#obey me headcanons


Guys I just had the weirdest revelation.

Do you think the demon bros, the royals, and the angels, only use their human form around MC?

Think about it, how much more unsettling do you think it would have been for MC to have popped into Devildom and be surrounded by a bunch of demons in their demon form?

How about seeing an angel for the first time and it not looking human at all?

I mean, what other reason would they have to always look like a human when they live in completely seperate realms where humans are nowhere to be found aside from the occasional witch or wizard?

Now I know that it will also be mentioned that they’re demon at Diavolo’s parties. But hear me out. That is because everyone else looks demon. Why have a party at the demon lord’s castle and have everyone look human? It doesn’t add up. Thus showing their demon form, which I believe is their natural form.


Unless their demon forms are in fact a more watered down version, since they do still look human. Again, perhaps for MC’s sake.

Again it goes back to, how else do you get a terrified human to agree to live around demons for a year? You make yourself look as human as possible.

MC with Galaxy Eyes (Part 2)

>The Brothers (Part 1)<


  • He was shocked when you had first arrived in Devildom.
  • To be quite honest, he had been convinced that you were otherworldly. 
  • He kept asking Lucifer how he had managed to get in contact with alien species for the exchange program. 
  • I mean surely that would be an interesting story enough to tell.
  • He wouldn’t believe Lucifer when he said that you were indeed human. He hardly believed you when you tried to explain.
  • Diavolo had never seen a human with such stunning eyes like yours before.
  • It certainly didn’t stop him from complimenting you every time he saw you.


  • Of course he treated you just as everyone else. 
  • Sure, he would certainly notice your eyes. But unlike everyone else, he wouldn’t say much.
  • He had met someone a very long time ago similar to you, so it was nothing too new for him.
  • While he may not admit it, and wouldn’t allow you to notice, if you glanced at just the right time, you might catch him just admiring you from afar. 
  • Barbatos would love to watch the other’s reactions, and then let out a soft smile when they’d freak out over how he wasn’t gushing over you.
  • While he may not publicly show his interest, he is more than intrigued, and loves spending even short moments with you.


  • He was captivated by your eyes the moment he had seen you.
  • You were simply so unique, a character that he never imagined meeting. 
  • Like somehow you had simply jumped off of a page of a fantasy storybook.
  • He would love to go for little walks with you, simply to show you off to everyone you’d encounter.
  • Simeon simply wanted to tell the realms about your stunningly unique appearance.


  • Without wanting to be rude, he would secretly ask Simeon if there was something “weird” about you, since you weren’t like the other humans he had ever seen.
  • Simeon had to explain to him that you were simply just a bit different, and blessed with a special gift.
  • He absolutely adores seeing you and your eyes.
  • Feeling inspired by the galaxy you hold just a blink away, he would bake all kinds of cute galaxy themed treats to give you.
  • Luke totally just asks if it’s okay if he can just stare at your eyes, because not only is it gorgeous, it’s relaxing. 


  • When he first saw you, there was something about you that seemed almost, familiar. 
  • He was certain that he had somehow seen you before. 
  • Then it hit him.
  • Many many years ago he had “accidentally” created the very rare galactic gene that you now possess.
  • Solomon was stunned, to say the least. Never in his lifetime did he think he would meet someone else with this accidental mutation.
  • But he was also incredibly impressed that his magic had such lasting effects. 
  • He would pester you with questions, claiming that he simply wanted to “study” you, but in reality, he knew that he too was mesmerized by his own “unintentional” creation. 

MC with Galaxy Eyes (Part 2)

>The Brothers (Part 1)<


  • He was shocked when you had first arrived in Devildom.
  • To be quite honest, he had been convinced that you were otherworldly. 
  • He kept asking Lucifer how he had managed to get in contact with alien species for the exchange program. 
  • I mean surely that would be an interesting story enough to tell.
  • He wouldn’t believe Lucifer when he said that you were indeed human. He hardly believed you when you tried to explain.
  • Diavolo had never seen a human with such stunning eyes like yours before.
  • It certainly didn’t stop him from complimenting you every time he saw you.


