#obey me lucifer


Random Quotes that I found on Pinterest that remind me of the Demon Brothers








Avatar of Chaos:

The Big Bad Wolf (8)


“What do you have to say for yourself?” Lucifer prodded. “You’ve been acting strange for a week now. You fell asleep in the mirror maze causing a scene, you don’t even show up to classes and now THIS?”

Belphie said nothing. He stared ahead at the big painting behind Lucifer. It was all the brothers and you standing in the middle.

Beel stood by, ready to protect his twin if Lucifer lost his temper and tried to hurt him. Even he had noted Belphie’s difference but no matter how many times he asked about it, Belphie went quiet and simply dozed off to sleep again.

“I NEED AN ANSWER BELPHIE! This sort of behavior cannot be tolerated any longer!”

Lucifer banged the table with his fist. There was an audible creaking of wood splinters.

Belphie couldn’t answer. On the painting before him now, he saw a shadowy hand move. It moved around until it found you.

It stopped right under your face, the dark fingers twitching before wrapping themselves around your throat. You remained unmoving in the picture but he heard someone cough.

He looked around. Neither Lucifer nor Beel did it. Then who? The sound never stopped. It kept growing louder…until he recognised it was you. Your face in the picture was turning blue.

“Lucifer! Out of the way now!”

Belphie leapt up and snatched the picture of the walls. He growled, “Get lost! Get away, you little- URGHHHH!”

His fingers tried to scratch the shadowy hands off your neck, but it kept moving around now and by the time Belphie was done, he realised he had scratched out your entire face.

Lucifer and Beel were to stunned to react. All they saw was Belphie violently scratching out your face from their family picture. It left a dreadful impression on them.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Things got worse as Mammon and Satan appeared in the doorway, along with you in the middle.

“Hey guys, Simeon just said that the set is ready so we can go and-” You stopped in your tracks. You saw what lay on the floor.

And it seemed like bad news no matter how you looked at it.

You took steps backward, hiding behind both Mammon and Satan. “If you want me gone, you can just say so…” You said.

“No MC, this isn’t what it looks like-” Belphie had the gall to get up and reach for your hand.

“Hands off. Don’t dare touch, MC.” Mammon was the first to slap it away. When was the last time anyone had seen Mammon this angry?

Satan simply glared at him before ushering you out of the room. The first priority was to keep you safe and away from him.

“MC are you okay? You’re trembling.”

“Thank you, Satan. I’ll be okay. I’m okay.” You were more than okay. You were trembling with sheer excitement of seeing on his knees, eyes pleading.

The hurt and lost eyes who don’t know where to look anymore as his brothers antagonize him for nothing, one by one. The same eyes you had when you died.

“Let’s get outta here. They’ll come if they want.” Mammon said, bolting out the door next. They accompanied you diligently to R.A.D.

“Go back to the attic. And don’t step out until I ask you to.” Lucifer’s eyes could barely hold back all the rage he felt.

“Beel you are welcome to join him. But if you dare letting him out… you’ll be making the wrong choice again.”

Belphie looked horrified. “I was trying to protect them! I heard them coughing and I saw something on this picture right here near Lilith’s neck-”

“MC.” Beel finally spoke up. “MC, not Lilith. Stop that already. MC gets sad when you call them Lilith.”

“Sorry… sorry yeah… I meant MC-”

“I’ve been by your side no matter what, Belphie. But I cannot let you hurt MC, anymore. Please stop it already.” Beel let out a tired sigh, leaving out the door. Lucifer left too, slamming the door behind him.

Belphie stood there bewildered. An emptiness and dread filled inside of him. For the the first time since you came here, he felt truly alone.

He should have told them. He should have told them everything.

How your reflection turned into Lilith’s and stared at him with crazed eyes. How he’s been seeing glimpses of Lilith’s face on yours everywhere. How in Levi’s room, all those little figurines started moving and whispering horrible things to him.

You lost her. And then killed whatever was left of her. She loved you, but you only hurt her. You hurt both of them. So they’re going away.”

He heard it in his head, every other waking moment. And it was driving him crazy. But how was he supposed to explain this to anyone, anyone at all?

You, maybe you would. But you were scared of him now. Compliant but scared and distant. But who else could he blame for it except himself?



“I heard what happened at the house today.” Solomon said, once you both were in a secluded corner.

“Atleast we know that our illusion skills are improving.” You said nonchalantly. “Wanna see something funny? Look there.”

“Over there? Where Lucifer seems to be wagging his finger at Mammon?” Solomon followed your gaze.

“Yes watch this.” A couple of RAD students were hauling spare wood planks. The carpet Lucifer stood on suddenly snagged on it, and Lucifer fell on his ass. Mammon and Diavolo laughed as they helped him up.

“Wow. He could usually avoid pranks that, he’s terribly shaken on the inside. Bravo, MC.” Solomon clapped a little before looking concerned. “Wait… MC your horns are showing.”

You touched your head. No not there. Solomon was pointing at the big shadow you cast. Two talk horns rested on your head there.

“Shit. Ugh I guess I can’t just use magic Willy nilly anymore because a large part of it goes into keeping these hidden. What a pain-”

Crash. Crack. Splash.

You and Solomon looked to the source of the sound. A broken plate of cookies and tea lay on the floor. And above it stood, Luke.

His mouth gaped as his hands shakily pointed towards your shadow. “M-MC…?”


Avatar of Chaos:

Haunted by Past Sins (7)


<- Chap 6||

Levi’s screams echoed throughout the house. Lucifer could hear it from the sound-resistant music room. He rushed upstairs calling out his name.

“Levi?! Leviathan what’s wrong?!” He grit his teeth. He’d never screamed this way - was he attacked somehow?

He saw Asmo, Satan and you standing at the doorway looking horrified. “What has happened to him?”

“I- Belphie- he just, he just-” You stuttered, scared out of your wits, pointed inside the room.

Inside was an absolute mess. Like a hurricane had passed by, leaving destruction in its wake. And within all that mess, was Levi trying to strike, his demon form bigger than ever before. His teeth turned long and sharp, blue scales covering half of his face instead just his neck.

Mammon grit his teeth, doing his best to hold him back away. “Levi come to your senses! He’s just our younger brother!” But even Mammon had multiple cuts on his arms, from Levi trying to resist.

