#percy and annabeth


☜︎︎︎ ☞︎︎︎

• Percy wears flannels and old converse on a daily basis.

• Percy sometimes dyes the gray streak in his hair different colours. Usually blue.

• His favourite movie is Legally Blonde and gets really offended when someone says they don’t like it.

• At Halloween he dresses up as Apollo to go trick or treating but does it badly just to piss him off.

• He takes his keepsakes from Camp Half Blood home once he is eighteen to show to his little sister when she gets older.

• When Percy brings people over to his apartment, he bakes blue cookies especially for them.

• Percy has a big basket filled with blankets sitting next to his bed because when he wakes up from nightmares about his previous quests, he gets really cold and shivery.

• One time Nico told him that the earth is 70% water so now he lies awake at night thinking about how he has the ability to control 70% of the earth.

• When he is at college in New Rome he decorates his dorm with everything he can find that isn’t related to New Rome.

• He has a blue hairbrush sitting beside his bed in case he ever needs a weapon at night.

• When new kids come to Camp Half Blood Percy gives them a tour and when they get to the lake he drenches them in water to see if they’re his siblings or not.

• Percy lies on the sofa and watches kids cartoons because he missed out on so much as a kid that he wants to recreate a better childhood as an adult.

• When he brings Annabeth on dates he wears his hair slicked back simply because she thinks it looks funny and he loves to see her laugh.

• Percy watches horror movies just to determine the accuracy of them.

• He loves to go to water parks because he can move the water around on the slides and pools and nobody knows what is going on.

• When he is out with Annabeth and it’s raining and they are alone, he makes sure to divert the water so she doesn’t get wet.

• Instead of lifting up a glass of water to drink it, he simply makes the water float up out of the glass and into his mouth. He does the same for Annabeth.

• Percy is pan af and not ashmed in the slightest.


But guys could you imagine Percy in the MCU after Thanos snap? Especially if Annabeth and his family disappeared?

I’m pretty sure by the time the avengers get their shit together and ready to face Thanos, Percy would have killed him, and planning to kill the gods afterwards for letting this happen.

All the avengers would be speechless and shocked that a 17 year old could kill Thanos, except probably Thor who’d be fangirling meeting Percy.

Or maybe he and everyone he loved got snapped and they’re all just kicking back and chilling in the soul world and percy’s drinking out of a coconut because “fuck you zeus the gods can’t get me now that I’m dead”

(Well, magnus would beg to differ but you get the point)


I feel like leo valdez’s alter ego is Tony stark

Actually now that I think about it they both have a mother that is not of american descent (if that’s the right term?) they’re both short, they got the whole abilities to create from their father, both their mother’s are dead and well they’re both depressed

I dont think I worded that perfectly but you get the point

percabeth with their smol puppy, commissioned by the sweetest @bartowskis!! ❤️

do y’all have any headcanons for percabeth pets? let me know all about it!

do they have pets? if so how many? and what are the names?

i just can’t get enough of the cuteness of this
