#tw eating problems


Sure I’m not as skinny as I used to be but god do I love not starving myself anymore

I’v had some joint pain for a year or so now in my knees, there’s usually only pain on my period though, and now my wrists, ankles, and elbows hurt too. I have calorie restricted for many years because of bad body image and relationship with food so i’m worried I have osteoporosis. I’m autistic so I have texture sensitivity issues with vegetables and fruits, I try and have as balanced a diet as I can but I also take multivitamins.

My logic was most of the food I eat is high calorie and processed so I should just eat less so I don’t be even more unhealthy and not put on weight. Because my mum has been dieting for years and it’s ingrained in my brain to lose weight even though I know diets don’t work and i’m being fatphobic to myself??  So my eyesight got blurry, I got constipated, my periods stopped, I got weaker, fatigued, my hands and feet were cold, I couldn’t sleep without aid, and my joints began to hurt.. And then I googled calorie restriction and found out all my symptoms were caused by my disordered eating.

So I’ve been eating more, enough to get my hands to be warm and my symptoms have got better. My eyesight has actually got less blurry. But now the joint pain is getting worse. My periods are trying to come back and I think this is a period of low eostrogen so the pain is worse  but that means it’s just masking the pain that’s always there, right? I sent an e-consult asking for advice and the doctor thought I was asking for a sick note? ?

Has anyone had experience with this before? I’m so scared to talk to me doctor about it because my experience with untreated chronic pain has left me with no faith in them. I’m so scared and in pain

Okay you guys, my timeline be dead asf for some reason (maybe some of y’all got term or something). If you’re and ed account follow me or like this post so I can follow you.

If you’re opposed to saving bodychecks but regularly save thinspo without knowing where it came from… boy do I have news for you

Hip dip thinspo

I didn’t even know I had hip dips until I started losing weight lol

Wow, my eating disorder really has me eating 635 calories instead of the usual 1300 cals the day before my doctors appointment so I can weigh less…. + a 18 hour fast

I’ve been eating 900 calories for the past 2 weeks without binge eating and I am at my breaking point. The connection between my brain and my mouth has disappeared. I have a serious lack of energy. I cant even stand up without getting dizzy and seeing black dots. I’ve chewed 23 fucking packs of gum. No, I’m dead serious, my jaw is so fucking sore. I’ve lost about 4 pounds and its almost not worth it. I ate 1300 calories today and I feel like a failure. I’ve eaten  1300 calories before and its actually helped me not binge for the longest time ever but the slow weight loss had me so impatient. It doesn’t feel as bad as a binge. Actually, I feel better, but still, I know I’m going to be heavier when I weigh my self in the morning. :(

I’m so fucking weak as shit I know 

I’ve been eating 1300 calories for a while now and its allowed me not binge for the longest time ever. However I got a bit sick last week and decided one day that I was too tired to eat dinner. I immediately dropped two pounds, so ever since I’ve been eating 800 calories a day. I kind of regret it because I’m getting so hungry the longer that I’m doing this. But I’m afraid that I’m going to gain all the weight I lost. Pls someone help lol I’m going to see if I can do this at least until I’m under 140 lbs. 

I made a goal to myself that when I weighted 150lbs that I was finally going to allow myself to post on Instagram again. I weighted myself this morning and I’m at 148lbs. I took a good look at myself and now I’m going to wait till I weigh 130lbs to post.

Anyway, no one looks too fat at 130lbs

The pain I feel when the number on the scale goes down, but I see no actual physical changes is so… frustrating


Me while sick: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while shitting: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while existing: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while binge eating:what is a scale? I dont know her

I dont like anything about me.

Not a single thing.

And sometimes it gets hard to breathe due to the intense hatred.

♤♤♤not mine♤♤♤

19 weeks til summer

i want to change, i need to change. i can’t keep fucking around. i have been 50kgs before and i will be 50kgs again, i just need to put in more effort.

April Stats

Before weight: 158,4 lbs

After weight: 145,6 lbs

Weight lost: 12,8 pounds

Goal Weight for May: 130 pounds

This eating thing has been my slowest unintentional suicide attempt yet
