#vampire au


Some thoughts to consider:

Vampire Hunter!Yennefer



Trissefer with Vampire Triss and Hunter Yen

Merihart with Vampire Triss and Vampire Philippa

Some thoughts to consider:

Vampire Hunter!Yennefer



Trissefer with Vampire Triss and Hunter Yen

Merihart with Vampire Triss and Vampire Philippa





Some thoughts to consider:

Vampire Hunter!Yennefer



Trissefer with Vampire Triss and Hunter Yen

Merihart with Vampire Triss and Vampire Philippa

this made me have so many triss/trissefer/merihart thoughts in discord which i will now paste here:

so my take on it is–triss who is not who she was, who maintains the outer appearance of being caring and soft but can’t make herself genuinely feel those things anymore, but she loves yennefer, and she wants SO BADLY for yennefer to love her that she makes yen believe triss is a Good Vampire, works with yen to take down other vampires, yearns for yen’s approval

and then one day yennefer discovers triss is still killing people. and vamp philippa (perhaps the one who turned triss) has been watching and laughing at triss’s weakness, telling her it’ll all collapse soon enough, and when it does and triss only barely escapes the fight with yen with her life, phil swoops down on her to ~comfort~ her and remind her who she truly is now

in fact maybe triss wants yen’s love so bad that for a while she even does live off animal blood, or occasionaly drinking from people but not enough to kill…but she just misses the POWER she felt when she drained people, how GOOD it felt, how FREE

there’s a moment where triss comes really close to truly committing to the good side. she loves yennefer so much, is so drawn to her and needs her so much…but then, eventually…she’s alone again. and the need is so strong

there’s also a thing where. vamp philippa’s love is (seemingly) unconditional. she knows triss’s darkest nastiest depths and still wants her. whereas with yen, triss has to deserve it, and that’s so hard

OH MY GOD WHAT IF. WHAT IF. what if yennefer sees how hard it is for triss not to drink from people, and offers to let triss drink (a limited amount) from HER. and triss (who is down to only killing one person a month instead of two a week) takes her up on it eagerly bc the idea of drinking from yennefer is so heady and, frankly, hot, the idea of yen feeding her, of triss consuming her–and it’s INCREDIBLE and they’re both really turned on and maybe they fuck about it, and it becomes like a weekly thing. and oh, the utter betrayal and violation yen feels when she realizes triss was still killing even then….the only way triss escapes is by turning into a bat and getting the hell out, which she wouldn’t have been able to do if she hadn’t been eating people. but then, she wouldn’t have had to. GOD.

Ending scene: It’s a big showdown between the three. It looks like Triss is going to stay with Philippa. Yennefer tries one last time to save Triss- she doesn’t care if Triss chose Philippa, wouldn’t contest it, but she *knows* that Philippa is bad for her, and she wants Triss safe.

So Yennefer and Philippa fight.

At first, it’s evenly matched- Yennefer is a skilled hunter, but Philippa has not lived long just by sitting around. Triss watches though, undead heart somehow beating in her throat, as Yennefer keeps getting battered. Until finally, her sword and stake are knocked out of her hands, and Philippa pins her to the ground.

Phillippa says something, but Triss can’t hear her over her own feral fear. One moment, she’s standing on the sidelines, hand over her mouth as she watches the fight. The next moment, that hand is plunged into something wet and rotten, and when she pulls it back, she realizes she’s clutching Philippa’s heart. Phillippa looks back at her, spitting up black ichor. Triss can only as the light in her eyes dies, and she does too.

Within moments, Yennefer’s crawling out from underneath the corpse, now truly devoid of life. She gets her sword and cuts the head off with one decisive strike- there will be no revival for Philippa Eilhart.

Then she turns to Triss.

“Are you going to kill me?” Triss says. Philippa’s heart has dropped to the ground, and she kneels next to it, eyes dull and hands black and sticky with ichor.

“I should,” Yennefer says, her voice raspy. She swallows a sob. “For all the destruction you’ve wrought, Triss Merigold, I should kill you and burn your body until even the ashes are gone.”

Triss sighs. She tilts her head back with a sad smile, exposing her neck. “Go ahead,” she says quietly. “For what it’s worth… I’m sorry, Yen.”

The moon shines bright as Yennefer lifts her sword.


happy birthday @stylincheetah our brothers of heart from our vampire au.

thank you so much again for this stunning piece ;–; my heart is so full at the sight of these two!! My favorite brothers in the world <3

A/N: I should be doing like… 10 tasks that are due by tuesday. Instead, I’m adding onto my stress and anxiety attack by writing this. Wee. Lookit me projecting stress onto Diana. Wee. …. *sighs* I like writing soft romance. Lemme have my own soft romance too pls. Fudge.


~Shintori Khazumi

A silent yet familiar click from the hallway caught Akko’s attention. Her hypersensitive ears tuned in on the succeeding sounds of the door swinging open, and banging shut. The footsteps she was used to hearing were a little heavier than they’d usually be, the floorboards creaking from the pressure.

Akko assumed the dull thud she just heard was Diana dropping her bookbag on the floor, that is, until she heard the tiny “ow” followed by whispered curses and a few groans.

Shutting the book she had picked up from one of Diana’s many shelves, she exited the bedroom to find her lover in an odd position on the floor, almost as if she were doing a ‘dogeza’, only that the top of her head was pressed to the floor, her nose pointing towards her legs.

Akko stared for a moment, unsure of what to make of this display. A few blinks passed, and she heard a sighed whimper that was enough to launch her protective senses into overdrive as she quickly slid next to Diana, sitting on the floor and transferring the poor girl’s head onto her lap.

Immediately, Diana turned to face her, shaky arms wrapped themselves around Akko’s thin waist, hugging tight as Diana pressed her face into Akko’s stomach. The latter could feel gentle kisses being placed through the fabric of her shirt, and her hands found their way into fluffy strands of messy hair.

Her fingers worked a gentle massage onto Diana’s scalp while Akko hummed a tune in hopes of getting her to calm down some more. “I love you.” She whispered in addition, hoping her feelings could help in any way.

Somehow, it seemed to have the opposite effect as Diana started to convulse, hiccups coming from her frame as Akko soon felt a warm wetness on her abdomen, followed by the tightening of her shirt as Diana crumpled it up in her fists.

“I’m so… stressed.”

Akko felt her throat constrict, wanting to cry as well. But no, she had to stay calm. For Diana’s sake. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to her head, rubbing her palm gently down Diana’s side and back, allowing her to cry it all out.

However, her crying only seemed to make Diana more and more tense by the minute, and Akko was beginning to get worried. She didn’t want to panic, but she had no idea what to do either. She couldn’t hope to get up and leave to retrieve something like water or any other soothing warm drink. She had already done all the other things she’d usually do for Diana when she was in distress. She was running out of options.


Suddenly, it clicked.

Diana yelped as she was carefully, but swiftly pushed onto the floor, Akko pinning her hands down as she leaned into the crook of Diana’s neck. “It’ll be quick, love.”

A small squeak escaped Diana as Akko’s fangs punctured the soft, pale skin, lips covering the area as she sucked out fresh blood bit by bit, controlling her thirst to take more than was necessary in that moment.

Diana’s frustrated huffs soon turned into soft sighs as her tears ceased, the last few rolling down her cheeks and onto the wooden floor. Her hands that had been gripping Akko’s shirt tight were now gently resting on her back as she pulled the shorter girl closer.

Akko delivered one final lick to the area she had bitten, placing a kiss for good measure as she rested her weight atop Diana.

“Better?” She asked quietly.

Diana nodded, hugging even tighter.

“Wanna talk about it?”

Akko felt Diana shake her head no, pressing a kiss to Akko’s temple instead in a silent 'thank you’.


They stayed that way for a moment longer until the sun disappeared into the evening sky, and the only lights in the living room was from the open window facing the rest of the city.

Akko almost thought Diana had fallen asleep from how peaceful she was at the moment, however that was disproved as Diana asked her a question out of the blue.

“Why did you do that?” She questioned, referring to Akko’s earlier actions of taking her blood without much warning.

“Ah…” Akko thought of what to say, peppering kisses along Diana’s collarbone as she pondered. “I saw it in one of your fancy books. 'Bloodletting’, was it? To like… help with high blood pressure or something.”

Diana blinked.

“What?” She pushed Akko up slightly to give her an incredulous look. “Are you for real?”

Akko simply shrugged.

“I can’t believe you!” Diana chuckled, still unable to wrap her head around that fairly logical approach of Akko’s. “And how could you even say I was experiencing hypertension?”

“…Magic Vampire senses?” Akko tried. Diana looked at her amused. “Hey, I dunno! I just… I just know, okay? It’s a feeling!”

“Yes, yes.” Diana laughed, waving her girlfriend off, leaning up to place a chaste peck on her lips.

Akko grumbled through a blush as she knew there was no winning against Diana.

“Thank you.” She murmured.

