



I’ve covered warding recently in my protection post. But here I will go into more detail on what warding is, the most popular ways to ward and how to create them as well as when to know when a ward is no longer useful or has been broken. I will also go into baneful warding and what it is.

What is warding?

  • Warding is a form of defensive magick which acts as your first line of defense against negativity. Be this baneful magick from another practitioner or negative entities and general negative energy. There are multiple ways to ward with each practitioner warding differently to the other. Wards come in all shapes and forms, and there is no limit as to how much warding you should do, you protect yourself as you see fit.

What is baneful warding?

  • Baneful warding is a form of warding in which the negative that hits a ward gets sent back to its source. Baneful warding is seen as a more “advanced” form of magick, however not too advanced for a novice to do with the appropriate amount of research. Baneful warding can come in the same forms as normal warding would.

Warding jars

  • Perhaps one of the most common wardings on this post, warding jats usually contain ingredients charged with the intention of warding. These ingredients usually range from herbs to bodily fluids such as saliva or blood. These jars are either buried on the practitioners property, left above entryway, left on an altar, or are carried with the practitioner when they want protection on the go.
  • A warding jar might contain: ashes of a warding sigil, bodily fluids, herbs and plants, crystals, bones, warding or protection oils, spices, metals, glass shards etc. These jars are then sealed with black or white wax (or are sealed in any other way, with glue, tape or simply just with intention).
  • When a warding jar is broken, you might find the contents of the jar to become moldy, the jar shatters, the seal might break or the contents of the jar to go off, you also might feel that the jar no longer has its power. When this happens, if the jar is intact, break the seal and empty the contents into the bin/trash or return them back to the earth. You can then cleanse the jar with your preferred method of cleansing and reuse the jar for another ward or spell.

Talismans and symbols

  • Talismans are objects which are charged with the intention fo protection or warding. A well known example would be the Nazar, known to ward off the evil eye.
  • Symbols are used to represent something or represent an intention example would be the pentacle/pentagram, a well known protection symbol. Another example could by the Eye of Horus, a symbol used by the Ancient Egyptians for protection, health and restoration.
  • You can create your own talismans and symbols to aid in warding. These might be used to ward against a specific thing, or can be used as a general ward to all negativity.
  • A talisman or symbol might break or feel like they’re no longer useful once theyve done thier job. If this time comes, you can simply dispose of the old one and create a new one.


  • Sigils are created and can be programmed with any purpose necessary. May this be warding ot cursing, they can be used for almost any working.
  • Sigils can be burnt to activate them, with the ashes being used in spells to add extra power. Sigils can be put up around your house or around your room for warding. These sigils can look like anything, simply draw them with the intention of warding.


  • Crystals can be placed above entryways or in windows to act as a ward. Crystals can also be added to spells to give a desired effect or worn as jewellery to act as warding or protection on the go.
  • Some examples are: black obsidian, black tourmaline, clear quartz, amethyst, hematite.
  • When a crystal ward has been broken, the crystal might shatter, or go missing. Or you may feel the crystals energy feels different than usual. With crystals you cam simply cleanse and recharge the crystals to be used again!


  • Warding spells can be as simple as a dressed candle, or can be a complex ritual. Warding spells differ from practitioner to practitioner. Similar to warding jars, these spells might include the use of herbs, bodily fluids, crystals, plants etc. The methods of creating a warding spell vary, as there is no one way to create one.
  • When a ward breaks down, you might feel the ward break, or if it does what is intended, you might feel something bounce off the ward. Depending on the negativity sent your way, the ways in which you might feel a warding spell break down vary, this could range from feeling sluggish or nauseous to downright feeling psychic attack. (Whenever this happens, please consult a doctor, mundane before magical. What you may feel is a magical occurrence could be explained by illness, so please consult a doctor of you feel this way constantly)

Warding is a great form of protection which is used very often in a persons practice. While not all practitioners use warding, this is just to inform you of the ways you can ward to keep yourself safe in your practice!

What is Warding? 

Warding is considered an energetic field one creates through ritual and other means to protect themselves, their home, and their scared places. Warding is used to keep out negative and malicious intents or things specific to your intentions. 

Do I have to learn how to Ward as a baby or intermediate practitioner? 

You don’t have to learn anything you don’t want to. However, warding is a major staple of protection work. Learning how to protect yourself magically, I believe, is one of the first things someone should learn. I say this because you don’t know who might be unhappy with you and try to throw a curse your way or what malicious spirit might attach to you. Your wards will act as your first defense, as a wall between you whatever negative energy is trying to come to you. 

Do I have to Ward everything I own? 

No. Generally, one ward over your home can protect most within it and protect from things try to come in. However, warding is something that should be kept up with and maintained often. Energy dissipates and those who do not practice energy work often, might struggle with the long term up keep. 

Okay, I’m convinced I need Wards. What now? 

You start by grounding yourself and your magic. You always want to ground yourself before doing any kind of spell work. Next, you want to cleanse your space, self, or object that you want to protect. You don’t want to trap negative energy or anything you don’t want inside the wards. The next step is to figure out a method that works the best for you. Over time, I’ve taken bits and pieces from different methods and that is what has worked the best for me. This may not be the case for everyone so, please experiment and figure out what works the best for you. 

The method I first started with was Incense Warding. With this, however, I created a sigil that was specific to me and my cause for warding. I drew this sigil by doors, windows, and the main corners of my home to create a ward that would match the shape of my house. I put emphasis on there I needed the wards to be the strongest.  If you cannot use incense, you can use water and essential oils to spray VS walk the smoke around. 

Now, for a small object you’ll want to spray or hold over the smoke of the incense. Reach out and feel the object and try to connect with it. You’ll want to begin to imagine a field of energy incasing the object snugly, protectively. You’ll want to put your energy and intent to protect from XYZ into the ward. Be as specific as you can be - warding from negativity may not necessarily ward you from danger or from mischief. Repeat until you feel your message has gotten through the ward is staying put. 

The method for something larger stays about the same but you walk around and spray or walk the smoke around multiple parts. If you’re warding your home or something large, be sure to ward not only a wall barrier but create a floor and ceiling for it. Completely incase the object. 

Don’t be afraid to do layers! Layers are good and will provide more of a defense.

Does it matter what direction I go in when I Ward? 

Yes. As a preference, I start North, but no matter where you start you want to make sure you move around clock-wise; to the right. By doing this you’re essentially promoting progression and creating things. By going counter clock-wise, you are doing the opposite - destruction and reserval. 

Do I have to ward to keep everything  out?

No. You can ward out whatever you want. You can be as specific as you need or want to be.

What incense, herbs, or essential oils can I use? 

You want to use things that protective properties such as…

Bay leaves
Black Pepper
Mustard Seed
Black Salt (non-ingestible)

Do my Wards last forever? 

Unfourtently, no they do not. Energy dissipates over time and your wards will begin to grow weak before completely going away. However, if someone or something in particular is trying to bring down your wards, this will also weaken them and cause your wards to fade. 

