#polyjuice potion

Hermione polyjuice transformation by Vladislav Pantic

Hermione polyjuice transformation by Vladislav Pantic

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part two 

Pairing: Ron x fem!reader/gryffindor!reader

Requested: Can you do something with polyjuice potion where Ron’s girlfriend doesn’t want to be with him anymore so she convinces reader to be with him for a few more days and act distant before breaking up with him instead of herself? I dont know if that makes sense but if you could write something along those lines itd be great

Warnings: none?

A/N: Okay I love Draco but I should probably give the poor boy a break so here’s someone I haven’t written for in a long time, and this is way longer than I expected it to be so oops

Summary: Lavender finally has enough of Ron and asks for your help



You were sound asleep in your dorm when Lavender had barged in. Sure it had also been her room, but her landing on your bed shook you awake. With a groan you shoved your face further into your pillow, only to have her shake you. Your relationship with Lavender was a weird one. The both of you had been friends ever since your first year, but this year put a strain on your friendship because of her relationship with Ron. She knew you liked him well before she ever showed interest in him, and when they got together you hadn’t taken it well. 

“Wake up.” Lavender demanded and you just gave her a grunt. “I’ll get the water.” She warned, making a move to get off the bed but your hand shot out to grab her. 

“I’m awake.” You grumbled and glared at her. If there was one thing you absolutely hated, it was being woken up earlier than needed. 

When you sat up you were completely floored at everything Lavender started throwing at you. With you being half awake you were only catching bits and pieces. Poly juice potion, Ron, breaking up with Ron, you breaking up with Ron… Ron?

“Slow down.” You covered her mouth with your hand. “I am not awake enough for this.” You rubbed your eyes and sighed. “You want me to pretend to be you… and then break up with your boyfriend?” You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. 

“Yes exactly! Thank you! I’ll bring you the potion when it’s finally brewed.” She explained excitedly and gave you a hug before leaving. You stared at the door dumbfounded before letting yourself fall back into your comfortable mattress with a groan. You had no idea how you were supposed to do this. 

You pushed the thought to the back of your head, hoping that by the time the potion was done she’d just do it herself. You sluggishly put your things in your bag and made your way to the Great hall. With a sleepy smile you made your way over to Ron, Hermione, and Harry before plopping down between the boys. 

“You look tired.” Harry immediately said, making you shoot him a glare.

“This one’s girlfriend woke me up too early.” You explained, pointing to Ron with your thumb. 

“Oh she’s not too bad.” Ron explained, wrapping his arm around your shoulder before pulling you closer. “You’re more than welcome to sleep on me since it’s technically my fault.” He joked making you relax into him. 

“That’s very tempting.” You mumbled before sitting back up. “But I need food.” You explained, making a grab for Ron’s plate. 

“Get your own.” Ron warned, holding your wrist in his hand. 

“You stingy little-” You grumbled while you stood up. 

“Play nice you two.” Hermione cut in making you sigh. 

“See you later Red.” You smiled and rustled Ron’s hair before walking out of the Great Hall and back to your room.

You’d completely forgotten the fact that you were hungry, crawling back into your bed before letting yourself fall asleep again. Ron never failed to amaze you. You thought about what Lavender had said for the time you’d curled into your covers. Thinking about how it would be to date Ron. You wished it would’ve been you instead of her that got to ask Ron out first. There was no way you’d ever forget the hurt you’d felt when she broke the news to you. You still occasionally questioned your friendship with her because of it. She knew how you’d felt, and still do, and she only got with him to prove a point, there had been no doubt in your mind about it. 

“Red wait up!” You called after Ron on your way to class. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder when you walked up, and before you could speak again he was rustling your hair. 

“That’s for yesterday.” He explained making you laugh. 

“Just keep walking to class you red headed twit.” You teased, elbowing his ribs. 

“I’m so hurt.” Ron mocked sadness, holding his hand over his heart. “Come on.” He said, holding the door open for you. 

