#this was so much fun



Ghost Queen Amar

A gift from my dear friend @luci-draws turned into collab! I told her about all my shiny Pokémon on Legends Arceus and she felt inspired to draw myself as a Ghost trainer! An then of course I had to color it! Ghost-types have always been my favorite, with Gengar being my absolute favorite Pokémon and character design ever!

tema-makes-art-sometimes: Happy Valentine’s Day from the resident power-couple! Remember that the mo


Happy Valentine’s Day from the resident power-couple! Remember that the most important love is the love you give yourself!

This commission makes me so unbelievably happy, you all have no fucking idea- I wanna cry. I forget how much I crave content for this ship until I get it and then I just break down cause it makes me so happy.

Thanks again to @bunny-bun-draws for drawing my boys qAq you’re the bomb.com fam!

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I’m embarrassed by how long it took me to figure out what DTIYS meant, but once I did I couldn’t resist @kinschi ‘s DTIYS! This pose and their outfits were too cute to pass up



class swaps are fun

Ooh ok ok I really like this a lot because it flips the script so much.

Alright Pirates are a totally superstitious bunch. That is their lively hood on the ocean. A red morning is going to fuck you up. You always listen to the cat on the ship. So of course Bill is going to bring these superstitions back home with him and teach Fabian the proper way of avoiding the ocean’s wrath. Fabian’s faith isn’t through belief of a God but rather a the general respect for the ocean in a “I’m the baddest mother fucker around but no one can control the sea so let’s just give you some oranges to make sure you don’t fuck with me.” I mean, what a way of being on point with the name Seacaster. Of course as a cleric he would know ALL the weapons and armor taught to him by his parents. And his crisis of faith isn’t one of religion, but the fact his powers also partly come from his hero worship of his father the biggest pirate on the ocean and the disappointment of not living up to his name. But when he saw his father dangling there bleeding out, one hand manackled to the bed post, knowing full well he could be healed with a spell, Fabian plunges his sword through his heart like a dutiful son who loves his father and knows what he wants. They reconciled with blood and explosions and its beautiful.

Fabian: War Domain Cleric

Kristen is still with the Applebees as a Helio Family. Her Rage was thought of as her blinding adoration to Helio and their worship, like Crusader Style. She beats the shit out of people with her sickle staff and is one of those Very Aggressive church people who loudly pronounces their faith. But when she died and meet Helio in Heaven, she realizes she still has her Rage instead of inner peace, sparking her journey questioning her religion. As she continues to be with her friends she is learning that her aggression comes from different things like, how she had broken a lot of stuff at being in the Harvest Men Camp, how when meeting Tracker all she felt was “I just want to punch you in the face. With my face. On the lips” aaaand turns out her Rage comes from her repressed feelings of being Gay and tried to over compensate with being Super into Helio. Once the Daybreak stuff ended she manages to mellow out. Not completely obviously, but her Rightous Rage is now for true justice and gay rights.

Kristen: Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian

Gorgog man. You would think it would be easy to clock the guy being over 6ft tall and green. But he is surprisingly nimble for his sized. In part from being raised by Gnomes in a house not really fit for him. He learned at a young age how to step around his parents stuff instead of on them, how to duck and weave to avoid hitting his head or elbows, how to tuck himself smaller in his room to just try and fit. The other part was being with the other Gnomish children growing up. He didn’t want to scare them, so he became good at being quiet and unnoticeable. He doesn’t like it when people stare at him like he’s different, so he just avoids that all the time. He’s so quiet that he startles everyone when he speaks up, even around his friends. His presence just seems to vanish when no one looks.

Gorgog: Phantom Rogue

Riz is a band kid. A band kid detective. The reason he got into band was because of watching old 60s Saturday Morning cartoons with Penny: Scooby-Doo, Jabber Jaw, Jose and the Pussycats, and all those “teen musicians solve crimes” shows. So that sealed his fate. Riz must get his crew together of different but likeminded individuals who save the day just in time to perform their concert. Plus, Sherlock plays the violin to help think so it isn’t just teen detectives, adult detectives also perform music. It isn’t that weird. So he joined Band in middle school playing the clarinet because of course he’s the clarinet kid. Then when Penny disappears before high school now he knows it’s time to get serious. To find his music crew and solve mysteries! (He keeps trying to call their party The Band Kids. Fabian shuts him down hard).

Riz: Bard of Eloquence

Fig had the best life possible. Wonderful loving parents. Happy preppy school life. Positive and Cheerful as a cheerleader. Then her horns came in and whoops she’s a tiefling and all hell breaks loose (ha). The divorce was messy and painful. But she wants to fix it. She hates what’s happening but can’t help but partially blame herself. So she researches and studies what it’s like to be a tiefling, how are they made, did Gilear do something sinister to damn his soul?? (One of the far reaching theories that she considered). But as she looks into tieflings and the demons, she starts to read more into the arcane and woah she can cast magic. She knew magic was in her from her elf parents, but this isn’t Ranger magic like her mom. She can magically scare people. She can charm people. She can disguise herself to be what she wants. The divorce is painful and she is now more angry than guilty. So she continues to study magic, in books with Skulls and obvious pentagrams all over the cover, because her is sure this magic comes from her dad. And the more she studies the more she connects to her dad, trying to find him.