  • Of course he treated you just as everyone else. 
  • Sure, he would certainly notice your eyes. But unlike everyone else, he wouldn’t say much.
  • He had met someone a very long time ago similar to you, so it was nothing too new for him.
  • While he may not admit it, and wouldn’t allow you to notice, if you glanced at just the right time, you might catch him just admiring you from afar. 
  • Barbatos would love to watch the other’s reactions, and then let out a soft smile when they’d freak out over how he wasn’t gushing over you.
  • While he may not publicly show his interest, he is more than intrigued, and loves spending even short moments with you.


  • He was captivated by your eyes the moment he had seen you.
  • You were simply so unique, a character that he never imagined meeting. 
  • Like somehow you had simply jumped off of a page of a fantasy storybook.
  • He would love to go for little walks with you, simply to show you off to everyone you’d encounter.
  • Simeon simply wanted to tell the realms about your stunningly unique appearance.


  • Without wanting to be rude, he would secretly ask Simeon if there was something “weird” about you, since you weren’t like the other humans he had ever seen.
  • Simeon had to explain to him that you were simply just a bit different, and blessed with a special gift.
  • He absolutely adores seeing you and your eyes.
  • Feeling inspired by the galaxy you hold just a blink away, he would bake all kinds of cute galaxy themed treats to give you.
  • Luke totally just asks if it’s okay if he can just stare at your eyes, because not only is it gorgeous, it’s relaxing. 


  • When he first saw you, there was something about you that seemed almost, familiar. 
  • He was certain that he had somehow seen you before. 
  • Then it hit him.
  • Many many years ago he had “accidentally” created the very rare galactic gene that you now possess.
  • Solomon was stunned, to say the least. Never in his lifetime did he think he would meet someone else with this accidental mutation.
  • But he was also incredibly impressed that his magic had such lasting effects. 
  • He would pester you with questions, claiming that he simply wanted to “study” you, but in reality, he knew that he too was mesmerized by his own “unintentional” creation. 


guys I did the math.

to get the new beach mammon ur you’d need to buy 2860 dp.

This factors in daily dp, plus ap costs.

To buy 2860 ap, you’d need to spend $200 USD.

can solmare go easier on us

(Ok I forgot to factor in friend ap and rewards from the event but how much could that really change,)

I was a lil skeptic on ur math so I did it myself and while I did get also get about $200 USD, my calculations wede based on the ASSUMPTION that the player is playing during every waking hour (about 12 hr)


I was suprised that u could potentially get 113,256 shells (w/o cheat cards) during the whole event without spending money for more battles. Because by the end of the events I usually have about 100,000. And this is me grinding. Because by the time I need to sleep, I’ve ran out of AP and cannot play the battles anymore.

So while on paper is seems that players would have to spend $200, I feel like the cost is higher since most of us have lives outside of obey me and may miss gaining AP when it fills up our bar, therefore having to buy more than anticipated.

(Math is down there is u wanna take a look at it )

(Could u tell I was the math nerd in high school têhê~)

So yes, players have to pay a shit ton of money for event URs. And it sucks for us F2P players. And as from my other math post, there r a lot of things that are unfair about Obey Me. But we gotta enjoy what we can ya know?

Unfortunately it’s not very cash money

So about new players getting 100 demon vouchers… I anger

( I also posted this to reddit)

So I did the math, and by taking advantage of the level up sale u get when you level up (like I do) it would take 110 days (+having to level up 20 times I order to get the offer) to get 100 demon vouchers. Or by using the regular way in nightmare, it would take 150 days to get 100 demon vouchers.

In short, Solmare is giving new players 110-150 days worth of work that old players had and still have to do.

*in Chris McLean voice*: not cool dudes, not cool


*spoilers for lesson 21 and on*

Mkay. So ya know how at the beginning we got Solomon telling MC that they’d need to stab someone?

Well I kinda wish we weren’t the ones doing the stabbing.

I wish that instead Solomon was telling Lucifer to stab MC. Like god found out that Lilith was reincarnated and that MC was her descendant. So using Solomon as the messenger (since we know that Solomon’s been to the Celestial Realm before), the deal is, that if Lucifer kills MC (therefore killing Lilith) using the dagger, he and his brothers will be allowed back into the Celestial Realm. 