How do I keep my Wards from fading?

Keep an eye on them and do routine maintenance on them. 

All in all, wards are a practitioner’s best friend, next to cleansing and grounding of course. It’s one of the fundamentals everyone starting out should learn to some capacity. There are billions of ways to ward, you just have to begin experimenting with what works best for you! Not everybody’s practice will be the same; as it shouldn’t be. If anyone has any questions about warding or more, please send me an ask

Good vibes to all!


Simple Wards Away From Home

In a purse, bag, or backpack:

  • In eighth grade, I met a girl who took covered and sewed a bag of salt into the bottom of her purse. I thought that was so clever. It never caused a mess either!
  • Keep salt packets in your bag; it’s discrete and easy to carry.
  • Sachets full of lavender, rosemary, or any other herb you use for protection and cleansing. You can make them for aromatherapy reasons, anyway, so it shouldn’t raise suspicion. I make cloth sachets to fill with lavender and rice most of the time. I dab other essential oils onto them if I feel I need a kick.
  • Draw a sigil for protection on the bottom or side(s) of your bag and charge before using.
  • Take a very small figurine (perhaps one of those green army guys, a polly pocket, a dragon eraser, etc.) and enchant it to hold protection energy, particular defensive protection. If you make thought form spirits, you can use the figure as a spirit vessel.
  • Keep a sphere of dried grass, nettles, weeds, and twigs inside a tiny ranch dressing container or something similar. Compost/break it apart once a week to neutralize energies caught within it, and replenish when done.
  • Keep two paperclips together in the shape of an “X”. This is a small shield charm that you can enchant however you’d like.

In a wallet:

  • A photo of yourself wearing a mask or cosplay outfit to trick malevolent spirits and psychic energies from anyone looking to curse you.
  • A coin, which you probably already have! As a circle, something that shines, and the fact that it bears a figure of authority or protection, I find coins to hold a ton of protection properties. Make sure to cleanse it first!
  • A laminated or otherwise life proof sigil. It can slip right down into a pocket, just like a card!

In (and on) your shoes:

  • If you wear gel inserts, you can place pretty much anything thin and light in your shoes. Coins, herbs, pieces of paper, etc! Just test them out before leaving. Make sure you won’t fall and the shoes are still comfortable!
  • Sigils can be charged as you walk; draw them on your shoes in a like colour or use something such as water so it will fade and become unnoticeable fairly quickly.
  • You can replace laces with ones you find to correspond more with protection. You can also use knot magic each day you wear them.

On your keychain:

  • You can create wards that can be carried on key rings. String dolls immediately come to mind, but you can make it out of whatever you have. Simply enchant it and you’re golden.
  • I know many pop culture/fandom inspired witches use symbols from their favourite shows, books, etc.. Use the protection emblems and symbols from these fandoms to discretely add a ward to your keychain. You might have some already. Enchant as you wish.

On your body:

  • Create a bracelet using knot magic, patterns with a meaning to you, or with morse code in seedbeads.
  • Draw a sigil on the underside of your watch, or take the functioning pieces out, place a thin slip of paper with your sigil behind it, and replace everything. I know this doesn’t work all the time, but it’s worth a shot. You can also open the back and draw on the metal plate that keeps it all together.
  • You can enchant any piece of jewelry you like, but my personal favourites are bold rings and necklaces that open and close, such as lockets and diffusers.
  • I use lavender essential oil as a perfume; it acts as a ritual in and of itself. If you want to do the same with perfumes that make you feel strong, I highly recommend it!


Home Warding

I recently moved into a new flat, so now seems a good time to share my personal methods of warding!✨

DISCLAIMER - warding is a deeply personal thing - although these are my preferred methods there is no single ‘right’ way to ward - do whatever works best for you!✨


Always a good idea, particularly if you’re moving into rented or shared accommodation. Normally I would have used incense smoke but as I didn’t have any to hand I did an energy cleanse.

✨The First Layer✨

My first layer of warding is an energy ward designed to Shield My Space From Unwelcome Eyes - to create this I gathered my energy and focused it on constructing a barrier (I visualise it as solid white glow) which follows the contours of my room.

✨Side note - when creating your wards, don’t forget to cover all bases - you don’t want to put all your energy into a ward that leaves gaps such as corners or the floor and ceiling ✨

✨The Second Layer✨

My second layer of warding is another, more powerful energy ward, constructed the same way but imbued with much more energy (PLEASE be very careful not to exhaust yourself) designed to Rebound Physical or Emotional Pain Aimed At Me Onto Those Who Would Cause It - this is a slightly more offensive ward and should deter malicious entities by reflecting their negative intentions back into themselves.

✨The Third Layer✨

Instead of creating a third energy ward, I reinforce my protection using a protective ‘potion’ (the ingredients can be found below) with which I annointed the doors and windows, added a range of specific sigils for protection to various spots and sprayed the perimeter.

I may add further layers of energy warding in the future but I find it best not to expend too much strength in any single session.

✨Home Protection Water✨

  • Rose Water
  • Witch hazel
  • Cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Rosemary
  • Dill


This is all based on my research, path, opinion & experiences!
I really was holding out on doing this post because it’s such a big, important topic to cover and I really don’t want to mess it up or get anything wrong. This post needs to be done though, people have asked if I have such a post and an anon suggested it. So finally, here it is. 
What Is Warding?
Warding is a type of magick, it is the act of creating an energetic barrier around you, your home, an object, ect. They can be temporary or permanent, although typically they are cast with the long term in mind. They can banish or turn away whatever you choose. Warding is an excellent skill to have because it can keep you, and even others safe and with practice you can do it anytime with just about whatever you have on hand. 

When Should I Ward?
Whenever you want an energetic barrier around you, most people consistently ward their home, themselves or their place of practice. Some people even ward their space every time they prepare for a spell. It should be done consistently in any area you want protected, but exactly where and how often is entirely up to the practitioner. 

What Should I Do Before?
Cleanse, a ward is a barrier of energy and in the same way that it keeps things out it also keeps things in. You don’t want to trap anything inside of it. Cleanse yourself before you ward yourself. Cleanse your space before you ward your space! 

Tips Before You Ward-

Keep the phrasing in mind! You don’t want to keep anything out that you want in, or let something in that you want out. If you’re chanting or using sigils ect keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out both in your methods and in your mind.

Covering everything
Make sure to cover everything, a ward is useless if there’s a weakness in it or if the ceiling & floor aren’t probably covered. Be super thorough! 

Layering Your Wards
One small little wimpy barrier? Ha, the spirits say as they scramble into your home to wreak havoc! You need to layer your wards, don’t just use one method one time, there’s no such thing as too much warding. 

What Are Some Ways That I Can Ward?
Now we’ll get right down to the methods you can use to ward yourself and your space! Remember that warding is important and needs to be effective, don’t try anything that you don’t have experience with for warding. At first, focus on the stuff you know. If you like sigils, use sigils at first and slowly work your way into using other more complex methods or methods that solely rely on your abilities.

