
mowges1993: I am officially opening my first free tarot readings! From 8/20-8/31 I will be taking as


I am officially opening my first free tarot readings! From 8/20-8/31 I will be taking asks for one free tarot reading. Here are the conditions and instructions:

1. Please don’t ask as anonymous! I will answer privately, I just need to make sure that each person is only getting one!

2. Depending on how swamped I get with asks, I will prioritise my followers UNLESS if my spirit guides and I sense urgency from a non-follower ask!

3. The questions are limitless, you can be as specific or vague as you would like, you can inquire about your life path, etc.

4. I will answer back as soon as I can, I don’t want to keep anyone waiting!

Thank you so much to everyone!

Be well, be love, be positive!

Day 6 out of 12!

Tip me:

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100 things to ask a psychic

1. How can I be more successful at my job?

2. Which colleagues should I bond with?

3. Which colleagues should I stay away from?

4. How do I shift my career to something more meaningful?

5. I’m not happy in my current job. Do you see anything better coming for me?

6. Is my lover going behind my back?

7. Is my lover unfaithful?

8. Is my lover actually in love with me?

9. How can we rekindle our spark?

10. What should I be open to right now?

11. How can I attract love into my life?

12. Do spirits have a message for me?

13. Does my spirit guide have a message for me?

14. Who is my spirit guide?

15. Is my loved one okay?

16. How does my ex feel about me?

17. What am I not seeing?

18. Is there anything a passed loved one wants to tell me?

19. What was one of my past lives like?

20. What can you tell me about my soul purpose?

21. How can I improve my finances?

22. What can you tell me about my spiritual life?

23. What can you tell me about the energy of my house?

24. Does my pet have a message for me?

25. What can I do if I’m attracted to a person who might not be attracted to me?

26. Are things serious between us?

27. Is the universe trying to tell me something?

28. What steps can I take to reach my goals?

29. What is stopping me from finding love?

30. How can I develop a deeper relationship with my children?

31. How do I improve the energy in my home?

32. Do I have any psychic abilities?

33. Have I been abducted?

34. Can I astral project?

35. What can you tell me about my dreams? (You need to explain the dream for this question)

36. What steps can I take in order to get a promotion?

37. How can I improve my grades?

38. Where can I find love?

39. What is my aura like?

40. Do I have any fake friends?

41. Is someone talking behind my back?

42. What can you tell me about my relationship with my partner?

43. Am I oppressed by negative spirits or energy?

44. Is there something I am not seeing?

45. How can I heal my relationship with my friend?

46. How do I become successful in school?

47. Which deities are trying to connect to me?

48. How does my deity want me to honor them?

49. How can I start to find joy again?

50. What caused my happiness to disperse

51. What changes in my life would make me happy?

52. Should I rekindle my relationship or should I let it go?

53. Why do I feel stuck or stagnant?

54. How can I find hope for my future?

55. How do I feel more connected with life?

56. How do I connect with my spirit guides better?

57. What messages do my spirit guides have for me about work?

58. Why do I keep attracting the wrong partner?

59. Why am I holding onto a toxic relationship?

60. What am I supposed to be learning from this relationship?

61. What is my life’s main purpose right now?

62. Is witchcraft something I should explore?

63. Why do I feel spiritually blocked?

64. Why do I feel like I can’t connect with my deities anymore?

65. What does my friend think about me?

66. What do my co-workers think about me?

67. Is my friend telling the truth?

68. Do they really want a relationship with me?

69. Should I quit my job?

70. Am I a star seed?

71. Am I an indigo child?

72. Am I a rainbow child?

73. Am I a crystal child?

74. How can I use my spirituality for a higher purpose?

75. How can I help others?

76. How can I protect myself?

77. How can I better my home?

78. How can I save money?

79. How can I improve my psychic intelligence?

80. How can I communicate with a loved one?

81. Is there a secret I need to know about?

82. Is there something wrong with my loved one?

83. How can I be more independent?

84. How can I find my soul purpose?

85. How is this week going to be for me?

86. How is this month going to be for me?

87. How is this year going to be for me?

88. Will I get that job I applied for?

89. What crystals are good for my aura?

90. Why do I see repeating numbers?

91. Am I telekinetic?

92. What should I write about?

93. What is the energy of my workplace?

94. What is the energy of my school?

95. Are there any rumors about me?

96. What do people really think about me?

97. Am I a good person?

98. How many past lives do I have?

99. Do I have past lives on other planets?

100. Should I stay or should I go?

Day 4 out of 12 of my free tarot readings! My PayPal is [email protected] if you wish to tip me or request additional divination!

Also, please check out the OP for pendulum readings! Their blog is blessed and their readings are great!

What is Clairsentience?