And Lucifer would lowkey be considering it since he got his brothers dragged into the war, therefore he feels guilty for being the reason for their fall. And then he almost follows through with it, but then his brothers stop him cuz 1) IT’S MC AND THEY LOVE THEM and 2) the brothers are like “we also choose to fall and side with you in the war, it’s not your fault we fell, we’re fine in Devildom, we don’t need to be in the Celestial Realm to be happy” blah blah “family” blah blah blah “Lucifer stop trying to carry all the burdens” blah blah blah. 

And also that would explain why Solomon brought MC back to the Devildom all of a sudden. Like a sheep to slaughter.

But i know it would never happen since Solomon told MC to stab whoever

But could u imagine the


Obey Me AU where the demon bro’s are the ones collecting cards of us

My contribution:

There’s of bunch detail in the background for pulls that I couldn’t get it all XD

I might do more of these if I have the time

So I’ve been playing Obey Me! shall we date, and I was surprised to see people headcannoning the brothers as tops and doms. Like my ass was over here like “these bottoms? As tops? Hahaha!” (Except for Lucifer I hc him as a switch)

Even Satan, the bottomest bottom (in my eyes), was being written as a dom. Honey, I could top you in 3 seconds flat you don’t stand a chanceeeee

Moral of the story: I’m such a dom I dom the doms lmao

So I came across this post by @ai-dev and it got me thinking:


So…here I am!

[ includes: angst, death, mentions of blood, trauma ]

[ A/N: This is written from their personalities and characters in Lesson 16. They came to know MC much more intimately afterwards. These are just my thoughts and in no way are to be equated to the canonical events. ]

  • LUKE is absolutely aghast. Anyone who had spent even a minute in the same room as him knew about how deep his hatred for the demon kind ran, but it stung nonetheless. He was still an angel in the making, and even though he might not have not known MC for that long or that well, he had wanted to. From the moment they stood up for him, he had developed an innocent attachment that grew deeper over the days. His habit of quick association often got him reprimanded in the Celestial Realm, but for the first time he understood why. Because it stung. Like being stabbed in the chest with a jagged glass shard. It stung because he lost the person he wanted to care for, and even more when he was the one to blame. Angels were meant to be pure inside and out, but the venom targeted towards demons that now brewed in his heart charred its walls. But there was only so much of one emotion his little body could handle, so the moment he was done raging he broke down into fits of unsuccessfully suppressed sobs. All while his guardian angel cradled him in his arms…
  • …speaking of who, was in deep conflict. SIMEON hadn’t known them for long, but he could tell that their soul was salubrious. He had been reigning himself from indulging too much, but his heart knew only to resist temptations, not the kindness and warmth they approached him with. And before he knew it, they had become fast friends. They were such a wonderful being, full of dreams, ambitions and a brightness that seemed to follow them everywhere. But it wasn’t just them he was reaching out to, it was to his long lost brothers as well. But when they all made it ample clear with both their words and actions that they wanted to have nothing to do with their former home anymore, Simeon couldn’t put in words how anguished he felt. He never hated them for what they did; if anything, deep down he had always lamented his cowardice that stopped him from joining them. Until now, their demonic natures had seemed like something very far away, for in his eyes they were still the same brothers he had lost, as if they had never disappeared in the first place. But now that something had happened which shoved reality in his face, Simeon didn’t know what to do. He was hanging onto a thin string between denial and remorse. He can only look on at his fellow tenant, who keeps alternating between staring out of the window and at Luke’s tiny form…
  • SOLOMON is no stranger to death. Indifference is expected from a being cursed with immortality. But despite having associated with a multitude of creatures throughout the course of his peculiar life, at his very core he still functioned with the fickleness of a human. Because that is something he once was; destructible, volatile. Somedays he doesn’t care, some days he does. He does feel upset over the gloom MC’s demise had brought upon, but he doesn’t feel like it’s his place to avenge their death or anything. He didn’t know them that well, having only had fleeting conversations with them. But they were enough to paint an overall good picture of them, good enough to feel that they didn’t deserve the hand fate had dealt them with. All he can do is keep moving, the way he always has and the way he always will.

lol just some obey me brain rot with Raphael.

imagine if Raphael is short and has a baby face, kinda like Riddle Rosehearts from twisted wonderland. Since the Obey Me characters seems to tease short characters (Luke) a lot, here is a scenario of what could have been before the Fall. Raphael would be the same age as Lucifer but is shorter than Asmo.