Fig: Enchantment Wizard

Adaine knew her parents gave up on her at an early age. So she gave up on them. She’s the rebel the outcast. She doesn’t put up with their passive aggression and dismissal attitude. She chooses to be a fighter, with weapons and swords and no magic. Just out of spite for her parents. They thing this is just a phase and minor act of rebellion that would come around, so they don’t try to give her more attention though it aggravates them to no end how she refuses to use a more civilized manner to solve a problem than just hacking at it with a sword. Adaine still has magic, and while she still is a fighter at heart she didn’t purposely fail the Hudal test. It’s just magic is a big part of her anxiety since her magic will always be scrutinized by her parents. Talking it out with Jawbone helped her learn that her magic is hers to deal with, and that she can still fight anyone who comes close whether with her orb or her fist. Plus, her being the Elven Oracle but still 100% a fighter is the best thing she could think of since it makes all of the other self important elves so pissed.

Adaine: Eldritch Knight

It’s a tough galaxy out there but someone’s gotta live in it! I’ve been absolutely lovin

It’s a tough galaxy out there but someone’s gotta live in it! 

I’ve been absolutely loving the new season of Dimension 20 and I’m very attached to this chaotic space crew!

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notsodaily-smolkakyoin: HAPPY (belated-ish) BIRTHDAY TO KAKYOIN!We GOT THAT BREAD! After about a monnotsodaily-smolkakyoin: HAPPY (belated-ish) BIRTHDAY TO KAKYOIN!We GOT THAT BREAD! After about a monnotsodaily-smolkakyoin: HAPPY (belated-ish) BIRTHDAY TO KAKYOIN!We GOT THAT BREAD! After about a mon



We GOT THAT BREAD! After about a month, here’s the final collab fully dedicated to our favourite Cherry Boi’s birthday! I would like to thank everyone who participated with their Kakyoins, every single one of them are beautiful.

Also thank you so much to @occasional-femkekyoin for helping me co-organize this, I wouldn’t have been able to keep track of all this alone. 8′D

Click on the image for higher res because tumglr.

Featuring art by :@riiwkd,@ask-katkyoin,@badlydrawnfoxkakyoin,@askcherrygal,@occasional-femkekyoin,@kakyoindoingsomethings, Bun_boi (instagram), @sunsetfemke/@badlydrawnbunnyoin,@wackkak,@ask-the-crewsaders​,@noriyucky, Jaffaello (instagram), Frostyblakes.art (instagram), @yiyadaa

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Hi I forgot to post it here the other day but my friend @luxris drew me with Janine and I cannot stop staring at it, I love this woman so much



WIP Tag Game!

I was tagged by @seecarrun! I actually don’t have a bunch of fanfic wip at the moment, but I’ll only talk about those for now.

Rules: List all your WIP titles, all meaning even the ones that are vague or nonsensical. Tag as many people as there are WIPs.

So, uh, funny story–I don’t actually name my stories until the last minute unless a name just jumps out at me. So, one of these has a very boring name, sorry.

Unnamed Underswap AU–since I could never really get into Underswap, I’ve always kicked around the idea of making my own version, just to see if I could start to like it more. I’ve only got the outline for this, but I’m actually seriously considering writing it.

The Shark, The Siren, and The Shipwreck–A Narnia AU except instead of being set in Narnia, it’s set in the Lone Islands, Aslan is a whale shark, the White Witch is vengeful Siren whose curse the islands to be stuck in a perpetual monsoon, and Lucy befriends the Sea Girl (from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) instead of Mister Tumnus. Also, Susan is the traitor, not Edmund, and since I’m shipping trash, it’s Lucy/Sea Girl. Not sure what I really had in mind when I made this, only that I wanted to take some of my favorite tropes, shake them together, and see what I get.

Now look, my brain is a bunch of gobbledygook right now since I’m still recovering from my illness. I know I should tag two people, but the only person I can think of is @venelona. If you’re one of my mutuals and you want to do this, please do so, I’m sorry for not tagging you, but my brain is swiss cheese and I want to naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppppppppp

Eyyy@last-haven thanks for the tag

You want all my WIP titles?? All 30 of them? I am no writer so I only have WIPs lying around XD are they all frans? Maaaybe… yes they are.

Ialso do not name stuff ‘till its finished, so uhhh i get to pick funny names now!

The one where fell!Sans and Frisk stuck sharing a bed – cuz like i said it’s one of my fav tropes

The one where Sans and Frisk get hanahaki – and not over each other uH OH

The one where Error Sans doesn’t want a neighbor – the new origin story behind my Error Sans x Frisk Frans

The one where fell!C&M Sans entertains captured Frisk with some chess – C&M stands for @undertale-check-and-mate and yes I have a defined story for fell version of it rather than the actual version

The high school AU bully x nerd – cuz i love clichés in case you haven’t heard. Also Sans is the nerd in this one

I think this should be enough haha xD I tag @smallameangel@the-writing-mobster@uhhbananafrappe@llamagoddessofficial@littlestlilies and whoever else wants to share ✨

@venelona Veneee~ aww you’re so sweet! 

