#sea witch



❄️❄️❄️Vanish from my Life Freezing Spell (And never involve me in your shit again) ❄️❄️❄️

This was a spell my English teacher shared with me (witches finding other witches lol) to get rid of someone negative from your life without harming them or you.

I’ve done this spell and it seriously gets the person the FUCK out of your life in a way that is not harmful to both parties, it kinda just creates these natural barriers between interacting with one another ✌️

There are two methods:

You will need

✂️A ziplock bag

✂️Water (or other, explained below)

✂️A piece of paper

✂️red ribbon

✂️Red pen

✂️1 white or black candle

✂️Half a lemon (optional)


-Start by taking the red ribbon and tying it on the candle,

one knot is fine you will be undoing it later while the candle is lit so make it easy to unknot, this represents how this person is currently tied to you, the “bind”

-Light the candle

-Set a paper in front of the candle

Fold the paper in half and open

On one fold write down the person you never wanna see again, and on the other fold write your name both in red ink.

-Take the scissors and cut the paper in half so now there are two separate sheets one with your name and one with theirs.

-Take the lemon and squeeze some juice on their name, this is to make the bins go sour

-Untie the ribbon from the candle and imagine the ties between you breaking

Take the red ribbon and rub across their name counter clockwise three times and recite

“I banish you from my life

You’re actions and words no longer reach me

Begone! Begone! Begone!”

Or whatever you want idk get poetic with it

-Fill a ziplock bag with water and place their name in the bag. You can get more hexy/ curse-y here by adding ingredients of what you would like to happen to them, like vinegar or rotten fruit, stuff like that

If you simply want them out of your life just use water

-Now go to your freezer and put the bag inside it to let it freeze

-Close the fridge and blow out candle


For as long as you have that bag frozen they will not be able to enter your life

2ND VARIATION For my sea witches~~

Yup this involves the oceannnnnn

Everything is the same except there is no ziplock bag part. After having rubbed the name with the ribbon you will then go to TWO DIFFERENT NATURAL WATER SOURCES WITH TWO DIFFERENT CURRENTS. br /> So a river, the beach, a pond as long as these two bodies of water have different currents

You can use a more biodegradable paper, or substitute a different material other than paper, I am going to continue using paper as an example here, but I would definitely recommend using something environmentally friendly, such as writing the names on two different rocks, or shells, or leaf You will toss your paper name in one body of water, and toss their name in the other body of water

For example I live in New York, so I tossed one at the Hudson River and one at Coney Island while technically they are the same body of water, the currents were different

As you toss them say

“Let our paths never cross as these currents never meet”

And as long as the ocean doesn’t fuck you over you good

My ko fiMermay  continue with cecaelias. That’s the actual name of octopus mermaids, also known as “My ko fiMermay  continue with cecaelias. That’s the actual name of octopus mermaids, also known as “My ko fiMermay  continue with cecaelias. That’s the actual name of octopus mermaids, also known as “

My ko fi

Mermay  continue with cecaelias. That’s the actual name of octopus mermaids, also known as “sea witches”. But I don’t think all witches mermaids are cecaelias. The reason is, the most famous one is Ursula, the sea witch in The little mermaid. 

Mermay continue avec les  cecaelias. C’est le vrai nom des sirènes pieuvres, connues aussi sous le nom de “sorcières des mers”. Mais je ne crois pas que toutes les sorcières sirènes soient des  cecaelias. La raison est que, la plus connue est Ursula, la sorcière des mers dans La petite sirène.

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I made Athena a candle and I feel like she likes it. It’s a small white pillar candle (I forget what they are called but it’s small) with some scented wax from one of my old candles that the wicked burned out but it still have a lot of wax dripped on it, some chamomile from a tea bag pressed into it, some dragon’s blood incense ashes, and a red thread, and a blue thread wrapped around it.