Circle Casting
You cast a circle by summoning the four elements to protect & energize what is in the circle. 
-Here’s my post about circles & how to cast them 

Come up with a protective chant you can use to ward your space. This chant could be someone else’s or your own as long as you feel it’s effective. Speak it aloud and visualize a layer of energy protecting your space. 

Burn a protective incense in the space you’d like to ward and visualize a barrier protecting your space.

Draw out the line of your ward with your athame, visualize the wall appearing, covering everything with a thick layer of energy. 

Spray a mix of blessed/magickal waters and or herbs with protective properties in the space you want to ward. 

Create a sigil using your favorite method with the intent to “ward” or “protect/protection.” Then charge and activate it as a layer of protection!
Here’s my post on sigils if you’re interested in that:
-Sigil Post

Jar Spells
You could mix up a jar spell for warding, set it in your house and forget it as a layer of warding. 
-My protective jar spell post

Anoint the doorways of your space, you could also anoint the ceiling, floor, walls, corners, honestly go for it. 

Sprinkle salt all around the edge of your home or space. Make sure to sprinkle salt on the INSIDE of your harm as salt can harm plants & wildlife if used outside. If you’d like to make a barrier on the outside of your home, you can use dried & crushed eggshells in place of salt. - Post on how to make eggshell powder here - 

Hag stones
Hag stones are stones with holes in them that have been corroded into the stone because of rushing water. It is believed rushing water is protective & cleansing so if you wear a stone that sat in it long enough to have parts corroded away, that the stone will maintain and keep those properties with it. It’s a great way to personally ward yourself, and an excuse to go out in nature. 

They look like this! 


Energy Manipulation
If you’ve got a knack for manipulating energy, you can create a barrier through work and visualization that surrounds yourself or your space. This isn’t recommended for beginners though!

-Horse Warding CharmBy@anothersusurrus
- House Warding Spritz Mixture By @seleneblackwell

Both of these are great if you’re looking for specific spells, types of magick, correspondences, sigils, ect!
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 1By@auricwitch
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 2By@auricwitch

Personal Wards
Also remember not just to ward your space but yourself, if you layer your home with wards, what happens when you leave? Exactly. Keep yourself safe too! Circle casting & hag stones are great methods I mentioned above that are good for personal warding. 

Can I Ward Specific Things And Not Others?

Absolutely! I mentioned this in the phrasing section of this post, keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out when you’re warding. I like words like “negative” or “harmful” or “with ill intent” because they don’t necessarily keep out the Fae or positive/neutral spirits but it does keep out anything that wants to harm you in general. Just think about it ahead of time, find wording or a phrase you like and keep that in mind as you ward. 

What If I Live With People?

If you’re out of the broom closet, explain to your family/roommates what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and make sure they’re cool with it and are aware of what’s going on. If you’re not out of the broom closet, you may have to resort to only warding yourself/your room, & that’s okay! 

I hope this helps someone or teaches them something new!
Have a lovely day


This is all based on my research, path, opinion & experiences!
I really was holding out on doing this post because it’s such a big, important topic to cover and I really don’t want to mess it up or get anything wrong. This post needs to be done though, people have asked if I have such a post and an anon suggested it. So finally, here it is. 
What Is Warding?
Warding is a type of magick, it is the act of creating an energetic barrier around you, your home, an object, ect. They can be temporary or permanent, although typically they are cast with the long term in mind. They can banish or turn away whatever you choose. Warding is an excellent skill to have because it can keep you, and even others safe and with practice you can do it anytime with just about whatever you have on hand. 

When Should I Ward?
Whenever you want an energetic barrier around you, most people consistently ward their home, themselves or their place of practice. Some people even ward their space every time they prepare for a spell. It should be done consistently in any area you want protected, but exactly where and how often is entirely up to the practitioner. 

What Should I Do Before?
Cleanse, a ward is a barrier of energy and in the same way that it keeps things out it also keeps things in. You don’t want to trap anything inside of it. Cleanse yourself before you ward yourself. Cleanse your space before you ward your space! 

Tips Before You Ward-

Keep the phrasing in mind! You don’t want to keep anything out that you want in, or let something in that you want out. If you’re chanting or using sigils ect keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out both in your methods and in your mind.

Covering everything
Make sure to cover everything, a ward is useless if there’s a weakness in it or if the ceiling & floor aren’t probably covered. Be super thorough! 

Layering Your Wards
One small little wimpy barrier? Ha, the spirits say as they scramble into your home to wreak havoc! You need to layer your wards, don’t just use one method one time, there’s no such thing as too much warding. 

What Are Some Ways That I Can Ward?
Now we’ll get right down to the methods you can use to ward yourself and your space! Remember that warding is important and needs to be effective, don’t try anything that you don’t have experience with for warding. At first, focus on the stuff you know. If you like sigils, use sigils at first and slowly work your way into using other more complex methods or methods that solely rely on your abilities.

Circle Casting
You cast a circle by summoning the four elements to protect & energize what is in the circle. 
-Here’s my post about circles & how to cast them 

Come up with a protective chant you can use to ward your space. This chant could be someone else’s or your own as long as you feel it’s effective. Speak it aloud and visualize a layer of energy protecting your space. 

Burn a protective incense in the space you’d like to ward and visualize a barrier protecting your space.

Draw out the line of your ward with your athame, visualize the wall appearing, covering everything with a thick layer of energy. 

Spray a mix of blessed/magickal waters and or herbs with protective properties in the space you want to ward. 

Create a sigil using your favorite method with the intent to “ward” or “protect/protection.” Then charge and activate it as a layer of protection!
Here’s my post on sigils if you’re interested in that:
-Sigil Post

Jar Spells
You could mix up a jar spell for warding, set it in your house and forget it as a layer of warding. 
-My protective jar spell post

Anoint the doorways of your space, you could also anoint the ceiling, floor, walls, corners, honestly go for it. 

Sprinkle salt all around the edge of your home or space. Make sure to sprinkle salt on the INSIDE of your harm as salt can harm plants & wildlife if used outside. If you’d like to make a barrier on the outside of your home, you can use dried & crushed eggshells in place of salt. - Post on how to make eggshell powder here - 

Hag stones
Hag stones are stones with holes in them that have been corroded into the stone because of rushing water. It is believed rushing water is protective & cleansing so if you wear a stone that sat in it long enough to have parts corroded away, that the stone will maintain and keep those properties with it. It’s a great way to personally ward yourself, and an excuse to go out in nature. 

They look like this! 


Energy Manipulation
If you’ve got a knack for manipulating energy, you can create a barrier through work and visualization that surrounds yourself or your space. This isn’t recommended for beginners though!

-Horse Warding CharmBy@anothersusurrus
- House Warding Spritz Mixture By @seleneblackwell

Both of these are great if you’re looking for specific spells, types of magick, correspondences, sigils, ect!
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 1By@auricwitch
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 2By@auricwitch

Personal Wards
Also remember not just to ward your space but yourself, if you layer your home with wards, what happens when you leave? Exactly. Keep yourself safe too! Circle casting & hag stones are great methods I mentioned above that are good for personal warding. 

