

a new light | chapter fourteen (Elriel)


Elain woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and what could only be homemade waffles. Stretching herself out she threw herself out of bed and headed for the kitchen. The kitchen she now officially owned with Azriel.

After they had unpacked some last night once their friends and her sisters had left Az had gone down to turn in the papers he had previously signed. Technically he was supposed to sign them this morning but he hadn’t wanted to wait so he went down to their landlord after they moved all of Elain’s stuff into his place.

Heading down the hallway that leads to their now shared bedroom Elain finds Az holding a bowl of batter that he’s pouring into the griddle. Smiling at her boyfriend she leans against the wall, arms folded and relaxed. It’s hard to believe that just within a week their lives have taken a complete turn for the better.

There was a time when Elain believed she would never get to feel this happiness with her best friend let alone anyone else. Yet here she stands watching Azriel as he makes them breakfast and there’s no doubt in her mind that he’s as much hers as she is his.

“You just want to stare at me all morning?” Azriel askss, smirking at her as he closes the waffle maker and let’s it cook. “I mean I don’t blame I’m a very attractive view.”

“And a very cocky one as well it seems,” Elain responds with a smile that Az returns. Pushing off the wall she makes her way around the counter and to his side where he tucks her in under his arm.

“How was your first night in our apartment?” Azriel asks as he plays with a strand of her messy hair.

“Very restful,” Elain responds, her fingers trailing the band of his grey sweatpants.

“I see you’ve also found my side of the closet,” Az says as he tugs on the shirt Elain had pulled on in the middle of the night when she got up to use the bathroom. It’s one of her favorites he notices as well. Most of his closet is made up of dark and plain t-shirts but this is one of the few graphic shirts he owns. It’s also the one Elain had talked him into buying when they went to a music festival last summer with a few friends.

“Well it is our closet,” Elain smirks, looking up at him with her innocent little face.

“So does that mean I can wear your dresses?” Azriel asks, teasing her. Elain laughs, still smiling up at him. The look fills him with warmth and happiness, something he hasn’t felt since before his mom passed.

“If you really want to,” Elain says just before the timer dings. She moves to the other side of the island as Az takes the waffle out and sets it on a plate. He pushes the plate in front of her along with the syrup, a fork, and a glass of fruit punch because it’s the only type of juice she will drink.

With a smile Elain starts cutting up her waffle as Azriel pours more batter to make his own. Once it’s done he sits next to his girlfriend and they enjoy a peaceful breakfast together. Elain cleans up breakfast once the waffles are consumed and Az goes to get dressed.

They’re planning on having dinner with some friends tonight but until then they have the day to themselves. Azriel pulls up the website for the local drive-in theater to see what they might be showing this afternoon.

Turns out today is a flashback theater today where there’s a showing of Gone with the Wind, which Elain hates. Then there’s The Wizard of Oz which is a favorite of his, and lastly Dirty Dancing.

“Feel like going to the drive-in theater for a showing of The Wizard of Oz?” Azriel asks, taking a seat on a barstool and watching his girlfriend in the kitchen. He can’t get enough of calling her that even if it’s only in his head.

“That sounds like fun,” Elain says as she hangs the towel she used to dry her hands once again. “You grab snacks and drinks while I go get dressed.”

“Deal,” Azriel says. With a bright smile on her face Elain runs off into their bedroom while Az grabs a couple of bags for snacks and drinks. Starting with the cooler bag he grabs some water and a few of the lemonade flavored sparkling waters that he knows Elain loves. He also adds some fruit from the fridge and an energy drink or two for himself.

Zipping that bag up Azriel heads for the small pantry in the corner of the kitchen. He tends to keep the pantry fairly stocked with a variety of snacks considering how Cassian is always radding his food supply. There’s a few snack sized caramel corn popcorn bags which Az grabs because how could they go to a movie without popcorn.

There’s also sour gummy worms that he adds to the bag. It’s a big bag but Azriel always finds himself craving the candy in the middle of the night. Lastly, he adds a couple big bags of unopened chips from a party he had gone to a couple weeks ago.

“Got everything?” Elain asks, walking out of the bedroom in one of her many sundresses. This one is yellow and white in a plaid pattern, which is her second favorite right after floral. She’s pulling her hair back into a ponytail as she walks back into the kitchen.

“Yeah, ready?” Azriel asks, shouldering both the bags onto his shoulders. Elain smiles with a nod before heading to the small entrance hall where a pair of brown sandals wait for her to slip on her feet. Elain then grabs her purse off the hook Az had installed on the back of the front door.

Opening the door they head out and down to the parking garage where they decide to take Azriel’s truck, having more room for them to lay out the blankets and pillows they had grabbed from Elain’s car beforehand.

It’s quiet for a bit as Azriel drives. The theater is on the outskirts of the city in the more rural area of Velaris. It’s a place he knows Elain is very familiar with as she gets antsy when she’s in the city too long.

“So I’ve been thinking,” Elain says, breaking the silence. Az turns down the music he had put on so he can hear her better. “Since I know longer have to pay full rent and with the bonus I’m expecting soon it might be time to start my business.”