And the person Levi was trying to attack was none other than Belphie, who sat on the floor casually breaking off Levi’s Ruri-chan figurines by the neck. He had a haunted, faraway look in his eyes.

“Belphie, stop already! Why are you doing this?!” Beel was trying to coax him to stop, trying to pry the figurines from Belphie’s hands. But the moment Beel took one, Belphie found another and started breaking that instead. The floor was littered with broken Ruri-chan heads along with other fractured characters.

Lucifer walked inside carefully, trying not to crush them with his feet.

“I don’t know if things will get better or worse if we step in. What should we do, Satan?” Asmo bit down on his manicured nails.

“I’m taking MC to their room. Clearly this is distrubing them deeply.” Satan couldn’t bring himself to care about any of them anyway. All he cared about was you trembling next to him. He wrapped an arm around you. “Let’s leave, MC.”


Lucifer tried but somehow made the situation worse. “Calm down, Levi. We can replace whatever he’s broken for you, there’s no need to-”

“NO! NO YOU CAN’T JUST REPLACE EVERYTHING LUCIFER!” Levi continued, thrashing in Mammon’s and Lucifer’s combined grasp now.


Levi stopped moving now, becoming deathly calm. His eyes burning ice cold.

“When we fell, you became Diavolo’s little pet, Mammon and Asmo were featuring in fucking magazines, being called to parties even though one whores around for money and the other for validation. And Belphie and Beel, well they always had EACH OTHER, not having to give a damn about anyone else. Tell me Lucifer, WHAT did I have? WHO DID I HAVE?!”

Everyone looked at him shocked beyond comprehension. Except Belphie, whose hands were now locked in place thanks to Beel and whose eyes were staring blankly at you instead.

Satan noticed he wasn’t even mentioned. “Tch~” He hissed to himself for even caring.

“Levi…we never meant to make you feel like this.” Mammon was the one who recovered first. He tried to turn Levi towards him. “Hey look at me-”

“No fuck you!” Levi pushed him off. The cuts on Mammon’s arms began to bleed through the jacket. Lucifer’s eyes grew wide when he noticed.

“Mammon, leave. Right now. Go to MC and ask them to heal your wounds.” Lucifer said quietly. Mammon hesitated not wanting to leave things in this state. “I said NOW, Mammon.”

Levi let out a strange laugh. “See?! See Mammon! Even Lucifer prefers you over me! You’re a degenerate gambler but he still cares more about you look-”


Lucifer’s hand trembled. Levi was on the floor, his cheek tainted blood red. You had never seen Lucifer raise a hand to any of his brothers.

“Mammon, no.” You held him back as he tried to sprint back in again. Your small hands wrapped tenderly around his arms, whispering spells. He stayed when he saw how scared you looked.

Shit you didn’t think it would get this bad.

Satan leaned against the corridor right behind you. He could help them if he wanted, but he didn’t care, not one bit . Asmo didn’t realise he bit three of nails, he stood frozen by the doorway, paralyzed by fear.

“You didn’t say a word to Belphie when he literally killed MC in front of our eyes.” Levi’s eyes glimmered with angry tears. “But you hit me because I got upset at him for breaking things precious to me.”

Your eyes darted to him when he said that. How dare he say that? How dare he when he did nothing either?

Beel knelt to the floor in apology, bowing his head to Levi. He was so confused and overwhelmed by everything but this is all he could think of.

“I’m sorry about everything, Levi. Belphie has been acting strange all morning, I should have never let him out of my sight. It’s all my fault. I had no idea he would-”

“It IS your fault. You sacrificed Lilith for this piece of shit twin of yours.”

“Levi no!” Asmo finally spoke up.

“Do you think noone saw? I saw it Beel. I saw everything. Lilith was already wounded, Belphie wasn’t. Even if you didn’t saved him, he would have lived.”

“Levi shut your mouth.” Lucifer warned. “Beel take Belphie and leave.”

“You did the same with MC, Beel. You let MC die the same way. By taking Belphie’s side instead of being saving someone who NEEDED to be saved. YOU LET BELPHIE KILL MC! YOU LET MC AND LILITH DIE!”

Levi screamed with all his had and then broke down into violent sobs.

“I’m…sorry. I’m sorry, Levi.” Beel said. “I’ll get him out of here.” Beel lifted up his twin, who had somehow fallen asleep in the middle of it all. Unbelievable.

Lucifer let out a tired sigh and left the room. “Mammon, don’t even think of going in there. I’m sorry you had to hear all of that …MC.”

“I’m okay.” You lied. You were fantastic.

Mammon tried to argue and go back in for Levi, but Lucifer dragged him off along with Asmo. Satan draped an arm around you, “Let’s get going, MC.”

“You go ahead, I’ll come soon. I just need some time to…process all this.” You said, reassuring him. “Pick out some books for us at the library won’t you?”

He nodded and walked you to the staircase. “Be careful. I’ll be back soon.”

You watched him walk out the door and headed back to Levi’s room. You scooped all the dismembered heads and limbs you could find and put it in a neat little heap.

Levi didn’t see you until you stood directly before him, his vision blurry from tears. He saw you kneeling down, looking back at him.

“Does it hurt?” You gently touched the red skin Lucifer had hurt. “I’m so sorry.”

Levi didn’t think twice. He promptly threw his arms around you and sobbed into your shoulder, holding onto you for dear life.

You patted his head. You know what you had in mind would break him to the point of no return. You let me die too, Levi.

Avatar of Chaos :

Two Truths and a Lie (6)


<-Chap 5||Chap 7 ->

TW: Violence, Slight gore

“Let’s go there next! Hall of Mirrored Selves!” You pointed excitedly. This was a last exursion before everyone would get busy preparing for the play. You decided to go to a carnival.

“Eh? A mirror maze? Come on MC, we’ve been to these plenty of times in the human world.” Belphie yawned, readjusted the pillow in his arms.

“It actually might be worth checking out. This one seems to be enchanted.” Satan was peering down at the description written on a wall outside it. “See the truth through the eyes of the beholder at the end of the journey.”

“Hmm does that mean our reflections will change depending on who’s seeing us in the last mirror? Hmm seems safe enough.” Lucifer agreed. “Let’s get going then.”

“Hmm it couldn’t be worse than Asmo and Levi screaming on the rollercoaster clutching onto Mammon and Beel for dear life.” Belphie smirked as he followed everyone else inside.

