


Facebook group for all witches.

#TheWitchesSafeSapce is a group for witches across the globe to unite & network. and create magick! Witches from all traditions & paths are welcome. Share information on your tradition, magick practices, or general witchcraft information and learn from others as we all grow. All are welcome All races, All sexuality all open-minded people are welcome to come and learn and share their own experience.

Witches Ball Banishing Spell


  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Glass Ornament “Traps and banished Spirit”
  • Whole Clove “Protection”
  • Glass/Mirror Shards “Attract the spirits”
  • Cinnamon “Protection”
  • Rosemary “Energize the spell”
  • Cayenne Pepper “Protection”
  • Peppermint “Banishing”
  • Sea Salt “Cleansing/Concerting”

    -Step 1 Light your white candle And say.

“By this candle
I draw My power Here.”

-Step 2 Put all ingredients into the Ornament.

-Step 3 Place the ornament in front of you and put your hands around it and then say the following below…

“Evil spirit standing tall
It’s time you made your
Greatest fall,

I banish you with
My holy Light,

Away you go
Out of my Sight,

Take with you
This endless night ,

This is my will
So mote it be.”

Self-love spell


  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 3 Teaspoons Pink Himalayan Salt.
  • 12 to 15 Rose Petals
  • 3 Pinches Rosemary
  • Your Hair/nails
  • Oil to feel the jar. grapeseed, jojoba, and olive oil

Step one, Put all the Dry ingredients into the jar then the oil.
Step two, Put the lid on the jar “make sure to secure the candle to the lid of the jar with a few Drips of the wax from your candle, while the candle is lit say the following below.

“Self Love isn’t selfish
It’s a journey that I start
Here and now,
I promise myself,
To fall back in love with
My flawed skin,
My flawed words,
My flawed heart.
This is my time to be
Reborn from the ashes my of pain,
Sorrow, and my Grief,
Like a Phoenix
I will Rise
More Beautiful,
More Confident,
More Happy,
And best of it all
More ME!
This is my will
So Mote it be”

Step Three set it up on a shelf or bury it in a backyard, you can also add rose quarts to this if you would like to, and please feel free to alter this to your own liking.

Facebook group for all witches.

#TheWitchesSafeSapce is a group for witches across the globe to unite & network. and create magick! Witches from all traditions & paths are welcome. Share information on your tradition, magick practices, or general witchcraft information and learn from others as we all grow. All are welcome All races, All sexuality all open-minded people are welcome to come and learn and share their own experience.

Binding spell

-Items need-

  • Photo of person
  • Black twine or tape
  • Jar of graveyard dirt (from the entrance gate)

Step 1, On the back of the photo write what your binding them to or from for example “I bind you from doing harm to me and my family”

Step 2, Roll the photo inward then start to wrap the photo in the tape or twine as you do this Say the following.

“By earth an Air I bind you,
By Fire and water I bind you,

By spirit you are already bound
As I desire,

By three and nine
Your power I bind,

By the moon and the sun
My will soon to be done,

By sky and sea
Keep harm away from me,

Cord goes around your power is bound,
My sight is revealed”

Step 3, Take the photo that’s been wrapped and stick it into the Jar of graveyard dirt. And once the jar is closed and tightened say the following

Sealed in earth you are
Unleashed when I say,
In the ground you shall stay.

Side Notes: When you are ready to let this person go, Take them out of the jar and burn the tied up photo. Feel free to join my Facebook Group- Link below https://www.facebook.com/groups/thewitchessafespace
By SilverStag

13 Clove Healing Talisman

Items needed

  • 13 whole Clove (Take off the Heads)
  • Sewing needle
  • 12 to 15 Inches Red thread
  • 1 white candle
  • Witches Holy water (how to make it will be listed below)
  • Photo/statue of Archangel Raphael (one that resonates with you)
  1. Light the white candle in front of the photo/statue
  2. String the clove heads onto the red string
  3. now dip the string with the clove heads into the Witches holy water
  4. put the string into the Candle While saying the following

Healing thoughts sent in flight on the wings of Archangel Raphael

Bring the brightest of blessings this night

Send the healing white light from above

Surround (person using the talisman) in swirling bright light of love

So mote it be

Witches Holy Water (Boil and let cool)


Sea salt


this talisman can be used as a necklace or a bracelet.

this is not a replacement for Doctors please see your doctors as normal and use this as a secondary help source as all sources of witchcraft should be.

