
mariolanzas:GIGANTS OF THE CRETACEOUS SKIESQuetzalcoatlus, Haztegopteryx, Arambourgiania You can get



Quetzalcoatlus, Haztegopteryx, Arambourgiania

You can get prints, mugs, tshirts and more of my art at RedBubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/mariolanzas

my instagram: @mariolanzarensis

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mariolanzas:LARGEST MARINE ANIMALSThere are just some of the Largest Aquatic Aquatic animals feature



There are just some of the Largest Aquatic Aquatic animals featured on my Youtube video of the subject. This art is now available atRedbubble for Prints and more.  



Youtube channel

Prints and more paleoart merch

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mariolanzas:Permian Bestiary Previosly I made a series of Bestiaries including animals of the Mesozo


Permian Bestiary 

Previosly I made a series of Bestiaries including animals of the Mesozoic, along with maps for each period in a Medieval-ish style. Here is now the Permian version. Available at Redbubble for prints and more

Youtube Channel


Prints and more

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mariolanzas:Heraldic Inostranceviaavailable for Stickers, T-shirts, Phone cases and more here_______


Heraldic Inostrancevia

available for Stickers, T-shirts, Phone cases and more here



Youtube channel

Prints and more paleoart Merch

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mariolanzas:EOTITANOSUCHUSIt might look similar to gorgonopsids, but this Synapsid was more primitiv



It might look similar to gorgonopsids, but this Synapsid was more primitive. Featured on my latest video on Synapsida along with many others.



Youtube channel

Prints and more paleoartMerch


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mariolanzas:THEROPODS OF THE JURASSIC PERIODSome of the theropods featured on my Youtube video about



Some of the theropods featured on myYoutube video about the Jurassic Period

Torvosaurus, Megalosaurus, Cryolophosarus, Guanlong, Ceratosaurus

This Illistratiojn is available at Redbubble for prints and more


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The MESOZOIC TRILOGY is complete!

You can watch this series of videos and moreat my Youtube Channel


mariolanzas:OVIRAPTOR OVER THE DECADESHow our perception of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals



How our perception of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals changed over the decades. Previously featured along many other taxa on my latest Youtube video

You can find Prints, t-shirts and more of this art at Redbubble


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Me and a friend are going to be doing some casual paleo-related presentations within the next month or so and they commissioned me to do some megalosaur pieces for theirs. 

So here’s the head of Wiehenvenator, a male Dubreuillosaurus tending to it’s nest, and a more detailed speculative megalosaur nest.

Before January of this year, the most I’d done as far as digital art was playing with photos in Adobe Fireworks 2003 in my spare time. This year was my first formal introduction to making digital art from scratch and I’ve really enjoyed it.

I’ve compiled some of my favorite/best pieces from each month here (though I cheated a little in June) just to have a quick look at how far I’ve come. I’m happy I was able to make all the art I did this year and I’m more than happy with how a lot of it turned out (thanks in no small part to some art tutorials and good advice).

I’m also very excited to see what the next year holds in store for me and what this might look like come New Year’s Eve 2019. I’ve got some ideas on what to make but more so I want to hone my skills and learn what I can really do with Photoshop. I made most of these pieces (at least the non-traditional ones) with like 6 or less default brushes so I don’t know if that makes these more or less impressive.

And thanks so much for everyone who’s liked, reblogged, commented on, and shared my stuff so far. I decided to start making/sharing art on a whim last year and I could not have wished to have gotten as much attention as I have. It’s been a real gift (pardon the awful, cheesy pun) to have made such an impact, as small as it is.

Hoping everyone had a great year and I’m sure I’ll be posting some more dinosaur schtuff soon.

I only like Prosaurolophuses. And Prosaurolophuses like me too.

Happy Holidays and whatever else to everybody! It’s been quite the year art-wise. So much made and so much artistic progress. I’ll more than likely be posting a monthly art meme before the year is over. So much stuff I’m proud to have made.

That being said, I got my first full time job recently! And as exciting as that is, it means things are going to slow down somewhat on the art front. I won’t be dead, I have far too much planned for that. But don’t expect anything too often since I won’t have much time to work on art at least until I get used to my new schedule and how to make the most of it. Not that I put out art all the time, but just figured I’d make it known. 

Hope you all enjoy and have some fun and cozy winter times.

Scelidosaurus finds a Kayentachelys hiding out in the shade. They better not get too close though. I got a feeling they’re both biters.

My 2018 Dinovember Powerball is finally over! Major props to everyone who decided to do this with me (basically @goldenchocoboand@sailorgojirarex1997 from what I can tell). Some fantastic art got made (some I never expected at least from myself given the prompts) so I’m hoping it was worth all the extra work it involved for everyone. Now I can finally relax a bit and go back to more periodic posts. Although that JP Palettes Parasaurolophus was like *that* close to being done before I decided to take this monster challenge on a whim, so that should be up soon. I hope everyone enjoyed seeing all this art and maybe I’ll do it again next year if I’m not really busy and ready to bring on such an undertaking again. Thanks!

sailorgojirarex1997: Finally, it’s done! Dinovember Day 30. The conclusion to my take on the Dinovem


Finally, it’s done! Dinovember Day 30. The conclusion to my take on the Dinovember Powerball challenge! Again, sorry that this one is late. It took a while get finished, and even longer to scan correctly.

The Clash of Kings: ATyrannosaurus rex has pull down a juvenile Alamosaurus,only to be confronted by a hungry Mosasaurus hoffmanni. The two giant predators snarl, hiss and flash their teeth at one another, trying to intimidate one another. Using its fins, the Mosasaurus attempts to clamber onto the shore in order to take the carcass. In response, the T.rex snaps its huge jaws and kicks at its opponent with its great talons. The T.rex will defend its kill fiercely, though the Mosasaurus will not give up so easily either. 

I figured I’d end this month on a high note. And since the final day of the challenge called for a dinosaur interacting with a non-dinosaur, I figured I’d cap it all off with a scene featuring my favorite dinosaur and my favorite marine reptile. Considering that there is some evidence to suggest that large mosasaurs lived near the Hell Creek formation, where T.rex roamed, it’s possible that there might have been some interaction between these two animals. They were in all likely-hood very rare, but still it may have happened. 

Love it!

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Irritator comes upon a fellow fisher in a strange, foreign age. One who is either really oblivious or very laid back.

I really wanted to incorporate a dino into a real photo for this prompt and I feel like this came out pretty well. It’s like if Roger Rabbit had a Brazilian spinosaur in it.

The photo is not mine, it’s from this website: https://www.expeditionsalaska.com/

Saltasaurus goes for a swim in the ocean. Looking for some trees to munch and some parties to crash.

A concept of some sexually dimorphic Nothronychus. Colors were based on a lot of geese, bears, and a sloth. Seemed fitting. Also a laid-back scale guy for the casual office-bound paleontology nerd to relate to.

I probably got more detailed than I should have gotten, but I do like how it looks.
