#southern witch


Spider Web Spells

To Catch Someone’s Eye:

  • Red or Pink Candle
  • Spider Web
  • Sugar or Honey

Carve the name of the person into the candle. Roll the candle in the web. Nestle the candle in sugar or honey and light it while thinking about them and the good things you see in them.

(Note: this is NOT a love spell. This will only open their eyes to you. It won’t make them fall in love with you. It will not take away their choice or free will. Think of it like someone offering you a dessert that you didn’t know was available. The dessert was there all along and if you want it you can accept it. If you don’t want it, you’re still able to decline it, the choice is yours. I do not support love spells that take away a person’s own choices or thoughts.)

To Attract Luck or Fortune:

  • Cinnamon (ground or stick)
  • Nutmeg
  • Pine Needle (or three drops of pine oil)
  • A Bay Leaf
  • A penny
  • Spider Web
  • Green Candle
  • Jar or Satchel
  • Old Purse or Wallet

Gather cinnamon (ground or stick), nutmeg, pine needle (pine oil works too) , a bay leaf and a penny. Wrap all of these in spider web. It doesn’t have to completely cover it. If you’re using a jar, put everything in the jar, close the lid and melt the candle wax over top. If you’re using a satchel, melt some of the wax over your bundle before placing it in the satchel. Place the jar or satchel in an old purse or wallet for monetary fortune. Carry the jar or satchel with you for an extra boost of good luck.

To Keep Someone Away From You:

  • Pen
  • Paper (small scrap)
  • Spider Web

Write the person’s name on the paper and roll it in the web. Cut the bundle in half and burn each half separately.

(Note: This spell is meant to help bind the energy between you and the person and sever ties. Be completely sure you want to cut this person from your life before you do this spell.)

Spider web is also a great addition to a number of different spells to bind energy/intent or to even help target the focus of your spell.

Please use caution when adding spider web to hexes and curses. Not only will it bind and focus, but it will also magnify it and make it harder to get rid of, because webs are sticky and hard to get out of.

I want to start getting into loose teas. Does anyone have any recommendations for tea brands/companies, tools, hacks, or witchy tips that could be helpful?

There’s so much info out there, and it’s a little overwhelming, so if you have any advice or can signal boost TIA.

So my followers may have noticed that my blog has been silent for about a year now. I wish I had a good excuse, but honestly, my life and mental state just got in the way.

A lot has happened in that year. I lost my job, got a new one, and lost that one. I broke friendships and started new ones. My house was severely damaged in a historic flood, and I repaired it (mostly).

My craft hasn’t stagnated, either. I’ve tried new things (Storm magick, guys! I actually did it! It was terrifying!), I’ve stepped away from the negative parts of my craft, and now I’m renewing my efforts to make myself more open with other witches.

I’d like to formally apologize to those of you who I failed to say goodbye to, and especially everyone who reached out to me during my hiatus and never heard back. I never meant to snub anyone.

A lot of asks have built up, and I’ll be making a concerted effort over the next week or so to get them all answered.

I’m reopening this blog to talk about what I’ve learned this past year. My successes, failures, regrets, and perhaps most importantly to my craft as it stands now, my fears and how I’ve dealt with them.

I’m back, y'all!

- Bayou

S o u t h e r n G o t h i c

I took a hike yesterday with some buddies

(@agentfrostbiteand@mayday1284 to be exact)

And with the grey skies, clouds, and my general spooky aesthetic, we decided to get some nice shots.

And me likeeeeeeee

(Aaaaandd@agentfrostbite has a post somewhere that’s really spooky and great about Tennessee so go to her page and take a look)

Welcome to the S o u t h…