The mirror maze was easy enough to figure out. Satan and Belphie conspired to confuse Lucifer by scattering random similar looking objects they could find on the floors.

Lucifer didn’t fall for a single one, while Belphie got lost instead. Satan guided you forward but Lucifer had to go back to fetch Belphie who gave up trying and started taking a nap against one of the mirrors.

“I have to admit, this is rather nice.” Satan took your hand, when he noticed you both were alone. “Let’s go together shall we? I’m holding you because I want to make sure you don’t get lost.”

“Of course. Thank you Satan.” You almost wanted to spare him. He was being a sweetheart after all. But it was too late for that.

“Yes I think we’re on the right track, just a another left turn and straight on like this- Satan? You okay?” You were navigating along with him when he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

“Is that the last mirror, MC?”

Satan’s voice was deadly low. He pointed leftwards. You nodded your head.

“And it’s supposed to show you how everyone else sees you?”

“Not everyone at once of course! If you stand in the mirror with someone it shows you how they see you I think.”

“Stay here for a bit, will you MC? I just need to check something.” He lets go of your hand and moves forward.

You stay back. You already know what he’s going to see.

Satan already noticed Lucifer and Belphie heading this way. He angled himself in a way that he could see their reflections in the mirror with him.

“I knew it. I fucking knew it.”

You heard a low growl followed by a CRASHHHH.You hurried over to his side careful not to come directly in front of the mirror.

Satan’s hand was inches deep in the middle of the now cracked mirror. He’d punched the glass in. And you saw why.

The cracked and splintered glass reflected black hair instead of blonde. Red and black clothes instead of blue and green. Red eyes instead of green. Lucifer’s face instead of his own.

His biggest nightmare glaring right back at his face.

“Hey…hey, it’s okay.” You said softly as you came into the frame too. His shoulders relaxed, his eyes softening down again. “I’m here now.”

The reflection was not Lucifer anymore. It was him, with his fist on the glass and persisting rage in his eyes. The realest version of him.

In a world without you, he would have burnt this place to the ground with both Lucifer and Belphie in it. Yes, Belphie too. Because clearly he too saw him as Lucifer’s clone.

But as you stood next to him, he saw your hand in the mirror reaching for his, pulling him back. Tending to his wounds. Atleast you saw him for him. Right now that was enough.

“I’m so sorry. I never should have brought you here.” You blowed air on his bleeding knuckles, making him stand away from the broken glass shards on the floor.

“No. It’s okay, MC. I’m glad to finally confirm the truth for once.” His voice had bitterness and relief at the same time.

“I’m so sorry Satan I- AHHHHH!”

You jumped back, staring at the mirror in horror. There was no you. There was a twisted and cracked face of Lilith. Her body but with your clothes. A set of bloody fingerprints around her neck. Bruises over her arms.

Identical to the injuries Belphie inflicted on you that night.

Satan noticed it too. He also noticed Lucifer dragging a sleeping Belphie in the distance. So this is how they saw you? Pathetic. Absolutely delusional.

“Shhh it’s okay. I’m here too. You’re not whatever that abomination is.”

Your reflection turned right the moment he walked into the frame. Your eyes glistening with unshed tears. Satan wrapping his arms around you protectively.

This was you and him. The only two people who saw each other for what they truly are.

His heart had turned cold against his brothers for good. If Belphie and Lucifer saw him that way, the others who openly and blantantly made jokes about it were probably worse.

“Let’s get out of here, Satan.”

Noone wanted it more than him. Never mind the others. They can go to hell. It was unsaid but you both understood it.

You left the maze, his wounded hand on your waist. Your eyes still glistened almost as if you didn’t plan this whole thing meticulously. Comforting him as if you didn’t manipulate each reflection to your will.

And when Satan shut himself up in his room, refusing to talk to anyone but you, only going to meals after his brothers were long finished and gone, you sat there with an agonized look on your face - as if this wasn’t EXACTLY what you wanted.

… .

… .

“Your time is up, Diavolo. Choose. Your life or his? Choose or you both die.” Your voice echoed in the empty room.

Diavolo’s head hung low as he sat still in his chair, magical chains keeping him locked in his place.

Lucifer sat unconscious sitting in the chair opposite to him. His body tied identically to Diavolo’s.

A long black sword hung in the air, suspended between them. The demon blade, the only weapon strong enough to kill a demon with one hit.

“Young Master, No! No you don’t have to do this!” Barbatos screamed in vain. He was sitting in a movie hall, watching it all happen on screen.

“Shhh Barbatos. I never guessed you’d be the loud type at movies. Just sit tight won’t you?” Solomon sat next to him, eating popcorn.

Barbatos tried to move, but he locked in place. Bound by his pact with Solomon. And Solomon was on MC’s side. “But Young Master he’s going to- he’s going to-”

“You did nothing when you knew Belphie was going to kill MC. Why is this so hard?” Solomon said nonchalantly, voice laid with venom.

“I chose me. Take my life. Spare him, please.” Diavolo’s voice was desperate. “He’s been through enough hurt.”

“Very well.” You smiled, finally coming into frame, right underneath the blade.

You reached for it and it fluttered downwards like an obedient child. You didn’t even need to touch it. You simply motioned at the Prince.

Diavolo smiled looking directly at Barbatos through the screen. “Thank you for everything, Barbatos. As a last request, please avert your eyes from the screen.”

“Young Master- No- no-” Barbatos struggled in vain. Even with his demon form unleashed, his tail did nothing. It couldn’t even touch Solomon nor reach MC.


The sickening sound of metal cutting through skin and bone. Barbatos saw a hazy outline of Diavolo’s heart being pierced straight through through tear-brimmed eyes.


He screamed louder than he ever had. But Diavolo stayed unmoving. Only you moved forward, closer and closer until your face completely filled the screen.

“This is what happens if you tell anyone about me. So…shhhh, okay?”

You pressed a dainty finger to your slightly smiling lips. Solomon clapped and cheered next to him. “My my, that a was good show wasn’t it? I guess you can wake up now. The exit is that way.”

Barbatos woke up in cold sweat. Again. He already agreed to keep their secret - why were they still threatening him? And why do the images get more vivid every time?

He glanced at the clock. 5 a.m. A dream at dawn.

According to some human cultures, dreams dreamt at dawn are very likely to come true. A threat within a threat. Did you just like tormenting him that much?

Is this how much pain they caused you?

Barbatos knew the answer. And shivers ran down his back realising you were still being merciful.