The potion finished brewing faster than you expected, and it finally made you realize that Lavender had been sitting on this idea for longer than you had originally thought. You were standing behind her, watching over her shoulder while she added her hair to it before giving it a final mix. 

“And done.” Lavender smiled at you once she capped the bottle. 

“This is crazy.” You groaned while you watched her. 

“You like him, he likes you. Nothing crazy about it.” She smiled, making you scowl at her. 

“He doesn’t like me. He’s dating you.” You seethed making her sigh. 

“It’s obvious he likes you too. That’s why you need to do this.” She explained. 

“But he’s gonna think it’s you.” You explained and she rolled her eyes. 

“He’s supposed to.” Lavender patted your head. “I just can’t take it anymore. Make it gradual. You have three days worth.” She smiled and wagged the potion in front of your face. 

“Yeah yeah.” You grumbled, grabbing it from her. “Three days.” You muttered to yourself, watching the liquid slosh back and forth. 

It had been two more days before you decided to do anything. Got the courage more than decided, but you hadn’t known what to do. You figured you’d give him an awful date for the next three days, and break it off. You explained the plan to Lavender and she nodded with a smile, deciding she’d stay in your dorm to not create any confusion. You drank enough to give you a few hours and shook your shaking hands as you walked into the Great Hall, making a B line for the red head. You covered his eyes with your hands before trying to muster up the most Lavender voice you could. 

“Guess who Won won.” You cooed and almost threw up in your mouth at the nickname. 

“Lavender.” Ron smiled up at you and you had to stop yourself from flinching. 

“Come.” You stated, pulling him up from his seat to go out. “Hurry up.” You explained when he lagged behind, tugging him to move faster. You wanted nothing more than savor him holding your hand, but Lavender had made it clear that you needed to make the break up believable, and that meant everything needed to be rushed. Letting go of his hand you sat on the grass. 

“What’s all this about?” He asked, earning a shrug from you. 

“A date obviously.” You gave a half hearted smile. 

Your heart began racing when he scoot closer. You hadn’t thought this far ahead. You hadn’t even talked to Lavender about what you’d do if he wanted a kiss. Maybe you should turn away? Start the distancing already? It was too late when you felt him cup your cheek. You were breathing heavily, staring at his lips before meeting his eyes with yours once again. His nose brushed against yours and your eyes fluttered closed on instinct. His breath was fanning your face, and before his lips met yours, he kissed your nose instead before pulling away. You let out a breath and open your eyes staring up at him in shock. 

“How was your day?” He asked, making you just stare. “Well?” He asked, the smile on his face growing. 

“Good, it was good.” You nodded, biting your bottom lip while you looked at his. If you didn’t think it’d be a bad idea you would’ve thrown yourself at him and kissed him, but you knew that would only complicate the plan. “Yours?” You asked, pulling your knees to your chest resting your chin on them while you watched him. 

“All good except for Defense against the dark arts.” He shrugged, making you bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from laughing.

“Why?” You almost snorted, already knowing the answer. 

“Well Y/N… she knocked me back during class in front of everybody.” He explained timidly and you couldn’t keep it in anymore. 

You shoved your face between your legs and started shaking as your laugh consumed you. It had happened by accident and you couldn’t get his face out of your head when he’d flown across the room. You’d been practicing how to properly wave your wand for Stupefy when you’d accidentally said it under your breath and it hit Ron straight in the chest. 

“Lavender. It’s not funny.” Ron muttered and you only laughed harder. You waved your hand out to him, and gasped for breath. 

“I’m sorry. I can’t.” You wheezed, standing up and kissing the top of his head. “I’ll see you tomorrow Re-Ron.” You explained and shook your head hoping he hadn’t caught your mistake. “I love you Won won.” You smiled and waved before hurrying back to the Gryffindor common room. 

You’d stayed in the restroom for a while, not wanting to pretend to be Lavender to other people. You’d be able to do it with Ron, but you hadn’t wanted to confuse things with other people involved. 