“I love you.” Akko replied, getting a pinch on the nose, and another laughing kiss on the lips.

“I love you more.”

A/N: Lemme tell you, I did very minimal research on if this is still applicable in this day and age. I think bloodletting/phlebotomy to relieve hypertension is making a comeback? Idk haha. I just remembered one of my lessons in phleb, Lol. Don’t mind me. Anyway. Bye.

~Shintori Khazumi

 ‘☽ I want to show you an incredible person, my inspiration. He’s a great musician and drummer

‘☽ I want to show you an incredible person, my inspiration. He’s a great musician and drummer. His name is Victor. And he deserves more attention! His covers are the best there can be, I can listen to him forever. He’s beautiful I love him madly and support him ♡︎
Fighting Victor you’ll succeed !!!’

✞ ☽ ✞

Post link


Here’s my @grishaversebigbang piece for @phy-be’s fic, Like Cherry Wine!


Kanej Vampire/Hunter AU. While eliminating a business rival, Kaz saves a young girl from blood slavery. Years later, a mysterious vampire hunter surfaces, the likes of which the underworld has scarcely seen. Quiet, deadly, and undefeated. No name or face is attached to the bodycount; only an anxiously whispered title: the Wraith.

Make sure to check out the drawings done by the other amazing artists: @starrynightsoversunflowers(X) and @gigi-drxws(X)

feast | jjk & kth | m

summary; in which you and Taehyung have to teach Jungkook one of two things about being a creature of the night.
contents and warnings; smut, horror, dark content, threesome, vampire!taehyung x vampire!reader x vampire!jungkook, ridiculous amounts of blood play, blood as an aphrodisiac (you heard me), mention of death, violence, gore and cannibalism, they drink from each other, dirty talk, switch!jungkook x switch!reader x dom!taehyung, desperate sex, cum eating, dry humping, pet names (baby, doll, love), oral (f and m rec), fingering, breast play, handjob, jk cums in his pants, the stamina only the undead can muster, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, hair pulling, rough sex, praise kink, double vaginal penetration, a little bit of mxm/taekook action (they kiss), unprotected sex, creampie, no aftercare
author’s notes; I want you all to forgive me for all the vampiric poetic licenses I took in the name of smut. There is lore here somewhere, I promise, but it got lost amongst the filth. Regardless, I hope this isn’t too much of a strange comeback, hope you all enjoy it! And happy Halloween!!

The dense, rusty smell of blood curled around the atmosphere in continuous, merciless waves. Across from where you sat, leaning against the wall, the broken windows were covered by pieces of wood, allowing small slices of moonlight to fall through the cracks, painting the dusty ground in silver. The three of you still had two hours before the sun started to come up, but the thrill of the hunt felt as if it would last forever.

After what seemed like years of silence, you were the first one to speak, running one hand down your face, fingertips stopping at your lips. The blood there had dried up, but the friction beneath your skin was welcomed. “I know I say this every year, but I fucking love Halloween,” you sighed, throwing your head back against the wall. You felt as if your body was filled with a million fireworks, excitement bubbling underneath your flesh. “It makes hunting so much easier.”

Taehyung chuckled across from you, his eyes closed and a blissful expression covering his features. “I have to agree,” he said, then opened one eye to look at the other boy. Jungkook had been quiet ever since you three came back to the decrepit, forgotten house you called a home. “What about you, Jeon? How did you like your first official hunt?”

The younger man raised his head, which had been leaning against his arms, and looked at Taehyung. The poor thing seemed to be completely out of it — his fixated black eyes unable to fully understand the world around him. You couldn’t blame him, though: you could still remember what it was like to be newly transformed, what it was like to drink from humans for the very first time. It was that disgust, that horror, mixed and muted by the intense, all-consuming hunger. All you could think about was to feed, feed, feed; to drain people until their last drop regardless of the remaining ounces of empathy still living inside you.

It was the most intense high someone could ever experience, so it was no wonder he had no words left in him.

“Let the kid breathe, Tae,” you decided to speak up once Jungkook didn’t respond. “He’s still trying to wrap his head around it, I bet.”

But Taehyung only smirked, crossing his arms. “How many did you get? Five?” Jungkook didn’t answer. “Probably more, wasn’t it? I remember my first time. Probably killed twenty people before the sun came up and I was still so—“

Hungry,” Jungkook completed. “I’m still hungry.”

You sighed, giving Taehyung a serious look as if to ask see what you’ve done? “It’s normal to still be hungry, Kookie, it’ll probably take you a few days to feel satisfied again,” you remarked. You thought he was lucky to have been adopted into a group of more experienced vampires so early, now he was receiving the assistance and support that older vampires like you or Taehyung would have only dreamed of. “Do you remember how many people you drank from?”

He pressed his lips together, frowning. Jungkook was a large man, but, when he was sitting down with his legs pressed against his chest, he looked like a lost child. In a way, you realized, he was. “I think… I think I drank like… seven people,” he said. “And only two of them actually died.”

You shared a worried gaze with Taehyung. He probably didn’t drink much, then. Not enough for his transformation stage. “It’s understandable why you’re hungry, then,” you said. “Do you wanna go back out?”

It was the older one who answered. “Too dangerous. The hunters are already looking for us,” he said matter-of-factly. “Do we have something in stock?”

There was a worried edge to Taehyung’s voice that you didn’t miss, and your focus navigated back to Jungkook. He looked a lot worse now — body shivering, black hair glued against his forehead and his fangs, sharp and pristine, poked against his bottom lip. He was paper white, blue and purple veins standing out against his sick-looking skin. He was starving, you realized. The amount of blood he consumed wasn’t even close to what a newborn needed to drink.

If you allowed him to stay like that, Jungkook would snap and leave the mansion. And the chances that he would forget about returning before the sun came up (or that he would get hunted down), were considerably high.

“The blood bags are out. Jimin got the last one,” you answered. Jimin was turned a little over a year ago now, but he still got random spikes of ferocious hunger that could be an issue to you all. It was no problem to deal with one newly turned, but none of you were expecting that Jungkook would be coming in anytime soon. “We can check if Yoongi and Namjoon are still in town, maybe they can bring some.”

Taehyung side-eyed Jungkook. “I don’t think there’s enough time for that.”

You had to agree that things were starting to get difficult. Jungkook was shivering like he was about to snap in half, his hands white from holding onto his knees so strongly. It had been centuries ever since you felt hunger like that, but you still remembered how nightmarish it was.

Taehyung was already looking at you when you turned to him, and you saw in his eyes that he was thinking the same thing as you. There was still one thing you two could do.

It was a mystery why older vampires needed much less blood to survive — your personal theory was that, just like human newborns need more energy to go through ridiculous amounts of growth, the first years of a vampire were dedicated to completely shifting the old (alive) metabolism into a new form of existence. One which was much faster at healing, at running; much stronger. And that needed a lot more food. As the centuries went by, that hunger — and also the physiological need for energy — gradually subsided. Now, you could go weeks in the darkness without a drop of blood, and even older vampires, like Taehyung, could go much longer. As long as the required rest was met, of course.

It was the second time this week you and Taehyung fed. You could endure another night of slight hunger if it meant that sharing your hunt for the night would help quench the younger’s thirst.

You sighed. Whatever. Sacrifices were necessary.

With quick, fluid movements, you got up to your feet and walked across the dusty room to where Jungkook was. You crouched down to his level, one delicate hand touching the cold, thin skin of his cheek to ground him.

“Kookie, do you want to drink more blood?” You asked, tone gentle. His eyes snapped up to yours, head shaking in affirmation so quickly that you almost felt bad for him. “Yeah? Wanna bite me?”

He almost choked. “Y-You?”

You smiled tenderly, your other hand pushing your hair away from your neck. Jungkook’s gaze burned on the spot that he would usually bite humans, and he could swear he could hear the blood running underneath your flesh, even if your heart was no longer beating.

“Yeah, I don’t need it as much as you, you can drink a little.” You turned to the other man. “Taehyung can give you some of it too, if you want. But you need to promise to not drink everything, otherwise we’ll be the ones starving.”

Jungkook was paralyzed, staring blankly at you. He seemed uneasy, both trying to understand your proposal and also trying to hold himself back from tearing you to shreds. “Are… you sure?” He asked.

You pouted, leaning in to place a small kiss against his swollen, cold lips. Jungkook looked even more startled then, but some of the life — not literally speaking, of course — seemed to come to him.

“Look at you, baby, you’re so sick. This is just for you to spend the night, okay?” You asked. Jungkook nodded without even thinking about it, hypnotized by the tranquility in your voice. “Tomorrow we’ll hunt again, and you can drink as much as you want.”

“O-Okay,” he agreed, swallowing down hard. His hands were fidgety over his dirt-covered jeans, the result of a small accident earlier. “Where do I… Where do I bite?”

