#asmodeus x reader



Pairing: Asmodeus x Gender Neutral Main Character

Content Warning: LESSON 16 SPOILERS  - Mentions of Belphie killing Reader, and Reader still has some ill feelings towards him, the entire incident, and how the brothers just sort of brushed it off. Light angst, but mostly fluff! Asmo has one suggestive line, but that’s about it.

Word Count:1.2k+

Summary: You and Asmo spend a relaxing in-home spa day together, but not without a much needed exchanging of words after what happened with his younger brother just less than a week ago.

Authors Note: Sorry for the delay in this, but I hope everyone had a good week and New Year!

© 2021, takeaslicex. All Rights Reserved.

“And… there you go, my dear!” Asmo beamed at you with the softest grin ever known, officially done applying the new facial cleanser he got to your skin. “How does it feel, hon? Just like the beautiful and perfect Avatar of Lust’s skin, right? The reviews about it were just raving, and I just hadto get it for myself! And you get to try it for free! How exciting, isn’t it?”

You returned the same smile to him and said, “Of course, I couldn’t ask for anyone more perfect. Thank you so much!”

“Oh, hon!” Asmo laughed, leaning in to kiss your forehead tenderly. “I would do anything for you, you know. Now, can I please paint your nails? I want us to match, I have more of the color I’m using!”

“I would love nothing more, Asmo.”

At that, Asmo softly squealed and got up to go get some of his nail polish. During his absence, you couldn’t help but be grateful to have someone as sweet and attentive in your life as him - especially during one of the worst times of your life. It had barely been a week since your incident with Belphie - and being literally killed isn’t something you get over so quickly. To put it lightly, it was hard to pretend you were okay, and most of the brothers seemed to have moved on from the event like it was a typical Tuesday. They’d try to make casual conversation with you at dinner like absolutely nothing had changed, they expected you to hangout in the common room with them all the time - and worse? They expected you to sit in the same fucking roomas him and act like everything was okay, even if it was far from it. 

Asmo, however, has been a godsend for you since the beginning. He never expected you to put on a fake smile and pretend like you were happy, and was completely compassionate about the entire situation. That’s why you’ve been spending all of your time with him - and this is why you were sitting cross legged on his bed, waiting for him to come back with the nail polish. With all things considered, you truly couldn’t ask for a better night.

“Oh, you’re just going to look so lovely with this nice shade of pink, don’t you agree, my love?” Asmo cooed, sitting back on the bed with you now and positioning himself in front of you. “Hand out, please!”

You quickly obeyed, holding out your hand for Asmo as he grabbed it and set it down on his own leg. And with that, Asmo started painting your nails - gently and with the most feather-light touches. It was so easy to get lost in his touches - after all, his title as the Avatar of Lust wasn’t taken lightly. Even when he wasn’t trying to seduce you, to be in his presence was to be comforted and loved. Being with Asmo was easy if you needed it to be, but also ethereal during the most surreal of circumstances. He was warmth and love wrapped into one, and it was incredibly easy to forget that he’s actually one of the most feared beings in all of the three realms.

“Hey… Y/N?” Your trailing thoughts were quickly interrupted by Asmo, who you hadn’t even noticed had stopped painting your nails at only the third one. When you looked at him, his eyes were steady on your hand, but his hand was slightly trembling as it held yours. 

“Y/N… you know, when Belphie…” Asmo hesitated on his words, taking a second to swallow them down. “When… when youdied… you have no idea how much that hurt me, to see you like that. Completely lifeless, absolutely no sparkle left in your eyes… I couldn’t stand it, Y/N. I hated it more than anything!”

You sucked in a breath, not exactly sure how to even respond to that. Where did this come from? “Asmo…”

Asmo couldn’t even bring himself to look into your eyes as he spoke. “I thought I lost you forever… and that’s crazy to think about, am I right? I’ve only known you for what feels like a second, but… the idea of being without you made me angry. It made me more angry than anything else in the world! I never want to be without your praises, your soft touch, your warm smile, or the way you look so stunning with your hand holding mine… Y/N… It made mewant to die right alongside you.”

As he spoke, you watched a tear drop from Asmo’s face and onto one of your freshly polished nails. You gasped at that.

You wanted to comfort him, or say anythingreally - but what could you possibly say to that?

What Asmo did next shocked you to your very core. Softly, and with the most genuine care you’ve ever known, he softly flipped your hand around and held it so that your inner wrist was facing him, pressing his index and middle finger to your wrist. “Your heartbeat… it’s like music to my ears, dear. Never in my existence have I found a human’s heartbeat to be amongst my most favorite of things, but your heartbeat comes third only to me and you yourself, hon.”

