#spider-man into the spider-verse



I’m just as excited for Endgame as you are.  Maybe even more so, as I’ve successfully avoided every spoiler, trailer, and interview they’ve released. But at some point, one of two things will happen to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

1) The general public’s interest will somehow never wain and the literally never-ending-story will achieve an almost Biblical sense of cultural gravitas.


2) Fatigue is going to set in eventually.

Someday soon, the Marvel movies will generate so much income that they will also begin to generate their own responsibilities and boundaries. These films have made more money than several dozen countries do in a year, and so many livelihoods and jobs rely on their success that, for the sake of the common good, a formula will be derived to make these movies as accessible and profitable as possible.

And unfortunately that’s just not a very good way to tell stories.

The warning signs have been visible for awhile. Marvel even announced sequels for characters we’re supposed to believe are dead, for Pete’s sake! If that isn’t the best example of studio getting in the way of story, I don’t know what is.

DC has enjoyed no such crippling success, and thus have, on occasion, made more interesting, relevant movies as a result.

Whereas the “phases” of the MCU were planned out so far in advance that their stories lagged behind social norms, Patty Jenkins beat Anna Boden to the punch two years early when she crafted the first female lead in modern comic book filmography (and it was a darn good movie too!)

Which brings us to “Shazam!” being in theatres at the same time as “Captain Marvel,” which is either ironic or appropriate considering how familiar you are with their namesakes.

And I’m shocked to say, DC came out on top this round.

Both films are not quite perfect, in that they both feature some questionable acting and drag at different parts of the script. But whereas CM was cursed to live in the looming shadow that is Endgame, “Shazam!” Is free to explore more interesting, complicated, and important storylines. While it’s being advertised as a big-budget action-version of Tom Hanks’ “Big,” it is actually a heart-wrenching, inspiring, shockingly honest portrayal of the foster care system, warts and all.

And yes, it’s also very, very funny.

One gets the sense while watching “Shazam!” that it’s actually ABOUT something. That there’s a theme, a message, and a moral to be learned here. Nay, that such things are the point of the movie’s existence, and such clarity of purpose has not been felt in the Marvel mythos for many, many years.

And that’s why, I’m shocked to say, I’m kinda more looking forward to “Joker.”

What do you think?

I watched Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse again and it still slaps. So Nico as Spider-Man, sorry the quality is crap, but shit happens idk



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i know everyone already adopted miles but i’d like to put my name on the list

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Miles Morales totally doodled ‘fuck the police’ over all his books for class after hearing the N.W.A song for the first time and no one can convince me otherwise

He got pulled up for it by teachers and enjoyed 3 hours of fame until his Dad turned up in uniform shouting “has anyone seen my son Miles Morales, he’s supposed to join me on patrol ! He’ll be so upset if he misses this”

or as I like to call it

Into The Spider-Verse 

i just found out that spider-man: into the spider verse made less than $400 million at the box office??? WHAT??? THATS LESS THAN WHAT THOR THE DARK WORLD MADE.

