

I’ve just got my new rune set (haven’t had the time or energy to make my own, sadly), so I’m officially reopening divination requests for rune readings :) If you’d like a reading then feel free to send me an ask, I don’t typically ask for payment but if you’d like to donate whatever you feel a reading is worth then I’m more than happy to accept! Don’t feel obliged though, it’s a free thing that I use partly to keep my hand in the game and partly to get used to this new set.

Working on a new post this evening, but I’m glad I took this extended absence. It’s kept me sane in a time when I’ve truly not been well. I might work on a crystals post, which I’ve never done before but I feel is due. 

– Juniper

So, you’ve just started diving into the world of the diviner. Spells, readings, charms and talismans: it’s all super cool and you’re really excited. Awesome! Be excited! Fuel your interest and knowledge - but keep in mind all of these things require time and energy.

I feel like a lot of people, myself included when I first got started, want to dive right in and do all the things. They start running with a bunch of cleansing and banishing spells, do 27 tarot spreads a night for the first week, then try to load up a bunch of personal spells on top of it. 

Suddenly they hit a brick wall. The spells stop working like they did in the beginning. They begin feeling the burnout. They keep asking themselves “What am I doing wrong? It was working so well before. Maybe this isn’t for me.” This doesn’t only apply to new diviners, many seasoned people of magick are often guilty of the same thing if they have a burst of energy.  It isn’t so much that something was done wrong, just that it overloaded their energy flow. I’ve seen perfectly awesome spells thrown out as they were perceived as “not correct” or “not functioning” only because they were performed during a burnout- especially banishing, protection and cleansing rituals.

Instead of throwing around spells at everything that moves, identify a few important things. Is the goal of this spell a true need of mine, or simply something I want? Am I willing to dedicate the proper amount of time and energy to see this spell through? Am I willing to make any sacrifices to see this through?

As a practical example, I recently bought my first home (I’ll get back to this in a later post). My first home happens to have a pool. I know that I’ll need to clean it regularly, maintain the chemical levels, and occasionally relocate any critters that happen to wander in. Am I going to do these things every single day? Of course not. If I did, I wouldn’t have the time or energy to actually enjoy the pool. So instead, I set a loose schedule. The beginning requires a lot of attention and work, but then only every few days I would check and maintain the chemical levels. Maybe once a week, I deep clean the filter and bottom of the pool. Only if absolutely necessary would I need to relocate a critter or two. Then down the road, I’ll decide to add a water feature, or a new pool toy.

The same applies to magickal practice. Once you have found your base level of understanding, you don’t need to power through spells for the rest of your life. Not every day has to be “magically enhanced”, in fact it may be better off without. Every couple of days, throw a general tarot reading as a spot check. Once a week or so, do some deep meditation to clear out the depths of your psyche. Wandering spirits aren’t always bad, and most go away on their own, so only banish if you need to. If you identify something that you need, consider taking traditional routes before casting a spell for it. The more energy you store, the more energy you’ll have to spend on something you really need.

By employing these types of practices, you’ll start to find that you are able to cast powerful life-altering magick for better or worse. Am I saying to stop writing every neat spell you come across down? Absolutely not! Just keep them off to the side. Maybe when you really need it, you’ll look back and find it and have the true energy and drive to cast it successfully. 

I want to start getting into loose teas. Does anyone have any recommendations for tea brands/companies, tools, hacks, or witchy tips that could be helpful?

There’s so much info out there, and it’s a little overwhelming, so if you have any advice or can signal boost TIA.


Divination Drinks: Teas to Aid in Divining

Divination in all of its forms (tarot reading, tasseomancy; palmistry; pendulums, etc,.), can be quite exhausting and require large amounts of energy. These teas and tea blends will aid you in divining by enhancing your psychic power, and/or boosting your energy.

Tea Blends:

Psychic Tea (Scott Cunningham)

  • 3 parts Rose Petals
  • 1 part Cinnamon
  • 2 parts Yarrow

Brew the tea, strain it and drink a cup before performing any form of divination as this tea enhances psychic awareness.