Asmo softly pressed into your wrist and smiled as he checked your pulse. “A perfectly healthy heartbeat, just as I expected. I actually read up a little bit about how a human’s heartbeat is supposed to sound, so I’ll know if I’m hearing anything out of the ordinary, okay? But of course… there’s perfectly wonderfulreasons for heartbeats to accelerate, is there not? We might just have to have a little anatomy lesson once you’re feeling better, isn’t that right, hon?”

You smiled at that, not even realizing that you were already crying until you tasted one of your tears on your lips. “Asmo… I… I don’t know what to say…”

When Asmo finally looked up at you, tears were freely falling from his eyes, but the smile on his face was one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. “Tell me, Y/N, that you and I are going to live a long and happy life together! Tell me that you’re not going to go dying around on me anymore, and that you’ll be around to shower me with your love and praise for many more years to come!”

You shook your head in acceptance and laughed. “I love you so much, Asmo. Come here.”

And with that, you pulled him into a bone crushing hug that neither of you ever wanted to free each other from, as you silently cried into each other’s shoulders.

“Y/N… I love you so much.. But, oh, Diavolo! Your nails!” Asmo suddenly gasped, incredibly quick to pull away from you once he remembered what the two of you were even doing in the first place. Asmo grabbed your hand and inspected his progress so far, visibly shuddering when he noticed your smudged paint job. “Oh dear… this simply isn’t going to do, hon. I’m going to have to start from scratch!”

As the two of you sat in complete bliss from each other’s companies, Asmo continued to paint your nails. The rest would come later - for now, it was just you and him. 

Hi everyone! I know, I know - I haven’t updated in a hot minute. My mental health has been down the goddamn drain, sitting real pretty next to any and all of my inspiration to write. However, I’ve decided to try something new to get my creative flow going again.

So, I’m introducing 50 Days of ‘Touch’ prompts, inspired bythis prompt list. Every update will be a short Obey Me x Gender Neutral Main Character fic from the provided fic list, in numerical order of the brothers (ex. Prompt One = Lucifer, Prompt Two = Mammon, Prompt Six = Beel, etc.).

This is the official masterlist for the 50 Days of ‘Touch’ Prompts! Thank you all so much for supporting my writing, I really look forward to updating more often for y’all!

© 2021, takeaslicex. All Rights Reserved.

♡ = smut, ★ = angst, ✿ = fluff, or soft

  1. Lucifer + Touching Foreheads ★
  2. Mammon + Running Fingers Through Hair ✿
  3. Levi + Hiding Face In Neck ✿
  4. Satan + Caressing Hands ★
  5. Asmo + Feeling Their Pulse ✿ ★
  6. Beel + Patting Heads ✿
  7. Belphie + Holding Hands
  8. Lucifer + Shielding Your Body
  9. Mammon + Listening To The Other’s Heartbeat
  10. Levi + Spooning
  11. Satan + Laying His Hand On Your Back
  12. Asmo + Pushing A Strand Of Hair Behind Your Ear
  13. Beel + Nudging
  14. Belphie + Putting An Arm Around Your Waist

Obey Me Brothers with a Nosebleeding MC

A/n: I’m about to go crazy. Tumblr keeps on posting this while I save it on drafts. This was an anonymous request but due to technical difficulties, I lost the ask. Sorry.

Tw: Blood, OOC-ish, mentions of dying


  • Humans are fragile and this shows it.
  • After making a pact with all the brothers, he expected your body to be more resilient but it seems like they’re more immune to magics and spells than injuries.
  • Since he’s the eldest, he probably has a first aid kit in his room. So, when you had an accident he was there to help.
  • “Good grief, please do not disappoint Lord Diavolo by your fragility. Here, have some Cranberry juice from the human world. It’ll avoid you from having anemia.”


  • He thinks humans are weak so expect him to mock you first before taking action.
  • He then panics when the situation worsens.
  • What should he do? How should he help you? ARE YOU GOING TO DIE?
  • No Mammon they will not die.
  • “You should’ve told me a darn tissue is all you needed.”


  • Just like Mammon, Leviathan panics in these kinds of situations.
  • After playing loads of VR and gaming with you, he didn’t expect you’d have a nosebleed afterwards. It’s probably because of lack of sleep, you explain to him.
  • He probably sets time-frames when you can play with him.
  • “Lucifer’s going to kill me if you die. Here, I have some tissues, that’s what humans need right?”


  • He’s calm with the situation since he probably read in books that this situation occasionally happens with humans.
  • Although he’d like to find to out the factors that led you to this. Might be the dust of his books that caused you to sneezed very hard, lack of sleep, or anything.
  • Either uses spells to help you with your situation or he helps you by giving an aid.
  • “Lucifer will get angry if he thinks I’m the cause of this but it’s not good for you to get hurt either. Do you need help?”


