#non sims


I posted this on twitter already so I’ll just quote myself from there.

I have some sad bunny news. Unfortunately we lost Bugsie today. Something in me was prepared for this because he wasn’t getting better. I’m sad but happy he’s no longer suffering and in pain.

Those of us who knew him, know he lived a long life full of love and happiness. In recent weeks he was a very ill bunny and was on daily meds from his vet. We don’t know exactly what he passed away from but we know he’s no longer suffering with whatever it was.

RIP Bugsie, June 2015 - Feb 2022

Been MIA for a while since I took a break from the sims. I’m not back yet, might be away for a bit longer. 

Apparently I’ve been MIA for the past 2 months. Mix of mental health related stuff and my dog had surgery mid April so that was super stressful (she’s fully healed now but it took a full 6 and ½ weeks). I’m feeling better so maybe I’ll work on something for pride and my birthday this month. Probably do something that can work for both as I haven’t made any new cc in 3 months. 

I guess this is a good time as ever to post this, I’m preganaté! This is why I have been on the longest hiatus, first trimester has kicked my ass! (You don’t even know) this is my first baby and I have bipolar & anxiety disorder soooo it’s been super fun. I have finally arrived at the point of being excited. But I have enough energy now to get back to posting so hopefully I’ll do that soon.

Looking forward to continuing CLC and TWRs. And excited for the future in general

If you see this, big changes have happened. I FINALLY MADE IT TO POLAND! I never in my life thought I could do this, traveling this far. But I did for my husband. Who I’ve missed so damn much it’s absolutely insane. So the deal is is that I’m staying for a little while. Living polish life, which mean obviously I’m not able to take pictures in game. So for now hiatus for a few months. I’m so excited to explore and be with him so I’ll see you guys soon!


Well, since I almost finished books texturing for the upcoming bookshelves [ did I mention that it’s so very time-consuming? ], I decided to have a little break. 

So I shook the dust off the SW Jedi: Fallen Order, just bc I’ve came across a nice looking mod and wanted to try it. And you know what? Revan makes the game several, dozens times better [ not the plot part yet everything except it ], so I’m not even ashamed of spaming some screenshots.


My cousin’s infant died, I’m still coming down from the funeral. Roommate H is complaining about messes. Again. Reporting me to the landlord. Again.

I can’t deal with this garbage rn

In case you’re wondering, this is what she considers “a mess worthy of being reported to the landlord”

Thoughts? Any neat freaks (affectionate) want to share their opinion?

My cousin’s infant died, I’m still coming down from the funeral. Roommate H is complaining about messes. Again. Reporting me to the landlord. Again.

I can’t deal with this garbage rn

bruh i don’t know whether I’m out of breath after sprinting to the train bc of the covid or bc my legs just suck at walking

Roommate issues again

Roommate H has returned again and with her: the boyfriend. Gave me a panic attack yesterday. Guzzled down a can of kombucha, couldn’t sleep, woke up from the pitiful sleep I had with a headache.

She has shown herself to be incredibly how do you say, inconsiderate person. To summarize: “I don’t give a flying fuck about what excuse you have for not cleaning, if you don’t clean I’ll sicc the landlord on you ”

I would very much like to resolve this peacefully, but I’m unsure she can even be reasoned with.

Update: she complained to the landlord. I’m crying. I can’t deal with this. I don’t want to become homeless (again)


Covid symptoms and how they developed + recovery (pt 1)

Heya folks, so…. After I caught the resident plague, I really haven’t posted any updates about my health to tumblr yet, so let’s resolve that.

The thing I’d like to start with is just how my symptoms progressed, as this might be useful to people experiencing similar things.

For background: I’ve been vaccinated fully with Pfizer. First shot in July, second in August. I have no underlying health issues.

It started on Tuesday evening, the ninth of November. I had just spent the evening at my folks watching a show and my throat was feeling kinda rough. So, I thought to myself “I must have eaten too many salty snacks. I should take the day off to hydrate tomorrow”. So, I did just that. I alerted my boss that I wasn’t feeling well and would stay home that day, practicing self care. However, at the end of the day, the roughness hadn’t gone away yet.

Then Thursday came. It hadn’t gone away yet and my eyes felt like how they feel when I’m anywhere near daffodils. You see, I’m allergic to those flowers and my typical reaction to that is burning eyes. I felt like I was constantly being exposed to daffodils. Indoor, outdoor, didn’t matter. Just the constant feel of daffodils. By this time I had also started sneezing. That evening I went to the store for some groceries and bought some soothing thyme syrup while I was at it, since my throat was still acting up.