Can I Ward Specific Things And Not Others?

Absolutely! I mentioned this in the phrasing section of this post, keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out when you’re warding. I like words like “negative” or “harmful” or “with ill intent” because they don’t necessarily keep out the Fae or positive/neutral spirits but it does keep out anything that wants to harm you in general. Just think about it ahead of time, find wording or a phrase you like and keep that in mind as you ward. 

What If I Live With People?

If you’re out of the broom closet, explain to your family/roommates what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and make sure they’re cool with it and are aware of what’s going on. If you’re not out of the broom closet, you may have to resort to only warding yourself/your room, & that’s okay! 

I hope this helps someone or teaches them something new!
Have a lovely day


Please visit my shop: Bells, Shells, and Spells for handmade wands, jewelry, accessories, and more!

They say the best offence is a good defense.

Creating a set of effective personal shields is possibly one of the most important things a witch can do – but don’t just settle for a simple bubble or mirror shield! These are easily broken with enough force, and if that’s your only line of defense, you’re in trouble!

The most effective way to protect oneself is to have an array of layers to one’s wards – each with a different purpose. The ones I will be covering are listed below, in the order of outermost to innermost:

  • Cloaking shield – Made of a bubble of water, it reflects and refracts light, keeping me from detection.
  • Clam shell shield – Barrier against harmful forces
  • Decoy clam shells – I created several identical clam shells within the cloaking shield to distract from the main shield
  • Warning (“stop poking around, or you’ll get hurt”)
  • Pearl shield – Barrier against harmful forces
  • Epidermis of Jellyfish – Thin layer of fleshy material to keep the inner shields separated and to help with noise reduction of Siren’s Song
  • Mesoglea of Jellyfish – Thick, goopy, gelatinous layer. Sticky, hard to get through, slows intruder down, acts as noise dampener for Siren’s Song (Lined with Gastrodermis to keep the mesoglea where it belongs)
  • Siren’s Song – Charged with actual singing. Linked to a queen conch. Conch acts as a storage facility for the energy used to charge all the shields. Siren’s Song draws the intruder further in and traps them, draining them and sending their energy to the conch. Linked by blood to me and also linked to a small conch pendant. The pendant acts as a conduit for directing the energy to myself. 

I’ve assembled the shields in a few different segments, as the outer oceanic layer took much more energy than I anticipated. I tested the segments in phases, as they were assembled. Phase 2 was during my recharge at the ocean. I required a significant amount of energy for building the siren’s song spell layer, and reinforced the ocean layer during this time.

“Siren’s Song” by Sara Singer or “Siren” by Red Delicious are both great tunes to sing for this shield’s charge up. Imagine a harmful entity breaching the walls, breaking past the barriers that were set up, then hearing your soothing voice singing. It becomes enthralled and wants to come closer, drawn in further. Finally making it to the center of the chamber, the conch shell sits on a dais, emanating the haunting song you’re singing. The entity picks the shell up, lovingly, and is sucked inside. The shell drops back to the dais, and the entity is trapped.

“Seven Seas there were once, and the eighth was born.” ~Khnum

Ward Testing

Phase 1:

Ocean, decoys, shell, warning, and pearl.

Testers: Unutha, Eilena, and Khnum

Khnum was first. Khnum astral projected into the wards and gave this as a result:

“They look good, the liquidity makes it difficult to get a grasp on them to see if there’s a way of getting through, and they’re kind of scary in a suck-away-at-you way once you touch them. The complication of the parts in them make it hard to see you clearly, too. It’s really weird, like a river rolled into a ball.”

I didn’t sense Khnum any time he projected to me. He’s got a very subtle energy signature.

Eilena went next, shooting me with an energy blast.

She followed the energy to the destination. The blast didn’t penetrate the shell. She described the ocean layer as being thick, and giving a sense of drowning.

Eilena came to me as a vision of a storm over the ocean.

Unutha was last, in this set. He tried to probe the wards with a weapon, and poke holes. He hit a decoy.

“Okay so I felt like I was in the water of an aquarium, I pushed through and hit what i thought was you, smashed through you and got to this darker section like the deep ocean and then tried to push through a black orb/egg. To be fair I was improvising with what I had.”

I asked if he hit any warnings, and he said an octopus grabbed him, but he slashed at it with the same thing he was using to stab my wards.

Unutha felt like a cool breeze on my face.

Khnum went again after this, wanting to try an ice attack with gypsum.

He wanted to try to freeze a section. He got a piece about the size of his palm and then it receded back. He saw things moving around, but nothing noticed him.

I felt something akin to being annoyed by a bug but unable to kill it.

I liked to use Khnum as a method to describe the ocean shield layer.

Phase 2:

How does being at the ocean affect the shields?

Testers: Khnum was the only one available to test this round. I had him test twice.

When I went to the beach, I absorbed the energy pretty quickly. As a sea witch, the ocean recharges me. By the end of the beach trip, I had absorbed so much energy that I was filled with a sense of love and belonging, and my entire body was vibrating.

First test was being within a mile from the ocean but not actually on the beach. Khnum’s description is as follows:

“More. The bubble sort of exploded. You’re a tiny space inside a really thick sphere.”

Second test was being at the actual beach, in the water:

“That’s odd. It’s thickened again and this time you’re not in the center. There’s one huge sphere of water and one inner sphere, which you’re in, but the inner sphere is near the bottom of the bigger one which is almost entirely above ground. There’s a big empty space above you and I saw things swimming in it that reminded me a little of sea turtles.

I think you’ve gone and created a spell ecosystem out of this. xD ”

Phase 3:

Jellyfish layers, and siren’s song.

Testers: Khnum, Eilena, Kiley, and Jelly

Khnum was apprehensive, but went in.

“Apprehensive but comfortable! Here goes nothing.

Hmph. Whirlpool trap?

I got into the pearl and then started spinning around and couldn’t get out again.

It was pretty scary. xD I’m neither claustrophobic nor thassalophobic, but the combination of the two was new and unnerving. It was definitely a good deterrent from getting to you, so I have no doubt it’ll work on spirits!”

Once he was trapped, I blew on the shell and released him. I asked if he was able to see a way out. He said no, but after a minute he just sort of phased out of it.

“I did find the shield to be alarmingly beautiful and got drawn in -maybe I did hear the song but didn’t register it?”

He was drawn down there by a light from the outer layer, which indicated that the jellyfish wasn’t enough to dampen the attraction of the song. I thickened the jellyfish walls, but a light was still mildly visible. I used a combination of sea life and squid ink to obscure the light.

“The ink makes it black. It’s scary and not as pretty but more effective. xD”

Eilena came through and described the event:

“That’s… very pink.” She describes being very close to being pulled into the trap. “pink, sticky and pulling, felt it siphoning off some energy but not at a fast rate. Getting back out was harder than getting in. Sort of a ‘just give up and relax, settle down, it’s cozy here’ feeling. There was some vague sound but I couldn’t really make it out, almost just like a white noise kind of background thing.”