  • Probably cringes because of how you look with blood dripping from your nose.
  • He instantly helps so your beautywouldn’ttarnish.
  • Provides tips on how to take care of yourself plus relaxes you by inviting you to baths.
  • “It wouldn’t look good if you’re stressed always, MC. Nosebleeds don’t look good on you.”


  • He probably worries he might’ve done something wrong. Slightly panics in the situation.
  • Asks if you need help or anything.
  • You ask for tissues, he gives tissues. Need ice? He’s there to comply.
  • “I’ve brought everything you asked for, are these enough?”


  • Frankly, I do believe he doesn’t care.
  • However, if the situation does become a bother, he’ll try to help with the ‘best’ that he can.
  • Although, he’d let you solve this problem on your own since this do happen normally with humans.
  • “So bothersome…You can take care yourself, right?”

obey me brothers x reader

wc : 2.k

warnings : references to lesson 16 (belphie), a bit of hurt/comfort (mammon, belphie)

synopsis : how spending the rest of your lives together began 



Lucifer was tired. It had been a long day at RAD, an even longer student council meeting with his brothers acting like absolute fools, and now he had a mountain of paperwork to do— a solid stack consisting of only Mammon’s credit card bills. 

But you made it seem less tedious. 

Your presence alone could accomplish that, but there you sat beside him, chair pulled up with his jacket over your shoulders as you filed paperwork with him. 

And maybe from an outside perspective it wouldn’t mean a lot, but to Lucifer it meant so much. Because you weren’t actually fluent in his native tongue- which was what his important documents were written in. But you were doing it anyway- doing it correctly- just so you could take a load off his shoulders. 

It made him pause every so often to look at you in awe; no one had ever done anything like this for him. And on top of that, you would pause in your own work occasionally to squeeze his shoulder and go get some snacks for the two of you to share. 

Speaking of, you lifted your head when you felt his eyes on you, giving a knowing smile. “Hi, love. Need anything? More tea?” 

Lucifer shook his head, about to go back to his work before he paused. “There is actually one thing.”

“Anything for you.” You turned towards him, reaching to run a hand through his raven locks. 

“Marry me.” Like most things he said, it came out as a statement- a demand- rather than a question. It made him nervous, though he didn’t show it. 

But you knew. You could see it in the way his bottom lip quivered slightly and how the words came out shaky. It made you smile, “Of course. Yes.” 

His worries soothed and his heart soared. Lucifer beamed at you, taking your hand and standing. “Good.” A soft laugh left him as he twirled you around, “I’m glad.”


quiet sniffles and soft hushes filled his dimly lit room, the two sources of sound being huddled under a messily made blanket fort. 

Mammon had, truly accidentally, knocked into one of Diavolo’s vases while they were visiting the Demon Lord’s Castle hours earlier. The prince himself paid no mind to it- in fact, he laughed it off, as it held no real value- but Lucifer had been livid. Mammon was sure his older brother was going to get him real good right then and there but you’d done it again : jumping in front of him and loudly announcing that, no, it wasn’t Mammon who knocked over the vase. It was you. So Lucifer had given you a stack of homework to do because of it- on top of all your other school work.

And Mammon felt terrible. “I-I’m always gettin’ y-ya into trouble…m-makin’ ya take the f-fall. I’m s-supposed to be the o-one protecting you! I-”

Mammon.” Your voice was firm, but affectionate. “You never make me do anything- I choose to take the blame for you. I know you don’t mean to do a lot of the things you do, you’re just…endearingly clumsy at times.” 

He scoffed, scrubbing angrily at the tears on his face; he hated crying in front of you. He blinked, blue hues staring into yours when you gently pulled his hands away from his face and started softly wiping.

“Mammon, I love you. I love all of you- including the clumsiness, the greed, the not-always-so-smart decisions.” You guided his hand to rest over his pact mark, “We’re partners in crime, yeah? You’re my first. I’m always gonna try and protect you, too.”

His fingers flexed against your skin, feeling the slightly raised mark of his pact. Mammon felt like he was floating and the words just fell from his lips. “Fuck, I wanna marry ya.” His eyes widened, watching yours do the same, but he didn’t back down- he knew what he wanted. 


“Let’s get married. S-seriously! I know it’s something that happens when people really l-love each other, so let’s do it! I was already plannin’ on spendin’ the rest of my life with ya and marriage is the way to officially do that, right? I-I’ll get ya a pretty ring a-and-” 

You cut him off with a kiss. A salty, breathless kiss. You pulled away, rubbing your own tears away this time. “Yes, Mammon. I’d love to marry you and I’d love to spend the rest of my life with you.” You went back to wiping away his tears, “I don’t need some expensive ring, though. All I need is you.”

Mammon took in a deep breath and exhaled with a loud, delighted laugh. “MC SAID YES! I’M GETTIN’ MARRIED!”