So many people have heard of the term clairvoyance and are often disappointed when they find out that they do not fit in that category. However, fear not! There are plenty of other “Clairs” out there, so of you felt some sort of connection to clairvoyance, you might be on the right track to deciphering your abilities!

I, too, had a similar beginning to my journey as a clairsentient. There is barely any information out there about what clairsentience is, so I’m here to help!

  • Define clairsentience

Clairsentience literally means “clear feeling.” It describes the heightened sensitivity around people, animals, objects, etc

  • What is the difference between clairsentience and being an empath?

The difference can be tricky to understand, but to put it simply, clairsentients not only pick up emotions like an empath, but they experience them on a higher level. Keep reading to understand what this means

  • How can I tell if I’m clairsentient?

Here are some common traits that clairsentients share:

  1. “I just know” is something you say to people on a daily basis

If you tell your friend not to touch an object, or not to interact with a person without any justification other than your gut feeling, you may be clairsentient. Whether the spirits are telling you or you are picking up on a lot of negative energy, that is your abilities sensing more than the average person could possibly know.

2. You know what is on a person’s mind before they say it

This is not “mind reading,” it is instead sensing their emotions and thoughts before they reach the physical plane. That is why clairsentients make great psychics and mediums, because they can feel what the person wants to ask before a single word comes out!

3. You have a gift with divination

Whether it’s tarot readings, pendulum boards, or scrying, clairsentients are able to give very accurate readings because of their abilities. They don’t need to look at a reference book to see what tarot cards mean, they know it once they look at them.

Some of your abilities may overlap eith empathic abilities, which means that you are an empathic clairsentient! I have been blessed with that special gift, and I love sharing it with the world through my friendship and tarot readings.

Be well, be love, be positive!

mowges1993: I am officially opening my first free tarot readings! From 8/20-8/31 I will be taking as


I am officially opening my first free tarot readings! From 8/20-8/31 I will be taking asks for one free tarot reading. Here are the conditions and instructions:

1. Please don’t ask as anonymous! I will answer privately, I just need to make sure that each person is only getting one!

2. Depending on how swamped I get with asks, I will prioritise my followers UNLESS if my spirit guides and I sense urgency from a non-follower ask!

3. The questions are limitless, you can be as specific or vague as you would like, you can inquire about your life path, etc.

4. I will answer back as soon as I can, I don’t want to keep anyone waiting!

Thank you so much to everyone!

Be well, be love, be positive!

Day 2 out of 12! Also if you would like to tip me or request additional divination methods, my PayPal email is [email protected]

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I am officially opening my first free tarot readings! From 8/20-8/31 I will be taking asks for one f

I am officially opening my first free tarot readings! From 8/20-8/31 I will be taking asks for one free tarot reading. Here are the conditions and instructions:

1. Please don’t ask as anonymous! I will answer privately, I just need to make sure that each person is only getting one!

2. Depending on how swamped I get with asks, I will prioritise my followers UNLESS if my spirit guides and I sense urgency from a non-follower ask!

3. The questions are limitless, you can be as specific or vague as you would like, you can inquire about your life path, etc.

4. I will answer back as soon as I can, I don’t want to keep anyone waiting!

Thank you so much to everyone!

Be well, be love, be positive!

Post link

Music: Medicine for the Soul

Music communes with the human soul in more ways than one can imagine. Do you ever wonder why certain songs resonate with you more powerfully than others? It is because that music is on the same vibrational level as your soul!

How to use music in your life:

  • Manifesting

Put your intent into the song and watch your desired life unfold before your eyes!

  • Spellcasting

Incorporating songs with high vibrations into your spells or making elixirs can amplify their desired effect

  • Alignment

Use music, particularly sounds, to align your body and soul. Each chakra has a corresponding sound, and meditation can be powerful with your favorite track playing in the background

Be well, be love, be positive!

Tarot Reading Sale!

In celebration of my official business logo, I will be doing a SALE on my tarot readings! Here’s how it works:

  1. Find a friend, mutual, or family member that is also interested in a tarot reading for themselves!
  2. Both of you must contact me separately, either by my email, my blog, or my Instagram (posted on my bio)
  3. Once I receive confirmation from both of you that the other’s name is correct, I will find a reading that works for each of you and give you 20% off both your readings!

This will be running from 10/27 through 11/10!

Please repost this to support small business!

Be well, be love, be positive!

Book a Reading With Me!

Hello everyone! Please DM me with tarot requests! Here is a list of some of my services:

  • Relationship readings
  • Career readings
  • Life path readings
  • Personality readings
  • Times readings (15, 20, and 30 minutes)
  • Readings by question

And more!

Allow me to help you achieve your greatest life possible

Be well, be love, be positive!

The Blind Spot Reading

An interpersonal reading that reveals what you and the other person know about the situation…and don’t know!
