
15jährige Schülerin nackt unter Männern, mit Alkohol abgefüllt, steht stöhnend am Ufer. So lautete d

15jährige Schülerin nackt unter Männern, mit Alkohol abgefüllt, steht stöhnend am Ufer. So lautete der Alarm Anruf bei der Kölner Polizei.

Die Fantasie scheint mit dem Anrufer allerdings etwas durchgegangen zu sein. Es handelte sich um ganz normale Nudisten am Porzer Baggersee.

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Findet ihr, der Anrufer hat richtig reagiert, die Polizei zu alarmieren?

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Nackter Australier schuld an Massencrash Gleich vier Unfälle mit insgesamt 13 Fahrzeugen - inklusive

Nackter Australier schuld an Massencrash

Gleich vier Unfälle mit insgesamt 13 Fahrzeugen - inklusive eines Streifenwagens der Polizei - verursachte ein Nackter in Darwin / Australien weil er auf der Straße tanzte.

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Ist so ein Anblick denn wirklich so verstörend?

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“Bonne chance, inspecteur” – we’re getting closer with my man, @akeussel.

“Bonne chance, inspecteur” – we’re getting closer with my man, @akeussel.

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Quando minha esposa tirou a roupa e ele viu a pistola dela em um coldre preso à lingerie, empalidece

Quando minha esposa tirou a roupa e ele viu a pistola dela em um coldre preso à lingerie, empalideceu. “O que foi, gato? Esqueci de te contar que sou delegada?” disse ela, desatando a correia que prendia o coldre à coxa sarada. “Policiais também gostam de sexo e sabem ser safadas, sabia? Ainda mais com um marido como o meu, não é amor?” Entregou-me a arma e beijou-me antes de ir ajoelhar-se entre as pernas do rapaz nu deitado em nossa cama cujo pau enorme já voltava a enrijecer depois do susto…

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german security. 2015

german security. 2015

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Ja und baaaaaam ich lebe noch!!!!! Wer kennt mich noch? Gibt es noch die Tumblr Gruppe?

Przypał na dzielni zamknieli mi ziomka.Patrzylam w lustro spadła ostatnia kropla. Czuję,nienawiść myślą numer 997 jebac was psiarskie oddajcie eden.

February 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunit

February 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunity to wear it and have since gifted it.  Part 2 of 2 for this series.

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February 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunitFebruary 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunit

February 21, 2010. I had gotten the Polizei uniform years ago off ebay.  I never had much opportunity to wear it and have since gifted it.  Part 1 of 2 for this series.

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Femen activist in Hanover,  april 2013Photographed by rubiconews

Femen activist in Hanover,  april 2013
Photographed by rubiconews

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