#body check


I’m lucky that I don’t have to go anywhere today I can b/p In the comfort of my own home.

I bought “Chinese” food to binge on since it binge day and tell me why I ate ¼ of it and got full. WHY IS IT THAT WHEN I CAN EAT THE FOOD IM NOT HUNGRY BUT WHEN I CANT MY STOMACH IS DOING THE CHA CHA SLIDE. This is bs. I’m mad now because I bought ice cream and I can’t even eat it now. Well maybe that’s good, maybe my stomach shrunk. IM STILL PISSED THO.

Just consider it re living childhood (even though Ik most of us had it or still have it ROUGH)

On a side note Ik exactly what I’m going to binge on, on Friday

I’m like 100 percent sure I can eat all of these. Thought I’m also like 99.9 percent sure I’ll purge these but whatever.

Imagine having a hw of 120……..like what

120 is five pounds heavier than my gw

quick bodycheck without binder because it’s h o t a f and I’m lowkey dying because body dysphoria and dysmorphia have teamed up against me

body checks at my aunt’s house

went into town the other day and saw my sister’s fiancé’s parents, and one of them said to me “you look like you need fattening up”

so you think I’m skINNYYYYYYYYYYY

we love completely random bruises


baggy overaaaaallls

and a size 11-12 years shirt :P

full body check, feeling a little better about myself today but I know I’m gonna hate this later

sorry about the mess and the state of my hair

living off diet soda who even needs food

imagine how skinny I could be without all this FAT at the top of my thighs..

Body check

(For the first time in forever)

CW: 125

I think I look skinny fat :/ like just not toned so it makes me look even heavier, ya know?

I feel that at the beginning, the body positive movement was very important, it made people realize that the world of fashion imposed unhealthy thin standards instead of celebrating different bodies and beauties. But in 2020, the movement became something that I neither support nor accept. It became extremist and radical

It has become an excuse for obese people to settle down and eat fast food every day. If an anorexic is not healthy, why is obesity accepted? People in this movement don’t even want to hear science! You can’t change basic science as your feet can’t handle a certain weight or premature death at 50 or 40 years. The internal organs are not supposed to be submerged in body fat! How difficult is it to understand this? Or that curvy girls are not obese girls?

Taking care of your body of your health is the true self acceptance and body positivism!

I will definitely receive negative comments and insults for having an opinion, but everyone has the right to have freedom of speech and to have a debate about things.