I don’t know 100% when, but around this time, I remember being in the town center, holding a yummy drink, mouth mask on and sneezing. I thought to myself “geez, I’m glad I’m wearing a mask or those germs would’ve gone much farther”

On Friday I made a test appointment for the next day as the symptoms weren’t going away.

I’m not 100% sure when I developed headaches, but I did. They were manageable with 500mg paracetamol.

Saturday I got swabbed. As my previous two experiences with the nose swab have been… Nasty in the past, I asked the guy at the test site to swab my left nostril instead of the right one which had been subjected to swab violence twice already. This turned out to be a great idea, as the discomfort went away much faster.

The next day, I saw I had received an email from the health services: my test results were in. I didn’t log in to see the results, so imagine my surprise when a few hours later I got a phone call from an unknown number. “Hello, this is GGD Gelderland Midden, are you [real name]?”. Immediate dread.

I had covid.

This got a lot longer than I thought, so I’ll continue in pt 2 which wil probably be a reblog of this post.

Covid symptoms and how they developed + recovery (pt 2)

Sooo, truth be told, I probably spent too much time modding Skyrim SE than, ya know, resting, when my covid was at its peak. But hey, let’s talk about symptoms and how I managed them.

So, one thing I forgot to mention, was that that Friday I had asked my mom to get me some nasal spray. Good thing I asked, because I’d make heavy use of it throughout the week. I got regular brine solution and xylometazoline. The latter can only be used for a week, but clears out the nostrils like crazy.

Okay, so my symptoms were as follows:

  • A rough, scratchy throat
  • Headaches
  • (occasional) fever
  • Sneezing
  • Burning eyes
  • Tiredness
  • Stuffy nose

Basically, a nasty cold. The thing that differentiated it from the flu for me, was the lack of dizziness or nausea. If I get the flu, I get dizzy and will probably throw up at least once. I never got those symptoms with covid. Honestly, I’ve had nastier flus*

*this does not mean that covid is the flu. I am vaccinated against the ‘rona which gave me an advantage and covid still majorly sucked. Get vaccinated, yo. Covid ain’t a flu. (Also, the flu I’m referring to hit me so hard I lost most of my strength thanks to being bedbound for a solid three days at least, so don’t underestimate the flu either.)

But, let’s talk symptom management. For my rough throat I drank TONS of hot tea. This helped keep my throat from getting rough. Also, staying hydrated is of the utmost importance, especially if you have covid. I also took the occasional spoon of medicinal thyme syrup to coat my throat. Whenever I’d get a headache, I would typically try to ignore it, but when it got too rough, I took a single 500mg paracetamol pill. For my nasal passages I would use xylometazoline for when it was feeling really stuffed and regular brine solution nasal spray when it wasn’t. I also made sure to get enough sleep.

What was nastier than symptom management however, was minimizing the chances of infecting my roommates. For that, I was instructed to clean the kitchen and toilet after using it and to wipe down anything (door knobs, switches, etc) that I had touched. I also had to keep my trash separateandwash my hands often. I also kept my room ventilated. Going to the toilet involved washing my hands before going, then washing my hands after I did my business, then wiping down the toilet, wiping down the doorknobs, then throwing away the trash and washing my hands again in my own room. Cooking meant wearing a face mask and of course: much cleaning.

After about a week or so after I had developed my initial symptoms, I was finally symptom free! However, unfortunately shortly after that, I lost my sense of smell. Fortunately my taste remained and still is intact. But it was not fun. However, it has been steadily getting better again.

The first week after covid, I was definitely still busy “uitzieken” as we’d say in Dutch; riding out the sickness, taking it easy to recover. I was definitely feeling physically weak(er). And the laundry… Damn, everything had to be washed for a long time at 40C…

At the moment of writing, I have been covid free for a while and quite happy about it!

However, as it is, I currently sleep quite a bit more than I used to. I’m not sure if it’s because of covid or the short days though. Physically, I can still function at about the same level as I was able to pre-covid, though it just tires me out a bit faster. And as I said; though I lost my sense of smell after covid had passed, I am now regaining it rapidly.

Gosh, you wouldn’t believe how happy I was to smell a cup of coffee. It was heavenly to smell that black gold.

I don’t believe I have long covid. If I still sleep and tire at this rate after the days start lengthening again, I’ll start to worry. But for now, I’m happy to be allowed out again and blessed to have survived this with my sense of taste intact. Not all have that privilege. Another blessing was that to my knowledge, I did not infect anyone I was in contact with.