Levi didn’t really like going to public beaches. There’s too many people, not enough room, annoying children, and if he’s being honest…he doesn’t appreciate wandering around in front of all those people with such a lack of clothing. But this he could do. 

The two of you were out at sea— so far out, you couldn’t even see the sandbank anymore. Water sprayed you in the face as a tail splashed in the water, but it wasn’t Levi’s. It was much bigger. Lotan hissed contentedly when Levi patted his head, making you giggle and pet his back where you were sitting. 

Levi knew you’ve been wanting to go out to the ocean, but he always felt bad because he doesn’t like the beach itself. So he suggested a date out here : literally out in the ocean with Lotan (who was way better than a boat in his opinion).

“Levi, this is so cool!”

It was beautiful out here. Dark water that should be unsettling, but it only awed you as it was the perfect contrast for the colorful devildom fish that swam around your “boat”. (it also served as the perfect contrast against your bright anime swimwear, which was an added bonus)

And Levi was awed by you. The perfect embodiment of the light to his dark; his Henry. A single fleeting thought makes its way through his head as he watches you love on his monstrous pet. ‘I want to do this for the rest of our lives’. It makes him stiffen and he’s pretty sure you’d be able to hear his rapid heartbeat if it weren’t for the roaring waves.

You turn towards Levi, having not heard anything from him for a while. You thought he couldn’t hear you, so you started crawling your way up Lotan’s back to reach him, but an incoming wave knocked you off.

Or it would have if it weren’t for Levi’s tail. It wrapped around you almost immediately, pulling you closer and closer until you were practically on his lap. Its hold on you doesn’t falter, not even when Levi himself wraps his arms around your waist.

His heart nearly stops when you give him a sweet smile as thanks and he couldn’t stop the words tumbling out of his mouth even if tried, “Can I marry you?”

Your hands catch his wrists when they go to cover up his flushed face, thumbs moving to rub over his racing pulse points. You lean your forehead against his with a soft laugh, “You would make me the happiest human in history if you did.”

Levi lets out a breath, orange hues wide in surprise, before he’s smiling like an idiot. “You hear that, Lotan? Mc said I could marry them!” The giant splash of water makes him hold you closer, giving him the perfect opportunity to say, “Thank you.”


The two of you had spent all day out on the town, traveling to the places you both adored. The cat cafe, the museum, the bookstore. Now you were both at a secluded spot in the woods. 

Satan had stumbled upon it years ago and wanted to share it with you. There was a shimmering green pond that was so clear, you could see the bottom. Flowers bloomed everywhere and there was a pretty willow tree hanging over everything.

You’d never seen anything more beautiful. And seeing Satan surrounded by flowers was just the cherry on top, especially when you placed them in his hair. 

And as he stared into your eyes, he realized he didn’t want to wait a second longer; Satan knelt down on one knee and pulled out an elegant, yet simple, ring.

He was good with words, scary good, in fact. Satan could spout out pretty poems and pros and declarations, but he didn’t need to. Not when one simple look could portray everything he was thinking and feeling— he knew you’d understand his silence. 

And you did. But instead of saying anything, you began to giggle. Quiet, surprised giggles at first until they evolved into louder, amused ones. 

Satan’s blush darkened and he was about to ask just what the hell was so funny until you dropped down in front of him, hands bringing out a ring identical to the one he was holding. 

“Theydo say great minds think alike. I would love to marry you, Satan, yes.”

He blinked once. Then twice. And a third time before he started to chuckle, “I always did say we were meant for each other, and just lookatthis. I’d love to be your husband, Mc, yes.” 

You giggled again, falling forward to knock you both over onto the grass. Your hands smoothed over his red cheeks and felt yourself begin to blush when he slid the ring onto your finger. 

Satan hummed when you slid his ring on for him, arms reaching over your shoulders. “I think we should be qualified to be written into a fairy tail after this.” He smiled when you snorted, feeling your head shake in disbelief against him. The two of you were definitely his favorite story.


When the weekend came, it was always quiet in the mornings. The want to sleep in was always high— no one wanted to disturb the peacefulness, at least not until breakfast. 

And it was on these mornings that you thought Asmo looked the most beautiful. He was pretty at all hours of any day, but…these mornings were something special. 

He wasn’t in a rush to put on any makeup. His nails weren’t pristine. Currently, he had a shimmering face mask slathered on with his hair pushed back. There weren’t many people that got to see him like this. 

But you were glad you could. Because even if he thought he wasn’t beautiful like this, youdid. Right now, he was justAsmo.YourAsmo. 

“What’s with that look, Darling? Am I taking your breath away already?” 

Your eyes met his, feeling yourself start to drift away in those orange-yellow hues. “Azzy…”

“Mc?” Asmo puts down his nail polish, shifting his full attention onto you worriedly. 

