

Remember that this is time and energy spent on YOU. 

You would not ask a hairdresser to trim your bangs for free. You would not go without tipping a delivery person. You would not stiff the veggie vendor at the local farmer’s market. These are services that YOU have requested. This is time and energy that could be put elsewhere. These are resources that have been requested by YOU. 

So please, do not inquire and become upset if you know readings are free. When in doubt, ask! And if you cannot pay for a reading, kindly thank them for their time and move along. Tarot is not about the money, it is about a service provided for the betterment of others. And services do not go without reciprocity. Be kind to us, we are all trying our best!

Be well, be love, be positive!

We all came here with different gifts and different objectives to accomplish, every single one of us

We all came here with different gifts and different objectives to accomplish, every single one of us is equally unique, equally special, and equally important. It is only natural that to completely unfold our uniqueness we must each tread a path that is intimately our own. Follow your heart even if you don’t know exactly where you are going. Do not worry, when you follow your heart you can never get lost.

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The love we seek from others is the same love we struggle to give ourselves. The more we know oursel

The love we seek from others is the same love we struggle to give ourselves. The more we know ourselves, the closer this struggle comes to an end.

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Crystals are more powerful than we know.

#crystals    #quartz    #quartzcrystal    #meditation    #mindfulness    #namaste    #introspection    #spiritual    #spirituality    #spiritualgrowth    #spiritscience    #beauty    

Thoughts create feelings. Feelings create actions. Actions create habits. Habits create identity. What you thought is who you’ll be. You have the power to choose which thoughts you’ll focus on. Let the unwanted ones pass.

Moving on from the hard mentality of hustle culture into softness and gentleness. No more working hard to get things to be happy. But instead, being happy where I am to attract more of what I desire.

A single thought can change your whole mood. Make sure you feed yourself the right mental diet. What you hear and see is what you’ll think. Be selective.

You are the creator of your own reality. Is your reality made out of love or fear?

No, crying won’t mess with your manifestation. No, bad thoughts won’t make you start all over again. However, how you feel will change everything. Choose what you’ll feel. It’s in your control.

Acceptance within yourself gives you opportunities to get better. When you accept, you open yourself up for new experiences. Accept.

The feeling is the key. You can fake it till you make it, but make sure that you make it. Universe can read vibes only.

You’ve been doing your best in every given situation even if you think you weren’t. Be gentle. Everyone’s also doing the same.

Let it happen. The more you cling to the outcomes, the more they bend and change. Ride it through. Focus on eternal now.

It’s gonna work out. It’s gonna work out. It’s gonna work out.

It starts from within. Heal from inside out. The microcosm is the macrocosm.

Let the universe work it all out for you. You did all you can, it’s time to rest and let it happen.