Rent-A-Lover MC

“This is simply embarassing. This has never happened to me before.” You shook your head in disbelief.

“Oh come on, MC, it’s no big deal.” Solomon chuckled, leaning against the window-sill. “Everyone impulse buys now and then. You can’t always be in control of your finances.”

“I just got paid two days ago, Solomon! My next payment won’t come in until next month!” You groaned. “Why did Lucifer let me get drunk and buy everyone drinks?”

“Well in his defense, he was more hammered than you. And everyone will gladly pay your expenses for a month after you were so generous last night.” He laughed as expected.

“You know I won’t allow anyone to do that. I don’t like people paying for me in general. Not even borrowing. It feels..ugh.” You had to physically shake the cringe off.

“Okay then, how about money in exchange of services?” Solomon smirked this time, sideeyeing.

You launched your biggest pillow at him. He caught it deftly. That annoyed you more. You threw another one. He caught it again.

“You can’t seriously be suggesting I-”

“If you assumed something unholy, it’s your mind that’s dirty MC. What I have in mind is perfectly innocent.”

“Ugh. Fine. Let’s hear it. If it’s even remotely as dirty as I’m expecting it to be I’ll chuck my entire bed at you.”

“Okay okay hear me out first, fiesty.”

In the group chat (no Luke):

Mammon: Oi, MC! Solomon has been in your room for too long! What are you doing in there, McShady?

Solomon: What did you think we were doing, Mammon? ;)


Satan: The winky face is not helping your cause.

Asmo: Ooh Solomon, you still haven’t lost your stamina~

Beel: MC, are you okay in there? Why aren’t you responding?

Belphie: Why do we even allow Solomon to be alone with MC?!

Lucifer: Enough with this. All of you are bombarding Diavolo and my phone’s with unecessary messages. MC, please reply so these buffoons can give it a rest.

Satan: Look at you trying to be subtle when you care just as much. Pathetic.

Simeon: Ah it never ends with these two. It’s adorable in a way. And Solomon shouldn’t you be heading home now?

Diavolo: Never a dull moment with you lot haha. But what ARE you doing Solomon?

Barbatos: Would you allow me to assist you back home if you’re exhausted Solomon?

Solomon: My word, everyone seems to be want to remove me from your room MC, even though you asked me to stay.

MC: Hey guys, it’s okay. He was helping me with something. And it’s done now.

MC: So after I completely embarassed myself and forgot about my budget Solomon told me about another way to earn some money in case I really need it.

MC: You know how in Japan, you can rent lovers? Like that anime Rent-a-girlfriend, Levi? You know it?

Levi: …Yes. W-what about it?

Satan: Given the context and Levi’s unusually dismal response to MC’s mention of anime - I don’t like where this is going.

MC: Of course there’s lots of rules and and anything physical is off the table. The services simply supplies as a partner in case there’s places you want to go like social gatherings or even human world tours.

MC: And I would like to offer similar services. Do you have any safe human-safe demon network where I can apply? Only for this month!

Brothers: …..

Lucifer: This is absolutely ludicrous. I’m sure Diavolo will not allow this and-

Diavolo: Can I avail your services MC?

Lucifer: Diavolo!

Simeon: Ahem…I need someone to accompany me to the human markets too so may I as well?

Asmo: Does this mean I can have MC to myself without Mammon barging in and claiming MC?

Solomon: Yes. MC is contractually your partner for a specified time period after all.

Barbatos: I think this is the most human safe network of demons right here, MC. You shouldn’t venture elsewhere.

Beel: Since when do we get earthquakes in Devildom? The whole floor seems to be trembling?

Belphie: That’s our brothers racing to MC’s room. Come on Beel no time to stand around!

Solomon: Just letting everyone know the first slot is mine.

Mammon: LIKE HELL IT IS!! MC wait for me!

Levi: LOLOL do you even have any Grimm, Mammon?

Lucifer: I’m coming home right now. Everyone stop this nonsense.

Diavolo: Barbatos and I would like to accompany you.

Simeon: I’m on my way!

MC: ….In hindsight, this was a bad idea.




To be continued…

“Could I stay like this?”

You were exhausted today. Having to manage a whole event, assignments and 7 chaotic brothers was no easy feat. It was only lunchtime and you were dizzy with fatigue.

You must have missed your footing and stumbled a couple of times because someone called out to you. “MC! Are you okay?! You don’t look too well…”

A pair of arms held you upright but you just wanted to rest. Without another word, you leaned into him, your head right over his rapidly beating heart.

“Could I stay like this? Just for a little bit?”


“Of course, MC.”

He gently pats your head as he leans against the wall on his room. Another hand holds you by the waist, keeping you balanced. The door might be unlocked, one of his brothers might slip in and see him like this with you but he didn’t care.

You seemed restful in his arms. He didn’t want to disturb you. He stared at you with guilt.

“I’m afraid I’ve given you too many responsibilities. I apologise, MC. You can take it easier from here onwards.”

He whispers holding you tighter. He can hold you like this for the rest of the day if you want.


“Oi, easy there! Hold on!”

Mammon’s arms tightened around you instantly to make sure you didn’t fall. His cheeks flushed red at the proximity.

He gently makes you sit down on his couch, holding you with one hand and fanning you with a notebook in the other.

“You’ll get a fever from so much work, MC! You’re acting all workaholic like Lucifer. And you’re supposed to ask me for help! I’m your protector remember?”

He keeps fanning you until he feels you are finally cooled down. Is prepared to tuck you to sleep in his bed if you ask.


“Ah! Careful MC!”

He catches you and loses his balance in suprise. Luckily he does fall back against his cushy gaming chair. He would much rather move you to his bathtub where he assumes you’d be more comfy.

“Give me some warning before you do that next time please, MC! *Sigh* This is why I tell you to stay here with me! Look at how they tiring my brothers are!”

He looks down to see wires from his consoles wrapped around both of your feet, binding you together. He blushes as you mumble something and his arms relax on you.

And to be honest when was he next going to find you so close to him, away from his annoying brothers?


“By all means, MC.”

He chuckles a little seeing how you clumsily fell on him. He still manages to walk you to his bed, almost carrying you. He’s already checked your vitals to make sure nothing is seriously wrong.

Propping you up to his chest, he pulls a thin blanket on both of you. He makes you curl into his warmth as he makes sure you’re comfortable.