You reach out and take a hold of his hand, “Will you marry me?” Feeling his hand begin to tremble, you bring it to your lips and kiss each fingertip. 

“Mc…did you have to ask when I look absolutely unprepared?! Look at me! I-“ 

“You look gorgeous. You look like Asmo. You look like the man I want to spend the rest of my mornings with. I fell in love with you, Azzy. Not the ‘Avatar of Lust’.” 

Asmo gulped, taking in a deep breath, before he started to let out soft sobs. His face nuzzled yours, no doubt spreading his face mask over your skin. “Mc! Yes yes yes! I’ll marry you! Of course I’ll marry you!” 

You chuckled, imagining just what kind of mess the two of you looked like right now. “I am very glad to hear it.”


Even though you could never eat as much as Beel, you adored going out to different restaurants with him every week. 

Beel would always tear off small bites of his food to give to you; he wanted you to be able to try everything but knew you couldn’t eat quite like him. 

“Here you go, Mc! It’s a wedding cake, but they needed to get rid of it, and it’s really good!” He beamed at you before going back to his own, bigger, slice of cake. 

You gazed at him lovingly, slowly munching on cake until something caught your attention. It was a fondant “wedding ring” stuffed right in the middle of your cake. 

The ginger had all but swallowed the cake whole, moving on to his other plates. He paused, “Mc?” Beel hadn’t heard you speak in a minute. 

“Yes?” You took another bite of the cake, giving a closed-mouth smile. 

Beel smiled right back, happy you were still enjoying yourself. “I’m glad I get to eat with you, it makes me happy!” 

You hummed, discreetly grabbing the edible ring, “Me too, bub. I’d like it if we could do this for the rest of our lives.” Your eyes peered up at him, “Say…what if we got married?”

Beel stopped. The food in his hands slowly fell back onto the plate and he blinked at you owlishly. He blinked more viciously when you kneeled, trying to keep the tears at bay. 

“Beelzebub,” you presented the ring with a grin, “May I have the honor of marrying you?”

He mumbled something about him being the one receiving the honor before he was lifting you up into his arms. “Yes please.” 

You huffed out a laugh, ignoring all the claps and cheers you were receiving. “Here, you can eat it. I’ll get you a real ring later, okay?”


Sleep was a precious thing to humans, but for Belphie, it was just a thing. Something he enjoyed doing, something he knew with every fiber of his being, something that was normal. 

It was also normal for him to toss and turn, kicking at the constricting covers as the events of that night invaded his sleeping mind. 

Even years later, it still haunts him. You’ve told him over and over again that you forgave him then and you forgive him now, but he doesn’t deserve it (he thinks). The guilt ate at him so badly some nights, it made him physically sick when he woke up. 

And you tried your best to help ease it. Soothing him while he was asleep, reassuring him when he was awake. Nothing seemed to lessen his guilt or pain, but you never stopped trying. 

Belphie woke up screaming. Raw, gut-wrenching screams that made your heart shoot through the roof and shatter at the same time. 

He watched you scramble over to the bed and wrap him in your arms, visibly startled. His body began to relax when it felt yours relax, but his mind was still racing. 

That wouldn’t do. Your hands cupped his cheeks softly, squishing them, before moving to push back the damp hair off his forehead. “Belphegor…”

Belphie could do nothing but lay there as you kissed all over his face, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He couldn’t stop his eyes from tearing up— you were there to wipe his tears away, though. 

“I’m not leaving, Belphie. Ever.” You shifted, moving to sit on top of him. “In fact…” 

The seventh-born stared up at you with wide eyes, “Mc? What are you…!”

You pulled out a silver ring engraved with stars. “Marry me?” A gentle smile tugged at your lips when he choked up, hands trailing along his own until you reached his left ring finger. 

Belphie inhaled sharply, nodding frantically, “Yes, please, yes, I’ll marry you- I want to marry you, yes!” He watched as you slid the ring onto his finger. And when he felt the cold metal on his skin, he began to sob, fingers gripping at your wrists to bring you down in a tight embrace.

Asmodeus x reader

nsfw - ‘sin’ blurb mini series - gn!reader (is the one doing the fucking)


Asmo was sorry. He’s still stubborn at the worst of times, so when Solomon slyly dared him to try and make you jealous, he’d immediately accepted the challenge. Only thing was, Solomon had then gone to you, mentioning how Asmo was all over some low-class trash without telling you the full story. And now here Asmo was, pressed against a dirty stall door in the club’s bathroom, desperately trying to keep his moans down while also pleading his case. He whimpered at your sharp ‘shut up’ followed by an even sharper thrust. His legs were practically useless by now, trembling and numb— they wouldn’t even be wrapped around your waist if you weren’t holding his ankles together behind you. Despite his pleading, the rough treatment only served to excite him further, moans growing louder and lewder as each second passed. Though, when the bathroom door creaked open and the voice of the demon he’d been all over rang out, he was quickly mortified at being caught like this : a sweating, panting, desperate whorish mess. But you didn’t care. This was his own fault. So you tighten your grip, slam harder into him, and grin when the stall door rattles loudly. His pretty, shocked eyes are such a sight to behold that you don’t dare slow down for a second. He’d surely learn his lesson now, wouldn’t he? 