“Wherever you want.” You got up to your feet, and Jungkook had to fight not to look at the space beneath your short dress, the pathway to the heaven between your thighs. He had always thought you were one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen, but now you seemed to be even more divine, an angel rescuing him from perdition. His lips still tingled with the press of your lips, cock half-hard inside his pants. He felt like a teenager again, moved by hunger and lust. “Just stop when I tell you to.”

“I’ll try,” he said. Jungkook had no idea if the hole inside his stomach would allow him room for rational thought, even less the command of his own body.

You weren’t worried, though — if push comes to shove, Taehyung was right there to help you.

“Good boy.” You smiled, and Jungkook melted under your praise. “Come on up, now. Don’t be shy.”

No need to tell him twice. Jungkook got up swiftly, but almost lost his balance once the dizziness kicked in. Still, he managed to stay on his feet, barely blinking those huge black dots away from his vision.

“You must be really hungry,” you said empathetically, placing both hands on his broad shoulders to stabilize him. “You poor thing.”

“I’m fine,” Jungkook mumbled, eyes zeroed-in on your neck. He barely heard you say something in return, his senses buzzing with electricity. “I just… I really need it.”

You tilted your head to the side. “All yours.”

Without another moment of hesitation, he decided to strike. Jungkook’s fangs sunk in your blood vessel and he groaned the second that the liquid pumped inside his mouth, eyes fluttering shut in sheer euphoria. It was like the first drop of water after years in the desert, his eager hands firmly holding onto your waist as he sucked on the wounds, pulling you impossibly closer. His movements were strong and ravenous, tongue coming out to lick at the openings every time he stopped to gulp down the blood. It tasted so sweet, so intoxicating, like the finest ambrosia. It was even better than when it came directly from a person, and he didn’t know why.

“Ah! You’re so eager,” you exclaimed, letting out a little giggle when he moaned against your neck, pressing your torso against his. You two looked like lovers in a sensual embrace, and you could feel his cock, hard and aching, poking against your thigh. Poor thing. He was really going through it. “Take it easy, Kookie. There’s plenty for you.”

“I didn’t have this kind of treatment when I was your age, kid. You’re lucky.” Taehyung laughed, taking a step towards the two of you. His eyes were focused on the movement of Jungkook’s mouth against your neck, at the small lines of carmine that dripped down your clavicles, onto the space between your breasts. “How is it?”

Jungkookwhined at the question like he was in pain, his large hands holding onto your flesh even tighter, afraid that you’d get away. “So g-good,” he mumbled.

“Yeah? She tastes good, doesn’t she?” Taehyung asked. His hand came in contact with the back of Jungkook’s head, slender fingers pulling on his hair until his neck was arching backwards. He had tears in his cheeks as he locked eyes with Taehyung, both of desire and of frustration. “Look at the mess you’re making, though. You’re wasting too much blood.”

You chuckled. “He’s still a sloppy drinker, let him be.”

The older man clicked his tongue. “I can see that.” Taehyung pushed Jungkook’s face back against your body, this time showing him the blood that he had missed. It was covering your breasts, soaking down your dress and disappearing beneath the deep red shade of the fabric. “Clean it up. Or you’re not getting any more of it.”

You rolled your eyes — Taehyung always liked the unwanted displays of power. But so be it.

If Jungkook was annoyed, he didn’t let it show. He simply nodded at his order, diving back in. His tongue curled obediently against your skin, licking thick stripes up your chest, each time moving lower and lower until his nose was buried between your tits. Jungkook grunted at the contact, and there was an itchy feeling against your flesh as his sharp canines dragged on your skin, teasing to sink in your body once more.

Jungkook’s hands slid up your waist and stopped right beneath your tits, pushing them together and upwards, against his face. You barely had time to react before those same hands were pintiching the sides of your dress and ripping it in half, the sound of torn fabric echoing like a gunshot in the quiet room.

“Kookie! My dress!” You yelped, more of surprise than anything else.

“I’m s-sorry, I can't—“ he stuttered, allowing for the fabric to fall to the ground as his mouth crashed against your tits once again. You could see that the blood had dripped down your abdomen, slightly painting your panties in red. “It’s so good.”

And good it felt — you were starting to notice it too. There was something so hot about such eagerness, such hunger; about the way Jungkook groped and licked your body with such earth-shattering devotion. You knew he was starving, knew that the hardness in his cock probably came from the heavenly taste of blood as well, but you could also tell that he was enjoying that a little too much to be just that.

Taehyung had noticed it too. “Oh my,” he chuckled, staring down at Jungkook. “I think he’s getting a little sidetracked now, don’t you?”

You smiled, running one hand through the younger’s hair. “Looks like it.”

Tilting your head down, you noticed that Jungkook’s mouth was reaching your hips, and he had practically licked the rest of the blood clean. It was no great mystery figuring out where he would head next.

“Why don’t you lay back, love? Jungkook looks like he’s in an uncomfortable position,” Taehyung commented.

With a hum, you agreed. “Give me a second, Kookie,” you sang. Jungkook protested when you pushed him back, his teary eyes looking up at you like you were made of gold. He sucked on his bottom lip as you moved backwards, sitting down on an old creaky bed that had been left behind in the house. All the colors were dimmed by the passage of time, but your body looked like it was glowing.

“I want more, please,” Jungkook begged, hesitantly crawling in your direction. “It just tastes so good. I’m so hungry.”

You pouted. “I know, baby, I know. But you drank so much already.”

Of course, you were teasing — just trying to get another minute of those cute pleading, desperate eyes of his. Jungkook didn’t disappoint, his hands landing on your knees and pushing them apart. “Please,” he begged. He was lucky he was polite. It was adorable. “Just one more.”

Taehyung clicked his tongue. “You’re being evil.”

“Look who’s talking,” you said playfully, reaching out to caress Jungkook’s cheek. The skin looked much better, you thought, much less thin and transparent. “Just another small bite, Kookie. I know you don’t wanna make me starve.”

“I’ll be careful,” he rushed to say.

You smiled. “Of course.” One of your hands grabbed his, trailing his fingers up until they were dangerously close to your heat, right over your femoral vein. “Right here.”

Jungkook swallowed dry, and you didn’t miss the way his eyes fluttered towards your mound. Your panties had been a clear white before — a color far too innocent for you to wear — but now they had mostly been tainted by the blood, decaying into a shade of red. Taehyung noticed it too.

“Wanna taste her there?” The older man asked. Jungkook mumbled something in return, unconsciously leaning closer to your heat. If he still needed to breathe, you were sure you’d be feeling small waves of air crashing against your skin. “Didn’t hear you.”

“I want it,” he spoke louder now, burying his face against your panties, nose brushing against your clit. Jungkook inhaled deeply, and he felt himself salivating. “She smells so amazing.”

Taehyung smiled, taking a step closer to the bed. You knew him for long enough to notice that he was up to something. “Yeah? Bet she tastes amazing too,” he commented. Now, his eyes fell back on yours. “Can he have a taste of you, love?”

In Taehyung language, it meant: can we take this to the next level?

You’d be silly to deny it.

“Go ahead, Kookie,” you told him, watching as the younger man wasted no time in tearing your panties away from your body. Jungkook didn’t even care about the blood soaking the fabric, you realized. He had new cravings in mind.

To be fair, all carnal needs are enhanced when someone is newly transformed — not only hunger, but need for rest and for sex alike. Jungkook showed it well, his eyes widened and a small trail of drool on the corner of his pouty lips when he dove into your heat. You couldn’t tell which sound was the loudest: your moan or Jungkook’s groan.

“S-Slow down,” you whined, but your request fell on deaf ears. The younger vampire was lapping your soaked folds like his life depended on it, sucking on your clit and licking the slick that gushed out of your entrance. The sounds were lewd, pornographic, overlapping the yelps falling from your lips or the pleasured moans that he let out. “J-Jungkook…” At the mention of his name, two strong hands landed on your thighs, pushing your body down against the old mattress. “I c-can’t, please, just take it easy…”

The older one chuckled. “Oh, to be young again,” Taehyung said sarcastically, crouching down to your level. His deep ruby eyes were stuck on yours, and they still felt like they could read through you after so long. “You were just the same when we found you, doll, don’t act all embarrassed now. I still remember it.”

You pouted. You didn’t want him to hold that against you now, of all times. “It was — ah, fuck — it was t-too long ago.”

Taehyung smiled, sitting down next to you. “Was it now? Time really changes after you’ve been dead for so long.” He hummed, leaning in to place a kiss against your neck, right over Jungkook’s bite. His tongue danced against the dry blood that was still on your skin, a pleasant grunt leaving his chest at the feeling. Another kiss, longer this time, and Taehyung leaned his temple against your shoulder, looking down at the eager boy. “You should’ve seen her, Jungkook. She wanted to ride my cock all the time.” There was something about his deep vibrato that was shooting straight to your core. “Couldn’t even sleep if I didn’t fill her up with my cum first.”

“You’re so d-dramatic, Tae,” you disregarded. Even if it was true. Even if you never fucked so much and so hard as you did when you were reborn into eternal life. You could only imagine what Jungkook was going through now, his fangs barely brushing against your clit as he sucked on it. “F-Fuck, Jungkook, right there.”