So, that was my covid experience. Not fun to experience, but perhaps illuminating to others. And definitely a story to tell.

Covid symptoms and how they developed + recovery (pt 1)

Heya folks, so…. After I caught the resident plague, I really haven’t posted any updates about my health to tumblr yet, so let’s resolve that.

The thing I’d like to start with is just how my symptoms progressed, as this might be useful to people experiencing similar things.

For background: I’ve been vaccinated fully with Pfizer. First shot in July, second in August. I have no underlying health issues.

It started on Tuesday evening, the ninth of November. I had just spent the evening at my folks watching a show and my throat was feeling kinda rough. So, I thought to myself “I must have eaten too many salty snacks. I should take the day off to hydrate tomorrow”. So, I did just that. I alerted my boss that I wasn’t feeling well and would stay home that day, practicing self care. However, at the end of the day, the roughness hadn’t gone away yet.

Then Thursday came. It hadn’t gone away yet and my eyes felt like how they feel when I’m anywhere near daffodils. You see, I’m allergic to those flowers and my typical reaction to that is burning eyes. I felt like I was constantly being exposed to daffodils. Indoor, outdoor, didn’t matter. Just the constant feel of daffodils. By this time I had also started sneezing. That evening I went to the store for some groceries and bought some soothing thyme syrup while I was at it, since my throat was still acting up.

I don’t know 100% when, but around this time, I remember being in the town center, holding a yummy drink, mouth mask on and sneezing. I thought to myself “geez, I’m glad I’m wearing a mask or those germs would’ve gone much farther”

On Friday I made a test appointment for the next day as the symptoms weren’t going away.

I’m not 100% sure when I developed headaches, but I did. They were manageable with 500mg paracetamol.

Saturday I got swabbed. As my previous two experiences with the nose swab have been… Nasty in the past, I asked the guy at the test site to swab my left nostril instead of the right one which had been subjected to swab violence twice already. This turned out to be a great idea, as the discomfort went away much faster.

The next day, I saw I had received an email from the health services: my test results were in. I didn’t log in to see the results, so imagine my surprise when a few hours later I got a phone call from an unknown number. “Hello, this is GGD Gelderland Midden, are you [real name]?”. Immediate dread.

I had covid.

This got a lot longer than I thought, so I’ll continue in pt 2 which wil probably be a reblog of this post.

Well, I have covid.

I have been vaxxed, but I still caught it. Still, I’m thankful, because so far I’ve only experienced the symptoms of a nasty cold/hayfever combo. It could have been much, much worse. I have no trouble breathing and I can still taste my food. I have many things to be thankful about.

I’m not very thankful for this headache that keeps bothering me though.


So somehow I’ve fallen ill. Yay?

It feels like a combo of a cold and hay fever which is just lovely. At least I don’t feel as dizzy as I typically do when I have the flu.

I will have to actually boot up my pc to get a covid test appointment bc not even the vaccinated can escape The Test during cold season apparently.

So yeah, I’m taking things easy this week.

I’ve also actually installed Skyrim Special Edition which I haven’t done before. You see, I’m very much used to my PC throwing a hissy fit at anything released in the 2010’s (including Classic Skyrim). Surprisingly enough, it’s been running pretty well so far. But then again, I haven’t really started putting in mods.

I haven’t allowed it to update to Anniversary Edition yet, though if all the fun SKSE plugins + Legacy are updated for AE, I may buy it. I gotta be honest, the Morrowind/Oblivion callback content that’s included looks pretty rad.

I may share screenshots once I get everything properly set up.





My friend told me I had to publish the drunk uquiz I made so here ya go: I assign you a uni major based on vibes

Hey op how tf did u assign me my actual major out of literally everything there is. I’m scared of you

Hey op that’s fucking terrifying.

how did you manage to get my original life plan?

i originally wanted to go into education but changed course to journalism because i feel like that better facilitates a writing career, op what the fuck?? are you telling me i should have gone into teaching the whole time

Wtf OP what sorcery is this?!


I told this to one person in a private conversation today, but I think I should post it for everyone.

Russian propaganda doesn’t really want you to believe it.

At least not always. The main goal of the Russian propaganda is to confuseyou. They create countless different crazy versions of events, making an event that was initially obvious become too confusing and overwhelming to understand. And they are usually quite successful in this.

