

omg i literally didnt pay attention in any of my online classes and just scripted all day and ive got 5 pages now 0_0


I just thought of something I’m going to try!!

You typically think of this reality as your ‘main reality’ of a sort — people usually use terms like Current Reality, Origin Reality, etc to describe here.

But that can make you feel almost cemented/stuck to this reality, as though this reality is the trunk and your DR’s/all the other realities in existence are just branches you have to struggle to reach.

INSTEAD, you could try thinking of one of your DR’s as being your actual Origin Reality/Current Reality — and thinking of this reality as just a branch. (Usually I see some people say to act as though you’re not connected to any reality at all, because you’re really not, but this way could feel more like tangible?)

Maybe when you start thinking this way, your subconsciousness will catch on and feel almost obligated to ‘shift back’ to your DR.

This is such a good idea! I’m going to try to think like that while I daydreaming about my reality during class!

Shifting log #2

So this morning I woke up and was too lazy to get up so I decided to try and go back to sleep again. This is where it got strange. Usually, when I start to fall asleep, I can feel myself slipping into a semiconscious state, and the moment I become aware of it I wake up again. This time it was as if someone put me underwater or filled my ears. I could tell because my family was talking in the next room (the walls are thin and you can make out everything that is said) but now I only heard them faintly and I couldn’t make out what they were saying. And suddenly I thought “Oh, let’s shift to this DR”. Ans suddenly I felt like I was between both realities, in some kind of “empty space”, if that makes any sense. But for some reason I couldn’t tip over to my DR, because despite being aware (to some extent) of what was happening, I wasn’t conscious enough to focus and repeat affirmations. I think I panicked because I couldn’t remember my script (even though it isn’t mandatory, it’s a kind of anchor that helps me navigate my thoughts) and I haven’t finished the script for this DR either. So I probably woke up due to that.

But I’m super excited nonetheless! I haven’t even tried for at least à month now and suddenly this happens. I’ll try again, but I’ve had an allergic reaction recently and everything itches, so we’ll see. But this is so encouraging!


I don’t think my post sent, but I’m back from my break (but I might take another)

I came to drop this off



Dreaming about a realistic reality that’s near identical to this one but pokémon exist, and then waking up and remembering I’m not in that reality.

Here’s what I think will happen if I shift to a reality where everything is the same bit pokémon just pop into existence:

First off, Chaos from a million angles at once. Children are thrilled. Pokémon enthusiasts are thrilled. People with way too much knowledge of how pokémon anatomy would supposedly work are terrified. People with bug phobias are terrified. God is real and it’s a 4 legged white horse thing. There’s fire breathing dragons.

Average people are going to try and start to catch them. How? We don’t have pokeballs. Depends on the person. You’ve got your generic evil bad guys using like rope or whatever, and then there’s optimistic people who watched the anime who are hoping they can convince a Bulbasaur to be their best friend by just giving it some food and a inspiring speech.

Laws are trying to get passed but no one really listening. Sorry boss, can’t come to work today, my Ampharos is sick and I’m trying to stop it from overloading the cities power grid.

Big economy shift too! Who needs Uber when you can ride an Arcanine to work? World starts to (slowly and probably accidentally) change into more of what the pokemon Canon world is like. You’re a electrician? Alright here’s your rubber boots go out and catch a Togedemaru to help on the job. You like gardening? Lurantis to keep away the pests. Construction? Do I even need to tell you to get a Machamp?

I like to think there’s going to be a sort of honor system with the pokemon. No pokeballs? Okay they have the power to chose their trainer and can leave if that trainer is shit. Suddenly you’ve got people who need protecting with a bodyguard in the form of a Pangoro vs some shitty dude who no pokémon will defend. Try and forcibly catch a pokemon that hates you? Buddy. That Pikachu alone could kill you. We’re not in an anime, we don’t have plot armor.

Clean water is suddenly more accessible, considering the amount of pokémon that can clean pollution in both water and air. Electricity is cheeper, when it’s being generated by a volunteer’s Jolteon who has adhd and can generate like a million watts an hour.

I’m not sure where the word would go after this but I choose to think things would get a lot better.


Shiftblr Intro

You are welcome and encouraged to send questions to this blog!

We are a 19-year-old mixed-origin system. Most of us are nonhuman/identify as otherkin, some also fictionkin or therians. We’re also astral travelers and pop culture paganists, so shifting is right up our alley.

We attempted reality shifting, found it worked, and figured we’d make a sideblog for it. This blog was also created to deal with a lack of information for shifting as a system. So far we’ve been successfully shifting since January 2021.

We’re going by “R” on this blog for now, but that’s liable to change.

Note: We don’t have a script, so our drs are semi-involuntary

Our Current DRs are:

  • Pokemon
  • MLP
  • Moomins
  • A Cat One
  • A Dragon One
  • And another one we’re still working out

For now we aren’t comfortable going to into detail with our DRs, but we are open to questions about them.

Please don’t interact if

  • support respawning
  • terf/transmed/exclusionist
  • system gatekeeper
  • anti-kin (including kff/use k*nnie)

Thank you!