“Dramatic? It’s true.” Taehyung smirked devilishly, reaching one hand to push your hair away from your face, and you leaned into his touch. He was always so calm and controlled, almost feline with his movements. After being surrounded by ferocious beasts for so long, you’ve learned to be more cautious about types like him. “You know, I don’t think I ever told you this, but I’m happy you got turned. Something as pretty as you deserves to be immortalized,” Taehyung said, and you could not help the embarrassment you felt at his words. He sighed, looking down at the other man. “Don’t you think so, Jungkook?”

Jungkook nodded, pushing his head back enough so he could utter, “So, so pretty,” against your pussy lips. “Tastes so good too.”

“I know she does. Sweetest little pussy,” he remarked, slender fingers brushing down your arm, only to trail back up and cup one of your breasts instead, squeezing the flesh tightly. His fingertips were tinted by a vague shade of red, and you didn’t know if it was from you or from the hunt. “Such a pretty, pretty girl… so obedient too,” Taehyung trailed off, twisting one nipple between his fingers. You whimpered at the feeling, your orgasm growing exponentially with all that stimuli. “Make her cum, Jungkook.” Taehyung kissed your neck. “There’s nothing better in this world, believe me.”

Like magic, the knot in your stomach tightened and tightened until, with a final lick of Jungkook’s tongue against your sensitive bud, your high hit you like a gust of wind. Taehyung noticed the telltale signs instantly, holding you by the jaw and forcing you into a deep kiss, swallowing your loud moans as his tongue caressed yours.

Jungkook continued to lick your cunt clean until you were overstimulated, shaking and desperately begging for him to stop, to give you a break, and it finally seemed as if he had gained some sort of hold onto reality, because he listened.

What a mess, you thought, examining the mixture of blood and your arousal coating Jungkook’s face. His eyes were deep and blown out, heavy with lust, and you thought it was just a matter of time before he lost his mind.

It was Taehyung who spoke up first, directed at Jungkook. “Fast learner, I see. That’s good.”

You hummed in agreement, bending over so you could cup Jungkook’s cheeks, pulling him into a messy kiss. “Did so well, baby,” you mumbled against his lips. The depthness in his eyes seemed to retreat at your tender words, and his shoulders lost their tension. Such a good boy. So easy to please. “Sit back and let me make you feel good now. Can you do that for me?”

He swallowed dry, suddenly hesitant. Jungkook couldn’t think beyond feed and fuck, and it was an actual physical pain to go beyond that. “I’m— I don’t…”

“Shh, relax,” you cooed, getting up to your feet, and pushing Jungkook up as well. He followed the movement like a trained puppy. “Taehyung will let you drink from him now, okay?”

He was pliant as you turned him around and placed him on the bed, probably convinced by the prospect of blood. “O-Okay.”

Taehyung moved closer to him, pushing one of his sleeves up with agility. He signaled with his head towards his wrist. “I’m not big on the neck thing, if you don’t mind.”

“You don’t have to do that…” Jungkook said, but the ravenousness in his eyes told a different tale — he was trying, he swore he was, but those impulses were bigger, older than him, they spoke much louder than his rational thoughts, silencing his mind.

Jungkook seemed to be stuck in a trance until the abrupt movement of his pants sliding down his toned thighs shook him awake. His eyes snapped towards you, now kneeling in front of him, and then swinged towards the humiliation that he had almost forgotten about.

“Look at him, Tae. He made such a mess already,” you commented, speaking his shame out loud. The inside of Jungkook’s trousers was completely soaked, a mess of precum and cum that covered his (still) hard, leaking cock as well. He had enjoyed your taste way too much, and was unable to stop his own pleasure from spiking as soon as yours did as well. “Came all over himself. He must be so needy.”

Taehyung nodded. “Take care of him, love.”

Jungkook swore he had something else to say, but his mind was wiped clean when he felt your hand curling around his cock. He knew he wasn’t small, however, when he looked down and saw that your hand could barely hold him all the way, he thought he was about to cum on the spot.

“Want me to put it in my mouth?” You asked, doll-like eyes staring up at him. You smiled, and Jungkook could see the outline of your fangs poking your lips. “I promise I won’t bite.”

Jungkook could only nod. “Want it, want it so bad.”

You giggled, pumping his length a few times before your focus flickered back up. “Make sure he doesn’t get too loud, Tae.”

With those ominous last words, you lowered your head and wrapped your mouth around his tip, sucking lightly as your hand pumped his shaft. Jungkook groaned and threw his head back, colliding against Taehyung’s shoulder, and forced himself to keep his eyes open as you licked a trail up and down his cock, stopping to kiss and suck his balls before shoving him back inside your mouth.

“It’s— it’s so good—nngh!” Jungkook struggled to hold himself back, losing his mind in the tight warmness of your mouth. “I can’t believe you are…”

Before he could finish, Taehyung pressed his wrist against his mouth and, without a second of hesitation, Jungkook bit down on it. He couldn’t even understand what had happened for a moment, body possessed by an ancient desire for blood, eyes rolling back in his skull as the motion of your mouth against his length mixed with the delirious, feverish taste of iron on his tongue.

Mmhpf!” Jungkook moaned desperately against Taehyung’s wrist, buckling his hips upward in search of more, anything else. His cock never felt so sensitive, throbbing and leaking like crazy with the slightest movement of your tongue against his slit. The blood was amplifying his pleasure by tenfold, making his eyes flutter shut as you tried to milk him. “Mmmmh— More, more, please…”

Taehyung had to hold himself back from laughing at his state, drool and blood escaping from the corners of his swollen lips. “Her mouth feels divine, doesn’t it?” He asked, not really expecting an answer. Jungkook only sucked harder, as if the answer was hidden somewhere underneath the skin. “Wait until you feel her cunt. Never gonna wanna stop fucking it.” He sighed. “Tightest, wettest little pussy I’ve ever felt.”

The thought alone made Jungkook’s hips buckle, his tip hitting the back of your throat as he pushed Taehyung’s wrist away from his mouth. You hummed around him, one hand playing with his balls as you continued to suck him dry — no pun intended. “Ah, please, please, please,” he was practically throwing a fit now, eyes closed and a thin line of tears streaming down his face. He must’ve been extremely overwhelmed with all the sensation he was getting — everything was so new, so much, enhanced by his new form. “I’m so close, please let me cum.”

It was Taehyung who answered. “Go ahead, Jungkook. Cum down her throat,” he commanded. “She’s a good girl, she’ll swallow everything.”

And you did, eyes closing as Jungkook finally released down your throat with a strangled groan, much louder than before. You moaned around him as he came, appreciative eyes reading his overwhelmed features until you noticed it was becoming too much for him to handle.

With a final kiss against his tip, you moved away and got up to your feet.

“There we go,” you said, a little triumphant. “Feeling better?”

Of course, you knew the answer before you even got it.

“Want m-more,” Jungkook stuttered.

You frowned, faking confusion. “What? More blood?” He shook his head. “No? What is it?”

Jungkook swallowed dry, resting his head against Taehyung’s shoulder. He looked so small like this, so pliant and submissive. “Wanna… wanna fuck you, please.”

“You just fucked my mouth, baby.”

Jungkook wanted to sob. You were being so mean. “Your p-pussy, please,” he clarified. “I wanna fuck you full of my cum.”

Hell, did the idea seem delectable — and, if everything went smoothly, it would eventually become a reality. Now, however, you were more concerned about your perverse streak. What could you say? You did like it when people cried and begged for you. It was good during feeding, and it was good in the bedroom.

“So sweet, Kookie.” You brushed his sweaty hair away from his face. You’d bet a full blood bag that Jungkook would be blushing out of his mind if he was still human. Pity. “But I think we have a problem. Taehyung hasn’t cum yet, and you’ve done it, what, twice? Don’t be selfish.”

“No, no— I’m… Please,” he cried out. “I’ll do anything, please.”

You sighed. “I think you’re under the impression that I’ll be nice every time you beg.”

Taehyung chuckled at your demeanor. It didn’t fit you to be so cruel — well, not under these circumstances. “Stop torturing him, doll,” he requested. “Jungkook, get up for a second. We’re gonna give you what you want.”

Every time either of you required a little bit of patience from him, Jungkook felt that he was going to break, like a small child throwing a tantrum when he didn’t get his way. Though, the idea of finally diving into your tight, sweet cunt was enough to make him suppress a frustrated groan, getting up to his feet and staring at both of you in expectant, polite silence.

Now, Taehyung thought, the true fun begins.

After a long, dramatic sigh, Taehyung patted his lap, signaling for you to move over. “Get up here, love,” he said, and you did as he requested. With your hands supporting your weight on his shoulders, you climbed on top of him, throwing one leg over his lap as you hovered over his covered cock. Taehyung hummed in satisfaction, one large hand touching your lower back as the other found solace in your upper thigh. “Take my cock out and put it where it belongs.” He placed a kiss right under your jaw, and you shivered. “Be a good girl for me, we have to give Jungkook a good first impression.”