“No more long nighters for you, MC. And you’re welcome to come and rest here whenever you like. Shhh…its okay, keep your eyes closed. You can fall asleep.”

He strokes your hair like he does with cats. And with another hand he resumes reading a book, glancing at you every now and then. And he smiles, reassured that you’re resting well.


“Oh darling, of course!”

He clucks his tongue and shakes his head in dismay. Clearly you have been ignoring his advice of getting enough rest.

He takes the pillows on his bed and fluffs them up before placing you on them. He wants to get his entire relaxing kit from the bathroom but the way you cling to him has him weak.

“I’ll ask Solomon to help at the event this week, so take the all rest you need, MC. Yes, I’ll be keeping an eye on you to make sure! Now rest.”

He runs his fingers softly around your eyes and then threads his fingers through your hair, pressing them into your scalp. It was the best head massage you’d ever had.


“MC?! MC what’s wrong?! Hold on!”

He promptly picks you up princess style and heads over straight to your room. He needs to make sure you’re okay at all costs.

Your arms wrap around his torso and he doesn’t have the heart to set you down now.

“Have you been skipping meals again, MC? I’ll take you to Hell’s kitchen after this. My treat. Make sure you eat a lot okay, MC?”

He smiles at you, gently brushing stray hairs off your face and cupping your cheek. If anyone barges into your room, he covers your ears and shoos them away.


“Make yourself at home, MC.”

Luckily for you Belphie was already sitting on the common room couch. He laid down, taking you with him, curling his arms around your waist.

“This is why I keep telling you to get more rest. But you never listen do you? *Sighs* Are you competing with Lucifer to see who overworks themselves to death first? I can’t allow you to win that.”

He traces circles on your back, feeling you relax further into him. Just like Beel, he death glares at anyone who makes noise around you. Which is frequent since you both are in the common room!


“I’ve got you. It’s okay.”

Holds you close and drapes his cape around you to keep you comfy. He’s eyebrows furrow in worry before he realises it’s merely fatigue. He can definitely help you out of it.

You feel the rushing wind in your hair and on your cheeks as he flies you through the air back to his place. He grabs onto you tight even when you’re inside.

“Now rest as much as you like. I’ll give you some revitalizing potion later. Oh did I move too far away? Can I come closer then? As you wish, MC.”

He chuckles as if he didn’t desperately want the same thing. He blows softly on your forehead and stroking your cheek with his thumb. Perhaps you should go back to the human world for a while,away from everyone else.


“Oh dear! Are you okay?! MC?!”

Readily catches you, pacing himself delicately so as to cause you minimum disturbance. He doesn’t know much about normal human biology only that they’re much more fragile.

Sits down with you in the back of an abandoned classroom, your cheeks falling soft and warm against his bare shoulder. He blushed at the sensation.

“Are you not feeling well, MC? Does anything hurt? What can I do to make it better? Just stay like this? Of course, for as long as you need!”

He whispers his worries as he drapes one arm around you and gently places his head on yours, drawing circles on your arm. He’s determined to have a talk with Lucifer later - clearly you need to be taken care of better.


“Of course. Hold on tight, MC.”

He carries you around like a child on his shoulder everywhere he goes. People keep staring but he couldn’t care less. He just glares at them and they stay silent.

You stir a little while he’s sitting in the council room, signing some papers. You lift your dizzy head up a little but he coaxes it back down on his shoulder.

“No MC, it’s no trouble at all. In fact, it will be more worrisome for me to let you walk around on your own in this state. So please keep resting. I’ll have Barbatos and Solomon prepare whatever medication you require.”

He readjusts you on his lap whenever you seem fidgety and rocks you gently whenever you try to wake yourself up. He’s already preparing to make you stay at the castle this week.


“Allow me to give you some more comfort.”

He deftly multitasks while holding you close. He prepares a suitable resting spot on the student council lounge sofa.

He smiles when he sees you refuse to let go of his hands. He sits down first and gently lays down your head on his lap.

“Yes it’s really fine, MC. I have no immediate duties to be taken care of. Please sleep and rest your brain for a while if you can. I’ll make you peppermint tea later.”

He runs his fingers through your hair, combing the tangles out of them, massaging your scalp and the back of your neck in the best way possible. He’s honestly really grateful to have you here.

Avatar of Chaos:

Setting the Stage (4)


<-Chap 3//Chap 5 ->

“Diavolo? Lucifer? You there?”

Your voice alarmed Barbatos. He saw you peeking into the council room with an innocent smile on your face. How many terrible intentions did that smile hide…?

“Ah MC is here! Come on in!” Diavolo called cheerily, patting the seat next to him. Lucifer also gave you a warm smile.

“Look I got a perfect score in Seductive Speechcraft!” You held up your graded report, waving it around as you entered.

Barbatos’ eyes followed you cautiously. You gave his shoulder a little squeeze and bent down to whisper to him. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt your precious master. I promised didn’t I?”

You say that right after showing your score in speechcraft? Is this a warning or a taunt?

“Congratulations, MC. That makes you the only other person to get the perfect score in speechcraft.” Lucifer says, nodding approvingly.

“Oh? Who was the first one?” You asked, tilted your head to the side.

“Lucifer, of course!” Diavolo gestured with gusto towards an blushing Lucifer who tried to stop him from embarrassing him further.

“Can you also tell if someone is using it on you?” You prodded further. Barbatos was puzzled by this line of questioning.

“Indeed. I can always tell. One must be cautious around enchanted persuasion. In fact,” Lucifer half-smiled as he reached for some paper next to you, “You should be careful yourself.”

Only you knew how much strength it took to not start laughing in his face. Pride indeed. What a suitable sin for his over inflated ego.

“Thank you, Lucifer. I’ll keep that in mind.” You smiled as you arranged your share of accounts to compile. “Oh! I almost forgot! I have an idea for the annual school play!”

“Finally! Thank you, MC.” Diavolo looked relieved. “I asked the brothers for advice too but they came up with rather strange concepts of live heists, cosplay rom-com, lingerie photoshoot and competitive eating and sleeping.”

“Each one of them is getting more ridiculous day by day.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just last night Satan suggested we do some musical from the human world called ‘Cats’. I was appalled by the movie he showed me.”

You stifled a laugh. “Well they always do suggest whatever they like most. But I hope my suggestion won’t be too much.”