I asked about any sealife, since Una got attacked by an octopus. Eilena mentioned zapping an eel after it zapped her. This explains the tightness I felt in my chest during the testing. I felt a heaviness when she got there, which she explained as her going for a stone’s weight to sink through the vast ocean layer as fast as possible. She didn’t feel or sense the Siren’s Song from outside the shell, but once she made it inside the shell, she felt the “relax” sensation.

I asked if there were any other things that she wants to mention that I didn’t ask about. “mm, I think there were sort of like jellyfish tentacles? Contributing to the ‘pulling in’. They didn’t sting but they seemed to be where the energy drain was coming from. My impressions are usually pretty vague, sorry.”

She added that  “it seemed like I went through a lot of pink, with the pull getting stronger as I went in. I’m not sure if not getting caught was just because I didn’t go far enough in, or if I was just able to fight the pull enough to get out again.”

I suggested the pink she saw was the inside of the conch, and she agreed, stating that the color was “queen conch pink.”

She describes the “just relax” feeling as being very hard to shake, and the conch being much harder to get out of than it was to get in.

I explained that Khnum had the sensation of being sucked in violently. She had a much more delicate experience? She described it as fighting the current on the way out. Some of her energy was sucked into the conch and is currently stored there.

She also described feeling tentacles helping pull her in, and a pulsing sensation like that of a heartbeat.

Jelly came into the ward system to poke around. He came with no intent for harm, and nothing attacked him while he was there. He had trouble finding me in the ocean ward and asked for help from a giant octopus. The octopus grabbed him and flung him toward a giant clam shell. I instructed him to knock and describe what he saw: 

“Some sort of shell with a glowing spherical thing inside. The shell looks like a conch shell. I can’t tell the details of the area but it’s manifesting in my mind as a theatre and the shell is on the stage playing the song?? But that seems to be a glamour/illusion. Outside of the glamour, it seems to be on a regular table that is…brown in color?” (When I cast this part of the spell, I indeed set up a glamour for that very image and the physical shell was on my brown kitchen table at the time I cast).  “On the surface of my thoughts I feel calm, but my gut feeling knows it’s a trap. I feel like I’m slowly being coaxed into the shell.” I instructed Jelly to try and touch the shell. “I poked it and the suck intensified like 3000x. But I still resisted it and didn’t get sucked in, though you probably got a bit of my energy.”  I confirm that I did get a small amount of energy. He said he jumped back as soon as the sucking got stronger.

We did some additional testing, like throwing in negative feelings. The conch seems to eject anything that might harm me.

Kiley asked to test something with my wards. She wanted to see how her wards (which are nearly identical to mine) interact with my wards. When she came in, she described a feeling like two oceans meeting. I felt as though I were suddenly covered in water, with it filling my lungs. I felt a warm calm. Like family was with me.

I asked if she felt a warning layer at all, and to describe what she saw and felt.

“That was when I got the tenseness on my back and neck. After the warning layer. I heard the song and I found it nice and delightful. But I didn’t feel a need to follow it, per say. Part of that may have been because I know exactly what that is lol. And maybe because I didn’t come with the intent of malice or to attack at all. So it didn’t draw me in like I think it is meant to for others who are aiming to cause you harm.”

Final Results

The amount of energy you need to put into this is taxing, to be sure, but well worth the effort. The more you concentrate and reinforce the layers, the stronger they get.

The siren’s song is charged by singing. I’m compelled to sing constantly while wearing the pendant. The compulsion and love energy that’s required for the spell is… lovely. But it lasts a while. Possibly have an outlet for it when the spell is done. Blood and seawater anchor the shell battery and the shell conduit to each other and to myself.

Jellyfish not initially thick enough to reduce draw from outside layers. Thickened walls, but a “light” was perceived still (though dampened). I used squid ink and sea life to obscure the light, which seemed to work.

The description of a current which can be fought against is concerning, as I would prefer it to be impossible to escape, but it may not be a bad thing for escape to be possible. Eilena’s escape causes me to wonder what the effects would be on someone who got away? I have a bit of her energy in the shell. Is there a link? Will it continue to siphon slowly?

Note: Hubby came home and saw the altar with the conch on it. He touched the conch and some of his energy drained into it and filtered into my necklace. Kiley has the same ward, and at my request, had her significant other touch it. Same results. Energy drain, mild, no immediate reaction from either person, but definite feel in the necklace.

Addendum: Unwitting friend touched the pendant. It did not take energy from her.

Second Addendum: I work with someone who can see auras. She came up to me to tell me the shell was white when it just blended in with my orange the last time she saw me and asked what was different. I let her touch it and she described feeling electricity. Eilena’s energy has been feeding into me all day and I had described it to Eilena as feeling like electricity flowing through my veins, along with a vague feeling of being untouchable.

Third Addendum: Eilena cleansed herself right after coming out of the wards, so if a link was established, it was broken when she cleansed it. Results of this are unknown until further testing is done.

The ecosystem I created requires a lot of energy to sustain, but I charge it during my showers and it feels great. I worry that the salinity will eventually be low enough to mess with the life that is in the sphere, if a regular beach visit isn’t done. That’s a test for another day.

The shell layer seems very strong, as does the pearl. The octopus was a bit out of nowhere, as I didn’t intend for the life in my ecosystem to attack intruders but rather just be there for fun. I’m glad they double as protectors. The decoys work fairly well, though Eilena and Khnum were able to find me by using my image as a taglock. I think Jelly went for the idea of me rather than focusing on a taglock, to keep things fair.


There are a lot of factors that I didn’t anticipate. For example, I drew an octopus for a focus while creating the ocean layer, but I didn’t anticipate it becoming a guardian. I also didn’t anticipate the queen conch absorbing energy from humans who touch the physical shell. This can, of course, be tweaked if it doesn’t suit the needs of the person utilizing this shield. I, personally, am a fan of this unexpected twist.

The wards are strong and malleable. They are intricate, and versatile. They should stand up to just about anything that is thrown at them.

Thank you to the testers for putting themselves in harm’s way to help with this experiment.

aka the most overdue post on my blog. I have been struggling with getting a basic recipe and guide out because it’s such an important, useful, tool that can go overlooked and I want to get it right. I’ve decided to go ahead and publish the copy from the pages i’ve written on it since I’m 2 years late on my cookbook. I promise it’s coming! I have page layouts and everything - i’m sad i had to put it on pause so consider this a sneak peek and a very long post. hope you like it!

Disclaimer ⛔

The idea here is that the original recipe isn’t safe for consumption but those ingredients are what make it so effective. So it can be wise to have two different batches working. The classic which is toxic - for external work, and a modified recipe that can be ingested. Make sure you keep these properly marked and away from each other. 