You looked over your shoulder, taking a glimpse at the man in question as you opened Taehyung’s pants. Jungkook looked like he was one second away from completely losing his mind — hands closed into trembling fists, jaw clenching and a deep frown on his face. You knew he was respecting Taehyung out of fear and because of the age hierarchy in question, but you also knew it wouldn’t take much for him to throw all that out of the window and take what he wanted.

That was why you decided not to tease. Just as Taehyung had asked you, you took one hand between your bodies and held his large cock against your slit, sliding against your wetness before slowly sinking down on his girth. It was a delicious stretch, but you were so soaked that you barely felt it.

“That’s it,” Taehyung hissed, seemed not to notice that you were still staring back at Jungkook. “Nice and deep, love.”

Jungkook was salivating at that point, body twitching and fidgeting as he watched you being stretched by the other man’s cock. “You look so pretty,” he didn’t even realize he had spoken out loud. “P-Please, I need it. I need to feel your pussy.”

You ignored his pleas for now, eyes fluttering shut and head turning back to the man beneath you. “So good, Tae,” you moaned, rocking your hips back and forth, a slow and steady pace that was more of teasing than actual fucking. “So big.”

Taehyung grunted, slender finger digging into your plump ass, spreading your cheeks and giving the other a heavenly view of your slick. “Fuck, you have no idea how fucking tight she is,” Taehyung cursed, looking directly at Jungkook. He wanted to laugh at how broken the other man’s mind looked, completely drunk on the sight of your body. “Look, she’s soaking all over me. Such a greedy cunt.”

The other one shuddered. “This is torture.”

Taehyung smirked. “Is it? Feels like heaven to me.” He leaned in to place a kiss against your lips, following the twitching of your facial muscles as he reached a particularly deep spot inside you. Jungkook’s cock was much thicker, but Taehyung was long, and he could fuck you ridiculously well with it. “But you’re making me feel sorry for you. Come over here, Jungkook.”

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “W-What?”

“Don’t you want to feel her? Come here.” Taehyung waved him closer.

Jungkook took a couple reluctant steps towards the bed, his focus glued to the sight of your wet pussy wrapping around the other man’s cock.

“There we go. Stop moving for a second, love.” Taehyung tapped your back, and you instantly did as he said — though a shivering, frustrated whimper fell from your lips at the sudden lack of pleasure. “Think you can handle both of us inside?”

If Jungkook’s heart was still beating, it would’ve surely stopped by now. He couldn’t even fanthom the idea of fucking your pussy, even less sharing it with Taehyung at the same time. He had never done it before, and didn’t have any clue how to proceed.

For better or for worse, you didn’t seem as surprised as he was. “Yeah,” you agreed after a second of thought, and looked over your shoulder. You looked even more beautiful, if that was even possible, and Jungkook felt himself growing dizzy for a second. “Come on, Kookie. Don’t you wanna fuck me?”

Well. To hell with it.

Reservations thrown out the window, Jungkook moved towards you with a newfound sense of courage, holding your ass in his hand as he slightly pushed you upwards, until Taehyung’s cock was only halfway inside. Jungkook leaned in so he could find a better angle, the mattress dipping beneath one of his knees as he pressed his toned chest against your back.

“You sure about this?” He asked.

You nodded, biting your lip.

And so he started to move. Jungkook gripped his cock and tried to position it, but had to take a second to recompose himself when his tip slid against your soaked lips, bumping against Taehyung’s shaft. “F-Fuck,” he cursed. He shifted his weight from one side to the other, unsure how to go on. You looked so tiny, there was no way you’d take both of their cocks inside you.

Noticing his hesitation, you decided to soothe him. “Go ahead, baby. I wanna feel you too. I promise I can handle it.”

Fuck, he wanted — needed — to feel you as well. Jungkook simply nodded, trying to give himself a burst of confidence, as he positioned his tip against Taehyung, slowly pressing up towards your entrance. “I don’t know if— oh, shit.” He almost fainted when he managed to push himself inside, just the tip at first, then, slowly, the rest of the way in. It was too tight, he thought, and the little space left inside your pussy was overtaken by Taehyung’s cock, just pushing him further against your walls. He wouldn’t last. “Shit, shit, you’re so— oh, fuck.”

Taehyung hummed, eyes closing as he felt the other man move against him. “There we go, keep pushing in, she can take it,” he egged him on. Jungkook finally bottomed out, earning a soft yelp of pleasure from your lips. Taehyung groaned. “Theeeere we go. Good girl, very good girl.”

You soaked in his praise, supporting your head against his chest. The stretch was fantastic, and you only had to applaud your body for being able to accommodate such huge girths inside you. The perks of the undead, you guessed. “Feel so full,” you moaned out, eyes fluttering shut as the pleasure overtook your senses. You thought that you could cum just like that, just by feeling the two of them inside your pussy. “J-Jungkook, please mov—Ah!”

You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he was making your wish come true, starting with a fast and rough pace which was as unexpected as it was delicious. With a trembling gasp, you collided against Taehyung’s chest, weak hands trying to find support on his shoulders as you felt Jungkook’s cock splitting you open — hitting your insides again and again as his large hands tightened on your hips, making your ass bounce.

“J-Jungkook…” you moaned, delirious. “That’s so amazing.”

Taehyung placed a hand against your cheek, thumb brushing your parted lips. “Is he fucking you well, doll?”

You nodded.

Taehyung clicked his tongue. “Words. You know better than to provoke me.”

“Yes, he’s fucking me so well,” you manage to blurt out, a sentence which leaves you too quickly, too breathlessly, to be passable as normal. “Taehyung, please, I can’t…”

Ah, ah…! But you told us you could handle it. Told both of us.” He looked beyond your shoulder as if to seek confirmation with Jungkook.

The younger one only groaned, only half aware of your mindless discussion. His eyes were glued to the movement of your ass when he plunged his cock deep inside you — hard, fast, like he wanted to breed you more than he wanted to give you any sort of relief. It was almost animalistic, primal, and it only seemed to grow stronger once his unexpected response came.

“She’s gonna take it,” Jungkook huffed out an affirmation. “I’m gonna make her take it.”

That makes Taehyung’s brows raise, a ghost of a smirk curling on his lips. “Hear that, doll?” He said teasingly. “You’re gonna take it, hm?”

“Y-yes,” you managed, feeling completely boneless. It was so much, but so good. “I’ll t-take it.”

“Good girl,” Taehyung mused, placing a small, tender kiss against your lips. All his careful, controlled movements contrasted against the harsh pace of the younger man, and you wanted to sob at the difference. Before you could do so, however, Taehyung looked at Jungkook and started speaking. “How does she feel? Worth the wait?”

Jungkook threw his head back, eyes closed tightly as he forced himself to focus solely on the feeling of your walls clenching around him. “So fucking good, she f-feels perfect,” he moaned, picking up the pace. You never felt so full before, both of their cocks brushing perfectly against every sweet spot you had, even if Taehyung still wasn’t moving. “Pussy’s sowet.”

“Yeah? Better fuck it right, then,” Taehyung teased and, as if he was following his own advice, began slowly thrusting upwards, intercalating his movements with Jungkook. The feeling made you moan out, unable to understand what you were feeling inside your guts. You could barely think, brain rattling inside your head — and apparently you looked the part, because Taehyung chuckled at your expression. “Look at you, love, so pretty full of cock. Such a good girl for us.”

“T-Tae,” you called for him without intention at first, then you realized what your body had noticed already — that deep pressure in your belly, the tingling pleasure that grew and grew between your legs, expanding throughout your limb. “I feel like I’m gonna cum again,” you concluded.

“Hm, yeah?” Taehyung mused. There was a strained edge to his voice now, a grunt that came from deep within his chest at the continuous movement inside you. “Whenever you want to, love.”

“She’s getting so tight.” Jungkook took a sharp inhale, fingers digging even more into your skin. His pace was brutal, bruising, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You had a fleeting thought that maybe you would’ve been dead already if you were human. “Just dripping all over us.”

It was clear that Jungkook was a goner, but even Taehyung, ever the controlled gentleman, was losing himself in that engulfing pleasure as well. You could see it in his eyes — deep, blown out, shivering with something carnal, aching for more. He found your gaze almost instantly and something seemed to change within his expression — a barely there tic, the faint brush of an idea. He moaned as he launched forward and, without much thinking, reopened the wound that Jungkook had caused earlier, puncturing the newly-healed skin with his razor sharp fangs.

“T-Tae!” you didn’t even know why you called his name, because he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. Not when the taste of blood intoxicated his tongue, mingling with the deafening pleasure of your sweet cunt around him. He was gone. “Why did you…”

A harsh suck against your neck got you cross-eyed, the previous sentence dying on your lips as you, yourself, sunk deeper into ecstasy, your pussy clamping down around their cocks as you came down hard. The smell of blood was all around now, you could feel it dripping down your chest just as your wetness did between your thighs; brain growing numb as the rigorous movement of both their cocks inside you only made your pleasure last longer.