“How’d it go?” Lavender asked when you threw yourself on her bed, finally back to looking like yourself. 

“I had to cut it short.” You laughed, looking up at her. “So I accidentally hit him with Stupefy during class and he was talking to you about it and I just couldn’t.” You explained making her shake her head. 

“Well cutting it short will make it easier for him to believe the break up.” She explained, making you nod.

“We um…” You blushed making Lavender look at you skeptically. “Well he almost kissed me.” You explained making her laugh.

“Go for it.” She shoved you with a smile. “Now go get some sleep.” She explained almost pushing you off the edge.

The following day you felt butterflies in your stomach at the thought of hanging out with Ron. You had to pretend you hadn’t just gone on a date with him, and you couldn’t help but blush every time you looked at him. A part of you wished he would have kissed you yesterday, each time you saw him you could remember just how close he had gotten to your face. You knew it was because he thought you were Lavender, but that didn’t stop you from getting giddy at the thought.

“Hey Red. Any plans for today?” You asked, doing your best to wrap your arm around his shoulder.

“I was going to ask Lavender to hang out at Hogsmeade.” He explained making you stop walking.

“I have to go.” You explained and started running back to the common room despite Ron calling after you. “Lavender!” You called out when you got in and stopped one of the first years that had been walking by. “Have you seen Lavender?” You asked, and they only shook their head. You cursed to yourself and made your way into your room.

“Why are you calling me?” Lavender asked, looking at you through the mirror while she fixed her tie.

“Ron’s going to ask you to go to Hogsmeade with him.” You explained making her eyes go wide.

“Well you have to go for me.” She insisted, making you scowl. 

“I’m not allowed to go to Hogsmeade.” You explained making her roll her eyes.

“You’d go as me. They wouldn’t know the difference.” She explained and you sighed.

“I don’t like this idea.” You muttered, grabbing the bottle before drinking some.

“I’ll stay here, pretend to be you.” She smiled and laid down on your bed. “You sleep while we’re gone right?” She joked making you glare and walk over to her so you could pull the fabric from her hair before tying it onto your own head.

“You know you could have just done all this breaking up stuff yourself.” You muttered, looking in the mirror to make sure your clothes matched Lavender’s style enough.

“Oh now where’s the fun in that?” She asked, making you sigh.

The whole time you spent at Hogsmeade your eyes were just about popping out of your head. You’d always wondered if it were as fun as everyone had explained, and it was even better than you had expected. You were almost ignoring Ron the whole time, but you didn’t mind, knowing it was only helping your plan. That had been until you’d gone into the candy shop.

“I’m getting this for Y/N since she can’t come.” Ron explained, waving your favorite candy at you. You couldn’t help the smile on your face and you hugged him.

“That’s very sweet of you.” You mumbled into his chest.

“She’s your friend too you know.” He laughed, patting your back.

“Yeah…” You trailed, looking at all the candy in the display when you pulled away. “Come on, I think we’re leaving soon.” You explained, tugging him out of the store by his upper arm.

You let Ron have his arm around you the rest of the way back, and you couldn’t help but lean further into him. You’d completely forgotten to wear warmer clothes, and you were shivering slightly. When you both parted ways in the common room he kissed your nose which left a smile on your face. With a dreamy sigh you let yourself fall onto your now empty bed since Lavender had decided to go back to hers.

“He’s amazing.” You swooned, staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t know why you’re breaking up with him.” You laughed turning your head to look at Lavender. She was smiling at you and you furrowed your brows. “What?” You asked. 

“Nothing.” She smiled and shrugged. “You only have enough left for tomorrow.” She pointed out, looking at the almost empty bottle you had on the table next to your bed.

“How should I do it?” You asked, tossing her hairpiece back to her. “I mean… what do you want me to say?” You asked, earning a shrug from her.

“Just make it convincing.” She explained and you nodded.