Mammon, Beel, Belphie and Lilith does a prank on the whole celestrial realm, but gets caught.

Raphael sees the mess and is annoyed, Lucifer is confused on how they did this because they were just gone for 10 minutes.

Raphael : Mammon! Belphie! Lilith! and even Beel too?! look at what you’ve done! this place is a mess! 

Raphael rants to Lucifer.

Raphael: Lucifer this wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t spoiling them. When I was your age, I would never do this sort of tomfoolery.

Mammon: Well… When I was your height-

Raphael: (Gasping) the audacity!

Belphie, Beel and Lilith: Laughing on the floor

Lucifer: Proud big brother noises

credits to @azureusmoonie and their idea for Raphael, and so this is my crack theory on why the demon brothers seem to disrespect Luke and his height.

okay this is a strech but since the whole fandom’s seems to be pretty hyped for the new students here are my thoughts

A. one of them could be the demon student sent to the human realm, remember season 1? they mentioned Belphie and one other student went to the human realm right? so maybe one of the new characters is that student returning back to RAD.

B. Micheal, now I know it’s a strech, believe me, but throughout the whole time we played the game they kept name dropping Micheal in like every other lesson and we never really know what he looks like. You can’t just mention a character multiple times without them making an appearance in the game at least once.

C. other angels aka Raphael and Uriel, like reason B., they’re mentioned but we don’t know what they looked like, plus Raphael and the demon bros really don’t like each other but imagining that maybe Raphael is a tsundere who always has his foot in hi mouth and doesn’t know how to properly communicate his feelings and ends up saying something completely opposite on what he really means would be fun and imagining Uriel just being curious about everything would be cute.

D. lastly the Reaper, no one knows what they look like and the fact only Solomon knows their appearance make a few questions rise, but if it is the Reaper, we might get to have more lore about our favourite shady magic user.

Snippet - Time Alone with Simeon

(A quick, sweet headcanon in honor of Simeon’s birthday. )

Just thinking about how Simeon has to come up with ways to spend time alone with MC/you since you’re almost always surrounded by the demon brothers or at least with one other individual in general. He doesn’t mind being with you in a group, such as when Luke and Solomon join the two of you in activities at Purgatory Hall or when everyone is together for a party at HoL or the Demon Lord’s Castle, but he does wish it could be just him and you sometimes. It’s a rare occurrence, though. There may be times when he can walk with you in the hallways of RAD, but it’s typically short-lived, with someone rushing over to be at your side the second they see you. He may even get to enjoy a cup of tea with you at Purgatory Hall, only for Solomon to return home sooner than expected and insert himself into the current conversation. His features wouldn’t show it, but each time, he’s a little disappointed he couldn’t be alone with you longer.

Since these brief instances tend to be interrupted when they come naturally, Simeon sometimes will take matters into his own hands. He’ll mention something that would either cause those around them to leave or allow the two of you to escape from the group, even just temporarily. For instance, if Luke is with you, he may send the young angel off on an errand that he’d enjoy, like baking a dessert for all of them to share. Another example might be pointing out an item in a store window that one of the demon brothers likes, prompting that demon brother to be distracted by the item while Simeon ushers you to another area with him. If neither of those methods work, and he really wants to be alone with you, he’ll come up with a lie to ensure no one bothers both of you (at least for a short while). It could be that he “promised” to help you study a subject you’re having trouble with, or that he specifically needs your assistance with a manuscript he’s working on. Whatever the excuse is, his smile becomes a little brighter whenever it works.

Once he’s alone with you, Simeon will apologize for dragging you away (and lying, if he had to) and admit his true intentions. Now that he finally has you to himself, there’s a bit of anxiety bubbling within him, but it’s not enough to prevent him from making the most of this time with you. Usually, these moments consist of both light-hearted and deep conversations between the two of you. He gets to learn more about you, be a safe space if you need it, and see sides of you that you may not show with anyone else. You receive the same from him, as well–he feels more at ease the longer he’s with you, and he’ll tell you things about himself that he’s never shared before. However, the longer you’re together, the more he doesn’t want these moments to end. On top of that, the closer you are with him, the harder it is for him to hold back the feelings he wants to express to you, verbally and physically. If you give him permission, he’ll hold you so delicately but with a strength that tells you he doesn’t ever want to let you go. He’ll tenderly convey how he cares for you–how you’ve come to mean so much to him–and that he’d do anything for you. When he fears the moment may be reaching its end, he’ll ask if he can kiss you, and even though you’ve agreed to it, he’ll be slow and cautious as he initiates it. His lips are feather-light on yours in the beginning, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or run the risk of being unable to tear himself apart from you. If time allows (and with your consent), it can become a deeper kiss. Afterward, he’ll rest his forehead on yours and whisper additional words of affection to you, giving you the warmest smile you’ve ever seen from him.