“Tastes so good, love,” Taehyung’s voice was a deep rumble from somewhere beyond the veil, dragging you back into the moment. He was a picture of pure sin, clear as day and hanging like a threat before you. His lips were swollen, painted by faint strokes of red, and the feverness in his eyes infected you as well. “Here…” He looked down at your lips. “Why don’t you have a taste?”

Your body was pliant as you still recovered from your orgasm, and so you didn’t even flinch when his hand found your jaw, keeping you in place as his tongue moved inside your mouth. The taste of iron exploded in your senses, eyes rolling back as you sunk into that familiar euphoria. You used to do that before when you were younger — feed during sex — and, now, you were asking yourself why you ever dared to stop.

Before you could get too trapped in that feeling, Taehyung pulled back, his dark irises dancing to the man behind you. Now that everything was coming back into focus, you could hear Jungkook’s moans, deep and strangled, as his orgasm loomed dangerously close.

“Want some more blood, Jungkook?” Taehyung’s tongue was deep red when he poked it out, teasing the younger man. He smiled when Jungkook’s eyes widened — half in surprise, half in deep, primal hunger — and said, “Come get it, then.”

In a fast movement, Jungkook’s mouth was clashing against his, unraveling into a deep, needy kiss right over your shoulder. You felt as both of them started to fuck you faster, harder, Taehyung moaning possessively against the other boy’s tongue before, at last, Jungkook broke the kiss with a high-pitched sob.

“Ah! I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” Jungkook whined, placing his forehead against your shoulder. He could feel your pussy clenching around him, the head of Taehyung’s cock brushing right past his sensitive spot and it was as if he was going to pass out at any given moment. “Please, please, I wanna cum.”

“Cum inside,” you told him, empty eyes trying to focus on his face. “Fill me up, Kookie, I want it.”

And who was he to deny such a pretty, adorable request?

Jungkook reached his high with another, smaller bite against your skin — not made with the intention of actually feeding, but of allowing some of that pent-up anger to dissipate somewhere else. Your eyes rolled back when you felt his cock throb inside you, shooting thick waves of cum, and it was enough to tear a third orgasm from your exhausted body.

Without much thought, your eyes found Taehyung’s just as his were fluttering shut, his jaw clenching as his own orgasm got the best of him. It would’ve been romantic how close the three of you came if it wasn’t absolutely filthy and, by the time that the two of them pulled off you, the mixed wave of cum that dripped out of you was one of the most pornographic images you had ever seen.

Jungkook stared at it for a moment, slowly coming back into his senses as both his hunger and lust had been taken care of. For a second he was afraid that he might have hurt you, but your lazy, happy smirk was enough to soothe his worries, your head resting against Taehyung’s chest.

The older vampire caressed your back with slow, circle-like movements, holding himself up with another hand. “Satisfied, Jungkook?” Taehyung inquired, a blissful, fucked-out smirk across his face as well. There was a tinge of red on the corner of his mouth, living proof of the chaos that had unraveled in that small room. “We’ve had quite a feast tonight.”

Jungkook cleared his throat, somewhat embarrassed. His reasoning was probably coming back after he crashed from his blood-induced high. “I’m… feeling much better, thank you.” He ran a hand through his hair, looking at you. Everything felt way too casual, too tranquil after such an intense moment. But he didn’t want to make a scene out of it, no matter how awkward he felt. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”

You chuckled. “I liked it. I don’t break easily, you know?”

Taehyung hummed, running one hand up and down your back. “I can attest to that.” Taehyung smiled, placing a kiss against your shoulder. The bite marks there had vanished already, courtesy of your fast healing powers. “Let’s get you cleaned up, love. Then we all need to rest.”

You nodded, looking at the younger man. “Yes, rest lots, Jungkook,” you warned, an entertained undertone to your voice. “Tomorrow we’ll hunt again.”

The younger one was unable to hold back his smile. Jungkook couldn’t wait.


length: oneshot

word count: 41,197

rating: M

author’s summary:

Jimin is in love with Min Yoongi. Deeply, devastatingly, consumingly in love. But Yoongi is with Taehyung and Jimin never wants to ruin the perfect thing that they have. So Jimin does what he thinks is best. He bundles all those feelings up, secures them with iron chains and locks them away into a tiny steel box in the pit of his heart, where they will remain to perhaps never be dealt with in the hopes that they will eventually disappear.

Sometimes a feeling or two escapes the box and leaves Jimin reeling, breathless, aching. But then he shoves them back inside the box, seals it tighter and continues to pretend that he isn’t in love with his best friend’s boyfriend.

read it on ao3

don’t forget to leave kudos & comments on the work!

Little skribble

A/N: Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve updated. I’ve been stressed and out of sorts with the homelife.


There was a feeling of unease circling about palace as faint screams were being heard at random times throughout the days that followed. For the first time, you’re grateful Ravi stays by your side. Even the rest of the girls got their own bodyguard, courteously from the prince himself.

Recently, Ravi’s been trying to cheer you up since the screams keeping sending you back to that night with Sarah. However, the walks throughout the palace tend to get boring after the third time, but he won’t dare to allow you outside after you ran to Hongbin’s. He had forbidden you from going there, at least until they could figure out how to help Hyuk. So most of the time you just sat in your room letting your mind wander.

On the brighter side of things, Hakyeon, in his own little way, has been of great help to understand the workings of the government. Even though this was an empire led by a single ruler, there were a few laws that prevented their ultimate control as well as a council to keep balance in the empire. The one law that caught your eye was the fact that single monarchs only had a certain amount of time to rule until they are forced to step down…

…and the Queen Dowager’s time was approaching fast.


One night, you happened to recall what Hakyeon had said that night he dismissed those girls. ‘It just doesn’t make sense. Keeping the Prince focused on studies overall? Wouldn’t that make him a powerful option for a ruler? The isolation works but if he’s the crown prince, wouldn’t he be able to still order servants and do his duties? Also, Ravi said ‘He already knows.’ What did he mean by that? How could the Prince already know? Was he at the cabin when I was there?’

Nothing was making sense to you. You gaze over at the clock on your nightstand (a gift from Hongbin) and shrug before heading outside. There was a good amount of time left until sunrise but you needed to at least talk this out. Thankfully, Ravi was in a meeting for once. 

Or so you thought.

Right as you reach the tree-line, Ravi is leaning against a tree, “What are you doing?”

Your head hangs, “Ravi, please. There’s some things I want to talk about with Hongbin.”

“Why not ask me? I’m a vampire, too. I can answer whatever questions you have.”

“See that’s the thing. It’s not really vampire related and best discussed off the grounds.”

His brows furrow. You raise an eyebrow, hoping you don’t have to say it out loud before realisation dawns on him, “I see. Then I’ll have to join you. Protection and all that.”

“But of course.” 

The two of you make your way to the cabin. This time, the alchemist was outside, reading a book next to the glowing fire pit.

“I see you finally let her out. Any more news from the palace?” He greets you. Your guardian rolls his eyes before snapping back, “You already know what’s been going on. I don’t need to justify his orders. Also, I don’t see why you don’t go to her. I know you have eyes in the palace and he’s not that secretive about it either.”

“You already know why,” Hongbin marks his page, eager to move the conversation along,  “So what did you say to convince your guard dog?”

You can’t help but raise a brow at Ravi’s comment but elect to say, “I want to talk about what’s going on in the palace and the Crown Prince.”

“..I see. We best move indoors. The wind tends carry whispers.”

He doesn’t say much else as he gathers his knapsack and gestures for you two to follow him. As soon as you were settled at the still cluttered table, Hongbin asks, “What do you want to know?”

“Well to be honest, I don’t believe what Hakyeon said about the prince being forced to ‘study’. It doesn’t make any sense given his position so I think it’s bullshit what he said. Also, this marriage ordeal feels more like a distraction than anything else. Almost like it’s to keep the nation’s eye away from someone trying to hide or do something.”

Hongbin glances at the vampire before sighing, “We were going to keep you on a need-to-know basis for the time being, but since you saw through Hakyeon’s lie, I guess we can tell you.”

“For the record, I wanted you to stay in the loop,” grumbles Ravi as he wanders about the cabin, “Without her, we wouldn’t have known about Hyuk until maybe his third or fourth feed.”

“I am aware of that,” hisses the alchemist, “You’re right. Like I said, Hakyeon lied about the ‘studying order’ since it’s easy to accept and no one questions it. The funny thing is that the prince has actually been studying quite a bit, but only in his free time. He’s at the point where all he needs is confirmation from a high priest to become one himself. He can do every ritual without a problem.”

“Better than even Her Majesty,” snickers Ravi, “Anyway back to the point.”

