#life path





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Your Life Path Number (number of destiny)

How to calculate it:

your day of birth + month + year


if your birthday’s on 21/12/2002, you should calculate it this way:

2+1+1+2+2+0+0+2 = 10 = 1+0 = 1

1 is your life path number

Life Path 1:

Archetype:the warrior

You’re an innovator, an individualistic and independent soul. You’re bold, active, strong, stubborn and unique. You could be quite self-centered and prone to rebellious acts, you’re unconventional, original and attracted to unique people. You’re not suggestible, it’s impossible to change your mind. You have great leadership skills. During your lifetime you could face many lonely periods but it doesn’t scares you. It’s hard for you to express your feelings, you could be more rational and not so emotional. You could suffer of anxiety and your biggest fear could be failure.

Ruling planet:Sun

If you’re born on 1, 10, 19, 28 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 2:

Archetype: the child

You’re sensitive, emotional, protective, nurturing and kind. You could crave many attentions from others and you could be kinda passive, more receptive, not so dynamic. You tend to trust other easily, it’s hard for you to notice red flags, you’re kinda naive and innocent. You love to help others and you’re extremely generous. You could be romantic and family oriented, social and friendly. You’re creative and attracted to every form of art. Your deepest fear could be loneliness and rejection.

Ruling planet:Moon

If you’re born on 2, 11, 20, 29 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 3:

Archetype:the jester

You’re creative, expressive, optimistic, joyful, inspiring and smart. You could be talented in every artistic field, you could also be a great communicator, actor and writer. You have an innate good taste in clothes and style. You can’t stand routine and monotony, you need constant stimuli, you could be multi-potential or someone with many different hobbies. You have great leadership skills, you’re charismatic and persuasive. You’re friendly, chatty and fun to have around. You could be quite anxious and with an unstable sense of identity.

Ruling planet:Jupiter

If you’re born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 4:

Archetype:the builder

You’re traditional, methodical, materialistic and not so spiritual, you value facts over words, you could lack of creativity and flexibility, you’re quite determinate, goal oriented, persistent and stubborn. You’re someone others can easily trust, you’re predictable, organized, helpful and practical. You could be kinda inflexible and intolerant toward those who are different and new ideas.

Ruling planet:Sun

If you’re born on 4, 13, 22, 31 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 5:

Archetype:the researcher

You’re a free spirit, an open minded individual always in search of an adventure. You like to explore the world, to travel, to know new people and to expand your social circle. You’re bold, optimistic and attracted to new ideas. Changes doesn’t scares you, you accept the fluidity of life. You’re dynamic and always in search of new stimuli and interesting things. You’re sensual and attractive, you like to experiment with your sexuality and you’re intolerant toward jealousy. You’re charismatic and impulsive. You could have some problems when it comes to discipline and structure.

Ruling planet: Mercury

If you’re born on 5, 14, 23 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 6:

Archetype:the angel

You’re loving, friendly, charismatic, kind, protective and tolerant toward others. You’re classy and attracted to aesthetically pleasing things, you could be talented in every artistic field. You’re connected with your heart and your emotions, kinda sensitive and emotional. You’re not so attracted toward changes, routines are good for you. You’re a big dreamer but you could be prone toward laziness. You could be kinda insecure and rely too much on others.

Ruling planet: Venus

If you’re born on 6, 15, 24 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 7:

Archetype: the wise

You’re intellectual, skeptical, always in search for the highest truth, knowledgeable, introverted, attracted to philosophy and psychology. You’re attracted to the occult and mysticism. You’re ambitious, inspired, deep, complex and prone to anxiety. You tend to isolate yourself and suffer of loneliness, you could be a perfectionist and kinda cynical.

Ruling planet:Moon

If you’re born on 7, 16, 25 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 8:

Archetype:the king

You’re gifted with charisma and leadership skills, ambition, an high self esteem, independence and a strong willpower. You’re logical, objective and impartial. You’re not scared of obstacles, you’re motivated and willing to learn something by every challenge. You could have high standards and feel like a failure if you feel like your life is not equivalent to your expectations. If undeveloped, you could be quite arrogant, stubborn and vindictive.

