#victor frankenstein



Ranking gothic lit characters by the things they do instead of sleeping

(Note: This post is a joke, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is important)

11. Dracula: Being the worst

10. Robert Walton: Writing down everything Victor Frankenstein says

9. The Phantom (Erik): Stalking people, causing problems, working on an opera (Unrealistic, people are not actually productive when they stay up)

8. Jack Seward: His work (lame cause he’s bad at it), ignoring his emotions (realistic)

7. Utterson: Tracking down Edward Hyde (exciting)

6. Dorian Gray: Staring at his portrait (relatable, but lame), sinning (cool)

5. Griffin: Experiencing the consequences of his actions (relatable)

4. Johnathan Harker: Worrying about the vampires that are trying to eat him (exciting)

3. Adam Frankenstein: Reading Paradise Lost (cool), setting fires (fun!), starving in the woods (tragic)

2. Dr. Jekyll: Violence (fun!), being Edward Hyde (funner!)

1. Victor Frankenstein: Playing god (cool), angsting (realistic)

The two all-encompassing traits of a gothic protagonist: bad decisions and being queer.










now that i think about it, jonathan harker would’ve been a great character in frankenstein. he’s so completely oblivious to dracula’s red flag parade that he’d probably completely avert the creature’s murderous rampage by accidentally befriending him after spending a page and a half writing about some weirdly tall homeless guy with daddy issues he ran into

“I’ve met the most peculiar man today. He was far taller in height than I have ever witnessed before. His face gave off a general sense of ugliness, though I cant quite place why considering he seems to be quite handsome when not in animation. A multitude of scars seemed to cover his body, perhaps from a terrible accident and the subsistent surgeries. I’ve noticed that he always looks close to crying. When i asked his name, he replied, in length, that he had none. How queer! As he seemed fairly harmless, and rather in need, I invited him to accompany me on my passage to Count Dracula. He looked bewildered, but accepted. I know not whether he shall continue to accompany me when I return to Mina, but I’m quite certain she would never reject hospitality to so miserable a man!”

Also consider:

My dearest Margaret, so odd a stranger has joined my ship! I know nothing of him other than he seems to be some sort of European, like Victor, though not the same. He introduced himself as Count Dracula, and spoke with utmost clarity and mastery of the english language. Victor looked upon him in a rather fragile state and cried out.

“Is one demon not enough for my so miserable life? Must another specter haunt my every waking hour, even now as I am so wretched? Oh, save me Walton, save me! The devil comes near, and he dost wish to smother all hope of respite and tranquility!”

Saying such, he leaped from where he was seated on the deck, and promptly fainted. I apologized for my friend’s behavior and brought Victor back to my cabin.

Sincerely, your confused brother, Robert. W

You know, considering Victor’s extensive experience with dismembering dead bodies and reanimating and the fact that his problem for his entire book was that he didn’t think anyone would believe him, I do sincerely think that Frankenstein would catch onto Dracula’s deal at once and immediately make it everyone else’s problem.

victor accidentally fucking up dracula while jonathan accidentally un-fucks up the creature? sign me the hell up!

All these posts declaring that Victor would only be able to cry and faint at Dracula seem to forget that his first meeting with his creature started with him hurling insults and trying to fistfight the 8 ft tall supernatural brick shithouse of muscle while having the constitution of a consumptive heroine so like while this absolutely wouldn’t bode well for his long term survival in Dracula’s castle you’ve gotta admit it would be way funnier.

Essentially the creature would find the one guy who’s too polite to say anything about his appearance while Dracula to his horror would have met the one man in the world who’s even more of a fucking nightmare to deal with than him.

Frankenstein, eyes bloodshot and probably on totally normal Victorian amounts of cocaine: “Hey buddy count I found all these fresh cadavers in your basement —“

Dracula: “Vait how did you find my cadavers”

Frankenstein: “Look, I need them for reasons and you just had them laying around and were obviously not using them and they’re peasants right? So —“

Dracula: “Vhat do you possibly need cadavers for?”

Frankenstein: “I already told you, REASONS! Anyway I can’t help but notice all of them are totally drained of blood and I need the blood.”

Dracula: “how are you getting them out of the ground so quickly, you’re like a hundred pounds soaking vet —“

Frankenstein: “THE BLOOD, Dracula. I need the BLOOD. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BLOOD. TELL ME, DRAC.”


Frankenstein: *long winded flowery speech about how Count Dracula is a fiendish devil and vile abomination etc for what he’s done to the corpses*

Dracula: My brother in Christ YOU’RE the one robbing MY graveyard!!!