Hongbin’s eyes roll, “And this whole marriage thing is definitely not what it seems. Even the prince agrees, but he’s going with it since it was to happen sooner or later. We believe she’s trying to make a grab for power and is using this situation to make the prince look bad.”

He already knows. 

“We believe that she’s using the marriage to her advantage to portray Taekwoon in a bad light.”

Your brows furrow, confused, “Who’s Taekwoon?”

“Oh, I thought you knew his name,” Hongbin shrugs.

“Hongbin, you know how tight security is. They refused to let basic information out of the High Circle,” mumbled Ravi now settled on the couch. Those books did not look comfortable to lay on, but who are you to argue about that with a vampire.

You shrug, “Yeah, we were only told he’s looking for a wife and that he’s a young adult in line for the throne of the Korean Empire. Literally nothing else. Or..at least that’s all I was told.”

“Certainly explains quite a few things aside from the obvious,” he rolls his eyes, “In any case, should the queen be successful, the council can vote to overrule the abdication law.”

“Also, if security is tight, how was the prince able to meet with you?”

“He has his ways. Plus, it was imperative that he knew the night you told us. In any case-”

Your brows furrow even more, “Wait was that before I got back to the palace with Ravi?”

Hongbin pinches his nose, “Look when doesn’t matter. It seems to me that you don’t like the prince that much.”

You roll your eyes, “He hasn’t really done much to win my trust.”

“From what I heard, he hasn’t killed you yet. Especially with all that time you spend together. I’m actually surprised he hasn’t made a move yet.”

Ravi clears his throat.

“Look, Taekwoon isn’t a bad vampire. You don’t have to worry when you’re around him. He doesn’t bite..often.”

Your heart lurched at that and the butterflies in your stomach were not happening. What you didn’t see was Ravi winking and nodding to the alchemist with a cheeky smirk.

“Anyway, in regards to Hyuk, we don’t know what overcame him. We’ve always seen him as a little brother and tried to keep on the right path since his mom died. Alas, we can only do so much without controlling his life. Plus his father is still a strong influence to him.”

You ponder on that for a moment, “Do you think the Queen Dowager is linked to Hyuk somehow?”

The guys look at each other before Ravi shrugs, “It’s possible.”

“I don’t think so,” scoffs Hongbin.

“Hongbin, think about it. Why else would his family move onto the royal estate after her death? There’s a few rumours that have been circulating the palace. You know this.”

“I know. But I’ve personally confirmed that he is not her son and given the ritual,” he stresses, “it would not have been possible.”

Ravi crosses his arms for a minute before his eyes snap to the door. He goes to a cabinet, grabbing something that you can’t see before saying he’ll be right back.

“What was that about?”

“Like I would know?” Hongbin rolls his eyes, “Now that he’s gone, what’s been happening at the palace?”

“Over the past few days, at least in the lounge of the fiancé palace, faint screams can be heard. It’s becoming hard to ignore and honestly, what shred of safety I felt there is gone.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

“If you want, I could make you a serum to use in an emergency. It can give you the appearance of a vampire, scent and all, but you will still be human.”

You nod and he begins to wander around his kitchen, grabbing different herbs and powders. Just as your mind began to zone out, Hongbin starts to go off into detail about how each ingredient works in the potion and how annoying sunflowers are to find in this time of year and that his number one client’s potion demands so many and the frustrations it causes him. At one point, just as he was adding mugwort and loud thud was heard outside. He furrowed his brows but shrugged it off before going back to what he was doing. You, however, hop down from the stool and just as you were about to grab the doorknob, the door opens.

Your jaw drops as Leo’s soft voice gasps, “Y/N.”

You had met your friend Lay one night when you were travelling through Seoul a few years ago. It was a spur of the moment decision on your part. You had gone on a walk through Gangnam at night, finally able to get out of the apartment when you ran into him. Apparently, he had gotten lost somehow. He could have easily been a nice meal since you had gone a bit longer since your feed, but there was something about him. He just seemed so nice to you, and here you were debating on eating him. What the hell was wrong with you? It if were only 10 years prior, you would have. Hell, even last year and yet…well…you two ended up spending the night together drinking soju and singing your hearts out at karaoke.

Now here you were, relaxing in the lounge of Baekhyun’s apartment with the two going at it on Super Smash Bros. Baekhyun had learned about your secret rather quickly after being introduced to the wild boy. He played it off as a joke but your panic had told him otherwise. You chuckle at the memory as you take a swing of some apple soju and continue to scroll through your phone. Lay cried out in defeat as Baekhyun laughed at him. He looked at the screen for a moment before turning to you, “Hey Y/N?”


“What does it feel like to get bitten?”

You freeze as you meet Baekhyun’s eyes.

“Why do you want to know?”

Lay moved onto his side, “I’ve also been wondering. You rarely speak about anything related to vampires.”

You shift uncomfortably, “Again, why? It’s not like you’re vampires.”

Baekhyun moves closer, Lay not far behind.

“Still. We’re curious,” Lay begs. You sigh, unable to deny him.

“Do you know what happens to your victims when you bite them?”

“My ‘victims’?” You raise an eyebrow at that.

Baekhyun winces, “Sorry. Your unwilling blood donors.”

You roll your eyes, “It’s hard to explain. There’s this kind of venom in my teeth that releases euphoria.”

“What about turning?” Lay’s eyes were wide with curiosity.

“Traditional blood exchange,” you shrug, “Nothing special.”

You look between the two, eyes narrowing, “I take it you both want to be bitten?”

Baekhyun nods excitedly. With a sigh, you place your phone on the end table next to you glass. At least I already ate earlier.

“Okay, give me your wrist.”

He gives you his arm. Bringing it to your mouth, you bite down. He gasps before falling back against the couch, eyes rolled back in pleasure. You lick the wound before pulling away, but he doesn’t seem to want to move, too dazed to do anything really.

“I guess getting bit just makes you high,” chuckles Lay

Shaking your head as you giggle, you pick Baekhyun up and take him to his room.

“He should be fine in a little bit,” you plop back down on the couch, “What about you? Do you want a go too?”

A blush creeps up Lay’s neck and cheeks, making your mouth water. What the fuck? I just ate and had a snack. Why is he making me feel like I haven’t?

“Yes, please,” he says under his breath; his nerves palpable in the air. He joins me on the couch, not unlike Baekhyun. Without asking him, Lay offers his wrist to you. With a soft smile, you bite down….and the most sweetest and decadent flavours burst into your mouth. You growl, quickly pinning him to the floor and ripping into his neck. He yelps as his hands claw at your back, trying to pull you away, but you ignore him, gulping down that sweet sweet nectar.

“..Y/N..,” he breathes as his grip loosens. Breaking away, you stare in horror at the site before you.

Baekhyun’s voice calls out.

You rush into the bathroom, tears blurring your vision. Your hands cover your ears, you don’t want to know anything, but the light knock on the door forces you to face reality.

“Y/N?” Baekhyun’s voice is soft, “Is everything alright?”

The lump in your throat

“Lay’s okay. He just a bit weak but he’ll live.”

Fresh tears roll down your cheeks. You’ll probably have to move to a different country now. It’s too risky being near him anymore. The door knob rattles before the door swings open. You fall to the floor. Baekhyun kneels down, putting a hand on your shoulder, “Y/N, are you okay?”

“Why would I be okay???” You shout, “I haven’t lost control in the last one hundred years!! And now?!”

You push away his hand and go to start gathering your things, but he beats you to the front door.

“So that’s it? You lose control and then decide to leave without giving him an explanation? He’s your friend. He at least deserves a goodbye.”

You sigh, your bag slipping off your shoulder to the floor.


Ken runs through the street with Ana not far behind, following the scream.

“What is this building?” He shouts as he skids to a stop.

“The hospital. Weren’t you here before?”

“I was a bit preoccupied that night,” he pauses, “We need to get to the basement. There’s people trapped.”
With a quick nod, they race for the stairs. Sure enough, there was a group of zombies clambering over each other to break through a storage room door. What’s more noticeable is the smell of fresh human blood in the air. With a roar, Ken storms the hoard, dropping the bag to the floor, startling Ana before she joins in.

In no time they tear though the mass of zombies. Behind the door, they can hear whimpering and someone crying. With one to Ken, Ana breaks open the door with ease only to find three men curled up in the corner, the smell of blood pungent in the air.

“Ravi!? Hyuk!? Hongbin!?” Ken runs to their sides, hugging each of them, only to pause when he reached for the oldest of the three, “What are you guys doing here??”

“Looking for you!” Hyuk punched his arm.

“We overheard N-hyung’s call to the CEO. As soon as he said the city, we got on the earliest flight,” Hongbin pitches in, “Only when we arrived…”

“Those things were crawling about,” hisses Ravi, who was rather pale and was cradling his arm, “We ran here, but we barely managed to get into this room.”

Ana steps forth, “What happened to your arm?”

Ravi looks between the two before lowering his left arm. There was a good chunk bitten out of it as green veins were creep outwards. Blood oozed out, staining his shirt.