Then, the moment is gone, with the sound of approaching footsteps and voices forcing him to step away from you. He flashes his usual grin at whomever has joined you both while behaving as if nothing had occurred just seconds prior. Still, his expression changes ever-so-slightly when he catches your eye, and you become more conscious of his presence and the love he has for you regardless of who’s around.

Simeon always looks forward to the next time he can be alone with you.

Snippet - Mammon the Walking Calculator

When have the demon bros. and MC taken advantage of Mammon’s ability to compute numbers quickly in his head?

Lucifer will call upon Mammon whenever he’s dealing with the crazy number of bills that arrive at HoL each month. He has enough on his plate with work for Diavolo and the student council, so making Mammon calculate the total amount owed is very helpful. Though, the Avatar of Greed is typically the reason that he has to withdraw so much Grimm to pay off the bills to begin with… So, rather than thanking Mammon for his assistance, Lucifer will demand that the younger brother’s share of the costs be paid back to him within a certain timeframe.

“Unless you’d like me to sell you to the debt collectors? Trust me, you’re going to wish you were receiving one of my punishments if they get their hands on you.”

Leviathan will make use of Mammon’s special skill when he wants to determine the odds of getting limited quantity items, such as concert tickets to Sucre Frenzy or the special edition box set of the newest popular anime. Mammon will refuse to help him when he first asks, not really caring about the item Levi has his eye on. However, after a long rant about why the item is incredibly important and how the older brother still owes him this for not paying back the money he lent him, Mammon will finally agree just to get him off his back. The best he can do for Levi is give him percentages on how likely it is that he’ll nab what he wants before others based on the total number of items being sold and how fast both he and the wifi are when orders open. Levi won’t admit it, but he tends to do better with getting the items he wants when Mammon helps him out like this.

“All right!! I got the tickets! It’s like a dream come true! Who knew you could actually be this helpful, Mammon!” [“Hey!!” >:(]

Satan will sometimes trick Mammon into giving him the correct calculations for certain pranks he pulls on Lucifer. For example, he once planned for a hidden catapult to trigger the moment Lucifer stepped out of his study so that the eldest would be met with an open bag of flour in his face. Mammon happened to walk in on him as he was deciding the best location for the catapult and considering the trajectory and the weight of the bag of flour. All Satan had to do was tell his older brother the equations and numbers involved in order to receive an almost immediate answer. After making a bet between them on whether the ploy would work, they hid once they heard the door to Lucifer’s study open. Sure enough, the flour hit its target flawlessly– Well, that would’ve been the case if Lucifer hadn’t moved to the side the moment he heard the catapult go off. Satan and Mammon received a 3-hour long lecture shortly thereafter.

“Looks like your calculations were right again, Mammon. However, since they didn’t manage to stop Lucifer, I don’t owe you any Grimm. Too bad.”

Asmodeus sometimes will drag Mammon along with him on shopping trips, both to help him figure out the prices of things that are on sale and for manpower to carry everything he’s bought (oh, andhesupposes Mammon has good enough taste to pick out stylish clothing and accessories that’d bring out his beauty even more). Fortunately for him, Mammon normally doesn’t mind it too much since he was itching to go on a buying spree of his own. At each store, Asmo will alternate between sweetly asking Mammon to calculate the discount price of anything he’s interested in and ignoring the older brother completely. If the second-born notices that Asmo is just using him, the younger brother will feign innocence.

“So that’s how much it’ll cost? Thanks~! Oh, make sure to keep your purchases separate from mine, okay?”