“Oh please, MC. You’re the only sensible in that mad house. Please go ahead. Even your worst idea will be twenty times more reasonable than theirs.” Lucifer urged.

You glanced at Barbatos. And he finally looked away from you. From here on, he wasn’t supposed to interfere.

“I take it from the smile on your face, they loved the idea.” Solomon waited for you by the R.A.D gates.

You nodded. “Diavolo already sent the itinerary to the school newspaper club to set the word. Its as good as done.”

“Well then what’s next?”

“Ah the next task is easier. You have to keep me busy for the next two weeks.”

Solomon furrowed his brow. “Busy? How?”

“Call me out for some plan or the other. Going shopping or flower picking for your potions? Ask me to come along. Read about a new spell you liked? Ask to teach me. And on weekends you can suggest sleepovers.”

“I have to keep you away from them don’t I? You want to stay out of their house. Well then you must be prepared to save me from the brothers’ anger.”

You fiddled your fingers as if you were holding strings. Strings that hold and make the puppets dance. “What else are these pacts for?”

“I still can’t believe you managed to convince Barbatos to keep your secret. What hold do you have on him?”

You shrugged as you walked on. “I didn’t threaten him per se. I guess he noticed he couldn’t find anymore versions of me he could replace me with.”

“Why wouldn’t he able to- wait you couldn’t possibly break all the-” Solomon couldn’t even comprehend such a thing.

“I could actually. I broke the links to every alternate timeline where Belphie didn’t kill me. So the only versions of me he’ll find are already six feet under. Isn’t it hilarious?!”

You chuckled and skipped in glee, clapping your hands together like a child getting excited about their first ever road trip.

obey me brothers x reader

wc : 2.k

warnings : references to lesson 16 (belphie), a bit of hurt/comfort (mammon, belphie)

synopsis : how spending the rest of your lives together began 



Lucifer was tired. It had been a long day at RAD, an even longer student council meeting with his brothers acting like absolute fools, and now he had a mountain of paperwork to do— a solid stack consisting of only Mammon’s credit card bills. 

But you made it seem less tedious. 

Your presence alone could accomplish that, but there you sat beside him, chair pulled up with his jacket over your shoulders as you filed paperwork with him. 

And maybe from an outside perspective it wouldn’t mean a lot, but to Lucifer it meant so much. Because you weren’t actually fluent in his native tongue- which was what his important documents were written in. But you were doing it anyway- doing it correctly- just so you could take a load off his shoulders. 

It made him pause every so often to look at you in awe; no one had ever done anything like this for him. And on top of that, you would pause in your own work occasionally to squeeze his shoulder and go get some snacks for the two of you to share. 

Speaking of, you lifted your head when you felt his eyes on you, giving a knowing smile. “Hi, love. Need anything? More tea?” 

Lucifer shook his head, about to go back to his work before he paused. “There is actually one thing.”

“Anything for you.” You turned towards him, reaching to run a hand through his raven locks. 

“Marry me.” Like most things he said, it came out as a statement- a demand- rather than a question. It made him nervous, though he didn’t show it. 

But you knew. You could see it in the way his bottom lip quivered slightly and how the words came out shaky. It made you smile, “Of course. Yes.” 

His worries soothed and his heart soared. Lucifer beamed at you, taking your hand and standing. “Good.” A soft laugh left him as he twirled you around, “I’m glad.”


quiet sniffles and soft hushes filled his dimly lit room, the two sources of sound being huddled under a messily made blanket fort. 

Mammon had, truly accidentally, knocked into one of Diavolo’s vases while they were visiting the Demon Lord’s Castle hours earlier. The prince himself paid no mind to it- in fact, he laughed it off, as it held no real value- but Lucifer had been livid. Mammon was sure his older brother was going to get him real good right then and there but you’d done it again : jumping in front of him and loudly announcing that, no, it wasn’t Mammon who knocked over the vase. It was you. So Lucifer had given you a stack of homework to do because of it- on top of all your other school work.

And Mammon felt terrible. “I-I’m always gettin’ y-ya into trouble…m-makin’ ya take the f-fall. I’m s-supposed to be the o-one protecting you! I-”

Mammon.” Your voice was firm, but affectionate. “You never make me do anything- I choose to take the blame for you. I know you don’t mean to do a lot of the things you do, you’re just…endearingly clumsy at times.” 

He scoffed, scrubbing angrily at the tears on his face; he hated crying in front of you. He blinked, blue hues staring into yours when you gently pulled his hands away from his face and started softly wiping.

“Mammon, I love you. I love all of you- including the clumsiness, the greed, the not-always-so-smart decisions.” You guided his hand to rest over his pact mark, “We’re partners in crime, yeah? You’re my first. I’m always gonna try and protect you, too.”

His fingers flexed against your skin, feeling the slightly raised mark of his pact. Mammon felt like he was floating and the words just fell from his lips. “Fuck, I wanna marry ya.” His eyes widened, watching yours do the same, but he didn’t back down- he knew what he wanted. 


“Let’s get married. S-seriously! I know it’s something that happens when people really l-love each other, so let’s do it! I was already plannin’ on spendin’ the rest of my life with ya and marriage is the way to officially do that, right? I-I’ll get ya a pretty ring a-and-” 

You cut him off with a kiss. A salty, breathless kiss. You pulled away, rubbing your own tears away this time. “Yes, Mammon. I’d love to marry you and I’d love to spend the rest of my life with you.” You went back to wiping away his tears, “I don’t need some expensive ring, though. All I need is you.”

Mammon took in a deep breath and exhaled with a loud, delighted laugh. “MC SAID YES! I’M GETTIN’ MARRIED!”


Levi didn’t really like going to public beaches. There’s too many people, not enough room, annoying children, and if he’s being honest…he doesn’t appreciate wandering around in front of all those people with such a lack of clothing. But this he could do. 

The two of you were out at sea— so far out, you couldn’t even see the sandbank anymore. Water sprayed you in the face as a tail splashed in the water, but it wasn’t Levi’s. It was much bigger. Lotan hissed contentedly when Levi patted his head, making you giggle and pet his back where you were sitting. 

Levi knew you’ve been wanting to go out to the ocean, but he always felt bad because he doesn’t like the beach itself. So he suggested a date out here : literally out in the ocean with Lotan (who was way better than a boat in his opinion).

“Levi, this is so cool!”