“Fuck,” Ken turns to Ana, “Can we do anything?

“I don’t know.”

“What about turning him? Would the venom be able to overcome a zombie’s?”

She stares at him before returning to look at the wound, “I don’t know. I was already a vampire when I was bitten. Maybe…”

“What the hell are you two talking about?” Snapped the youngest.

“Ana and I are vampires. Long story. Ravi?”

He stared at Ken, breathing heavily as pain shot through his body, and simply nods.

“I must warn you. This might hurt,” she says as she kneels down to grab his other arm.

“Can’t hurt more than this,” he wheezes.

She lightly chuckles before sinking her fangs into his flesh. Other than a yelp, he doesn’t react much. Ravi leans back against the wall, barely hanging on. Hyuk and Hongbin stare wide-eyed as they hide behind Ken. Ana pulls away to rip into her wrist. Ravi drinks deeply as soon as her blood touches his lips. A few minutes later, Ana pulls him away as gently leans him against the wall.

“How long do we have to wait?”

Ana shrugs, “I don’t know. Ken took overnight and I took half a year.”

Hyuk rolls his eyes, “Great, so we’re stuck here.”

“Not necessarily. Something’s telling me it won’t take long,” she stands, “Ken, stay here with him. Why don’t you two help me gather some stuff? We’ll be right back.”

The maknaes look uneasy at the idea of leaving their friend, let alone going anywhere with a vampire.

“Oh you’ll be fine, that is unless you want to be here when a new vampire wakes up.”

Hyuk and Hongbin rush to her side as she leaves the room. Cautiously, she leads them through the hallways, trying to concentrate on a specific scent. Sure enough, she found a storage room with blood and a good amount of bandages. As the guys got to work stocking up on the supplies, Ana focused on the refrigerator. Before taking any, she quickly slurped one down. Ana simply just takes all the bags she can. Why leave them to waste?

Hyuk steps in front of her, “What are you doing? The bag will be too heavy!”

She rolls her eyes, smirking, “Vampire.”

“Oh right..”

As she finished stuffing the bag, taking care to make sure nothing will break, a thud sounded in the distance. Everyone froze.

“He’s awake,” is all she says before speeding off. A minute later she returns, picking up the bag as she speaks, “He’s fine. The blood stopped the bite.”

Hyuk and Hongbin sigh in relief.

“But what now?” Hongbin’s head hangs low, “Where will we go?”

“You’re coming with us,” Ana urges them out of the room, tailing right behind, “We’re holed up in a hotel right now but we’re about to move out of the city.”

“Why out of the city?”

“Less population means less attacks and easier survival.”

Hongbin just nods before they make their way back.

When they arrived at the room, Ravi and Ken were there waiting, talking in hushed whispers.

“Trust me on this,” Ken placed a hand on the younger’s shoulder.

Ana raised an eyebrow in question.

“I’ll tell you later,” her boyfriend told her before grabbing the dropped bag from earlier, “We should get back. We’ve been gone a while.”

Along their journey, Ravi insisted that he carry the bag instead of Ana. With a roll of her eyes, she handed it over but not before saying that she owes him for the favour. He shrugs it off, “You saved my life. I’ll have to make it up to you for years to come.”

“Please don’t flirt with my girlfriend,” Ken joked as he playfully punched the younger in the arm. Right as they turned the corner, a shot rang out as Ana collapsed to the ground.

Ojiro Mashirao: Vampire Headcanons


Happy Ojiro Day 2022! [28/05]

Vampire AUs live absolutely rent free in my head because who doesn’t love a usually calm, collected human going absolutely feral for their loved one?

Word count: 700

Warnings: Blood and typical vampire behaviour


How do they get turned? (Is it easy? Do they get trapped or tricked? Willingly? Etc.)

Ojiro would likely get turned into a vampire from blocking an attack aimed at someone else, or by freak accident. Think, cute baby bat with a weird flu decides Ojiro’s tail is a soft perch, only to bite him after realising it isn’t.

What is their initial response after turning?

As any normal human would do, he freaks out. He locks himself in his room and doesn’t let anyone in to see him as his urge to feed grows.

How long do they fight their need for blood/what do they drink from first?

Ojiro manages to hold off his urges for three solid days of not eating or drinking or seeing another living soul. Considering the thirst for blood is present right from the moment of transformation and only worsens over time, it’s an impressive feat.

But by day three he’s almost insane with thirst. He still has enough humanity not to target his classmates, and is too afraid of what he’ll do if he leaves his room, so he targets stray birds and squirrels that wander onto his dorm-room balcony.

Though it soon becomes apparent that their blood isn’t enough to sustain him for long.

How do they find a ‘blood donor’ if they have one? Or do they target randomly?

Ojiro would never ask anyone to be his blood donor, and unless he was absolutely mad with bloodlust from not drinking for days or weeks, he wouldn’t drink from an unwilling human participant either.

There is a ray of hope for Ojiro’s plight, however. If you are willing, and begged him, to use you as a blood donor, then he would begrudgingly accept. And I mean beg. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone, especially you, but seeing you upset and desperate to save him makes his resolve crumble.

What is the vampire’s preferred method of drinking from their donor?

He really prefers to keep it as subtle as possible, especially for your sake. If he can control himself and do it regularly enough, he likes to draw blood from your thumb where the bite mark can be hidden.

Aside from needing to drink blood, what do they find the most inconvenient about being a vampire?

Ojiro doesn’t like his new intolerance to strong sunlight, as it gets in the way of any outdoor midday training sessions.

Do they see any positives to being a vampire?

Despite everything, Ojiro actually enjoys the extra strength and manoeuvrability from being a vampire. Tokoyami finds him infinitely cooler and often offers up Dark Shadow as a shroud so Ojiro can fight, even in midsummer sunlight.

What do they regret most after becoming a vampire?

Ojiro regrets the time he tried to ween himself off your blood. He went cold turkey but it drove him insane until he finally snapped and drank straight from your neck. He was too rough and knew he hurt you, despite your reassurance afterwards that everything was okay.

If they had the power to turn other people into vampires, would they?

No. Ojiro knows it is a curse despite what Tokoyami says and would never wish it on anyone.

Do they find a cure, and do they use it?

In a world full of quirks and superpowers, there has to be a cure somewhere. Maybe the vampirism is a side-effect anyway, and only temporary. But for sure, if Ojiro found a cure then he would use it.

Free Space:

He would never admit to this, but Ojiro is always in two minds when he feeds on you. On the one hand, he’s drinking your blood and he’s a terrible person for it. You deserve better. On the other hand, oh god what is this connection he’s feeling? He’s so close to you and you’re letting him do this and he absolutely adores you and let him get closer, please?



okay SO in honor of halloween and the fact that if i don’t post it now i’ll probably forget about it forever, have an old drawing of vampire!reki i’ve had sitting in my drafts for ages!

otakunyakumon: Touch her man and get beheaded. You don’t want that do you?


Touchher man and get beheaded.

You don’t want that do you?

Post link


I’ve seen people say “What if Dick thinks Bruce is a vampire instead of Batman” but no one asks the most important question.

What if Dick assumes Bruce is just Batman and, years later, through some shenanigans of sort it is revealed he is also a vampire

Bruce is confused about why all of his kids are freaking out.

Bruce: I literally don’t go outside unless it’s night or very overcast?

Dick: I assumed you were a white man who hadn’t discovered sunscreen.

Bruce: I don’t sleep?

Barbara: You’re a workaholic

Bruce: I literally don’t eat or drink.

Jason: idk, neither does Tim

Bruce: I regularly drink packs of blood???

Tim: We thought you liked Kool-Aid Jammers like a normal person

Bruce: I strictly wear black and capes?

Steph: You listen to MCR, I thought you were emo

Bruce: You call Damian demon brat?? Surely, a callback to the fact I, his father, am a creature of darkness and hell?

Damian, also a vampire: Were you not calling me a slur due to my demonic nature?

Alfred, amused

(Duke, who accidentally burned him with his light, and Cass, who is Cass, knew already)

I guess I forgot to share this on this blog, oops.

|All characters depicted are adults|

Some vampire/werewolf au stuff

-Please do not reupload, edit, or use without proper credit or linking back. Ask first please.-


Some vampire/werewolf au stuff

-Please do not reupload, edit, or use without proper credit or linking back. Ask first please.-

Rosegarden Week Day 5: Enemies BUT Lovers… | Sleep—Another combo piece! Dabbling in the

Rosegarden Week Day 5: Enemies BUT Lovers… | Sleep

Another combo piece! Dabbling in the Vampire!AU, which could be open to interpretation of a Dracula or vampire hunter theme!

Either way wanted to go with a dreamy vibe for this piece!

Post link

I’m a little late but Happy Halloween! Have my vampire Vaderkin

Also on Insta


This was supposed to be a longer comic but anyways. Monster Hunter Mace Windu and Vampire Vader.