“Louder,Azzy. Let that fucking peice of trash hear how much I’m pleasuring you— something they’ll never be able to do.”



Wearing the Brother’s Jacket/Them Wearing your Hoodie



Him Wearing your Hoodie:

  • It would take a lot of work, to say the least.
  • You didn’t really know how to go about it, and thought of asking Diavolo, or perhaps Barbatos. Though, going to the prince and his butler about getting your boyfriend to wear you hoodie seemed… unneeded.
  • So, you just decided to try yourself.
  • You left your hoodie on his desk, hoping he would get the hint, though he simply gave it back.
  • Then you left it on the coat rack, then the bed, then his chair.
  • You found it folded neatly on your bed every time.
  • It was early in the morning. You were reading, half asleep and not so much reading as skimming along. Lucifer was resting on your stomach, arms wrapped around your waist. You ran your fingers through his hair, humming quietly.
  • He broke the calm silence. “You’ve been forgetting your jacket a lot recently, are you feeling well?”
  • “I was hoping you would wear it.”
  • You glanced over your book to see his face steadily growing brighter. He looked almost longingly at your hoodie, sitting right where he had set it, folded precisely.
  • “Oh.”
  • “Yeah, you’re a bit oblivious, hun.”
  • Now, whenever he is working alone in his room, he’s wearing one of your hoodies.

You wearing his jacket:

  • Trust me, as soon as you two had been together for a bit, you would get his jacket.
  • He can get easily jealous, but doesn’t show it too much. Instead, he gives you something of his.
  • One of his jackets, a turtleneck, anything.
  • You’ll always have something on hand.


Him wearing your hoodie

  • You were sitting with Mammon on your bed, trying to explain to him what was going on in class. Though, you quickly realized he wasn’t paying attention.
  • He was staring at your hoodie.
  • “Do you want to borrow it?”
  • He flushed. “Nah, what makes ya think that?”
  • Once you finally hand it to him, he gets really red, but he never takes it off.
  • He doesn’t care if it’s not his style. He. Is. Wearing. It.

You wearing his jacket:

  • He is going to take all your jackets and hoodie and you’re never going to see them again. So he decides that maybe you can borrow his.
  • But it’s not like you look cute in it or anything!!!


Him wearing your hoodie:

  • He loves wearing your hoodie, but doesn’t know how to ask for it. He’ll usually keep quiet about it and just look over at you while rubbing his arms/shivering.
  • Once he has your hoodie, you’ll have to fight him to get it off him, even if it just needs to be washed.
  • He loves it.

You wearing his jacket:

  • He’s super jealous whenever some talks to you, so he always makes sure people know you’re his.
  • His jacket is the most effective option.
  • He’ll hand it to you with a flushed face, sputtering out excuses as to why he is handing you the jacket.


Him wearing your hoodie:

  • He would have no trouble asking for your hoodie.
  • He might look up at you with puppy dog eyes before asking for your hoodie.
  • He absolutely loves wearing your hoodie. It makes him feel safe and warm.

You wearing his jacket:

  • He has tons of jackets to go with all of his outfits. He’ll usually match one of them to your outfit and let you wear it for a day.
  • They always smell like roses and baby powder.


Him wearing your hoodie:

  • This nerd loves wearing your hoodie, and enjoys the lack of teasing remarks he gets from his brothers compared to the many he gets with his usual jacket.
  • He wears your hoodies when he’s reading and sometimes when he sleeps, if it’s cold.

You wearing his jacket:

  • You actually put both arms in the jacket, and Lucifer makes a sly comment about. Satan decides to mention that Lucifer himself is not much better on the matter.


Him wearing your hoodie

  • I mean, considering how fucking buff he is, your hoodie would have to be pretty large to fit over his shoulders.
  • He would love your hoodie. Though he would feel super bad if he got any food on it. He loves how you smell.

You wearing his jacket

  • You like his jacket? Nice. You’ll always have it wrapped around your shoulders.
  • He loves seeing you in it. Plus, it’s super big and fluffy.


Him wearing your hoodie

  • Your hoodies are comfortable and warm; therefore he steals all of them.
  • He’ll fucking sniff out your jackets and hoodies and will make a nest with them.