Ruling planet:Saturn

If you’re born on 8, 17, 26 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 9:

Archetype:the freedom lover

Your personality is filled with a feminine and earthy energy, you’re spiritual, open minded, caring, humanitarian, sensitive and emotional, you care about every creature of the Earth, you want to make the world a better place. You’re alternative, non-conforming, different and original, you like to make things in your own way. Order and balance are extremely important for you, you hate every form of conflict. It’s hard for you to regulate your emotions, they are strong and intense.

Ruling planet: Mars

If you’re born on 9, 18, 27 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

ko-fi ☕️:sacerdotessa


Recently I got  really disappointed with the interpretation of natal chart for my querent - I kept struggling entire Sunday but still it looked like a mixture of  personal traits and common places, there was no vibration of soul to it — 

till the moment I was drawn to investigate North and South Nodes, 

and wow, I was near to cry as the messages were so profound, resonating with the struggle my querent was going through, suddenly all the pieces of the birth chart created the pattern and I knew this was she.

North and South Nodes are the vein of the soul in your natal chart. Soul path, your inner dragon, they say. 

Basically it’s the points where Sun and Moon orbit paths around the Earth intersect, forming profound energetic relationships (same way with Ascendant \ Descendant, Midhaven \ Imum Coeli).

Nodes have special names: North Node - Caput Draconis, dragon’s head and South Node - Cauda Draconis, dragon’s tail. Showing they are opposite and still - wholeness.

When is it a time to dive deep into the messages of the Nodes in your natal chart?

  • you’re in spirituality and metaphysics 
  • you’re tuned into your Higher Self or open to that
  • you look at your natal chart interpretation and realize that you can’t relate to that or you’ve already integrated a lot of that
  • certain people, situations, challenges continue to come into your life as if repeated melody
  • you’re more or less aware that there are certain behavior patterns which hold you back or push forward

Too deep but go for it…

The Nodes are your inner dragon, bringing you face to face with your limits and — opening to the realization of big soul journey - where do you come from? where do you go? 

Nodes are usually viewed as opposition - personal traits you already have (South Node) and what you need to integrate in your journey (North Node).

But there are so much more to Nodes and how you can start exploring their messages:

- you can read South Node - North Node as your main theme, what you’re here to explore, what special lessons to learn or to rephrase - what karma to release

- what path will make you truly you, truly happy and fulfilled no matter how hard and impossible it might seem

- your calling, mission

- what are your gifts and inner knowledge you already have (South Node) and what you’re going to integrate by overcoming your limitations and letting go (North Node) 

- what are your deepest wounds and pains you’re going to heal in your journey

- South Node as your unacknowledged self, dark side reflected in people and situations brought in front of you so you can start facing that aspects of own self

- South Node as a path of less resistance, North Node - harder but worth to try path

Check your Nodes tonight and nice journey back.

How I talked myself into not getting a job…

It’s no secret that it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything significant. For the past few months, I’ve been completely in flux. I was working two jobs. I was barely eating and sleep was nonexistent most nights. I was irritated 95% of the time and I was not myself. I found myself coming out of character quite often with just about anyone who annoyed me. Each job came with its own set of…

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I took a few weeks of hiatus, almost a month because I had writers block. The worst thing to do when you have writers block is to force it. People can tell when content is forced and is less than genuine. I always want to be able to write about things that resonate with me. Since my last post, I have been doing a lot of spiritual work on myself. I realize that that may have also contributed a big…

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There may have been times where you’ve had no idea what we are doing and where we you going. Not just with our physical destinations but with our futures and fate there have and will be times where we are completely unsure. All those moments we sit and search for a sign to let us know what happens next or what we should do. Signs come in all shapes and sizes, whether it be a literal sign or a…

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Success: n. 1. the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. 2. the attainment of popularity or profit. 3. a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity. 4. the outcome of an undertaking, specified as achieved or failing to achieve its aims. Success, the one thing we all aim for in multiple areas in our lives. And to each of us, success and what it means to us personally has…

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Human sexuality is the expression of sexual sensation and related intimacy between beings. It is something that ranges a variety of categories. Human sexuality occurs on all planes which include the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Because of this, the act of sex is considered highly sacred. With recent generations, sex has become less for love and commitment and has become for purely…

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stick or switch?


