#not pro only for myself


April Stats

Before weight: 158,4 lbs

After weight: 145,6 lbs

Weight lost: 12,8 pounds

Goal Weight for May: 130 pounds

Biggest weight loss motivation is the fact that I have swimming for PE next year and I will end it all if anyone from school is going to see me in a bathing suit before I loose like 20 pounds 

Height: 1,69 m / ~5'7"

SW / HW: 158 lbs / 71,6 kg

CW : 139 lbs / 63,0 kg

LW: 116 lbs / 52,6 kg

GW 1: 140 lbs / 63,5 lbs

GW 2: 130 lbs / 58,9 kg

GW 3: 116 lbs / 52,6 kg

UGW 110 lbs / 49,9 kg

I have been maintaining for like 4 days and if I dont see that number going down tomorrow I am going to fucking lose it

I put on jeans I bought last year and they were literally just falling off of me. I’m happy obv, but also upset because I liked those jeans >:((

I hate how skinny my equally as eating disordered friend is. So jealous

Maybe he’ll finally pay attention to me when I look like I am dying

The first reaction to every minor inconvenience in my life is to starve myself

I havent eaten in four days and I never felt so close to passing out and so powerful at the same time

Recently have been talking with a friend about our eating disorders and now I just feel super guilty everytime I eat because I feel like need to do better than him and restrict more :/