As a seasoning in food
As a daily supplement 
Cleansing Baths
Floor Washes
Protection Work
Repelling negativity


The history behind Four Thieves is elusive- There’s a possible confusion of names. Richard Forthave, a man said to have allegedly concocted and sold the vinegar as a medicine. The name being transformed over time from Forthave’s to Four Thieves. Then there are the more classic tales of thieves ranging from four to four hundred, employing it as a pesticide and cologne during the plague. Regardless of it’s origins, it was highly effective. It’s prolific history has made it a staple in folklore and practices around the world to protect oneself from illness and malevolence.

One tradition I personally enjoy when crafting your own is adding a new personal ingredient to a batch. Your own contribution as a “thief” to the ever-growing folklore. Customize your vinegar to your own needs! For example, I add turmeric for it’s anti-inflammatory properties as well as it’s energetic and positive correspondences


Thieves Vinegar #1 [edible Base recipe]

-Rosemary (protection)
-SageorSage Flowers (cleansing)
-Lavender Flowers (cleansing and calming)
-Garlic (Protection)
-Bruised Cloves (Protection)
-Strong Distilled Vinegar (Cleansing)

1. Sanitize and cleanse your tools with the method of your choice. Wash and dry your herbs.
2.Take the carving tool and in the head of garlic write your name and the names of the people in your home if you so wish. You can also make this for others, using their name. Think about all negativity and unwanted energy leaving the space as protection fills the area like the aroma of the garlic.
Place the entire head of garlic in your jar.
3.Take your cloves, and give them a smash with the flat side of a knife, or use a mortal and pestle to gently crush them while keeping them whole. You can also take any heavy object to them while they’re in a plastic bag/under parchment paper if these aren’t available to you.
Maintain the same thoughts of protection as the garlic while crushing and adding the cloves.
4.Add the rosemary, sage, and any other desired edible herbs with a clear mind, thinking of a clean protected space, having the utmost confidence in it.
5. Fill jar with vinegar knowing you’re surrounded by clean, positive, and sanitary energy.
6. Let the jar work either in the sun or in any cleansed space for a week to 3 months.
7. Shake occasionally.
8. Strain and store in sanitized glass container of your choice.

✨ Thieves Vinegar #2 [edible & ornamental]

- Rosemary sprig(cleansing, purifying, healing, protection)
- 3 dried Red Chili Peppers(banishment, protection, warding)
- 5 cloves ofGarlic (protection, healing, warding)
- 11Peppercorns (banishment, protection, warding)
- Strong Distilled Vinegar (protection, cleansing, banishment)

Fill jar or bottle with ingredients in an eye pleasing manner
2.Top with vinegar
3.Display in the kitchen, the place in the home with the most activity or where you feel you need it the most

☠ Thieves Vinegar #3 [non-ingestible] 

-Thieves Vinegar #1
Your choice of ingredients like:
- Black Peppercorns, Chili Pepper, Rose, Wormwood*, Meadowsweet, Thyme, Ginger, Turmeric, Angelica*, Horehound*, Marjoram, Rue*

Follow same method as Thieves Vinegar #1

House Wash / Bath for Cleansing and Uncrossing

- 1 gallon Hot Water
- 3 tablespoons Thieves Vinegar #1 for bath or #3for home
- Psalms 23 or any protective prayer/words you like

Method for House Wash:
1. Combine ingredients in bucket with preferred house wash or alone.
2. Read prayer/words over the mixture three times to bless it.
3. Wipe down walls, floors in a counterclockwise motion, working from the back of your space to the front.
4. Listen to music you enjoy loudly and open your windows and doors. Let in as much sunlight in as  possible at the very least. Have fun and fill the space with your own positivity and hard work.
5. Be proud and say thanks afterwards.
6. Light a preferred incense to help set the tone of your freshly cleansed space.

Method for Bath:
1.Take an intimal shower to sanitize self with normal preferred products. 2.Combine vinegar with water in bath or basin.
3.Read prayer/words over the bath three times.
4.Immerse yourself for 10 minutes at the least while thinking of all negativity leaving your life and positive, protective energy covering you and the actions you can take to help facilitate that.
4a. If in a shower pour the water starting from the top of your body working your way down, thinking about the same. See all unwanted energy flow down the drain with the water.
5. When finished, air dry and dress in clean white clothes if able to. Do this during the time of day you have the most alone time.
6. Thank any spiritual guides, God, Gods, or the universe- anyone you may have for their blessing and protection and try to conserve your energy for the rest of the day.

Quick Salad Dressing [Bonus Recipe]

2 Tbs Thieves Vinegar #1or#2
6 Tbs Salad Oil
1 Tbs Dijon
3 tsp Thyme

Thanks for Reading! ✨

“Smoky” the Lunar Dragon

Smoky is a spirit who has been with me for five months now and is ready to find his forever home. Smoky is a nick name we both came up with because when he gets excited wee puffs of smoke come out his nose like little hiccups.

Age: 2500-2800, exact year uncertain

Appearance: As a Dragon, Smoky is longer than he is tall. Only around 8 ½ feet tall, he is approx 25 feet long from snout to tail. He is an iridescent white with some silver scale armoring down his neck, chest and sides and silver eyes. His wings are leathery and more of a cream colour with a full wing span of approx 30 feet. He is most comfortable in his dragon form, but can shapeshift to a human form as well. In this form he is approx 7 feet tall looking to be in his late 20′s, pale skin, silver almond shaped eyes and white hair that hangs in a silver plait to his waist. He is slender though with defined musculature and prefers to appear dressed in black jeans, grey turtle neck and white trenchcoat, though this can change to suit the occasion (I have seen him in a full tux and holy moly). He is stunningly handsome, with a clean shaven square jaw, straight nose and regal bearing.

Personality: Smoky is blunt and does not suffer fools. He demonds respect and likes to remind you he could burn you to a crisp and eat you for an entree if he really wanted, but he wouldn’t. Pity the person who tries to harm his companion in any way, though. In saying this he has a sarcastic sense of humor and flirtatious gleam in his eye even when in dragon form. He likes his personal space to go flying and hunting, especially when the moon is full. He is more of a home-body when it is waning/dark, and likes to read with his companion, preferably with a glass of red wine to share. when the moon is waxing he loves to get outside with his companion, particularly in forested areas, and to take them flying astrally to watch the moon rise.

Magick: Smoky is particularly attuned to lunar and protective magicks, in particular banishing, binding and warding. He strongly prefers an intermediate to advanced companion in both magickal and astral workings that has a frim grasp of telepathy which is his preferred communication method, though he also enjoys tarot and spirit boards, either with a planchette or pendulum.

Family: He does not mind family size, though prefers less than 10. As long as he can have his own space and enough asral room to shift and go flying as he pleases. He is undecided about whether he wants a vessel, it would depend what it is, but likes the idea of a dragon pendant or ring. He is pansexual and wouldn’t mind exploring the idea of an open relationship with his companion in his human form.


A follow-up to my Crash Course on Warding. I’ve been thinking of different ways to do energy wards lately, rather than just “here’s an energy barrier that keeps X out.” If you like working with a particular element, here are a few ideas.