It was beautiful out here. Dark water that should be unsettling, but it only awed you as it was the perfect contrast for the colorful devildom fish that swam around your “boat”. (it also served as the perfect contrast against your bright anime swimwear, which was an added bonus)

And Levi was awed by you. The perfect embodiment of the light to his dark; his Henry. A single fleeting thought makes its way through his head as he watches you love on his monstrous pet. ‘I want to do this for the rest of our lives’. It makes him stiffen and he’s pretty sure you’d be able to hear his rapid heartbeat if it weren’t for the roaring waves.

You turn towards Levi, having not heard anything from him for a while. You thought he couldn’t hear you, so you started crawling your way up Lotan’s back to reach him, but an incoming wave knocked you off.

Or it would have if it weren’t for Levi’s tail. It wrapped around you almost immediately, pulling you closer and closer until you were practically on his lap. Its hold on you doesn’t falter, not even when Levi himself wraps his arms around your waist.

His heart nearly stops when you give him a sweet smile as thanks and he couldn’t stop the words tumbling out of his mouth even if tried, “Can I marry you?”

Your hands catch his wrists when they go to cover up his flushed face, thumbs moving to rub over his racing pulse points. You lean your forehead against his with a soft laugh, “You would make me the happiest human in history if you did.”

Levi lets out a breath, orange hues wide in surprise, before he’s smiling like an idiot. “You hear that, Lotan? Mc said I could marry them!” The giant splash of water makes him hold you closer, giving him the perfect opportunity to say, “Thank you.”


The two of you had spent all day out on the town, traveling to the places you both adored. The cat cafe, the museum, the bookstore. Now you were both at a secluded spot in the woods. 

Satan had stumbled upon it years ago and wanted to share it with you. There was a shimmering green pond that was so clear, you could see the bottom. Flowers bloomed everywhere and there was a pretty willow tree hanging over everything.

You’d never seen anything more beautiful. And seeing Satan surrounded by flowers was just the cherry on top, especially when you placed them in his hair. 

And as he stared into your eyes, he realized he didn’t want to wait a second longer; Satan knelt down on one knee and pulled out an elegant, yet simple, ring.

He was good with words, scary good, in fact. Satan could spout out pretty poems and pros and declarations, but he didn’t need to. Not when one simple look could portray everything he was thinking and feeling— he knew you’d understand his silence. 

And you did. But instead of saying anything, you began to giggle. Quiet, surprised giggles at first until they evolved into louder, amused ones. 

Satan’s blush darkened and he was about to ask just what the hell was so funny until you dropped down in front of him, hands bringing out a ring identical to the one he was holding. 

“Theydo say great minds think alike. I would love to marry you, Satan, yes.”

He blinked once. Then twice. And a third time before he started to chuckle, “I always did say we were meant for each other, and just lookatthis. I’d love to be your husband, Mc, yes.” 

You giggled again, falling forward to knock you both over onto the grass. Your hands smoothed over his red cheeks and felt yourself begin to blush when he slid the ring onto your finger. 

Satan hummed when you slid his ring on for him, arms reaching over your shoulders. “I think we should be qualified to be written into a fairy tail after this.” He smiled when you snorted, feeling your head shake in disbelief against him. The two of you were definitely his favorite story.


When the weekend came, it was always quiet in the mornings. The want to sleep in was always high— no one wanted to disturb the peacefulness, at least not until breakfast. 

And it was on these mornings that you thought Asmo looked the most beautiful. He was pretty at all hours of any day, but…these mornings were something special. 

He wasn’t in a rush to put on any makeup. His nails weren’t pristine. Currently, he had a shimmering face mask slathered on with his hair pushed back. There weren’t many people that got to see him like this. 

But you were glad you could. Because even if he thought he wasn’t beautiful like this, youdid. Right now, he was justAsmo.YourAsmo. 

“What’s with that look, Darling? Am I taking your breath away already?” 

Your eyes met his, feeling yourself start to drift away in those orange-yellow hues. “Azzy…”

“Mc?” Asmo puts down his nail polish, shifting his full attention onto you worriedly. 

You reach out and take a hold of his hand, “Will you marry me?” Feeling his hand begin to tremble, you bring it to your lips and kiss each fingertip. 

“Mc…did you have to ask when I look absolutely unprepared?! Look at me! I-“ 

“You look gorgeous. You look like Asmo. You look like the man I want to spend the rest of my mornings with. I fell in love with you, Azzy. Not the ‘Avatar of Lust’.” 

Asmo gulped, taking in a deep breath, before he started to let out soft sobs. His face nuzzled yours, no doubt spreading his face mask over your skin. “Mc! Yes yes yes! I’ll marry you! Of course I’ll marry you!” 

You chuckled, imagining just what kind of mess the two of you looked like right now. “I am very glad to hear it.”


Even though you could never eat as much as Beel, you adored going out to different restaurants with him every week. 

Beel would always tear off small bites of his food to give to you; he wanted you to be able to try everything but knew you couldn’t eat quite like him. 

“Here you go, Mc! It’s a wedding cake, but they needed to get rid of it, and it’s really good!” He beamed at you before going back to his own, bigger, slice of cake. 

You gazed at him lovingly, slowly munching on cake until something caught your attention. It was a fondant “wedding ring” stuffed right in the middle of your cake. 

The ginger had all but swallowed the cake whole, moving on to his other plates. He paused, “Mc?” Beel hadn’t heard you speak in a minute. 

“Yes?” You took another bite of the cake, giving a closed-mouth smile. 

Beel smiled right back, happy you were still enjoying yourself. “I’m glad I get to eat with you, it makes me happy!” 

You hummed, discreetly grabbing the edible ring, “Me too, bub. I’d like it if we could do this for the rest of our lives.” Your eyes peered up at him, “Say…what if we got married?”

Beel stopped. The food in his hands slowly fell back onto the plate and he blinked at you owlishly. He blinked more viciously when you kneeled, trying to keep the tears at bay. 

“Beelzebub,” you presented the ring with a grin, “May I have the honor of marrying you?”

He mumbled something about him being the one receiving the honor before he was lifting you up into his arms. “Yes please.” 

You huffed out a laugh, ignoring all the claps and cheers you were receiving. “Here, you can eat it. I’ll get you a real ring later, okay?”


Sleep was a precious thing to humans, but for Belphie, it was just a thing. Something he enjoyed doing, something he knew with every fiber of his being, something that was normal. 