Tea for Divination (Moura)

  • 1 tbsp China black tea
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Balm
  • 1 tbsp Rose Hips
  • 1 tbsp Mugwort*

Brew the tea, strain it and drink either before divination or sip during/throughout.


Jasmine Tea

  • Jasmine is said to induce prophetic dreams, which can aid in the growth of psychic power and psychic awareness making this tea a good choice of drink to be had before divining. 
  • Drink 1 cup of this naturally sweet and fragrant tea before sleeping the night before you wish to divine.

Vanilla Tea

  • You can brew your own or buy ready-made Vanilla tea/tea bags. Vanilla enhances psychic ability and allows the benefits of this enhancement to be better felt and absorbed. 
  • Drink Vanilla tea before and during any divination work to open yourself up and be more receptive.

Peppermint Tea

  • Peppermint tea heightens your psychic sensitivity, as well as working to clear the mind and sharpen focus. It can also be used to cleanse the mind and body of any negative energies beforehand.
  • This tea should be consumed beforeany psychic or divination based activities. 

Some Other Things to Consider:

Some herbal tea blends may not be to your taste but this can be remedied by adding honey to taste. 

Other herbs, such as Cinnamon, are used to add oomph to magick and can be added to tea blends and teas to do just that. If you don’t want to add pre-ground and grainy Cinnamon to your drinks, you can use a Cinnamon stick to stir instead. This will add the oomph you’re after without altering the taste too much.

If you want to make your brew even more potent, stir clockwise. This adds positive energy to your tea.

[*=This herb is harmful to pregnant or nursing women!]

“Fork in the Road” Tarot SpreadA good spread to help you evaluate two decisions and their possible o

“Fork in the Road” Tarot Spread

A good spread to help you evaluate two decisions and their possible outcomes.

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The Stairwell Tarot SpreadA good spread for when you are trying to find direction or purpose.The ove

The Stairwell Tarot Spread

A good spread for when you are trying to find direction or purpose.

  1. The overall goal
  2. The first step you need to take
  3. The help you will need

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“Lesson Learned” Tarot SpreadA good spread for dealing with and learning from your mistakes.

“Lesson Learned” Tarot Spread

A good spread for dealing with and learning from your mistakes.

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We’re nearing on the THIRD ANNIVERSARY of LushyWitch. I looked through my archive today and was emotional about how far I’ve come ! I’m three years older and wiser and I really feel like my craft has evolved with me ♥ 

This month my goal is to post spells that I’ve been working on for you all !! Starting tomorrow I have THIRTY spells, spreads and other resources queued up just for October, PLUS a big halloween sale on my Etsy, new merch coming to the Etsy shop AND a big announcement ! 

Make sure to turn on post notifications for my blog so that you don’t miss out, or subscribe to my mailing list here!

☀️⛱️ hot girl summer : tarot spread ⛱️☀️card one : where will you find love this summer?card two : w

☀️⛱️ hot girl summer : tarot spread ⛱️☀️

card one : where will you find love this summer?
card two : where will you find joy this summer?
card three : where will you find wealth this summer?
card four : where will you find spiritual fulfillment this summer?

You can buy custom readings of this spread from RockyWitchery on Etsy (use the code TUMBLR2019 for 10% off) 

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Wednesday Spread by LushyWitchUse this spread to demystify the mercury-dominant aspects of your lifeWednesday Spread by LushyWitchUse this spread to demystify the mercury-dominant aspects of your life

Wednesday Spread byLushyWitch

Use this spread to demystify the mercury-dominant aspects of your life. This spread was designed for reading on wednesdays but is available for purchase anytime for only $1.50CADhere. Every tarot reading purchase includes a private and detailed interpretation of your reading in .pdf format, and up to 3 clarifying context questions. 

Card One-Communication

This card will display what needs to be clarified and communicated to others in your life currently. If you are keeping secrets that would do better revealed or internalizing issues that require assistance to heal, this card will tell you what path to take for these types of situations.