Frankenstein: *suckerpunches him*

you’re the only person on this post i trust. please never stop i love you

“What are you drawing” I don’t fucking know.“What are you drawing” I don’t fucking know.

“What are you drawing” I don’t fucking know.

Post link

Why do we even call him Doctor Frankenstein? Like,


Ask any grad student, you don’t justget to break the laws of nature and create abominations to god. You also have to write a paper about it.

“Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemlance.” - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

Dr. Faust: Your existence is confusing.

Victor Frankenstein: How so?

Dr. Faust: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.

Perenelle Flamel: Anyone d-

Nicolas Flamel: Depressed?

Dr. Faust: Drained?

Victor Frankenstein: Dumb?

Adam: Disliked?

Perenelle: -done with their work. What is wrong with you boys?!

Dr. Faust: Is having a penis fun?

Nicolas Flamel: It has its ups and downs.

Adam: Sometimes it’s a little hard.

Victor Frankenstein: It’s a pain in the arse.

Perenelle Flamel: Oh Jesus, frick, boys, come on!

Nicolas Flamel: Salut, Perenelle! Salut, Victor! Salut, Adam! Salut, Jean! Salut, Perenelle!

Victor Frankenstein: You just said “Bye, Perenelle” twice.

Nicolas: I love Perenelle. ^^


Victor Frankenstein: I’m perfectly heterosexual.

Dr. Faust, the Flamels & Adam: *cackling hysterically like a clan of hyenas*

Victor Frankenstein: I’m an idiot.

Dr. Faust: …

Nicolas Flamel: …

Perenelle Flamel: …

Adam: …

Victor: …

Johann: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.

Dr. Faust: *is bitching with Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon in a highly complicated scientific manner*

Victor Frankenstein, who understands every word: Gentlemen, if you have to talk trash, why ca’t you do it normally?

Dr. Faust: Hush, kid. The doctors are talking.

Victor: …

Victor: Okay, first of all-

Dr. Faust: Self care is actually getting into fist fights with randoms in dark alleys.

Perenelle Flamel: No, self care is doing stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of make-up, if you like it, or taking a nice nap!

Adam: Self care is the burning heat, when rage washes over you! Self care is when the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!

Victor Frankenstein: Lmao, self care is taking your birthday cake, just so I can eat the frosting.

Dr. Faust: If you touch my birthday cake, I’ll make you eat your hands.

Perenelle Flamel: I think we’re missing something.

Nicolas Flamel: Teamwork?

Dr. Faust: Cohesion?

Victor Frankenstein: A general sense of what we’re doing?

Haven’t posted a comic page in a while but this is from one of the most recent scenes I’ve scripted, Victor and Jekyll’s first meeting. I’m really happy with how this scene turned out, both in scripting and concept art :D


Bear with me descriptions are hard


Edward was created by a potion made by the chemist Dr. Henry Jekyll. He spends most of his time running around London jumping in puddles and making terrible puns. During the day he lives in Jekyll’s mind and complains about it loudly.


Adam is a reanimated corpse monster created by the college dropout Victor Frankenstein. After he and his creator didn’t kill each other in the Arctic, Adam traveled to London and now lives in a cottage in the woods. He gives Edward cookies on occasion and spends his time trying to make worse puns than him.


Ren is a patient at Praeceps Insane Asylum, and has been taken under the wing of the mysterious Count Dracula. He thinks Edward and Adam’s puns are funny and likes caring for the critters that accidentally climb into his cell through the window.


Victor is the college dropout who created Adam. He nearly died of hypothermia while chasing Adam through the Arctic, but was saved by a ship captain and is now tracking his creature through England. He is eventually recruited by Van Helsing into the Merry Band of Monster Hunters. He thinks Adam and Edward’s puns are annoying.


Jekyll created Edward on accident through a potion gone wrong and has been being mildly inconvenienced by him ever since. Jekyll works as a chemist at Praeceps Insane Asylum alongside Dr. Jack Seward and spends his days playing the piano, filling out medical records and ignoring Edward’s terrible puns.


Mina is Dr. Seward’s apprentice at Praeceps and is very tired. She joins the Merry Band of Monster Hunters after her ex girlfriend, Lucy Westenra, was killed by Dracula.


Van Helsing is the leader of the Merry Band of Monster Hunters. He hunts vampires and works at a university in Amsterdam during his free time. He was called to London to investigate the illness of Lucy Westenra shortly before her untimely death.


my friends and I did something How we would make Adam (aka the creacher) from Frankenstein so I will be rating the on a scale of 1-10


So this is my best friends one and he did great!



This is done by me and according to my best friend it’s good

He gave it a 9/10


My school friend who I dragged into the fandom made this to fit her modern day Au


And lastly my other best friend


They did great!