It was also normal for him to toss and turn, kicking at the constricting covers as the events of that night invaded his sleeping mind. 

Even years later, it still haunts him. You’ve told him over and over again that you forgave him then and you forgive him now, but he doesn’t deserve it (he thinks). The guilt ate at him so badly some nights, it made him physically sick when he woke up. 

And you tried your best to help ease it. Soothing him while he was asleep, reassuring him when he was awake. Nothing seemed to lessen his guilt or pain, but you never stopped trying. 

Belphie woke up screaming. Raw, gut-wrenching screams that made your heart shoot through the roof and shatter at the same time. 

He watched you scramble over to the bed and wrap him in your arms, visibly startled. His body began to relax when it felt yours relax, but his mind was still racing. 

That wouldn’t do. Your hands cupped his cheeks softly, squishing them, before moving to push back the damp hair off his forehead. “Belphegor…”

Belphie could do nothing but lay there as you kissed all over his face, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He couldn’t stop his eyes from tearing up— you were there to wipe his tears away, though. 

“I’m not leaving, Belphie. Ever.” You shifted, moving to sit on top of him. “In fact…” 

The seventh-born stared up at you with wide eyes, “Mc? What are you…!”

You pulled out a silver ring engraved with stars. “Marry me?” A gentle smile tugged at your lips when he choked up, hands trailing along his own until you reached his left ring finger. 

Belphie inhaled sharply, nodding frantically, “Yes, please, yes, I’ll marry you- I want to marry you, yes!” He watched as you slid the ring onto his finger. And when he felt the cold metal on his skin, he began to sob, fingers gripping at your wrists to bring you down in a tight embrace.



Here’s your MC with Luci! Idk what she did but Lucifer is impressed.

It looks amazing thank you!!! And to say the least she.. “defended” herself against a couple of demons and the outcome was pleasing. And thank you so much!!

The arrival in Devildom in a nutshell.

Credit to the person who made this!

Mammon: Hey Lucif-

Lucifer, at his desk with a bunch of bills in front of him: Mammon, for the sake of my blood pressure I’m going to ask you to not finish that sentence.


Mammon: -fer, I was wondering if-

Lucifer: (livid)

The Brothers with an MC who’s kind but can be really scary and strong

This is a continuation of a previous ask, but with the other brothers as well. (Mammon and Asmo are in the previous post) Also a small spoiler with Belphie at the end so watch out for that


  • He was totally misled by your initial kindness
  • He first discovered your crazy strength when Mammon was arm-wrestling Satan and you asked to join
  • Of course, they didn’t take you seriously and went easy on you, only to result in Mammon being flipped upside down and off his chair from the sheer force of your victory
  • His pride is a bit hurt bc how the hell did a human like you overpower the second eldest brother so easily???
  • He’s a bit more wary around you now but otherwise treats you just the same
  • Will tell you off if you fling Diavolo across the room when he asked


  • He found out during one of your gaming sessions with him
  • You guys were playing a magic mmo game that basically took VR to a whole new level
  • And this guy??? Starts trash talking you for no apparent reason???
  • When you’d finally snapped, you wrestled the dude into a position he couldn’t escape from while verbally terrifying both the rude guy and Levi.
  • Cue the iconic “Woooaaaaaahhhh”
  • Levi is definitely scared of you now and hides in his room for the next few days until he’s certain big bad MC wont come to kill him anytime soon
  • Once he calms down a bit, he’s drowning you with questions and curiosities.
  • Whenever you guys are playing or watching a martial arts anime, he practically begs you to show it to him
  • The dude is just fascinated and terrified


  • He discovered it when you were out book shopping
  • Someone had tipped over one of the bookcases, tipping them all over like dominoes
  • Satan saw this happening with you in one of the aisles that was going to be crushed by book dominoes and was sprinted to you
  • When you just held up the bookcases collapsing like no problem as you read a book while walking towards him
  • When you were out of the danger zone, you just straight up dropped the bookcase and let it continue the demolition while still reading that apparently interesting book and walking
  • Satan looks shocked at worst, but he’s internally panicking like
  • Are humans supposed to be able to do that??? How did you keep so calm despite your almost demise??? No amount of human anatomy encyclopedias could have prepared him for this???
  • He’s definitely intrigued and will ask questions
  • He’s fricking making a journal about your strength right now with little tidbits and notes about what you can do
  • He’s just a very curious boi


  • He discovered your strength and intimidation when you guys were at RAD
  • Some demon had decided that stealing your sandwich would’ve been a fantastic prank
  • Honestly, if you hadn’t pounced on him right at that moment, Beel would’ve
  • Beel just kinda sits there nomming his own sandwich as you proceed to beat the crap out of the other demon as you attempt to regain your sandwich
  • Once you get it back you just sit back down like nothing had happened
  • He’s Shook
  • Later he’ll be inspecting your arms n stuff asking questions like
  • “How do such tiny limbs hold so much strength?”
  • Will definitely ask you to workout with him so he can not only see how you got so strong but also to see your limits
  • Overall very supportive


  • He found out when you guys were taking a nap in the lounge
  • You had woken up only to find that your bracelet had fallen off and rolled under the couch
  • You then proceeded to lift up the couch like a sack of potatoes and get it back
  • Belphie woke up on the couch that was not, in fact, on the floor and was much closer to the ceiling than he’d remembered
  • He looked down to see you holding it up with one hand and retrieving a bracelet with the other
  • He legit said “I’m too tired for this” and fricking laid down again
  • He wakes up later to discover that was not a dream and immediately starts planning to use it to his advantage
  • Whenever someone’s getting on his nerves now he just threatens to sic MC on them
  • Otherwise he doesn’t really care
  • Very perplexed as to why you didnt fight back when he killed you though

ehh are you sure about that? ;)

aww bby looks so suprised that his older bro’s gonna make him coffee it’s adorable

i cant stop grinning at their interaction aghh

it’s how we’re gonna celebrate your birthday, ya big dummy

all my hard work is paid off


honestly i wouldn’t mind having two super handsome butlers at my side but idk if my heart would be able to handle it so…. yeah-

oh and i’m getting major black butler vibes from this

so today i had a really tiring day at school but then i got home and saw this

i had like 10 DVs so i decided to give it a shot…


well not if you count my previous pulls on butler luci but it’s all in the past now

i feel like the game is trying to cheer me up from all the sh-t i had to deal with during the day and i’m
