#tag yourself

cynothing:Are you melting into a puddle? Style yourself in the fashion of one of these role-model pu


Are you melting into a puddle? Style yourself in the fashion of one of these role-model puddles!

you’re a puddle now

oh i’m belson

fontaine@drunkookie is probably spritzy lil tbh ;)

kelly@natchioss will be stewpants :D

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tag yourself i’m sylvia plath :Dthis was submitted by @cekatoo​ :)Here is a tag yourself I made for

tag yourself i’m sylvia plath :D

this was submitted by @cekatoo​ :)

Here is a tag yourself I made for my friend @aiedden
I’m not sure if it’s worth your blog but, I’ll give it a shot!

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tag yourself i’m stormkyle ahahAHAHAsubmitted by @cynothing ↓I’m submitting this one like this but i

tag yourself i’m stormkyle ahahAHAHA

submitted by @cynothing ↓

I’m submitting this one like this but if you like it, I’ve done some more because these are fun to draw and write. Plus they have a way of feeling both bigger and smaller as an end-result than they do as a sum total of effort. They’re on my blog. I hope you enjoy. 

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adhd + music moods: 

  1. listening to the same song on repeat for 72 hours straight
  2. requires absolutely no sound. complete silence only. if anyone so much as breathes…
  3. NEED ALL THE NOISE. MUSIC AT FULL BLAST. The external volume has to be loud enough to drown out the internal volume so I can hear the one productive thought. I SAID THE EXT-
  4. music has to be just loud enough that i can hear it, but quiet enough so i forget it’s on and i don’t get distracted by changing the song 
  5. too late. i am now changing the song every .2 seconds. hits shuffle. hits shuffle. hits skip. switches playlist. creates a new playlist that is a slight variation of an already existing playlist. it’s been 5 hours.


Types of People as Times of Day: Morning Winter Edition

5am: leaves themselves plenty of time to do things, soft breezes, enjoys the quiet moments, hair brushed back out of the way, worn out piano keys, sweet teas, lovingly battered paperbacks, pine needles and small stoves.

7am: studious, leather bound notebooks and messy scrawls, constantly lending pencils, dressing the dark and finding you’ve worn 3 different shades of black, tinkling glass, odd houseplants, sharp lines and soft scarves.

9am:always on the go, winter sunlight on frosted grass, scarves so big they swamp you, takeaway cups of hot drinks, the sharp inhale of breath as you step outside your door to start the day, colourful doodles and no nonsense notes.

11am:laid back but usually on top of things, bright warm colours, meeting a friend just to walk around, ice cold water, wandering museums at off-peak times, spilling your pencil case in the library, hushed whispers and barked laughter.

7 AM

tag yourself, we’re Ryan

tag yourself, we’re Ryan

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trashiously:tag yourself as one of these planets 


tag yourself as one of these planets 

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Type of people - A~D

A - will literally eat anything, has never read a book, does not care about your opinion, laidback, you will never see them cry, doesn’t do homework

B - threatens to fight everyone, would die instantly, leather jackets and high heels, overdressed always, poetry queen, artsy room decor

C - quiet and weirdly talented, silently plotting murder, keeps their face in a book, doesn’t like going outside, struggles to smile, neat

D - easily excited, the personification of a sugar rush, talks really quickly, upbeat music, hangs pictures everywhere, friends are a second family, YouTube obsessed


Types of people - piercings

Tragus - omg aren’t I unique?, party animal, questionable fashion sense, really fussy, always in and out of relationships, ironically calls everyone daddy, posts too much on Snapchat, lives in Starbucks, very opinionated

Septum - is the coolest person you know, takes artsy pictures, can act normal when drunk/high, can never tell if they’re lying or being sarcastic, or telling the truth tbh, refuses to take pain killers, ‘eh I’ll sleep it off’, dude

Lobe - the most dramatic being ever, loves their friends, tryna be a hoe but is actually so awkward, loves shopping, makes stupid poses in pictures, talks mostly in vine quotes, buys the best presents, always knows the gossip

Rook - flippin fearless, impulsive little shit, makes the worst life choices, has arguments every other day, hates being told what to do, stubborn, actual caffeine addiction, only wears about 3 outfits on repeat, messy room

Types of people - houseplants #2

Part one here


String of hearts - straightened hair, broken-hearted at all times, has a contact list longer than my lifespan, bitchy facial expressions, the sound of tapping nails, high heels, monster energy drink, never deletes photos

Succulent - a happy little bean, fluffy cardigans, hot chocolate with marshmallows, obnoxiously large scarfs, doesn’t ask for much, likes being alone, rain-splattered windows, contented smiles, windowsill book nooks, marshmallows

Maidenhair fern - bitten lips, so fucking difficult, indecisive, somehow both delicate and destructive, silk dresses, lemonade in tall glasses, freckled cheeks, deep sighs and long paragraphs, moody all the time, torn fabric

Rainbow palm - colourful nails, chaotic interior design, thrives in June, doesn’t care what you think, dancing to girl in red at 3am, lingering gazes, statement jewellery, bubbling laughter in a quiet room, coversations in memes