Beelzebub appreciates Mammon’s help whenever they’re grocery shopping together. He tends to over-buy when he’s tasked to do this alone (everything just looks so good to him, he may as well buy out the whole store), which causes him to be scolded when Lucifer sees the receipt. Mammon not only makes sure Beel doesn’t buy food that’s not on the grocery list, but he also calculates the total cost of everything before they get to the checkout line to determine if they went over their given budget. If Beel does well controlling himself while they’re at the store (both in terms of staying within the budget and not going on a hunger rampage), Mammon sometimes picks up a treat for him on the way back home as a reward.

“Thanks for your help, Mammon. And for the dessert from Madam Scream’s. You’re the best.”

Belphegor usually will do any homework that requires math when he’s in the same room as Mammon, such as the common room of HoL or MC’s bedroom. Could he do the math himself? Certainly. He’s a quick learner and does very well academically. It’s just…he’s tired, you know? And Mammon is so fast at spitting out the correct answer with every equation given to him, so why not take advantage of that to get the homework done sooner? Mammon does catch on to what the youngest demon brother is doing every time, but all Belphie has to do is give him a little praise to ensure he continues helping until the work is finished.

“Thanks, Mammon. It’s times like these when I think you’re actually a good big brother.”


MC is the only one who can use Mammon’s calculator brain anytime they want. While his brothers may have to trick him or practically force him into computing things for them, MC simply just has to ask. Sure, Mammon might complain half the time when they first request his assistance, but it doesn’t take long for him to cave, especially if they compliment his rapid math skills to boost his ego. When it comes down to it, he’d do anything for this human.

“Huh? Ya need my help again, MC? …Fine, but only ‘cause I happen to have some free time. Ya owe me for this, y’know!” (Just some praise and attention will be enough to satisfy him, honestly.)

Snippet - A Surprise Kiss from MC

How would the demon brothers respond to MC kissing them unexpectedly?

MC stood within the entrance hall of HoL, waiting for the demon brother they had agreed to walk to RAD with that morning. The sound of their name falling from his lips prompted them to look toward the stairs as he descended them. He was eager to get going before any of the other brothers noticed the two of them together, but MC stopped him in his tracks. There was something the human couldn’t wait to do upon seeing him.

“You’re missing something,” MC pointed out.

The demon glanced over his uniform in confusion. Although there were quite a few pieces to it, he was certain he remembered to put on every article of the attire. Before he could ask what they were referring to, he felt MC’s hands cup his face to bring him in for a gentle kiss.

“There,” MC said once they parted from him, “now you’re all ready to go.”

Lucifer had been completely caught off-guard by MC’s bold action, his wide eyes and the light red color that dusted his cheeks ruining his ever-serious composure. How did this human still manage to be unpredictable to him after all this time? He was grateful no one else was around to witness this moment of weakness, lest they find out how much MC truly affected him. He straightened his posture while clearing his throat and then ushered MC out of HoL with him. “Next time I’m missing something like that, make sure you tell me somewhere no one could disturb us. For instance, I believe we left some paperwork in the student council room yesterday. Why don’t we head there first to take care of it before classes start?” The telling grin on his face and the long strides he took while holding MC’s hand on their walk to RAD made it clear that he had every intention of not only returning their kiss, but also surprising them with several of his own that would leave them wanting more.

Mammonwas a stuttering mess for the first few seconds after MC broke apart from the kiss. Wh-Where did that come from?! And how can he get more of it?! He grabbed MC’s hand to tug them back before they could reach the front door. Although his eyebrows were furrowed and his tone was harsh, the vibrant flush of his cheeks proved that he wasn’t actually upset. “Hey, ya can’t just walk away after pullin’ a fast one on me like that! Listen, I get that ya like me this much and all, ’cause, I mean, why wouldn’t ya? But that doesn’t mean you can kiss me outta nowhere! …A-At least, well, not without me gettin’ enough time to kiss ya back… Wh-What I mean is, you’re gonna have to compensate me for this! So, after classes are over, you’re spendin’ the rest of the day with me, got it?!” Mammon kept eyeing MC’s lips as they spoke on their walk to RAD–the memory and tingling sensation of their kiss still fresh–until he ended up pulling them aside to kiss them himself, unable to wait until their alone time together after school.

