#tw abelism


It’s a bittersweet concept, seeing characters in fiction tackle the symptoms of mental illness/neurodiversities with such tact, when we don’t often witness this in reality.

I’ll read a story with a well-rounded character, who is written with an accurate portrayal of Autism, by an Autistic author. And it’s kind of… heartwarming? To see the others in said story react with understanding, to things such as sensory overload, or meltdowns, or to finally see someone be so encouraged to speak on a special interest. All the while, they never infantilize this individual, nor do they mock him. They don’t make him out to be weak, unintelligent, or less than. He has many other aspects to his personality. He is smart, witty, caring, and independent.⁽¹⁾

Because he is a person. He is an adult. He just so happens to have Autism and ADHD.

I’m in the same boat, and despite those moments being fiction, reading them makes me feel justified in existing as me.

Maybe it’s some deep-rooted, internalised ableism I still have towards myself. But whenever I experience those negative symptoms, all I receive from my family is ridicule and taunts. I don’t feel like a valid person struggling with my own conditions. I feel like I need to get over myself. (/nav)

It makes me wonder, how many others are in the same boat?

We shouldn’t guilt people over things they can’t change. It will only make things worse. Besides, it’s not that hard to be supportive. Or, at the very least, not to be a dick.


(⁽¹⁾Note:You don’t have to be “independent” to be a rational person, or an adult, or anything. I was only describing this character. There is nothing wrong with needing help, or having a disability that does not allow you to care for yourself.)


Content and trigger warnings: transphobia (transmisogyny, outdated use of the word “h*rmaphrodite”), homophobia, islamophobia, ableism, death wishes, covid denialism

I know there has been already a Google doc on this person but, frankly, it got really sloppy towards the end and hasn’t been updated in over a year. Meanwhile, Roketto continues to be in fandom spaces and spew her hate on places like Reddit. Some screenshots have been taken as recently as October 2021. Aside from names, nothing is censored here. View at your own risk and heed the content/trigger warnings above.

I took it upon myself to make my own doc (with a bit of help from my friends) with specific incidents and proof that she has been hateful towards other people who think differently to her.

If you come across Roketto, just block her. Don’t message her, don’t provoke her, just don’t acknowledge her.



just to be clear, the fact that music was nominated for a golden globe is absolutely disgusting. every single (adult) involved in that gross, ableist movie should be sickened by themselves.

for those of you who don’t know, music (2021) is a movie being directed by sia about a nonverable autistic girl. not only does it not include any actually autistic people in the movie itself but it also only took advice from autism speaks which is looked at as a hate group by the majority of the autistic community. leaked scenes have also shown the movie glorifying prone restraints which are incredibly dangerous and have resulted in major injuries and even death to disabled people as recently as last year.

autistic people just like me have been incredibly outspoken about how harmful this movie is but the allistic have been mostly silent. we are already seeing reviews calling this movie ‘inspiring’ and important’ and it’s absolutely horrific! we need your help calling this out. please stand with us and call out this disgusting display of disrespect to autistic folks.

- your local actually autistic pal

p.s. please, please reblog if you aren’t autistic.

sia wasn’t even just silent, when autistic actors pointed out that she hadn’t even tried to contact anyone with autism to be in her film, sia’s response was “well maybe you’re just not a good enough actor.” when she was challenged about making this film, she assured us that she had “done her research” by WATCHING HOURS OF MELTDOWN VIDEOS.

Please don’t watch Music, it’s exploitative, deliberately excluded autistic people from our own narrative and inspires nothing in us but pain and anger.



my parents want me to go to an “autism skills group” (their words, not mine) and to me the idea of going to a skills group for autistic people to “learn how to cope/ learn skills” feels ableist because it implies that autistic coping skills or autistic skills aren’t as good as or valid in comparison to neurotypical skills/coping methods. is it just me or is this ableist?

Anything that tries to curb stimming, curb special interests, or exposes you to unpleasent sensory stimuli is ableism

Though other autistic people have lots of insight as to how to cope, so you might learn from them

If its a choice, go and see how you feel and if you think its just a “normal” camp then leave

yeah i used to be in “normal” camp and individual therapy and it was terrible, i worry thats what this will be but ill try anyway