You stared at the ceiling later that night contemplating all the different ways you could tell Ron you were, or rather Lavender was, breaking up with him. You knew there was enough to give you a few more hours, and you couldn’t let it go to waste. You were going to make sure to at least get a proper date that would make what you would say convincing. 

“Red.” You nudged him when you walked over to him in the Great Hall. “I have to talk to you.” You explained when he turned around.

“Hey Y/N, I got something for you.” He explained, ignoring your previous statement. “I know you don’t like missing Hogsmeade weekends, so I bought you this.” He continued, pulling the candy from his robes.

“That’s very sweet of you.” You smiled sadly at his hand before taking it. He gave you a questioning look before you shook your head. “Lavender wants to have a… date with you later.” You explained looking back up at his face.

“She can’t ask me herself?” He laughed making you bite your lip and shrug.

“I guess not.” You smiled, sitting next to him quietly. 

“You alright?” Ron asked when he saw you picking at your food. “Y/N.” Ron nudged you with his shoulder making you look up at him. “I asked if you’re alright.” He explained making you smile.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” You nodded. You couldn’t really tell him you upset that you would be breaking up with him even though it wasn’t technically going to be you. How would you have even begun to explain that?

Later that night you found yourself in a worse mood than you had been that morning. Lavender helped you get dressed, and you’d stayed quiet through the whole thing. She made sure you knew the plan and you were just giving her nods. You’d never dated anyone, and you didn’t know what if felt like to be broken up with, but you knew how your friends looked when it happened to them, and you couldn’t help but feel bad for being the reason Ron was going to be feeling that way soon.

You stayed quiet through most of the date. You were too nervous to come up with actual responses to questions he’d been asking you. Letting him hold your hand was all you’d given him, and by the time you’d gotten back to the common room you’d just let it out.

“I’m breaking up with you.” You blurted out making him stop what he was doing.

“Lavender I don’t understand.” Ron shook his head, his eyebrows knitted together while he looked down at you. “These past few days have been the best, what happened? What did I do?” He asked, making your eyes widen slightly. 

The best? You’d been horrible to the poor boy the past few days. Hadn’t you? Your chest ached at the thought of Lavender treating the sweet boy in front of you anyway other than lovingly. 

“We can’t be together anymore, that’s all there is to it.” You explained, shaking your head in return. It almost broke your own heart to be doing this for Lavender and having to see for yourself how exactly Ron was going to take the news. 

“Alright.” Ron mumbled, cupping your cheek before pulling you in for a kiss. You gasped but kissed back, moving closer to him. You’d almost forgotten what you were supposed to be doing, getting lost in the kiss before you quickly pulled away, resting your forehead against his. 

“I’m so sorry for this Red.” You whispered, turning away to make your way to your room. You couldn’t stop your hand from coming up to your face, a small smile forming when you brushed your fingers against your lips and remembered how his lips felt against yours. 

“Y/N?” Ron asked, making your fingers quickly fall from your lips and your eyes go wide as you froze in your spot.


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Rules of playing Hide-and-seek in Hogwarts

by an annoyed Ravenclaw

1) Never let Hufflepuffs search, they are particularly good finders.

2) No hiding in The Room of Requirement.

3) Hiding/searching in Potions class and/or Snape’s office at your own responsibility.

4) Invisibility cloaks not allowed, Potter.

5) Being the seeker doesn’t give you the right to call other players “snitches”.

6) Cats do NOT count as Professor McGonagall.

7) Polyjuice potion is illegal.

Finding yourself in a brothel!  I had this idea a while back, probably generated on a discussion in the HarryandGinny Discord.  What if there was a wizarding brothel in London that catered to very specific tastes?  What if someone found himself there?  I don’t have this fully completed yet and it’s been a while since I worked on it, but I ran across it a little while ago and I thought I’d post what I have.  Let me know what you think!

“Right, here’s the plan,” Harry said, sketching a quick diagram of their target in glowing light with his wand.  “We’re running two teams—one for the front door and one for the back.  Ron, you’re in charge of the back door.”