Please Feel free to join my Group on Facebook its Privet so if your not out the broom closet your safe.

Updated Whole House Cleansing and Bubble Ward

So this is something I did to test my first homemade wand and I based it off that fun thing you can do with a rainbow parachute! It’s a circular cloth that kids all hold the edges of, and they lift it up to catch the air and bring it down to create a large, colorful bubble. This spell is kinda big, so make sure you have at least an hour or more to do it, and that no one will bother you during casting.
I recommend using this spell if there’s lots of nasty energy stuck in places that are hard to get rid of, or if something majorly bad happened in or near the home recently.

Things you’ll need:
1. Your best cleansing tools. This could be a sage stick, rosemary bundle, cleansing spray, or whatever you use to cleanse with. But your best one!
2. Your best protection wand. If you don’t have one specific for that purpose, any wand will do. You can also use your finger, or your whole body!
3. Vervain and salt.
4. At least 1 hour or more; you may need more or less time to perform this depending on the size of your home.

(Make sure you cleanse yourself before you start, and before you re-enter your house.)

1. Start inside the house, and cleanse from the back door to the front door. Making sure the front door is last, cleanse every nook and cranny, and each possible entry way. This means windows, garage doors, and fireplaces too. Open drawers, closets, anywhere you suspect negativity to be hiding. You may pray or chant cleaning/banishing spells while doing so. Don’t forget attics and basements too!
2. After cleansing each doorway, window and fire place lay down a line of salt to protect and keep out unwanted negative energies and entities. If you have little helpers created/set up already, make sure to include them in your spells/prayers to let them pass through. Otherwise you’ll be keeping out your own magical buddies! D: (If you don’t want the salt to be noticeable, you can use salt water instead, but beware that it could peel paints or furnishing if you’re not careful.)
3. Time to go outside! When you finished cleansing indoors and reached the front door, take note of the corner of your place that’s outside to the right. That’s where you start. First make sure you cleanse the front entry way.
4. Take your vervain (a finger-fold is enough) and bury it in the ground, at that corner of the house. You can recite your protective spells or prayers if you wish. Ask the vervain to keep your house safe, and keep out all unwanted things or people. Continue this at each corner going clockwise.
5. Once you’ve finished, go back inside and sit in the center of the house. Have your wand ready. If you’re using your finger or your whole body, stand instead.
6. Close your eyes and visualize a physical manifestation of your work. Imagine all the cleansing and warding has left little ribbons floating skyward, up past the roof of your house. See ribbons coming up from all salted entry ways, from each corner of vervain.
7. Once you’ve got a solid visual, take your want and point it at the ceiling. Extend your wand with your energy right through the ceiling, just like all the ribbons. Move your wand clockwise in circles, imaging catching all those ribbons and winding it around your house.
8. Once you’ve wrapped your house with energy ribbons, bring your wand and ribbons wrapped around it straight down to the floor. Tie it off in the earth below.
9. As you do so, visualize the air catching those ribbons and poofing the energy of your ward up, much like the air would poof up a parachute when you pull the edges down to the ground.
*This is the bubble part of the ward. It is not necessary for the spell to work, however I find it can help contain and protect even the air above your house if you do right.

Your house should be sufficiently cleansed and protected from pretty much anything now. But you can always beef it up or tone it down by using a different herbs instead of vervain. I just like it because it’s pretty strong.

Note: For those living in flats/apartments, instead of burying the vervain outside, you can hang up/place little sachets of the herb in each corner of your home. Sprinkling salt in each corner would work as well, but not as strongly.

Disclaimer: Please do not use salt OUTSIDE as this could get into the soil and prevent any plant growth. I also recommend using anything but White Sage as it may not be actually endangered at this time, but it is being extremely overused.
