
I was inspired by and #inktober prompt, WEAK, and even though this isn’t ink I wanted to make

I was inspired by and #inktober prompt, WEAK, and even though this isn’t ink I wanted to make something. It made me think of when worrying too much becomes toxic and eats you from the inside out. Stay healthy friends.
(posted late).

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hi there! just popping in to remind you that the scenarios you keep imagining over and over because you’re worried they might happen, probably won’t. try to think of the potential positives instead of the potential scary stuff and get some sleep. you’ll be okay!


10 to Zen

  1. Let go of caring.
  2. Let go of competing.
  3. Let go of judgements.
  4. Let go of anger.
  5. Let go of regrets.
  6. Let go of worrying.
  7. Let go of blame.
  8. Let go of guilt.
  9. Let go of fear.
  10. Have a proper belly laugh at least once per day (especially if it’s about your inability to let go of any or all of the above).

How to survive in this world? | #HappyElectionDay


In a little less than 24 hours we will have a new president in the United States and all I have to say to that is: God Bless America (insert a lot of praying emojis).

This post though is not about politics or world events, its simply about you. You waking up, starting your day and following your daily schedule. You who may face some days where you simply wish you did not have to listen to the…

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*measuring up to hornet’s nest with a baseball bat*

Transgender ideology is fundamentally rooted in a hatred of both masculinity and femininity. MTF transitions are often motivated by sexual deviancy, a fetishized ideal of womanhood, and deep-rooted self-hatred, while FTM transitions are often motivated by feelings of inadequacy, a reaction to sexual trauma, and a desire to escape what is seen as the burden of being a woman. Gender dysphoria needs to be treated as a symptom of deeper problems rather than as a reason to permanently damage a person’s body simply because he or she is unhappy with it.

Transgender ideology also has strong cultish elements. The explicit embrace of a self-created identity, the physical suffering from disfiguring treatments that drive the initiate deeper into the community that nobody else understands, the fury with which people who oppose the agenda are attacked, and the rhetoric of “a dead daughter or living son” are concerning at least. The latter is especially dangerous. When people—especially vulnerable and impressionable teenagers—believe that the only two ways to escape their suffering are transition or suicide, when transition does not relieve the underlying problems causing them distress they will be driven to kill themselves. This can be seen in the alarmingly high suicide rate among people post-transition.

The reason transgender ideology continues to have power is first, the cult-like promise of a new identity that initiates you into a loving community that will grant you healing and happiness after a short period of suffering. Second, because hormone treatments and surgery are a lucrative business. As long as greedy professionals can continue to make money by selling suffering people hormones and surgery, they will continue to do so. And as long as the business remains lucrative it will continue to be pushed as an easy and permanent solution.
