!! If you love Egyptian mythology and art - take a peek around!

Thank you so much, everyone, for all the support and shares! I am so grateful and thrilled with how far this project has gone in such a short time!


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In the ancient days, when the elves were still governed by kings, an orcish warlord, form what was then called Urgragresh, sought to conqueror the elves. His reasons were simple. For even in those days it was well known that the elves were the source of spices, silks, dyes, and magical goods which were traded across the Uthemial.

Thus, he mustered together an army of six thousand orcs and humans and marched them towards the mountains which even today guard the elven homelands.

His march was no secret, for the valkiur eagle riders saw at once what was happening, and few back over the mountains with their news, spreading to every town and city they landed at.

In those days, the elves did not gather for a grand council. Instead the elves were divided into many smaller nations, whom all bickered and fought with each other. Yet it was plain to all that no one nation could stand up to this army being marched towards them. Thus did all the elves agree that they must ally with each other so that they could face this threat.

Yet, even with the threat of the six thousand, the kings, councilors, and chieftains all bickered bitterly. For all of them feared they would leave themselves vulnerable to the depredations of their neighbors, and secretly sought to advance their own nation and the others’ expense.

As they argued however, six warriors gathered in the city of Everska, high in the foothills. Between them was the knowledge that the six thousand would march to the very gates of Loria itself before any agreement would be reached.

One was from the north, a rider of the taltiar horse nomads.

One was from the south, a skirmisher from the jungles of Kyriel

One was from the coast, a rainbringer from Hybrasil

One was from Loria, a bladedancer from the lowland forests

One was from Everska, an armored windbreaker from the highlands

And one was of the Losalsifar, the wide-ranging people of all-lands

Thus they swore that they would do everything in their power to protect their kin and territories. To serve and defend all elves regardless of nation. Thus they decided that even if just the six of them stood against six thousand, they would still do whatever they could.

So they crossed over the mountains, to either defeat the six thousand before they could cross into elven lands, or die in the attempt.

In those days, before the human descendants of the Marrowlanders would settle in that valley, the lands beyond the mountains were still heavily forested. Thus the six used the forest to their advantage, as all elves have done. While the army of six thousand fought its way through brush, thorn, and dead fall, the six elven warriors moved through the trees unimpeded.

They struck at the army quick and fast. Striking whenever the army was vulnerable, killing ten times their number in every attack, and retreating back into the forest before their enemy could retaliate. Soon the army of six thousand learned to fear every birdcall, every breeze, and every whistle of wind through trees; for every sound of the forest could be the only warning they received before the six warriors struck at them again. The warlord cursed these warriors and tried time and again to draw them into open battle. Yet not matter what trap he set, the six warriors continued to evade him. Continuing to strike and fight at the times and places of their choosing.

The six elven warriors were not alone in their attempts. The valkiur elves, flying high above the earth on their eagles, saw all that was going on below them. It was them who told the six of the army’s movements and warned them of every trap and ambush which was set. The scattered elven outposts and camps in the valley were always welcoming to them, and gladly shared hearth, company and food to these warriors who fought for all elves.

Slowly the six warriors carved away the army of six thousand. Each battle, like a chip of wood out of the trunk of a tree. One blow after another, each strike adding to all the ones that came before it, until the army of six thousand had become the army of merely six hundred.

Yet the warlord marched his army of six hundred up the mountain passes towards the elves, and there he finally confronted the six warriors in the open battle he so desired. For even as decimated as his army was, six hundred was still a match for six.

Yet the six warriors had known this battle must happen, and had planned accordingly. They riddled the mountain pass with traps, killing all those who were eager for battle and charged in without caution. And when the army of six hundred finally found them, in was on a narrow path, through which only a few could pass through at a time.

And because they were prepared, the six warriors faced down six hundred and triumphed. The last remnants of the army of six thousand were unable to break through that narrow pass, and faced with defeat at the hands of only six warriors, they broke. Retreating back over the mountains. The warlord returned to Urgragresh in disgrace and would never again be able to muster another army of six thousand.

As for the six warriors, kings, councilors, and chieftains all heaped rewards and praises on the six for their defense of all elves. Each one of them returned to their kin and territories rich in wealth and renown.

With the threat of the warlord and his army of six thousand gone, the nations all returned to their bickering. But the legend of the six warriors would live on, and today, when all the nations of elves gather together in a grand council, they are remembered for what they did for all elvenkind.

And it is remembered, that even in those days, six could stand up to six thousand, and triumph.

Zeus: I was never one to hold grudges

Zeus: My father held grudges, I will always hate him for that

Zeus: I would appreciate it if one person in this family would not assume that I’m an evil lecherous hump.

Artemis: Nobody’s saying that, Dad.

Hermes: Yeah, we’re pretty much just giving each other significant glances and laughing incessantly.

Hermes: my motto is i wear heelys to escape my feelings!


Apollo: dude are you okay?

Hephaestus, when first seeing dionysus drinking: yeah alochol its cool, but have you ever had someone care about you?

Dionysus: no

Hephaestus: me neither, pass the bottle