“Really?” Az asked, a little surprised. Elain had been saying that she wanted to wait another year before looking into renting out a space in downtown Velaris for her floral arrangements shop. “You don’t want to wait any longer?”

“Some events have taken place recently in my life that are causing me to rethink things,” Elain says, smiling over at him. He knows she’s talking about their recent relationship status. “I don’t want to wait any longer and I plan on starting small.”

“What do you mean?” Azriel asked. He’s smiling, feeling the joy and happiness along with her at finally being able to kickstart her dream.

“I’ll start as an assistant with a local floral shop in order to learn everything else I don’t already know,” Elain says. “The owner wants to help me so she’ll help create my website and even let me start independent orders as I learn.”

“That sounds amazing,” Azriel says, taking the exit ramp that’ll lead to the drive-in theater. “What about after that?”

“Well I’m thinking I’ll do this through the winter and look for my own space to rent and hopefully by spring I’ll be set up in said space and ready for the summer season,” Elain explains.

“Also known as wedding season,” Elain smiles at him, loving that he knows that little tidbit.

“It’ll be the perfect time to start,” she says.

“Well I can’t wait to watch you succeed.” They’re both smiling as Azriel pulls into the drive-in and pays for the movie. Pulling into the lot where the movie is set up he finds a space right in the center of the lot.

Elain sets up the bed of his truck with the pillows and blankets while he unpacks the snacks and drinks. Settling down together Az kisses the top of her head as he tucks her into his side.

The movie starts and Elain’s focus is on the black and white opening scene while Az watches her intently. A part of him still doesn’t believe that she is his and yet here they are finally in each other’s arms. And all he can think is that he can’t wait for more moments like this throughout the rest of his life.

Tag list:

@thephilosophyofblank@roseteaofficial@sleeping-and-books@court-of-fuck-me-daddy@azriels-forgotten-shadow@tintinnabulary@jemma-nessian-and-elriel​ @psmarra @chemicha@but-she-was-aelin-galathynius@ttakeitbacknoww@azrielismycinnamonrollprimary​ @mis-lil-red @poisonous00@julesherondalex@hail-doodles@strangely-constructed-soul@rapunzel1523@l0sts0uls1128@lord-douglas-the-third​ @musicalfae @sezkins79@eloeloeheheh​ @caldelray @abimomeopectore@tswaney17@illyriangarbage@loysydark@imheretooa@illyrianbeauty@emmejo26@amitynotpity@alingelina@hav-illi-ard@amylindle@ellenoftroy@hizqueen4life​ @rheapendragon

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Rhys and Azriel’s Conversation

“You believe you deserve to be her mate?”

I think a lot of people are poorly misunderstanding Rhys’ question to Az about deserving Elain here. It really bothers me that people started to freak out about Rhys and Az’s dynamic after (mis)reading this one conversation. There seems to be a couple of issues causing the confusion:

  1. Interpreting the words
  2. Context

The first half of all the confusion seems to be a problem of language. Sarah might’ve chosen a less ambiguous word here but, alas, here we are.


Deserve: to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Deserve: do something or have or show qualities worthy of (a reaction which rewards or punishes as appropriate). (Oxford Dictionary)

Obviously both these definitions are different and you can probably see where this is going.

In the same vein, two synonymous phrases to ‘deserve’ are ‘to be entitled to’and‘to be worthy of’. We see that the word can be used to describe either of those attitudes. For the latter, Rhys asking Az if he actually believes he’s worthy of Elain would be so, so bad - and also completely and ridiculously out of character. Rhys constantly talks about how much it hurts him to see Az (and Cassian) believe that he’s a worthless bastard and even expresses this to Feyre on multiple occasions. So for him to to turn around and imply that Az wasn’t worthy of Elain would be so uncharacteristic of Rhys’ personality. But Rhys asking Az if he thinks he’s entitled to Elain’s affection makes much more sense in this context - and also how we’d expect Rhys to respond to Az’s words just before this question: “What if the Cauldron was wrong?… The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it’s possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another.” To which Rhys responds: “You believe you deserve to be her mate?” The context of the conversation makes it obvious that Rhys is freaked out because it sounds like Az feels he’s entitled to the third sister because of some sort of Cauldron-math - not the possibility that Elain herself might choose Az. Azriel never even mentions considering Elain’s choice in this whole conversation, even if he might have thought about it privately. So it seems obvious where Rhys’ line of thought would go, what he would be concerned about. He was obviously making a point about how fucked up it would be if Az were to think he deserves Elain as if she were an object. Like one would deserve a trophy or prize. As if Elain’s affection is EXPECTED to be directed at Az by the Cauldron/fate because HE thinks so. That he is somehow entitled to Elain.

Bear in mind that Rhys is a male who’s obsessed with choice (because his own was taken away) and who himself didn’t ever allow himself to believe that he was entitled to his own mate’s love. There are plenty of men who believe themselves entitled to a woman for all sorts of reasons - so it’s not a stretch that Rhys would be disturbed to hear something that sounds similar to entitlement in Az’s words. Especially since it’s obvious that Az is in a dark place (not sleeping, sad eyes, standing in the doorway throughout Solstice celebrations) and Rhys has obviously noted this. People can try to justify all sorts of attitudes when they’re in such a dark place (See: Nesta).