Card Two -Reflection

This card represents what needs deeper thought in your life. If you are acting impulsively or failing to realize an aspect of a situation entirely, Mercury wants you to consider these things. This card will show you what’s not yet left your subconscious.

Buy the Wednesday Spread for $4CAD here
If you like what I do, you can support me by buying me a coffee ♥

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What are your different decks ?

I currently own the Fantastical Creatures Tarot by D.J. Conway + Lisa Hunt and the Celestial Tarot by Kay Steventon + Brian Clark and the Wild Unknown Tarotby Kim Krans

What is the difference between your decks ?

Different decks have different personalities, vibrations and art. Choosing which deck you want your reading done with will affect the type of feedback you get, the same way choosing which friend you go to for advice will change which type of advice you get. You may want to choose my decks based on their different personalities, artworks, or past readings done using them. 
(Fantastical Creatures readings) (Celestial Tarot readings) (Wild Unknown Tarot readings)

What kind of personality does the Celestial deck have ?

The Celestial deck is very non-judgmental and emotionally supportive, but also very blunt. It’s the best deck for dealing with scary situations, relationships, and emotional growth. It seems to value honesty and natural consequence as well as movement and maturing. Ask my celestial deck if you’d like the focus to be on matters of the water and air elements in your life.

What kind of personality does the Fantastical Creatures Tarot deck have ?

The Fantastical Creatures deck is very dynamic and will tell you more than anything what you need to hear to be where you want to be, but not necessarily be the one to tell you where you need to be if you don’t already know and want that. It’s a little more judgemental and a lot harsher than the Celestial deck, it’s best at dealing with personal conflicts and matters of earth and fire but not as great at dealing with emotional conflicts.

What kind of personality does the Wild Unknown Tarot deck have?

The Wild Unknown deck has been extremely blunt and focuses on reflection and thought more than my other decks do. It is the best deck for dealing with consideration, planning, and prediction questions. It’s an extremely positive, however honest, deck that pulls both the good and bad from all situations and answers. It has done extremely well to deal with emotionally and mentally charged questions.

This has been updated to include my brand new deck, the Wild Unknown Tarot deck by Kim Krans! As always, tarot request help can be found under the tag “#reference” on my blog! 

✨ Annual Predictions by LushyWitch ✨  A 12-card spread that serves general life predictions for each

✨ Annual Predictions byLushyWitch

 A 12-card spread that serves general life predictions for each of the zodiac signs over the coming year. 


Card Group One

Card One : Prediction for Sagittarius season (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Card Two : Prediction for Capricorn season (Dec 22 - Jan 20)
Card Three : Prediction for Aquarius season (Jan 21 - Feb 18)
Card Four : Prediction for Pisces season (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Card Group Two

Card Five: Prediction for Aries season (Mar 21 - Apr 20)
Card Six: Prediction for Taurus season (Apr 21 - May 21)
Card Seven: Prediction for Gemini season (May 22 - Jun 21)
Card Eight : Prediction for Cancer season (Jun 22 - Jul 23)

Card Group Three

Card Nine : Prediction for Leo season (Jul 24 - Aug 23)
Card Ten : Prediction for Virgo season (Aug 24 - Sep 23)
Card Eleven : Prediction for Libra season (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
Card Twelve : Prediction for Scorpio season (Oct 24 - Nov 21)

Every reading features a detailed .PDF interpretation, images of the cards drawn, and up to 3 context questions for elaboration on any unsatisfactory answers. Choose from any ofmy three decks and demystify your year ahead today! 

Purchase a full 12-card reading for $20CAD$10CAD !!!

Purchase a reading of any 4 signs/1 card group for $8CAD$4CAD !!!

  • Remember to include the e-mail you’d like to receive the .pdf file from as well as which deck you’d like me to use in the “notes to seller” form when you’re checking out !

If you like what I do, you can support me by buying me a coffee

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i need to get to know my Wild Unknown Tarot deck … send me a snowflake for an aura reading

  • mbf me
  • reblog this post please
  • no terfs/swerfs/radfems/exclusionists/gatekeepers/bigots please
  • be nice it’s christmas

send in for your reading here
