
schafpudel:Listen. PF Magic’s Petz is the virtual pet game for anyone who wants a low-stress, fun, o


Listen. PF Magic’s Petz is the virtual pet game for anyone who wants a low-stress, fun, open-ended, Blorbo From Your Floor simulator.

  • Abandonware, so it’s easily found as a free download and it’s technically not even piracy!Even if it was, pirating from Ubisoft is always morally correct. Download the installers here, or a pre-installed copy of Petz 4 with a modern compatibility+quality-of-life mod here.
  • Unlike many other games (such as Animal Crossing, or browser-based pet games), your petz and the world they live in will not suffer on days you don’t open the game. Petz will only gain neglect if you refuse to play with them on a day where you have booted up the game - a “launch day.” Feel free to take a hiatus, because your petz and their little world will be right where you left them when you feel like returning to the game.
  • Also, petz don’t die. They literally ran a poll in 1997 asking players if they wanted petz to die like Tamagotchi do, and the players said no. Petz will “run away” if severely mistreated, leaving the game, but old age will not destroy your petz.
  • One of the most in-depth personality systems in any virtual pet game, with multiple factors determining a pet’s temperament, animations, likes and dislikes, and relationships. Discover your pet’s personality through gameplay, find its favorite foods, and watch it form friendships and rivalries with other pets! The petz constantly learn from new experiences, and training can reinforce far more than just tricks and good behavior.
  • A robust genetics system that allows for truly unique pets to be bred via breed trait mixing and mutations. “Selective breeds” are a common self-imposed challenge in the petz community.
  • Extremely lightweight! You can easily hold an entire petz game on a flash drive, and still have a huge amount of space left for other things. This thing was designed to run on slow, old computers…. by 1990′s standards.
  • Ease of sharing - individual petz are stored as .pet files, which were intentionally designed to be easily shared over email and website services on dial-up internet. Nowadays, you can even share them via Discord. Every .pet file contains that individual pet’s appearance, personality, and memories, and updates every time it’s played with. Sending petz on “playdates“ to other people’s games via this file-sharing has existed for a long time, and now petz players even stream these playdates on Twitch sometimes!
  • A very active modding community, with community-made tools designed to assist modders. Want a sparkledog, a dragon, or a pokemon? Modders have, and continue to, create petz like this beyond what the vanilla game offers.

Also? Petz fansites are like a glimpse into a world where social media didn’t kill the Personal Website as a concept. The sites in the neocities Petz Community Webring are just a handful of the petz sites that exist out here. Shoutout to the neocities-hosted ones - many of them are hand coded, with layouts reminiscent of the best of classic 2000′s web design, while taking advantage of modern HTML and CSS features. Even if you don’t want to play Petz, I recommend looking at petz fansites. They’re just as much art as the mods are.

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We’ve got a poll going about the theme of the next lilies volume! Come vote and tell us what you think!



 Slowly getting our color copy of Lilies v7 proofread and figuring out how distribution through Amaz Slowly getting our color copy of Lilies v7 proofread and figuring out how distribution through Amaz Slowly getting our color copy of Lilies v7 proofread and figuring out how distribution through Amaz

Slowly getting our color copy of Lilies v7 proofread and figuring out how distribution through Amazon will work! And guys, it looks AMAZING

This little preview shows off Mooskobold, Elena Girilimoni + Rebecca Long’s comics!

System of ConfusionbyElena Girilimoni

Late BloomerbyRebecca Long


While we get all this sorted out, you can support our creators and enjoy their awesome queer wlw comics by picking up our  $2-$5 PDFs for v1-8! 

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don’t let what you see other people doing on social media rush you. no one is posting their failures. no one is as perfect as they seem. take everything at your own pace

you aren’t “hard to love.” you’re hard to manipulate, which is a good thing. some people equate having easy access to you as romance because they seek out relationships for self-serving reasons. some people want a person they can trick and gaslight into settling for less so they can get what they want out of you. you dodged a bullet if they used to tell you that. keep your standards and expectations high. don’t lower them for someone who says shit like that. that’s what they want you to do

hi there! just popping in to remind you that the scenarios you keep imagining over and over because you’re worried they might happen, probably won’t. try to think of the potential positives instead of the potential scary stuff and get some sleep. you’ll be okay!

i dont know who needs to hear this, but your relationship shouldn’t drain you

sending love to those that are struggling with something they haven’t told anyone about. stay strong. keep going. it will work out. I promise

choose to surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you

someone out there feels better because you exist

you’re not a failure just because you’re not where you thought you’d be by now

your value does not decrease just because someone fails to see your worth

train your mind to think positively. positive thoughts manifest positive outcomes. if not a positive outcome, then a positive perspective. “what if I fail?” becomes “what if I succeed?” “what if this goes wrong?” becomes “what if this goes right?” “what if I mess up?” becomes “it’s okay if I do.” it will change your life.

someday when you’re at peace, you’ll be so glad you didn’t give up