Happy Imbolc to all celebrating

Our view at tonight’s sunset was breathtaking. May you all find the changes that you need to make in 2022 to achieve harmony. Blessed be

Swanage beach UK. More ASMR for sea witches


Also known as : WILD MARJORAM, Mountain Mint, Rigani

Scientific Name : Origanum vulgare

Identification : Bright green opposite oval leaves that are slightly hairy. A crawling plant that is related to mint. Produces tiny purple flowers

Properties : amenorrhoea, stimulant, pungently aromatic, anti-asthmatic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, carminative, expectorant, Lowers blood pressure, Contain Carvacrol which has anti-tumour properties, boosts metabolism

Uses: Reduces anxiety, Boosts the immune system, Yeast and Fungal infections, Skin problems, Cancer, Heart health, Weight loss, Chest infections, Stomach disorders, throat and mouth problems, Culinary (Works best with Chilli, garlic, tomato or onions)

Try It : Spell to help people overcome the loss of a loved one. Mourning is important but sometimes we need a little spell help to move on. It also settles the stomach and helps with a headache.

Method 1 - Spell tea;

1 tsp Dried Oregano (although you can buy is from a store it is more potent if your grown and dry your own).

½ tsp Lemon and ½ tsp Honey (or substitute sweeten)

Place the herb in a small pot and add 1 cup or hot water (Not a full boil)

Allow to steep for 4 mins and sieve into a cup.

Stir in the Lemon and Honey stirring windshins to banish the negative emotions.

Method 2 - Fresh Herb;

Simply pinch fresh Oregano between your fingers breath in deeply think of the person and them let it drop, releasing your breath and the person.

Warnings: Always mix with a carrier oil, neat it will irritate the skin. Do not ingest the oil. Do not take when pregnant.

Parts used: Aerial parts and essential oil

Magic: A strong magical herb. Used in love spells to build the bond, Tranquillity spells, Courage building, It was traditionally grown in the cottage gardens to protect from black magic and hexes.

Planet : Mercury and Venus

Element : Air and Earth

Deities : Venus

Folklore and History: The earliest use recorded is the Assyrians over 5000 years ago. The best variety is the Greek where the name comes from Oros Ganos “Joy of the mountains”. If you see Oregano growing on a grave it was believed to indicate that the person was enjoying the afterlife. Both the Ancient Greeks and Pagans used Oregano in their wedding ceremonies (Greek as a wreath on the head, Pagans in the hand tying). The famous Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic and for stomach conditions. Oregano is one of the rare herbs that tastes better dried than it does fresh.

Plant Tips : It grows will in the shade. Rich soils and recent flowering will reduce the potency. It like a Ph of 6.8. Replace the plants every four years to prevent them getting too straggly. Warning : Like all Marjoram’s it likes to hybridise with other species, if you purchase seeds and the results seem bland and flavourless then it’s likely to not be true Origanum vulgare.

For more of my guides click here for the index

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Close up you can see the tiny hairs on the leaves that help to identify this herb.

ASMR for sea witches

Recorded live on a beach in Dorset.

The Labyrinth

They say lose yourself in a maze but find yourself in a labyrinth.

Unlike a maze a Labyrinth only has one path with no dead ends, once you enter you will eventually find the centre and will never get lost.

From above

This symbol is ancient and used as an aid for spiritual awareness. The Rocky valley Labyrinth carvings near Tintagel, Cornwall are thought to be over 4000 years old. The symbol was popular with the celts and used throughout the medieval period.

Traditionally Labyrinths were constructed around lay lines and the act of creation harnessed its power so that as the person walked around the Labyrinth they crossed different sections of energy on their path. One of the most famous and powerful can be found in Chartres Cathedral.

There were various uses for Labyrinths. Ceremonial for various religions including the Pagans, Celts and Christians, usually chanting a passage or verse. Some wedding ceremonies would have the groom walk the path to the centre to pickup his bride and carry her back out again. They were even used by sea witches for capturing evil spirits or sprites. But mostly they are used as a tool to help bring spiritual awareness. The simple act of walking the path to the centre and back while concentrating on a specific issue, clears the mind and awakens the senses.

