#sybo games


King: *handing out a balloon to Guard* I have no soul. Have a nice day!

Guard: I don’t have one either

Fresh: I don’t know where your nail polish is!

Frizzy: You’re ugly when you lie, Fresh!

Fresh: I’m not lying!

Frizzy: Then why are you ugly?!

Jake: It’s not like I consider Mully my role model and possibly see him as a missing father figure in my life or anything

Tricky: Are you ok

Fresh: Would you settle in for father-in-law?

Yutani: *glances at Fresh*

Jake: We’re alive! See? One day you’re gonna look back on this and laugh

Tricky: I assure you,for the rest of my life, everytime I look back on this, I will personally go over your house and smack you

The Gardener: I poisoned one of our glasses but I forgot which one

Frank: The way this date is going I hope it’s mine

Jake: Fresh is on a cruise so while he’s gone I’m gonna cut the sleeves off of all my shirts


Jake: He’s pretty much 85% of my impulse control

Frank: *sigh* I am a miserable failure!

The Gardener: Yeah, you are

Frank: I failed my mission!

G: Yeah, you did

Frank: I could use some words of encouragement!

G: *grins* Yeah, you could

“I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Jake asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight”


Yutani: Here’s what I wonder about zombies: what happens if they can’t get any human flesh to eat? They can’t starve to death, they’re already dead!

Tricky: You take this one. I spent an hour last night on “How do vampires shave when they can’t see themselves in the mirror”

Fresh: Well-groomed vampires meet in pairs and shave each other. Case closed.

Spike: Alright, listen up you alien little shits

Spike: Not you, Tani. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled to have you here
