#nikita gill



Remember what you must do

when they undervalue you,

when they think

your softness is your weakness,

when they treat your kindness

like it is their advantage.

You awaken

every dragon,

every wolf,

every monster

that sleeps inside of you

and you remind them

what hell looks like

when it wears the skin

of a gentle human.

Nikita Gill, Wild Embers


Nikita Gill, Night Songs to Aphrodite

To my inner child:

I promise I am trying my best to heal

from everything that hurt you.

I promise I am trying to become

the person you need me to be

so we can both be whole.

Sadness knows my address

but joy is a passing stranger,

I can only say this in poems,

Anywhere else people will worry.

I have whispered more wounds

into the wind than I care to count.

On painful days, these wounds won’t let go.

The worst story I know is my heart.

The best story I know is my heart.

Both these things know how to exist together

in ways that I never thought I would learn.

This is a silent victory.

I never wanted a victory dipped in gold.

All I want is one day to write a poem

that is more than a litany of excuses

to survive another day.

One day I want to write a poem

that says, “I am alive.

I forgive myself.

And I love myself despite it all.”

-Nikita Gill,A Sad Girl’s Love Song

The absence of abuse does not automatically equal a healthy relationship.

The absence of trauma does not automatically equal joy.

“It’s not that you ruined me. It isn’t, because I refuse to let my love be named anything other than courage and no one gets to take that away from me, not even you. I will not regret how deeply I loved you, even if it ended in my broken heart. So no, you haven’t ruined me. It’s just that every poem I write still tastes like you. And I am trying to change that. All while having grace in my heart while letting you go.”

-Nikita Gill, Excerpts from a book I’m writing

Every poem still tastes like you.

I’m doing my best to change that.

-Nikita Gill

There is all of this grief you are carrying

and all of the grief I am carrying

and we meet and fall in love

but neither of us knows where to put all this grief

so we let it spill all over each other,

let it colour our edges like soot and smoke

that slowly finds its way into our mouths

and neither of us knows where the fire is,

yet here we are in ashes, in ashes,

holding each other and saying,

it will be all right.

It will be all right.

-Nikita Gill

Hi tumblr. This is where it all started for me. I want to say thank you. My LGBTQ novel in verse just got optioned for a tv show by Game of Thrones’ Lena Headey. It’s been a fantastic journey. And I can’t wait to share all the other projects I’ve got coming up too. Thanks for supporting my dreams, tumblr squad. ❤️

I need more fairytales written by current day authors.

I need anthologies or even poetry like “The Lives of Saints” / “The Language of Thorns” by Leigh Bardugo and “Fierce Fairytales” / “Great Goddesses” by Nikita Gill.

They’re a necessity and if you have recommendations please leave them in the replies


“I hope our daughters are born with so much fire in their souls, they could put volcanoes and stars to shame.”

— Nikita Gill, Girls Made of Fire(viaperrfectly)

I’ll make you a trade, your beauty for stone, your sea-beloved tresses for venom-filled snakes, your innocent doe eyes for frigid gaze.

The sea is in the habit of ravishing what does not belong to him, taking without consideration.

But, sweet girl, I promise you, I will not allow this to be your ruin. You are sacred, one of my own.

And no cruel chaos will devour you again, choose terror over maiden, relinquish your human.

And I will turn you into a Goddess in your own right, a deity of monsters, a myth that will scare men for all the years and their seasons.

-AthenatoMedusa, Nikita Gill


“I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.”

Nikita Gill


Nikita Gill, Night Songs to Aphrodite


You see, you may be damaged and broken and unhinged. But so are shooting stars and comets.”

~Nikita Gill~

This is the place where those stories come to be reborn and from the wreckage emerge things, more human than humans. - Fierce Fairytales, Nikita Gill

Slytherin Witch with a Wolf Patronus Mood Board

“She’s a dangerous woman, the kind that plays with fire

and with such wildness in her heart.

So many men who try to tame her always fail,

for they never understood

that the forest in her was sown from the start,

In the moonlight alone her secret is revealed,

she has the spirit of a wolf that belongs

only to her, to the earth and to the dark.”

~Nikita Gill

My Wolf Patronus Aesthetic

“Do not fear the night.

Instead, summon the wolf inside you

and welcome the darkness

like it is home.”

~Nikita Gill

nikita gill; from fierce fairytales

—nikita gill; whispers from the wicked wood, from “fierce fairytales”