  • Burn away impurities as you enter your home (stress, worry, etc.)
  • Burn anything that would wish you harm
  • Add warmth to your home


  • Wash away negativity
  • Wash away residual energies from work, etc. so you don’t bring your job home with you
  • Drown anything that would wish you harm


  • Blow away negativity
  • Keep the energy in your home circulating to help avoid a stale, stagnant atmosphere
  • Lift you up to a happier state as you enter your home


  • Ground as you enter your home and reconnect with the earth
  • Negativity falls through cracks in the ground
  • Vines trap anything you want to keep out


A spell to enchant one of your furry stuffed friends to protect you through the night from nightmares and unpleasant dreams.

You will Need:

  • A stuffed animal
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Small piece of Amethyst (prevents and protects from nightmares)
  • Small piece of Rose Quartz (brings happy dreams)
  • Paper and Pen
  • A sigil that prevents nightmares


  • Using your pen, on the small piece of paper draw your sigil. Place it to the side with your crystals. Make sure your crystals are very small so that they don’t make holding your stuffed animal uncomfortable.
  • Kiss your stuffed animal to let it know that you wish not to harm it and if needed speak to it a bit.
  • On a seam that could easily be repaired using your scissors gently snip some of the thread so there is a small opening.
  • “With these crystals and sigil, I ask you to protect me in the night from the dreams that cause me unrest.” place in crystals and sigil
  • Sew up the hole as neatly and tightly as you can, you wish it not to rip open again.
  • Kiss where you have sealed the seam. “I thank you deeply for you help.”
  • Place on your bed. When sleeping make sure stuffed animal is on the bed with you or in your arms.

To cleanse after a few nights place in the window in the sunlight or moonlight for 2-3 hours.

I couldn’t cut Eggbert (teddy bear) open but this is a cute idea.


Put it above your door: If your ash comes from incense or an herb bundle, the ash shares the same correspondences and power as the herb. I’ve met some who think it’s even stronger, as it’s been activated. You can either use the bundle to make a light mark above a door frame or it can be done with a finger. This can be powerful protection, luck bringing, or love inducing, depending on your intent and correspondence

Use it in spells: Why get rid of something so powerful? As mentioned, the ash still has power and energy. Your correspondence is based on what was burned. You can use it in place of that herb if you’re out, or in addition. 

Use it in anointing: While it’s often used in conjunction with oil, ash has a long history of being used in anointing. Burning holy herbs, and then using a finger to swipe cooled ash onto someone being anointed is a powerful piece of the ceremony

Bury it: A lot of witches, including myself, find that burying the remnants of a spell is incredibly powerful. It’s often seen as giving respect to the earth for the power it gives. The phrase ashes to ashes, dust to dust comes to mind. It’s essentially the ending of a spell, returning the ash to the earth

Ward your home: Sprinkling protective herbs and ash around the perimeter of your home can help ward against negative energy and evil spirits.

Mix it in to art: Did you know you can make your art magic? Through sigils, colors, intention and more. But one possibility is to mix a bit of ash into your paints or use it as a charcoal substitute



(what really is the difference?)


✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨


Banishing is farmore specific and directthan warding.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨


Banishing is used to get rid of a particulur energy,spirit, or person. Think carefully before banishing, asit’s a strong form of defensive magic.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨



  • burn a slip of paper with your target’s name on it
  • throw a leaf with your target’s name on it into a running river/stream
  • burn corresponding herbs and pass the smoke through your space


  • anoint your candle with corresponding herbs and oils, then burn it
  • when the candle has burnt out. the banishing is complete


  • make your own banishing sigil find one that resonates with you
  • place it in the space or on the item you are banishing energy from


  • use herbal smoke to force energy out of a space or object
  • make a spray or herbal tineture to sprinkle around your home


  • use the method that calls to you
  • never use a method that feels wrong or that you haven’t researched thoroughly

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨



Warding isa gentler form of defensivemagicthat isused in a more general sense.



Warding is used to protectand guardfromnegative energiesof any kind -it redirects energy away from you or your space.




  • use your intention and energy to visualize a powerful barrier of protecting light around yourself or your space for more info on ENERGETIC PROTECTIONclickHERE


  • create a guardian to guard your home or space from negative energies
  • use a small object, enchant it with your intention,and keep it in a safe, permanent place


  • corresponding crystals can be worn as jewelry to protect against negative energy
  • placing erystals in a room or around you house will create a protective barrier


  • black salt can be ured in banishing rituals or used alone
  • sprinkle salt around your door and windows or make protection jars


  • burn protective herbs and pass the smoke through your space or tools
  • sprinkle herbal oils and tinctures on yourself and your space for protective barriers


  • use the method that calls to you
  • never use a method that feels wrong or that you haven’t researched thoroughly


I really hope this post was informative and helps some of you! If you have any questions please feel free to message me! merry meet- B

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Warding your house from all manner of supernatural things, then being tempted to add in aliens, and not being sure how you feel about that


Let’s just start a series of crash courses in witchcraft, since sometimes we need to learn things the quick and dirty way. Today, let’s talk about wards.

What are wards?
Wards are protective energy barriers. They keep things out. You can place them around your home, certain rooms, even on certain objects. With practice and clear intentions, you can focus the wards to block out everything or only certain things. We’ll get to that in a bit.

Why should I ward my space and my things?
Wards can keep out all sorts of things you don’t want in your home. They can block out negative entities, wayward spirits, mischievous entities, demons, and (if you’re really good at what you’re doing) even gods. Some people ward their divination tools so they know there are no spirits tampering with the results.

So what do I need to do first?
Cleanse. This is very important. Wards are kind of like walls, or perhaps more accurately, bubbles. If you don’t clean the space first, you might trap things inside your ward bubble. You do not want that. There are lots of methods of cleansing, from burning sage to spritzing oil-infused water. Find a method you’re comfortable with and cleanse everything you’re going to be warding.

I’ve cleansed my home/item. Now what?
Now we ward. I’m going to give you a couple methods. Let’s start with my favorite, incense warding.

Incense warding can also be done with spritzes of water/essential oil blends orherb-infused water if you can’t have smoke in your space. Whichever you’re using, you want to have a blend of protective herbs. Bay leaves, cinnamon, ginger, mustard seed, and salt are some great options that you can find in the grocery store, no fancy witch shop necessary. If you’re using incense, make sure you’re using natural incense and not super cheap stuff that’s artificially scented. The magic is in the herbs, and you won’t get that from fake scents.

How to Incense/Spritz Ward an Item

  • Smoke or spray item.
  • Visualize the smoke or spray clinging to the item and wrapping around it like a tight blanket, protecting it from anything that would cause harm (or interference, etc.).