You wearing his jacket

  • Nah, he’d rather not move to take it off. Just cuddle with him instead.

The Brothers reaction when MC is a sleepwalker.


  • Lucifer was sitting at his desk doing paperwork
  • It was getting pretty late and all the work didnt seem to end
  • Frustrated, he let out an heavy sigh and leaned back in his chair.
  • Just as he was about to get back to work the door suddenly opened.
  • He furrowed his brows in confusion as he stared at the person.
  • “MC, what are you doing here?” He shook his head “ Its already past midnight, go to-”
  • Thats when he noticed your eyes were closed.
  • You stood there, snoring slightly as you balanced your weight from one feet to the other.
  • Lucifer quickly realised what was going on.
  • He stood up and walked over to you, trying not to wake you.
  • He gently grabbed you by your shoulder and guided you towards one of the armchairs by the fireplace.
  • Once you sat there, he grabbed his jacket and laid it ontop of you, using it as a blanket.
  • You stirred at first but once you felt the warmth of his jacket you relaxed.
  • Lucifer looked at you with a soft smile and reached over to you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
  • “*Sigh*, you really are spending too much time with Belphegor”.
  • After that, he did made sure you lock your door before you go to sleep.


  • He was sitting on his bed playing with his D.D.D, searching for schemes to make money.
  • Some time went by and Mammon was getting annoyed, not seeming to find anything good.
  • Then suddenly he had the idea to sneak into MC’s room and steal borrow some stuff.
  • I mean, his human would want to help him, right?
  • Just as he was about to march to your room he noticed that his bedroom door was already open.
  • Confused, he looked around.
  • Then he suddenly saw you standing beside his bed.
  • “EEEK-” he yelped as he fell backwards.
  • He hit his head on the ground and winced in pain.
  • “Oi, human! What’s the big deal sneakin’ on me like that?!” He yelled while rubbing his head.
  • You didnt responded.
  • “Hey, are ya even listenin’?!” He stood up and looked at you.
  • He froze when he noticed your eyes were closed, seeming like you were asleep.
  • At first Mammon was confused, thinking you’re pranking him.
  • But then he remembered, you did mentioned something about sleepwalking to him.
  • He was really confused with the situation, not knowing what to do.
  • But then he did realise how dangerous it actually is for you.
  • I mean, what if you accidently walk into the underground tomb to cerberus?!
  • Not thinking twice, he closed his door and went over to you, pushing you into his bed.
  • His cheeks flushed as he laid down beside you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, caging you inside his arms.
  • “You really like to get on my nerves, dont cha’?” He grumbled.
  • He cant lie, he was really happy that you went to him, even in a sleeping state.
  • Theres no way Mammon would let you go now.


  • Leviathan was in his room, playing games as usual.
  • There was this new game that came out, and hes been itching to play it since it arrived from Akuzon.
  • “ROFLMAOO you really thought you had a chance?, take this!”
  • He was so engrossed into the game, that he didnt noticed anything around him.
  • Well, that was until he heard a loud thump outside his room.
  • Levi decided to ignore it, since it was probably just Beel going to kitchen.
  • But then it came again, just louder.
  • Levi huffed and paused his game. Who is interrupting his gaming session?
  • He slipped his headphones down from his ears and decided to stand up.
  • He walked over to his door, grumbling to himself.
  • “Mammon, I swear if its you, dont even try-”
  • Levi opened his door and expected one of his brothers.
  • But the first thing he saw instead, was you stumbling in the hallway.
  • At first he was just silent, watching you. Maybe you were drunk?.
  • But then you straight up walked against the wall and banged your head into it.
  • Levi yelped and rushed over to you, “MC! Are you okay?!”.
  • He grabbed your shoulder and turned you around, checking if you hurt yourself.
  • His eyes roamed your face worriedly, but then he noticed your eyes.
  • They were closed.
  • Levi looked at you in disbelief, overwhelmed with the situation.
  • “A-are you really asleep?”, when you obviously didnt replied, he only sweated nervously “Waahh!, what should I do now?”
  • In the end, he somehow managed to bring you inside his room and laid you down into his bathtub.
  • He double checked that you were tucked inside his blanket, and then just stared at you.
  • You looked soo cute, especially your cheeks. They practically invited him to touch them.
  • Levi gulped nervously, as he streched his shaking hand out to you.
  • His hand gently landed on your face, slowly caressing it.
  • He blushed when he noticed how you were leaning into his touch, with a small smile on your face.
  • Yes, your cheeks were soft. Really soft.
  • But Leviathans main question was now, how he can explain to you why you ended up inside his room, without him sounding weird.


