#not pro only using tags


In the midst of any shitty stuff going on have some good news :)

unpopular opinion:

binge eating and food addiction are ed just as valid as anorexia or bulimia

quick bodycheck without binder because it’s h o t a f and I’m lowkey dying because body dysphoria and dysmorphia have teamed up against me

sometimes I just wished I lived alone and had no friends or social obligations or people near me

so I could just. plan. my. diet. perfectly.

and starve myself to death

well I’m fucked.

I lost 4 kg and I’m officially at my lowest weight, but now I have 7 days of a trekking camp where not only I can’t count kcals (I don’t prepare meals) but I can’t even fast/restrict/purge because I’ll be constantly with people and checked during the meals

I feel horrible and I don’t wanna gain weight again after all that I went through to reach the point where I’m now.

my only hope is to burn most of the stuff I eat. I’m so anxious

my sensible brain: actually, starving is not the correct way to loose weight as you body enters a ‘starvation mode’ and your metabolis-

my ed: no food = no fat

my sensible brain: u right I’m sorry my bad

for everyone who has a friend/family member with an ed or ed behaviours

please, do not force feed or just put in a situation where they feel forced to eat.

I know it might seem like the right thing to do but trust me, it will only make the ed worse. I wasn’t purging until my parents literally forced me to eat 1500 kcals in one sitting.

force feeding is horrible and ends up reinforcing the ed in most cases, it makes the person feel pressured and leads them to consider even more harshly the food they are fed.

instead of force feeding, talk with them and explain what you are noticing, get them to get help, and figure out with them (and a professional) a food plan for the recovery.

only then feel authorized to force feed and still staying in the limits of what was accorded previously.

please do not force feed, force to restrict or interfere in any way with someone’s eating habits, unless you were told the specific problem and needs of the person from a professional

Hey yall give about 1 more week and then I’ll post my cw… I’m just to scared to do it now since iv been off track for a while

Thank god for those diet pills man. I barely ate anything during Thanksgiving!! All I had was like to small pieces of ham and a couple spoonfulls of cream corn then I went to work and probably burned most if now all the cals!!

I’m also starting adhd meds that r suppose to make me lose helllllla weight so ya cant wait for that~

500 followers?!?!? Oh god ok here we go…

I am not pro shit!

I am surprised by how many people are following me and I just hope everyone here sees me as relatable and just trying to cope. To all of my followers I’m so sorry for the shit we gotta go through but I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YALL! If yall wanna dm and rant about binging hella ya I’ll rant with you! If u wanna tell me your thinking/going through recovery TELL ME!! I’ll hype you the fuck up!! I am not here to promote ed shit but I am here to make sure no one goes through it alone.

April Stats

Before weight: 158,4 lbs

After weight: 145,6 lbs

Weight lost: 12,8 pounds

Goal Weight for May: 130 pounds

Biggest weight loss motivation is the fact that I have swimming for PE next year and I will end it all if anyone from school is going to see me in a bathing suit before I loose like 20 pounds 

Height: 1,69 m / ~5'7"

SW / HW: 158 lbs / 71,6 kg

CW : 139 lbs / 63,0 kg

LW: 116 lbs / 52,6 kg

GW 1: 140 lbs / 63,5 lbs

GW 2: 130 lbs / 58,9 kg

GW 3: 116 lbs / 52,6 kg

UGW 110 lbs / 49,9 kg

I have been maintaining for like 4 days and if I dont see that number going down tomorrow I am going to fucking lose it

I hate how skinny my equally as eating disordered friend is. So jealous

Maybe he’ll finally pay attention to me when I look like I am dying

The first reaction to every minor inconvenience in my life is to starve myself

I havent eaten in four days and I never felt so close to passing out and so powerful at the same time

Recently have been talking with a friend about our eating disorders and now I just feel super guilty everytime I eat because I feel like need to do better than him and restrict more :/