How to Incense/Spritz Ward Your Space

  • Pick a place to start. I always start at my altar, but it’s up to you. If you’re doing multiple floors, start either at the top or bottom floor.
  • Moving continuously to your right, smoke or spray along the walls and door frames. As you go, imagine a barrier being formed around the walls, ceiling, and floor, pushing outwards to fill the room. Visualize the smoke or spray forming the barrier to keep out anything that will do you harm. [If you have a hard time with visualization, you can simply focus on the intent of the smoke or spray keeping things out.]
  • Keep moving right, following the layout of your home, making sure you get all the closet spaces. You basically want to outline the entire area you’re protecting, whether it’s you’re room or your whole house.
  • For multiple floors, repeat on each level.
  • For big layouts where there are rooms in the middle, go around those rooms as well.
  • I like to reinforce the wards over outside doors, windows, and mirrors. These are all passages of sorts, and when I reach them, I use the incense to draw a pentagram in the air over them. This is entirely up to you.
  • You’re done when you’ve reached the point where you began.

So why do we go to the right? Is that important?
Kind of. Going to the right is like going clockwise. It’s about making things and progression, where going to the left or counter-clockwise is about deconstruction or reversal. [I read this idea in a witchy book a long time ago and will try to find a source when I can. If you honestly don’t feel it makes a difference, do whatever you’re comfortable with.]

Can I place wards that keep out certain things but not others?
Sure. When you’re going around your space/warding your item, your intent is what’s important. I like to ward out entities that mean harm - it’s nice and general and doesn’t keep the fae out. Some people might want certain spirits and not others. Have your intentions clear in your mind as you place your wards.

That’s neat and all, but what are some other ways to ward?
Let’s list a few.

Symbol/Sigil Wards

  • Choose (or make) a symbol or sigil that has protective properties. I’ve done this with Pluto’s astrological symbol because I worship him and it’s my way of being like, “Hey, Pluto. Please protect me, kthanxbai.” Pentagrams are nice and basic witchy/pagan symbols if you like them.
  • Draw the symbol over doors and windows. You do not literally have to draw it. It can be in water, incense smoke, or just your finger against the surface if you want.
  • As you’re drawing, make sure you have your intentions in mind - that nothing harmful can pass through this door, that the windows remain closed against entities, etc.

Energy Bubbles (if you have control over your energy)

  • Pick an item - any item.
  • Get your warding intentions in mind.
  • Channel lots of energy into the item. Visualize it emanating from the item in a bubble to fill your space.
  • If you’ve got mad skillz, you can form the bubble to the walls and be super exact with where its barriers are.

Vocal Wards

  • If you like spoken (or thought) spells, come up with a small chant to protect your space.
  • You can repeat this chant as you focus on your item being protected or as you walk around your home, protecting every room.
  • This is really great to incorporate into basically any other form of warding and gives your magic an extra bit of oomph.

I’ve heard wards can “fade” over time. True or false?
Wards are just energy. Like all energies, they can disperse and weaken over time, or if something particularly nasty puts effort into destroying them. Redo your wards every so often (I do mine every few months, but it’s up to you), and especially before spiritual interactions. I also like to do mine after I’ve had lots of company, to kind of clear out family’s lingering energies and reinforce what I don’t want in my house.

In general, the intent of your wards is the most important part. Know what you want to keep out. This concludes our crash course on warding. Now go forth and protect some stuff!


*use for strong protection and warding


1 heat safe jar

Cascarilla Powder

Black Salt



Black Pepper


1. Grind herbs to powder, mix thoroughly.

2. Combine herb powder with cascarilla powder and black salt.

3. Heat the jar in an oven at low temp (~200° F) until the jar is very hot.

4. Remove the jar carefully and add the powder. Let cook until room temperature.


Just an fyi - you can totally over-ward and it sucks

Putting lots of spells around you that limit energetic access to you can do some wild sh*t.

In my belief system, all our relationships are formed through energetic exchange. Our connection to our immediate environments are formed through energetic exchange. Our ability to communicate with spirits and receive their help is due to energetic exchange.

Over-warding can cause weird stuff to happen, like:

  • You feel out of step with your environment
  • People start ignoring you; won’t reply to your messages even though they normally would, etc
  • Your psychic senses feel dull or muted
  • You’re having more trouble with divination, or the same messages seem to be coming through again and again when normally you’d receive a variety of messages
  • Your spells aren’t manifesting, especially spells that would bring something into your life
  • You no longer get the same feelings around certain environments that you normally would (such as always feeling a certain way on a hiking trail you love, but then you kinda just feel nothing)
  • You’re suddenly going nowhere in life - opportunities are passing you by
  • It has suddenly become really hard for you to be able to make changes in your life which normally you’d be able to accomplish
  • You get the sense that you’re in a cocoon and you can’t quite reach the world

Yes, these symptoms can happen for LOTS OF OTHER REASONS (including mental illness) and experiencing them does not automatically mean you’ve over-warded.

Here is the fun lil part: Some of these are also symptoms of hexing, leading people who have over-warded to be at risk of warding even more to try and solve the problem.

Most people aren’t at risk for this IMO. But if you’ve been doing a lot of warding and stuff doesn’t feel right, you might have taken your Nemo self out of the ocean and plopped down into an aquarium made for one.


Ways to provide protection from spiritual and physical beings:

  • Make a witches bottle: They provide you with protection against curses, hexes, and spells sent your way as well as to protect your property and possessions.  
  • Salt circle: A salt circle provides the person inside with protection from negative entities and demons. Line your window sills and door way entrances with salt to create an impenetrable barrier.      
  • Iron: Repels evil.Three iron nails driven into a doorway or window sill will block negativity from entering your home. Note: Iron repels Fae!
  • Plants: Some plants have protective properties. 
  • Ask your deity for protection
  • Mint leaves in your shoes protects you from curses
  • Put pepper in protection sachets to protect against magickal attacks.
  • Burn bay leaves to reverse curses
  • Scrawl your home and clothes with protective sigils
  • Quartz Crystals: Provides protection.
  • Visualization
  • Paint your front porch blue to ward off ghosts:They fear water so this may confuse them.
  • Hang an upside down horse shoe above your door: to ward off evil spirits.
  • Hang wind chimes around your home: To scare off bad spirits
  • Nazar or evil eye: Protects your home from bad luck.   
  • Rowan: Two branches from rowan trees bound together with red thread in the shape of a cross. It provides protection when hung above doorways, according to celtic traditions.
  • Arrowheads: Placed above your door will help keep burglars and unwanted guests out.
  • Cinnamon Sticks: Tied over the door will protect your home.
  • Rosemary wreath: A wreath of rosemary bound with green thread can provide your home with protection. Add other plants that correspond with protection as well. 
  • Ivy: Grown up your house provides protection,
  • Mistletoe: Hung in the house protects it from thunder and lightning.
  • Acorn: According to Norse mythology, placing an acorn on the window sill protects the home from being struck by lightning. 
  • Pine branch: Where it for protection.
  • Create your own protection amulet
  • Place mirrors around your home to deflect the evil eye  

Sources: Charissascaulderon.com, scribol.com                                  

Stay safe and have a Happy New Year!

==Moonlight Academy==    