Ron nodded, obviously ignoring the sniggers from the others at the mention of back door.  “I’ll take front.  Burnham, Jones, you’re with me.  Mason, Howard, you’re with Ron.”  Harry waved his wand, banishing the glowing outlines of the house.  “Richards, you’ve got the Anti-Apparation in place?”

“Yeah, boss.  Went up half an hour ago.  Nothing so far.”

“Good man.”  Harry took a deep breath and went over everything in his head, trying to not belie his nervousness at leading his first raid.  “All right.  We go in five.  Ron, wait for my signal before entering.  Break down the door if you have to.”  He looked over his team one last time.  “Remember, Stunning or disabling only.  It’s a brothel, so there are going to be, erm, vulnerable people in there, yeah?”  

Everyone shared looks and smiles that clearly indicated that they knew exactly what sort of vulnerabilities they’d be finding in the magical brothel they were about to raid for the illegal use of Polyjuice Potion.  

Harry checked his watch and blew out a breath.  “Burnham, take us out.”  The group fell in behind Andy Burnham, the only one of them not in regulation Auror blacks.  Instead, he was dressed as a well-to-do young man in smart slacks and a leather motorcycle jacket.  As they strode the pavement of the quiet neighborhood in the heart of Belgravia, the other Aurors cast Disillusionment Chams, making it look as if Burnham were strolling along by himself.  

A few moments later, Andy was at the blue-painted front door of the most notorious wizarding brothel in London.  Ron had touched Harry on the shoulder, letting him know that he was peeling his team off to the back door.  Harry tapped Andy, prompting him to bang the brass knocker in a very specific pattern.

As the last knock sounded, the door opened, a rough-looking man framed in the doorway.  Mute, he looked Andy over and grunted, stepping aside to allow him in, Harry and the others barely managing to squeeze in behind him.  “This way,” the man, obviously a guard, said, leading them down a hallway hung with paintings that were best described as “florid”.

He caught the sound of a bell ringing and they entered a sitting room where red seemed to be the predominant theme.  A smiling woman greeted them.  “Welcome to Aphrodite’s Playground,” she said, looking more like she was dressed for a corporate boardroom than a whorehouse.  “You have an appointment, Mr …?”

“Washburn,” Andy supplied.  Harry noted the guard standing at the entrance to the sitting room, hands folded casually behind his back.

“Washburn, yes.  I’m Madame Wendy.  Now, before we get started, I wanted to confirm your preference is for women, correct?”

“Erm, yeah.”  Andy nodded and Harry saw the red of a blush creeping up his neck.  Keep it together, Burnham.

“Excellent.  I think you’ll be pleased by what we have to offer,” Madame Wendy said, touching her wand to a brass button on a table next to her.  Seconds later, several women streamed into the room from two different directions, arranging themselves in seductive poses on the spindly furniture.

Harry gaped, stunned as he recognized several of the women.  Oh my God, that’s Gwenog Jones!  And is that … Angelina Jolie?  His mind raced as he spied Celestina Warbeck perched on a chair in the corner, a sultry grin on her motherly face.  That’s got to be a rather specialized taste, Harry thought distractedly as he worked to catalog the other stolen celebrity images on display.  

Madame Wendy looked at the assemblage proudly.  “You won’t find better anywhere else, I guarantee.  Our polyjuice is of the highest quality, brewed by a master using only authentic ingredients.”  She rested her hand on top of the platinum blonde hair of an ersatz Paris Hilton.  “Now, take your time, Mr Washburn.  You have plenty.  We guarantee at least four hours of … playtime.”

Right.  That’s what I needed.  Harry dispelled the Disillusionment charm, trusting Jones to follow his lead.  “Attention, this is a raid.  Nobody move,” he said, sending a brief Summons to Ron as the signal to go into the back door.

For a moment, all was still before erupting into chaos as women screamed and started fleeing.  Whirling, Harry stunned the guard, sending him toppling to the thick carpet, wand falling from his fingers.  Madame Wendy stood still, staring at Harry before spinning around, clearly trying to Disapparate.  Her wand flew into Andy’s hand as he disarmed her before wrapping her up in black ropes.