  • Satan was sitting in the libary, reading a book.
  • He was really amazed by the story, it might even turn into one of his favorites.
  • “Hmm”, he hummed as a sign of approval and turned to the next page.
  • He reached over to the side table and grabbed his teacup, taking a sip from it.
  • Nothing is better than a good book and the relaxing silence of a libary.
  • Suddenly, in the corner of his eyes he saw something walking up to him.
  • Satan looked up from his book and turned his head to its direction.
  • Thats when he saw you walking straight up to him with closed eyes.
  • He coudlnt help but let out a chuckle, already knowing of you sleepwalking some times.
  • “You really are drawn to me, arent you?” He smiled cheekily. “I guess you cant help it”.
  • He laid his book down, stood up and met up with your steps, embracing you inside his arms.
  • “Now what am I going to do with you?”
  • He brought you to your room and tucked you back inside your bed, bringing his book along with him.
  • Satan wont leave your side now.
  • Eventually he fell asleep in the wooden chair beside your bed, with his book in his hands.
  • He then woke up to you shaking him, telling him he will get a neck pain.
  • Thats when he joined you in bed.


  • Asmo being asmo, wasnt awake at all.
  • He insisted on his beauty sleep and wouldnt appreciate someone disturbing him.
  • Well, unless that someone is you.
  • Joke, even then he gets grumpy.
  • You better give him a good reason to wake him.
  • Actually Asmodeus didnt woke up from you entering his room. It was when you started to grab his beauty products and placed them on his bed side. Ontop of him.
  • Asmo stirred in his sleep as he felt something heavy on him.
  • Eventually he woke up.
  • “Oh my, who’s interrupting my precious beauty sleep?!”
  • He pulled his sleep mask up and looked around, clearly annoyed.
  • Then he saw you grabbibg his body lotion from his side table and bringing it to him.
  • “Uhm, MC darling, now what in the devildom are you doing?”
  • When you didnt respond he took a closer look at you. And then he realised.
  • “Are you sleepwalking, doll?”
  • Asmodeus eventually got up and brought his stuff back to its place, keeping an eye on you.
  • As you were just about to grab his foundation again, he grabbed your wrist and shook his head.
  • “Nu-uh darling, you’re going to bed now”.
  • He tucked you into his bed along with him and cuddled you.
  • When you woke up in the morning, you noticed arms wrapped around you and Asmodeus’s head laying on your stomach.


  • Beelzebub is a sleepwalker himself, so he has no struggles dealing with you.
  • It was one of those nights where he decided to claim the fridge once again, this time awake.
  • His stomach grumbled all night and he couldnt help it anymore.
  • When he arrived in the kitchen he expected to be alone.
  • But then he saw you walking around the kitchen counter, almost stumbling over your own feet.
  • “MC, what are you doing? Are you hungry as well?”
  • You didnt replied to him and proceeded to walk past him.
  • But then he noticed your closed eyes, and he was actually surprised. He didnt knew you sleepwalk as well.
  • Beel kept quiet and just followed you like a puppy.
  • Not before he grabbed a snack
  • He made sure you wont hurt yourself, since the devildom (mainly the stairs and cerberus) is dangerous.
  • He then guided you, and after some time you were back in your room.
  • As he brought you back to bed, he couldnt help but notice how pretty you are.
  • Your lips and skin looked so soft, he wanted to nibble on it. You just looked so tasty.
  • It was hard, but he restrained himself from it.
  • Beel decided to stay that night to protect you.
  • He layed beside you and kept you close to him. A warm smile playing on his lips.
  • Beel almost ate your hair in his sleep.


  • Now with Belphegor, he himself sleepwalks sometimes. (What a surprise).
  • But only when hes really tired.
  • Usually he finds a place to sleep in peace before he starts to really sleepwalk.
  • And hes already used to Beel sleepwalking at night.
  • So when he saw you, he wasnt actually surprised, just a little irritated at first.
  • It all started in the attic where he napped with you.
  • At first he was in a deep slumber
  • But then, he felt the warmness of your body disappearing beside him.
  • He stirred in his sleep and reached out for you.
  • Like a reflex, he grabbed your wrist, but kept his eyes closed.
  • “Where are you going?”
  • When you didnt replied and just kept trying to go away, tugging at his grip, he opened his eyes.
  • He was confused to say the least.
  • “Hey, why arent you answering me? Did I do something?”
  • He thought you were mad at him.
  • But when he sat up to look at you properly, he suddenly heard you snoring.
  • “What?” Belphegor chuckled, “Dont tell me..”
  • He pulled you back into the bed and looked at you.
  • When he saw you with your eyes closed, he was highly amused.
  • “Heheh, I didnt knew that”.
  • Oh, he will definetly tease you about it once you wake up.
  • But for now ,he just booped your nose with his finger and laid back down.
  • He just casually grabbed you and used you as his pillow, preventing you from any movements.
  • Belphegor would never admit it, but he finds it very adorable. But also annoying sometimes-