A quick guide to walking the Labyrinth.

Before you start think of what problems are stuck in your mind.

Think on them as you walk to the centre and release them as you walk out.

Some find the act of walking the path barefoot more powerful

It is best to pick a time where you will have the Labyrinth to yourself

If that’s not possible its fine to pass others but be respectful.

This is the Touchstone Labyrinth in Scotland. Its modern but well worth a visit.

For more ideas click here for my witch crafty index

 Use the code: “THIS20” for 20% off everything in my Redbubble shop - today only!Every s

Use the code: “THIS20” for 20% off everything in my Redbubble shop - today only!

Every sale gives me a % which helps cover medical costs and keep creating art! Offer ends 12 Midnight AEST. xo

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There will be lots of deals available on the day of the Wollongong Makers Markets! Find a selection

There will be lots of deals available on the day of the Wollongong Makers Markets! Find a selection of discounted signed and numbered Art Prints, as well as discount deals on purchases of 3 or more regular size iron on patches! Check out myFacebook page for all the details!

P.S. The best way to stay up to date with all the cute stuff I’ll have at the markets is to click “Going/Interested” on the event page. xo


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10 Days Of Spells Challenge

Day 1: This day is for you, start off your morning by choosing a fruit or vegetable that corresponds with something you truly need for the day, take your time to eat it then enjoy a cup of cold water. •*• Create or find a spell to help you get a better sleep. Ensure it’s a restful, safe sleep with peaceful dreams . When it’s bedtime, preform your spell and get ready for day two.

Day 2: Now you need a spell to fill the hole in your life. Take some time to meditate a few times today. When you wake, during the day, and before bed. At night review where you feel it most. Are you lacking passion? Love? Abundance? Feeling fuzzy brained? Lost? Suicidal? Maybe you’ve even been a bad person and you need some good. Whatever the case, whoever you are, today you need to figure out where the hole is, for day three tomorrow.

Day 3: Today you will create the spell that is needed to heal over that hole you found in day two. Make time for it and do it with heart .

Day 4: Give back today. To the earth beneath your toes. Water a plant today, feed an animal, or create a spell to make rain where drought covers the earth, something nice like that.

Day 5: Banish evil. This day can be done on a windy day, rainy day/stormy day , snowy day or a sunny day. Have all doors, and windows if you want, open. Now, if you have incense, find one that is a wood scent or a herbal scent. If you don’t have that, get a scented candle, if that’s not an option, get anything strongly scented. Walk around your house and “push” the bad energies with the smoke or whatever it is you have out of your house through the doors and or windows. Really go over the areas people spend the most time in.

Day 6: Create a spell you can drink. Simply look up food correspondences, tea correspondences and what herbs or flowers you can add to drinks!

Day 7: create a spell based off the current moon phase and its correspondences.

Day 8: Collect water from anywhere that isn’t from your house. Water from different types of sources have correspondences, if you don’t know them, nows the time to learn! You can use this water in a spell!

Day 9: Make a spell or each of or all of the elements. (Air, Earth, Water, Fire)

Day 10: make a spell based of the tarot card of death. It resembles transition and rebirth. Make a spell to bring on change that is needed to set a different course in your life. This change needs to happen voluntarily or involuntarily, you don’t get to choose what happens, but something, subtle or big, will change.

 Nictzin Dyalhis is the most fascinating and mysterious of all the Weird Tales writers. He wrote 16

Nictzin Dyalhis is the most fascinating and mysterious of all the Weird Tales writers. He wrote 16 works and nothing else, and very little of his biography is known even to dedicated researchers. Though they were able to confirm one detail: Nictzin Dyalhis is his real name. He is of Welsh origin, and his first name comes from the fact his father was obsessed with Aztec culture. 

The Sea Witch is his best known story, and despite the name and the horror trappings and atmosphere, it actually is a romance novel with a happy ending. It’s basically his attempt to rewrite H. Rider Haggard’s She so that Horace Holly and She get together.

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