Russian propaganda does not necessarily want you to believe their truth, it just doesn’t want you to believe the actual truth.

They want you to feel like everything is too complicated, even when it clearly isn’t. This technique is called “Firehose of falsehood”

Here’s a wiki page about it

And here is a good article about it. Please read this and become immune to the Russian propaganda and disinformation.

Important info

So tw war I guess, but I feel like this had to be said.

It’s crazy to me that I’ve seen Americans on the internet go on about how “GAS PRICES ARE RISING! 6 DOLLARS A GALLON THE APOCALYPTIC INFLATION IS UPON US!1!1!1!”.

I get it, your country is a capitalist hellscape and it’s difficult enough to live any decent life even without the prices going up. But this is not about the US. Stop making it about the US.

This is about Ukrainians being killed, everything in Ukraine; houses, schools, hospitals, vital infrastructure, lives, being destroyed, it’s f-ing war and war is hell. Most Americans have no experience with living in a country that has been occupied at some point in the last century. Now if you’re curious about what that’s like: they’re still finding WW2 bombs in the Netherlands and all countries that were occupied or bombed between 1939-1945.

I repeat: More than 75 years after peace has been signed, there’s still active explosives in the ground. War is not over when the peace treaty is signed. Even if a treaty was signed tomorrow and the Russian troops would withdraw the same day, the cleanup is gonna take years, if not generations to complete. And at this point we’re not even talking about the traumas people already have.

War doesn’t end. It just keeps echoing for generations. Inter-generational trauma is a pain in the ass. My grandpa still has food insecurity from the Dutch Winter Famine he survived, my grandmother (rip) survived a bombardment on the very neighborhood I live in now, multiple family members were almost executed.

And that was during WW2 which was certainly not fun, but now the weapons are worse, the desinformation and propaganda is worse and the trauma is fresh and not nearly over. And the atrocities at Bucha clearly show that Russian troops are not merciful by any metric. There’ll be more death, more violence, more destruction and yet people in the US (and let’s be honest, many in Europe too) get soooo upset by their car fuel costing a bit more.

Tldr: check ur privilege, living in a country that has not been attacked/besieged/occupied by foreign forces the last 100 years IS privilege.

Also if anyone tells you that no war crimes are committed or that Ukrainians deserve this, report, block, spread accurate information. Bellingcat is an excellent source if you want suggestions.

This is not aimed at any particular ppl btw





polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:


as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.

Polish person here, I’ve been on the website, it looks legit! Adding the full link here:

Information is available in Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English

Please get the help available!

Other people, please boost this!!!!

Gov.pl is a legit website connected to the polish government i use it to look at tax info and school stuff (it has the lessons for the teachers written out) and driving license info. So this is legit!!!

Ukrainian friends, you can also cross the border to Slovakia, with or without a passport, or at least that’s the latest update from our Ministry of Interior. You must prepare yourselves for waiting in lines as they check every individual vehicle upon entering (waiting times according to our news are hours long because of shitty capacities but hopefully after today the officials will figure out a more effective system). If anybody has a link too, I’d be grateful as I haven’t found anything useful prior to adding to the post. I hope you all stay safe.


Hey, yo, long time, no speak

I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning and other rl stuff lately. I managed to get things a lot less messy, decorated a bit, bought a cactus.. I also hate bleach now. Screw bleach, I better not have to bleach my windowsills again.

Anyways, Storm Eunice is gonna be hitting the Netherlands in like an hour, so that’s gonna be fun. I’m not in the “danger zone” with the really nasty winds reaching 130> km/h (basically, hurricane winds in some select parts of the red provinces, probably around the islands), but chances are we’ll get winds of up to 114 km/h here in an orange part, so that’s still pretty heavy.

I brought my bicycle inside already just in case.

In terms of sims stuff, well, we’ve been working on some pretty sweet stuff over at the Sun&Moon Star Factory, but there’s still a lot of testing to do and improvements to make.

Well, it quieted down enough that I’m willing to turn my pc on. My roommates’ bicycles blew over as did the misc trash bin (once). I’m rather glad I put my bicycle inside. When the winds were like really bad, I could hear the glass on my shelves shaking from the wind (my window wasn’t even open). Pretty heavy stuff.

The most annoying though is that I just discovered that Roommate H (the clown, the one who tends to complain a lot about “messes”, attitude issues) has left her window open or something. There’s cold air coming into the kitchen from her door. I swear…

Anyways, I stuck some mops in the door gap, so that should keep the worst out.