Hello! Welcome!❤❤

#glass #fragmented #diamonds #rhombus #geometric #shattered #art #panels #disruption #shifting (at C

#glass #fragmented #diamonds #rhombus #geometric #shattered #art #panels #disruption #shifting (at Center for Architecture & Design)

Post link

Fall down the Shifting Rabbit Hole, a safe and cozy 18+ place for adults interested in reality shifting!

LGBTQ+ friendly

Separate DR channels such as Marvel, Harry Potter, Disney, Anime, K-Pop, Twilight and more!

Safe space to simp over your favorite comfort character without judgment

⭐ Ask help about methods, motivation, scripting, subliminals etc.

Tarot readings and comfort character channelings

Talk about witchcraft, deities, crystals, rituals, spells, astrology and more

⚡ NSFW bots to play with in a separate section

I’m currently a mod in a server specifically for shifting, witchcraft and tarot readings/channelings. If you are familiar with the Multiverse theory (infinite universes like in the Marvel movies) then shifting might be a very interesting thing to dive into!

If you want to know more about it, just DM me here or on Discord (or simply join to ask away).

Feel free to join! All ages but a 18+ server is gonna be there soon as well!

Getting started in the law of attraction? These are some amazing techniques to use. Especially going

Getting started in the law of attraction? These are some amazing techniques to use. Especially going into the New Year, now is the perfect time to start manifesting your dream life! You can find my scripting templates here.

My Grimoire Pages|My Blog|My Instagram

Post link



People on Tiktok: Because of shifting I didn’t feel happy in my CR anymore and lost touch with reality. I dissociated and never felt satisfied with this reality. I lost my sense of self. This is the bad part of reality shifting :/

Me, on the floor, curled up and sobbing: WHY DIDNT YOU STOP SHIFTING. WHY DID YOU KEEP DOING IT. WHYYYYY

If shifting is causing any harm to your mental state then don’t try to shift! If you’re feeling disconnected from your reality or having other negative symptoms, stop shifting!

Shifting is supposed to be a like a temporary vacation that doesn’t affect your home life. If it is affecting you (negatively) here, then something is wrong.


Hey no pressure but if you’re on shiftblr and have been having an all time low with shifting motivation and it’s hard to keep up with your blog please rb this, I just want to know if I’m alone on this or not.

Some tags for visibility please just ignore this if you want to: @shifting-lark@romeshiftingand@solarisshiftingstories

Yeah im having super low motivation I have no idea why, im not busy but I havent posted in forever





Not my video but thought I should share this;

This is true but you shouldn’t murder people in your dr

The only reason i would say otherwise is if there bigots (what, I’m gonna tell someone NOT to fuck up a Nazi?) Or if its in like the MCU or some animes, like we see people being beat up and killed all the time, so ig for me it depends on the DR. Don’t go killing people in Harry Potter, or some Slice of Life anime, but in Baki or Tokyo ghoul, it doesn’t have the same meaning

Kinda agree like if it’s attack on Titian or something along those lines, but just don’t murder people out of spite

I don’t really know what you mean by spite, but if you mean “don’t kill people just because they’re not in your reality and you don’t have any consequences” then i agree!

I think the main point is how people treat their DR.

Even if it is a violent place, you can’t treat it like a place with no consequences. You can’t do whatever you want nilly-willy, you know?

You can’t go somewhere simplyto do bad things.


big brain idea for my actor DR

I have a like multi-fandom incorrect quotes tumblr acc but it’s just the things their actors say during filming

update we’re all (the actors of Marvel) are going to be reading these for an interview or something

none of them know I wrote them all

it’ll be so fun

big brain idea for my actor DR

I have a like multi-fandom incorrect quotes tumblr acc but it’s just the things their actors say during filming








Am I the only one trying to shift to the Devildom? xD

update on my shifting experience

I’ve been trying different methods for two weeks and none have worked.

Last night I accidentally ALMOST shifted. I did it through a lucid dream.

In my dream I suddenly remembered how I’ve been trying to shift and I quickly thought of one of the characters from Obey Me, which happened to be Lucifer. So I started calling his name, in that moment I felt like it would be a good way to concentrate on the character and get involved emotionally with my DR (Devildom)

And then the dream I was in, faded away and I felt this STRONG INTENSE PULL on my whole being, man.. I panicked -(even though I tried to stay calm and kept telling myself that it’s worth it and it’s gonna be so much fun)-, I thought maybe the result wouldn’t be pleasant since I was shifting while panicking, so I woke up.

That’s it for now~ ^*^

hey guys.. it’s been some time, hasn’t it?

coming back to this blog is so nostalgic in a way, its been almost 2 years since shifting was introduced to me! crazy

a lot has happened last year and my mind completely went away from shifting to my life in this reality, and i think we’ve all grown since last year!!

i can’t promise that i’ll be very active, since i’ve lost interest in shifting- but! i definitely want to catch up with you guys and give you all some tips, advise or just be here for you!

love you all so, so much!




shiftblr has grown SO MUCH!! i’m so happy that people are joining the shifting community!


good luck shifters!