Leviathan thought his heart was going to burst from how fast it was beating from MC’s unexpected kiss. If not that, then he’d definitely pass out from the intense heat that radiated from his face and even stretched throughout the rest of his body. Sure, he was overjoyed from the “normie-like” gesture, but seriously, they needed to stop being affectionate without warning! Were they trying to kill him?! He still had so many anime on his watchlist and games that he had to complete 100% before could die! Overwhelmed, he hid his face in his hands. “D-Don’t tease me like that, MC! I’m about to collapse here! Hahh… Go easy on me, would you? B-But, uh, th-thanks for giving me what I was missing.” All he could think about for the rest of the day was that kiss and how he wished some of MC’s confidence would pass on to him so that he could one day kiss them that smoothly as well. Fortunately, he had gotten himself so worked up about it that the only way to get it off his mind was to quickly kiss MC while they were hanging out in his room that night.

Satan could feel his breath hitch in his throat, remaining stuck there even for a short time after MC’s lips left his. He’d read phrases about how someone could “take your breath away” many times in novels, but he never understood how it was possible until he grew closer to MC–and this particular moment was a prime example of how they did it to him. He didn’t stay stunned for long, choosing to cup the human’s face in return to prevent them from moving further away. “Hold on, MC. You’re missing a few things, too, you know. Like here.” A kiss to their forehead. “Here.” A kiss to their nose. “Here and here.” A kiss to both of their cheeks. “And, most importantly, right here.” A final, longer kiss to their lips. “Hm, I think we’re both good to go now, wouldn’t you say? Feel free to remind me again if I’m missing something in the future.” He acted like nothing happened on their walk to RAD, but in the back of his mind, he kept picturing their expression after his last kiss, pleased that he was able to take the human’s breath away like they always could with him.

Asmodeusloved this side of MC, the one that initiated affection with him and made him feel weak in the knees just from a simple touch. (Of course, he loved every part of MC, but getting a kiss from them when he’s typically the one giving it was always so special to him.) Despite the countless number of kisses he’s received in his lifetime, they paled in comparison to the thrill and love he experienced from each of MC’s. His smile stretched from ear to ear when the human stepped back to look at him. He then trapped them in his embrace and squished the two of their faces together. “Oooh, MC, you’re just the cutest thing!! As beautiful as I am, I’m never fully dressed without one of your kisses! Say, can we do this every morning? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re adorned with my kisses, too! Like this!” He proceeded to move his hands to their face to place his lips on MC’s again, but this time more deeply. Satisfied (for now), he walked hand-in-hand with them to RAD, fingers intertwined and a giddy expression glued on his face the whole way there.

Beelzebub was a little confused initially, but when MC broke away with a smile, he quickly understood that this was just another way of them showing their love for him. His features softened as a fuzzy warmth filled his stomach. He was thinking about grabbing a snack from the kitchen before they both left, but now he didn’t really need it anymore. Only MC had the power to make him feel this way–so full of a type of bliss that could dull any hunger pang. “Thanks, MC. You knew just what I needed.” His expression grew nervous while a light blush crept on his cheeks. “Can I…kiss you, too? The more I think about it, the more I really want to. Is that okay?” With their permission, Beel brought them in for another kiss on their lips. “Heheh, now you’re all ready to go, too. Let’s do this again the next time we walk to RAD together.” In truth, after that time, he ended up asking MC almost every day if they wanted to go to school with him, eager for another one of their kisses and to spend some time alone with them.

Belphegor was still a bit drowsy after making sure he woke up in time to go to RAD with MC that morning, but the human’s kiss managed to take the lingering sleepiness out of his body completely. He blinked a few times after MC moved back, his hand rising to his mouth to graze his fingertips over where their lips once were. It was a pleasant kind of shock; perhaps this was how those fairytale characters who were awoken with a kiss felt. He chuckled at the thought as he returned to his senses. “Did you do that just to wake me up? Or were you hoping to get away with it because I was tired? Either way, now that it’s happened, I don’t want to stop there. What do you say we skip classes today and hide out in the attic to kiss in between naps? …Oh, all right, we’ll go to RAD…if you give me another kiss before we leave.” For the rest of the day, Belphie periodically asked MC for more kisses to help him get through his classes and finish his homework, relishing each one he could get out of them.

Satan/angst lovers, I got a new idea based on the plot of Devilman Crybaby (so beware of spoilers):

Although I highly recommend watching this series on Netflix if you can handle g*re and s*xual themes (let me tell you this, it was really good), I will do a brief summarization of its plot!

