#real thoughts


It’s only kinky if you’re looking at the other dudes dick

I’m always lookin’ for a little dime with a big butt and a nice chest. But what really turns me on is someone smart with a kind heart

People will always believe what they want. There’s no point in trying to change that… Unless, that is, you have soul altering powers. Then by all means be that dick head that forces your beliefs on everyone. See how that works out for you in the long run

Becoming the person you despise, the person that from deep inside your soul you’ve always knew you didn’t want to be, is the worlds biggest reality check.

“You never want to make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation”

This has been my motto my whole life, and lately I just can’t seem to find myself anymore. Life was good in fact it was great; had a baby, married my bestfriend, was expecting another baby, lost all my weight. I felt fantastic. But after losing Olivia in July I started wanting more for me, for my son, for my family. Grief weight sucks and I’m trying so hard to get back to the beginning because I currently can’t even look in a mirror.

What if I am meant for something else, what if where I’m at is not where I am supposed to be. This can’t be it right? My life can’t remain on autopilot for forever.