100 things to ask a psychic

1. How can I be more successful at my job?

2. Which colleagues should I bond with?

3. Which colleagues should I stay away from?

4. How do I shift my career to something more meaningful?

5. I’m not happy in my current job. Do you see anything better coming for me?

6. Is my lover going behind my back?

7. Is my lover unfaithful?

8. Is my lover actually in love with me?

9. How can we rekindle our spark?

10. What should I be open to right now?

11. How can I attract love into my life?

12. Do spirits have a message for me?

13. Does my spirit guide have a message for me?

14. Who is my spirit guide?

15. Is my loved one okay?

16. How does my ex feel about me?

17. What am I not seeing?

18. Is there anything a passed loved one wants to tell me?

19. What was one of my past lives like?

20. What can you tell me about my soul purpose?

21. How can I improve my finances?

22. What can you tell me about my spiritual life?

23. What can you tell me about the energy of my house?

24. Does my pet have a message for me?

25. What can I do if I’m attracted to a person who might not be attracted to me?

26. Are things serious between us?

27. Is the universe trying to tell me something?

28. What steps can I take to reach my goals?

29. What is stopping me from finding love?

30. How can I develop a deeper relationship with my children?

31. How do I improve the energy in my home?

32. Do I have any psychic abilities?

33. Have I been abducted?

34. Can I astral project?

35. What can you tell me about my dreams? (You need to explain the dream for this question)

36. What steps can I take in order to get a promotion?

37. How can I improve my grades?

38. Where can I find love?

39. What is my aura like?

40. Do I have any fake friends?

41. Is someone talking behind my back?

42. What can you tell me about my relationship with my partner?

43. Am I oppressed by negative spirits or energy?

44. Is there something I am not seeing?

45. How can I heal my relationship with my friend?

46. How do I become successful in school?

47. Which deities are trying to connect to me?

48. How does my deity want me to honor them?

49. How can I start to find joy again?

50. What caused my happiness to disperse

51. What changes in my life would make me happy?

52. Should I rekindle my relationship or should I let it go?

53. Why do I feel stuck or stagnant?

54. How can I find hope for my future?

55. How do I feel more connected with life?

56. How do I connect with my spirit guides better?

57. What messages do my spirit guides have for me about work?

58. Why do I keep attracting the wrong partner?

59. Why am I holding onto a toxic relationship?

60. What am I supposed to be learning from this relationship?

61. What is my life’s main purpose right now?

62. Is witchcraft something I should explore?

63. Why do I feel spiritually blocked?

64. Why do I feel like I can’t connect with my deities anymore?

65. What does my friend think about me?

66. What do my co-workers think about me?

67. Is my friend telling the truth?

68. Do they really want a relationship with me?

69. Should I quit my job?

70. Am I a star seed?

71. Am I an indigo child?

72. Am I a rainbow child?

73. Am I a crystal child?

74. How can I use my spirituality for a higher purpose?

75. How can I help others?

76. How can I protect myself?

77. How can I better my home?

78. How can I save money?

79. How can I improve my psychic intelligence?

80. How can I communicate with a loved one?

81. Is there a secret I need to know about?

82. Is there something wrong with my loved one?

83. How can I be more independent?

84. How can I find my soul purpose?

85. How is this week going to be for me?

86. How is this month going to be for me?

87. How is this year going to be for me?

88. Will I get that job I applied for?

89. What crystals are good for my aura?

90. Why do I see repeating numbers?

91. Am I telekinetic?

92. What should I write about?

93. What is the energy of my workplace?

94. What is the energy of my school?

95. Are there any rumors about me?

96. What do people really think about me?

97. Am I a good person?

98. How many past lives do I have?

99. Do I have past lives on other planets?

100. Should I stay or should I go?

Day 4 out of 12 of my free tarot readings! My PayPal is [email protected] if you wish to tip me or request additional divination!

Also, please check out the OP for pendulum readings! Their blog is blessed and their readings are great!

Today’s lesson from “Raise you Vibrations” by Kyle Gray:

Your truth is your path

Do not let people discourage you from voicing your concerns, opinions, or ideals. If what you have to say offends them or angers them, they are not on your path. You can only stay on your path when you live truthfully and with love, never forget that! Your true, honest self is perfect in the universe’s eyes, so why alter yourself to please others?