I apparently have 24 wips, that’s a lot less than I originally thought, but that is just art wips. 

All my story wips are predictable “title name - chapter #” XD 

Group 1-5 - This is what I’ve labelled the Frans Compilations hahaha. No secrets to be shared unfortunately. 

Consort Mew Mew, Consort Shyren & The Butterfly Consort - It’s been a long time since I did anything for Monster Dynasty, so I started drawing up character sheets with their own mini comics. This is definitely a passion project that is going to take me a long time to complete, but it has been worth it. 

Red and White Rose - An official Frans character sheet that I’ve been too lazy to finish but also want to finish hehehe

Sans Character Sheet - For Shamanfell, I gave my boy a slight redesign alongside Frisk, so I’m looking forward to that hehehe

Shaman Masters and Closing Credits - Some exciting and hyped spoilers to look forward to in Shamanfell hehehe

Those are the main ones, the rest are less of a priority, but I definitely do plan on finishing at some point. 

LET’S GOOOO @han–sama@iceartzz@sharkowskii@inkz123 @saturnbela


my very first original song with lyrics!! @gavinnersroadie and i made too many jokes about lucya being a disney princess so i wrote an in-character musical number, a completely normal thing to do


LUCYA: My story starts on the edge of the wilds, in Mossgrove my dear home
I felt no higher calling than wood and axe and stone
With my family there to care for me and my best friend by my side
“What more could there be to life than this?” I thought, so starry-eyed

But seasons change and years go by and hearts will change as well
Including the heart of my dearest friend, who I thought I knew so well
He’d stop and turn his head away, to gaze up at the sky
Maybe I could’ve stopped him if I knew the reason why

I saw him on the night before he ran away
The fire in his eyes as he said goodbyes shone like the break of day

They told me that he swore a vow of iron
The metal guides his steps and binds his soul
Adventure calls for those who swear on iron
His crying mother said that he can ne'er go home again

For years I thought about him as the others let him go
The moss grows o'er the hills and vales where we thought that we’d grow old
What drives a man to wander so and leave his loves behind?
As seasons passed o'er Mossgrove, I’d understand in time

I’m not cut out to live my life in thrall to hearth and home
There’s nothing wrong with being a wife, but isn’t there something more?
I can hear the trees and mountains, they sing that I’m my own
My iron blade calls me to quest to every distant shore

Dear father, mother, siblings too, forgive me… somehow
For as I trace the holy runes I understand him now

With bated breath I swore a vow of iron
The metal guides my steps and binds my soul
Adventure calls for those who swear on iron
Until I find my friend, oh I can ne'er go home again

JAGAL: So that’s the story, huh?
LUCYA: Um, yeah?
JAGAL: Well I’ve heard it all before
No matter the lies you tell yourself, you’ll never get back home
It’s a lonely life we live, girl, the blade’s a cruel and fickle guide
LUCYA: So why don’t we follow it together?
JAGAL: …I guess we could give it a try

JAGAL: You know that I’m no hero, girl, I’m not gonna save your hide
LUCYA: But I don’t need a hero, sir, just someone by my side

Forever we will swear our vows of iron
The metal guides our steps and binds our souls
And whether we drift apart or stick together
Until we faint or fail, oh we can ne'er go home again

Oh, we can ne'er go home again

rpm challenge month is over so i am self-reblogging all the songs i made in the order they’re in on [the playlist], as a treat

we also have a [campaign wiki] with transcripts now if anyone is curious abt the game

“so if you’re connected to the number one hero, all might, in some way…”

original screenshot;

visceralcoma: Can I offer you Avvar!Blackwall in these trying times?I had the absolute pleasure visceralcoma: Can I offer you Avvar!Blackwall in these trying times?I had the absolute pleasure


Can I offer you Avvar!Blackwall in these trying times?

I had the absolute pleasure to commission this from @mauvaise-reputation recently and let me just say, these are perfection.

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ginui-arts: YEHAW It’s National Lesbian day of Visibility!! To celebrate, I collabed/Traded with @shginui-arts: YEHAW It’s National Lesbian day of Visibility!! To celebrate, I collabed/Traded with @sh


YEHAW It’s National Lesbian day of Visibility!! 

To celebrate, I collabed/Traded with @shmoobeardraws!!! She colored my half and I colored her half!!! 

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Argo City Exchange

And so the time has come! For us to share with you all and our amazing partners in crime the little things we’ve been working on over the last couple of weeks.

After a nice chat with @dancedance-resolution about how beautiful a poem was, we joined forces and I’m giving this little piece as a gift and sharing with everyone as part of the @argo-city-exchange (do go and see the blog so you can enjoy all the amazing work the people on the event has manage to build up for Argo!)

Hope everyone finds it as cute as it was intended. And that we all can enjoy it as what it is: Pure and unadulterated joy of being in love.

Never done one of these before and wanted to explain my take ScotNor a bit more