Paris Hilton was crying now, fat tears rolling down her cheeks.  “Don’t tell my mum,” she sobbed as Celestina Warbeck comforted her.

“Andy, you’re here.  Get this lot calmed down, yeah?  Jones, let’s go,” Harry said, sending his stag shooting down the hallway to Ron.  Start at the top.  Meet you halfway.  Together, he and Jones made their way through the ground floor of the brothel, opening doors and immobilizing anyone they found no matter what they were in the middle of.

Spotting Ron at the end of one hallway, Harry opened one last door and stepped in.  “Aurors,” he barked, “this is a raid and — what the fuck is this?”  There on the bed with a woman crouched between his thighs was … himself.  Vertigo swept over him as he met his own shocked green eyes and he stepped back out of the room, slamming the door shut.

“Oi, what’s that about?” Ron asked.  “Are you all right?  You look like you’ve just seen a Dementor.  That wouldn’t even been the weirdest thing I’ve seen tonight.  D’you know they have both Will andKate?”  He reached for the doorknob and Harry put a hand on his arm, stopping him.  

Unable to muster his voice, Harry just shook his head at Ron’s questioning look.  “Mate, is there someone in there?” he asked.

Miserable, Harry could only nod and stepped aside.  If someone’s got to see it, at least it’s Ron.


Hours later, Harry sat across a steel table from the young man that had been his doppelgänger.  Now, the effects of the Polyjuice worn off, he was relieved to see that they had absolutely nothing in common looks-wise.  Roman Galik turned out to be the sort that was best described as “weedy” with bulging blue eyes and a receding chin.  

“Mind if I smoke?” Roman asked, his Polish accent stronger than it had been when he’d been arrested.  

“Fine,” Harry said as Roman unwrapped a fresh pack of Dunhills.  He stuck the cigarette in his mouth, looking at him expectantly until Harry snapped his fingers, lighting it in a completely unnecessary display of wandless magic.

Harry waited as the cigarette burned down, thumbing through the slim file he’d brought into the interview room with him.  “Roman Galik.  Nineteen years old, middling student at Durmstrang.  What brings you to England, Roman?” he asked, closing the file with snap.

“Opportunity,” Roman said, blowing out a lungful of smoke.

“And was being a whore pretending to be me the opportunity you were looking for?”  Once more, the shock of seeing himself splayed out on a bed as a strange woman went down on him rolled through him and he suppressed a shudder.

Stubbing out his cigarette, Roman shrugged.  “It was what came up.”

“Indeed,” Harry said, raising an eyebrow.  

The young man crossed his arms and stared back at him.  ”I’ve studied you,“ he finally said, reaching for another cigarette.  "Read all your interviews, collected pictures.  I have a scrapbook this thick."  He held his forefinger and thumb several inches apart.  "When I got your speech pattern down, I got more popular."  He smiled.  "Word of mouth.”

Word of mouth, Harry thought, an uneasy prickling traveling down his spine.  Who else knows about this?  How many people have … slept with me?  The woman who’d been with Roman-as-Harry hadn’t been anyone he’d known and she seemed simultaneously stunned and giddy at being faced with the real Harry Potter as she was arrested for soliciting.

“Whose idea was it?  For you to play me?”

“Madame Wendy’s,” Roman said, his promptness surprising Harry.

“How long ago?”  How long have people been fucking me behind my back? 

Roman pursed his lips in thought.  “Hmm, maybe six months?  You were on the wireless a lot.  Helped me with my accent.  Did you know you sound a bit posh around the vowels?”

Thanks, Aunt Petunia.  “Mm.  Who supplies the Polyjuice?”

“Dunno.  I just do what I’m told.”  He smiled at Harry and mimed drinking from a bottle.  “It’s a bit of Drink Me and down the rabbit hole I go.”  