All this context is important to this conversation, guys!

I’m planning on doing feyre in the same style of the nesta drawing I did a while ago, here are some warm-up sketches

To whatever end.

I’m not going to on and on about this. I finished Kingdom of Ash and have been crying for 30 minutes now. A truly heartbreakingly beautiful end to a stunning and life altering series. I feel blessed to have read every dark, joyful and inspiring word on the page.

A better world is all we can hope and strive to achieve.

Last post until post read. I took the day off on Tuesday so I can finish Kingdom of Ash in one day. It’s so self indulgent, and I couldn’t be happier! Plus total support from family. Now if only Midnight 10/23 would come.

I’ve decided that I don’t give a crap if it makes a good book or not, none of the main characters should die in KOA.  Aelin, Rowan, Dorian, Manon, Elide, Lorcan, Gavriel, Aedion, Lysandra, Evangeline, Chaol, Yrene, Nesryn, Sartaq, Asterin, Fenrys, etc.  I’m pretty sure Sarah will have put them and us through enough by the time the last word is written.   I’m just putting that out there.  


I’m so pissed at myself.  I said I was taking a break from tumblr so I wouldn’t spoil my read of Kingdom of Ash.  I even set up the tag blocking to avoid it.  Let’s cut to me this morning thinking I could do an innocent check in since I missed your crazy mothers.  Instead, I see an anti-SJM post with quite possibly significant spoilers who proceeds to go on a motherf*&^T tirade about a book that no one else has seen so they could ruin it for others.  I couldn’t look away - I was stunned…and then I swear to all that is holy my laptop barely survived.   

Here’s the thing.   I know whatever Sarah has in store for us, there is going to be a LOT of hate.  People are going to lose their shit over anything and everything.  I learned that from the last 3 books she released & the reaction.  It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if there’s another cataclysmic rift in the SJM fandom.  The books aren’t perfect, but damn it, they are an escape, and they bring me joy.  Sue me.  I’m also completely fine if you hate it.  It’s your perspective, and it should be respected. 

But for fuck’s sake, at least wait until the gods damned book has been out more than a day before you spew your hate into the ether.

Thus ends the rant.  I’m sure I’ll have a meltdown after the damn book is out. It appears to be my thing now.  In truth, I’m sure I’ll really enjoy it. It won’t be perfect (see velvet wrapped steel :|), but what is these days? 

I’d love to hear perspective.  Much love to you all and hopefully, happy reading!  

 “He led me past displays that sparkled like small constellations, the worth of each … Even as a mer

“He led me past displays that sparkled like small constellations, the worth of each … Even as a merchant’s daughter, I could not calculate the worth of any of it.
And toward the back of the chamber, shrouded in a heavier darkness …
I’d heard of catacombs on the continent, where skulls of beloved or infamous people were kept in little alcoves—dozens or hundreds of them to a wall.
The concept here was the same: carved into the rock was an entire wall of crowns. They each had their own resting place, lined with black velvet, each illuminated by—
“Glowworms,” Rhys told me as the tiny, bluish globs crusted in the arches of each nook seemed to glitter like the entire night sky. In fact … What I’d taken for small faelights in the ceiling high above … It was all glowworms. Pale blue and turquoise, their light as silken as moonlight, illumining the jewels with their ancient, silent fire.”

A Court of Wings and Ruin

find my art.

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Hey guys, I’m making the lineart for this Feyre illustration available as a coloring book page. Some

Hey guys, I’m making the lineart for this Feyre illustration available as a coloring book page. Some people asked for it and I’m happy to oblige :)

I’m still going to finish coloring it myself as a reward for my Patreon this month, so I’ll upload my version pretty soon. 

I only ask a few things:

- Please don’t remove my signature or crop it out of the picture.

- You aren’t allowed to sell this as your own, the artwork is mine and the character belongs to Sarah J. Maas.

- You can post this online if you wish, provided that you credit me for the lineart.

- If you wish to, I’d be more than happy to see the results of your own coloring.

This is meant to be a fun thing among the community, so have fun :)

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Here’s a better look at the Feyre wip. I did so much line work for clients that I wanted to do

Here’s a better look at the Feyre wip. I did so much line work for clients that I wanted to do some lineart for myself
#wip #fanart #feyre #acotar #acofas #sjmaas #feyrearcheron

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Only a few hours until A Court of Frost and Starlight#feyre #feyrearcheron #acotar #acofas #acourt

Only a few hours until A Court of Frost and Starlight
#feyre #feyrearcheron #acotar #acofas #acourtoffrostandstarlight #sjmaas #wip #fanart #sketch

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I doodled Rowan and Aelin for Christmas last year, and I was surprised by how popular it was, so I d

I doodled Rowan and Aelin for Christmas last year, and I was surprised by how popular it was, so I decided to do a nicer version. I meant to have this done for Christmas, but…well, here it is now!

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