In the end of the Devilman Crybaby series, we learn that Ryo, the childhood friend of the protagonist Akira aka “Devilman”, is Satan. Despite not understanding emotions because he is not human, it is confirmed through the manga that Ryo romantically loves Akira. Satan ends up destroying the world, but in the process, kills Akira as well. It is assumed Satan destroyed the world in order to be alone with Akira, the only human he has grown to care for.(but also because it was his fate since he’s the literal Devil). The viewer learns that Satan’s punishment by God is to be stuck in an endless loop of being reincarnated over and over, only to destroy the planet again and relive the painful realization and truth that his wrath also killed the person he loves.

Now imagine this but through an Obey Me perspective. We place Satan (OM) in Satan’s shoes (Ryo), and MC in Akira’s. Satan is born a human, but is the pure devil on the inside. Early in his human life, he encounters a child around his age, MC. The two start an unlikely friendship, for Satan is incapable of understanding friendliness, love, compassion or empathy, and MC is the complete opposite: caring, selfless, friendly and looks out after him.

As his fate eventually orders it, Satan becomes overcome with such a drive for destruction that nothing or no one can stop him, and through a series of means and events, the world is ultimately set ablaze, and humanity is brought to such madness that nobody shows any care for each other anymore. Only MC tries to stop Satan, despite the danger that is around them with all those bloodthirsty people chasing after them, but in the process and his own wrath-fueled madness, Satan kills them after destroying all humans and leaving Earth engulfed in flames and devoid of life. For the first time in his life, as he cradles them and begs for MC to wake up, to not leave him, Satan experiences his first genuine human emotion, sadness, and finally gets to learn what love really is. Only just too late.

As Satan is left in tears and in grief, the first tears he has ever shed since his birth, God puts an end to the folly that has become humankind, and destroys Earth and its last remaining living being for it to begin anew again. As punishment for destroying his creations, Satan is now fated to live through the same life, with his same friendship with MC, same actions, their same consequences, and the same pain over and over for eternity.

Satan/angst lovers, I got a new idea based on the plot of Devilman Crybaby (so beware of spoilers):

Although I highly recommend watching this series on Netflix if you can handle g*re and s*xual themes (let me tell you this, it was really good), I will do a brief summarization of its plot!

In the end of the Devilman Crybaby series, we learn that Ryo, the childhood friend of the protagonist Akira aka “Devilman”, is Satan. Despite not understanding emotions because he is not human, it is confirmed through the manga that Ryo romantically loves Akira. Satan ends up destroying the world, but in the process, kills Akira as well. It is assumed Satan destroyed the world in order to be alone with Akira, the only human he has grown to care for.(but also because it was his fate since he’s the literal Devil). The viewer learns that Satan’s punishment by God is to be stuck in an endless loop of being reincarnated over and over, only to destroy the planet again and relive the painful realization and truth that his wrath also killed the person he loves.

Now imagine this but through an Obey Me perspective. We place Satan (OM) in Satan’s shoes (Ryo), and MC in Akira’s. Satan is born a human, but is the pure devil on the inside. Early in his human life, he encounters a child around his age, MC. The two start an unlikely friendship, for Satan is incapable of understanding friendliness, love, compassion or empathy, and MC is the complete opposite: caring, selfless, friendly and looks out after him.

As his fate eventually orders it, Satan becomes overcome with such a drive for destruction that nothing or no one can stop him, and through a series of means and events, the world is ultimately set ablaze, and humanity is brought to such madness that nobody shows any care for each other anymore. Only MC tries to stop Satan, despite the danger that is around them with all those bloodthirsty people chasing after them, but in the process and his own wrath-fueled madness, Satan kills them after destroying all humans and leaving Earth engulfed in flames and devoid of life. For the first time in his life, as he cradles them and begs for MC to wake up, to not leave him, Satan experiences his first genuine human emotion, sadness, and finally gets to learn what love really is. Only just too late.

As Satan is left in tears and in grief, the first tears he has ever shed since his birth, God puts an end to the folly that has become humankind, and destroys Earth and its last remaining living being for it to begin anew again. As punishment for destroying his creations, Satan is now fated to live through the same life, with his same friendship with MC, same actions, their same consequences, and the same pain over and over for eternity.
