#rabbit hole


and down the proverbial rabbit hole she went.

c/o abel m’vada



Psychologists attribute this fascination to “negativity bias”. Evolutionarily, our ancestors survived by paying attention to negative information, such as whether a strange new animal is a threat.

Today, we still spend more time and mental energy when looking at negative stimuli. Laboratory studies show we tend to learn better when punished than when rewarded. In decision-making, even when the intensity of information is equal, negative information has a greater influence than positive information on our judgements.

In other words, we are hardwired to pay more attention to bad driving. We can’t look away because such videos meet our psychological needs.



Unfortunately, research suggests that venting is ineffective and may even reinforce the initial anger and frustration.

This brings up more concerns. Our perspective tends to narrow if our indignations are reinforced and biases confirmed. We interpret the same information differently and are more sensitive to negative information. We become more attuned to and are more likely to seek out evidence for bad driving.

We perceive driving in Singapore more negatively and judge it to be more unsafe than it actually is - because memories of bad driving are more readily accessible.


What can we do to avoid going down this rabbit hole?

We can look at Noble Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s characterisation of how our brain works in two systems: Type 1 thinking – fast and automatic, and Type 2 thinking – deliberate and effortful.

When we rush to comment on a video or publicly shame someone on social media, we often engage in Type 1 fast thinking and intuitive decision making. The key is to guard against this trigger-happy instinct.

Instead, let’s pause, withhold immediate judgement and try Type 2 thinking. Were there environmental factors that we haven’t considered? Does the video show the full story of the incident? Is what we watch truly representative of our full driving experience or just another eye-catching entertaining clip we can shake our head at after an uneventful drive home?

Although we have a negativity bias, the documented transformational effects of positive acts and thoughts can be powerful.

Just as venting can lead to a downward spiral, acts of graciousness and considerate driving can lead to a virtuous cycle

A Prayer From My CenterWe know the world came to be,For we persist within it:Cosmic beings, centered

A Prayer From My Center

We know the world came to be,
For we persist within it:
Cosmic beings, centered with internal flame,
A spark of inspiration
Quenched in the Spring of Renewal,
Rising again and again with new vigor.

Here I sit, centered at the center,
Alone with the flame in a wind-swept circle.
The dome of the cosmos rises above me,
A giant’s skullcap, his mind floating by
And his eye shining a light upon me.
And here, I feel my home.

Each of us, light reflecting on stardust,
Has a place in this cosmos.
Our actions maintain it and continue it
No matter how small they seem.
I work my way with quiet confidence,
Hoping that each action improves the world.

Be centered within me, Spirits;
Help guide my work as I hold myself together,
And accept my offerings
As a part of the larger cosmos.


[Image description: a fisheye (rabbit hole) sky dome of the stone circle at Trout Lake Abbey’sWhite Mountain Druid Sanctuary by Rev. Michael J Dangler]

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#alice in wonderland    #rabbit hole    #gothic    #cinematic    #minimalist    #tim burton    #danny elfman    #film music    #soundtrack    #movie music    #chopin    #classical    #neoclassical    #beautiful    #pianist    #awesome    #fantasy    #ember gleams    #yann tiersen    #yiruma    #einaudi    #ennio morricone    #john williams    #clint mansell    
 Jake Bugg // Rabbit Hole (Visualiser)

Jake Bugg // Rabbit Hole(Visualiser)

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Jake Bugg // Rabbit Hole

#jake bugg    #new song    #rabbit hole    #amazing    

I guess I feel like, even though it’s hypocritical of me, I have to say something.

I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole lately with a band I very much love and admire and their members’ romantic relationships. Healthy relationships, dysfunctional relationships, quiet relationships, angry exes lashing out because of failed relationships, and even speculative relationships within the band. (Go ahead, fucking guess who.) I hit a wall today, though, after finding an old live journal post with links to at least two dozen short YouTube clips as this user’s evidence for their master post, and I realized a few things.

Who fucking knows. Like really, who knows? They do, and that’s for them to know and us to stfu about. Not speculate about — shut the fuck up about.

“Famous” people don’t get to have relationships like we do. So yes, maybe they make decisions that we say to ourselves/each other: “I would never do that,” or “What were they thinking?!” or EVEN “How wholesome.” They do what they can to make things work in their world, and when things don’t work, we can’t really judge, because it’s pretty much impossible for us to empathize. Even when things do work, we can’t usually relate.

They’re people too. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read about people who supposedly stan certain entertainers drag them/their (former) partners through the mud for doing things we’ve all done. Imagine your worst moments. Now imagine your worst moments being thrown in your face over and over for years by not only the people who hate you, but who claim to love you, on a global scale!

Some entertainers don’t know how to handle things the way the average person does, because they’re not the average person. Maybe they got famous too young or too fast. Maybe they never got to date because instead of working some shit job or going to college, they were touring the country. Or maybe romantic love is not their priority. Whatever the situation, maybe when love does comes their way, they don’t know how to handle it.

We, as fans, shouldn’t let these things change our opinions of them. Unless it’s something terrible, like convicted or blatant assault.

We should stop digging for this shit. If they want to give us a view into their private lives, that’s cool, but it’s more likely than not just a teeny tiny window, not an entire glass house. If they don’t want to give you shit, then they don’t want to give you shit. That’s cool, too. The important thing is to let entertainers entertain you and end it there.

You all know that hundreds of libraries around the world are sharing their special collections on JSTOR, right? That they include photos, posters, postcards, buttons, stickers, pamphlets, drawings, and a lot more, right? And that they’re all freely accessible to everyone, no login needed, right? Right?

Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad) and I!!! I absolutely love him on Breaking Bad and Once Upon a Tim

Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad) and I!!! I absolutely love him on Breaking Bad and Once Upon a Time. I was both excited and scared to be meeting Gus Fring, as my face clearly shows.

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