

this day’s leg workout had me sore for dayssss lemme tell ya! I tried to program it so it was quad and hamstring focused, and my legs were definitely tired right after, but my glutes actually ended up being super sore the next day!


5x8 sumo deadlifts at 115lbs

4x8 each side bar lunge to curtsy lunge

4x10 DB deadlifts w/ 30lbs SS 4x10 deadlift pulses w one DB

4x8 quad extensions

4x8 ham curls

3x10-12 jumping leg press on seated leg press machine


post-dinner/period bloat pics lmao…impressed that i have some sort of an ab line?? even though i’m flexing pretty hard in this pic ha

did an upper body/abs workout on Tuesday that actually left me pretty sore, especially in my back, rear delts, biceps and triceps!


4x10 chest press w/ 25lb DBs

3x10 arnold press w/ 15lb DBs SS 3x8 one DB straight arm front press (lift all the way over your heard)

3x10 skull crushers w 15lb DBs SS 3x10 bench push ups

4x6-8 assisted chin ups at 30lbs (I tried standing on the assisted machine instead of kneeling)

3x10 straight arm lat pull downs on cable at 40lbs SS 3x12 face pulls at 60lbs

ab circuit (repeat 3 times):

10 side plank stars each side

20 full body extensions w/ 10lb DB on ankles

10 L crunches each side holding 10lb DB

15 crunches, straight arms holding up 10lb DB

10 side plank arm wrap dips w 5lb DB each side

and then yesterday I did some chill cardio/HIIT! My joints (back, knee, shins) were feeling a bit pained during my warm up jog, so I’m going to try and take it easy on the running front, especially because I don’t think my knee is fully 100% yet after my fall last week.


2 mile jog (I tried to go slower but ended up with about an 8:30 pace lol)

15 mins of 15-30s sprints (start at 9.5 mph, work up to 12 mph, go back down and go up again as you want to)

10 mins of incline walking (15 incline, 3-3.2 mph)

yesterday was day 2 of my period, plus i had a pretty shitty day, so i just wasn’t feeling cute and didn’t take any progress pics : ) I really wanted to start october off with a strong “before” so I can actually track my progress this month, but it looks like I might have to wait lol.

anyways, here’s my leg workout from last night - definitely a good one, my legs are so sore today!!

warm up: dynamic stretching and glute activation w/ band


5x8 squats (first set w/ 25lb plates, then added 10 lbs) 

3x10 box squats with band w/ 25lb plates

4x15 quad extensions at 40lbs SS 30s band walks

3x30s cable squat walks (work up from 80-100 lbs)

end w/ 20 mins of LISS - I did 10 mins of incline walking at 2.8 mph, 15 incline then 10 mins of stairs at level 7.

I’m ready to crush it this week!! I bought some healthy food to meal prep better lunches (no more sandwiches!!), and I’m ready to get back into a healthier routine of sleeping/exercising/etc.

here’s the rest of my workouts for the week:

Monday - legs + cardio

Tuesday - upper body and abs

Wednesday - cardio

Thursday - hamstrings + glutes

Friday - upper body and cardio

welp lol

so here’s my leg workout from yesterday, which was good! a little more high volume with all of the supersets, but definitely sweaty and had my legs tired out (esp my glutes and hamstrings) by the end. unfortunately, I tried to do the first set of jumping lunges with 15lb DBs, tripped and fell right on my knee. it hurt a little, but nothing bad, no popping noises or anything, and I was able to finish my leg workout with no pain/problems (only a little weird feeling on the hamstring curl machine). but today, i woke up with a very stiff, slightly swollen knee :/ stupid knee cap!!! hopefully it’s nothing serious, and i don’t think it is, since i can stand on that leg and bend/straighten, I just have some pain when i bend it all the way. gonna definitely take a rest day today and ice it later (already iced it briefly this AM) and maybe do some light upper body/abs tomorrow? we’ll see. I’m definitely not gonna push it, obvs knee injuries are no joke and I’m terrified of having any kind of serious joint or limb injury!!!


3x24 jumping lunges (lol) SS 3x10-15 glute-focused hyperextensions (this also made my knee feel a little weird but it was right after the fall soooo) w/ a 25lb plate

3x10 single leg ham curls w/ 20lbs

4x12 barbell hip thrusts w 25lbs each side SS 4x15 band bodyweight hip thrusts

4x10 sumo deadlifts w 25lbs each side SS 4x10 band leg kickbacks

3x10 one leg sideways seated leg press (increase weight each time - I did 75-95-115) SS 3x15 lying leg curls at 30lbs

3x30 walking lunges or plate overhead lunges (I kind of alternated between both)

I was super tired after a long day of work yesterday and didn’t feel like heading all the way to the gym, so I did a shorter at-home upper body workout using my 5lb dumbbells and resistance band. 

I started with a warm up from a Fitness Blender video: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/upper-body-and-abs-workout-compound-upper-body-workout-for-strength-and-coordination

(I want to try this workout one day but wasn’t feeling it yesterday)

And then did a variation on a BBG arms and abs day:

1st circuit (AMRAP 7 mins):

15 DB squat and press (I used my resistance band)

15 tricep dips

24 commandos (aka up up down downs) (these are killer)

20 straight leg jackknives

2nd circuit:

20 bent leg sit ups

10 sets of 4 mountain climbers to 1 push up (can drop down on knees for tricep push ups)

15 straight leg raises

15 lay down push ups (towards the end I would only lay down after every other push up)

(repeat both circuits twice, and you’re done)

My shoulders and chest are a little sore today! Those push ups and commandos always get me. 

Today is my cardio day, but I’m thinking I might run outside a bit first before going inside to do HIIT? Maybe like an easy 2 mile jog and then sprints on the treadmill, or maybe even outside if I’m feeling ambitious. Will keep ya updated (and hopefully have some pics to share post-workout)!

Here for the Summer Shredding physique compition!#GymLife #GymTime #NoPainNoGain #PersonalTrainer

Here for the Summer Shredding physique compition!

#GymLife #GymTime #NoPainNoGain #PersonalTrainer #Sweat #Treadmill #Weights #WeightTraining #Workout
#summershredding #summershred #summershredding2019 #summershredding2018 #summershreddingclassic (at Alphalete Gym)

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Man I have a long ways to go and only have 3 weeks. Currently I’m on 1300 calories per day. I&

Man I have a long ways to go and only have 3 weeks. Currently I’m on 1300 calories per day. I’ve been at those calories for the past couple months. I’m debating on dropping them lower maybe 800-1000 for a few days a week off and on the next couple weeks. Or dropping down to 1100-1200 every day until the #SummerShredding2019 Compition. What do you think @christianguzmanfitness , @maxxchewning , @roblipsett ?

#NoPainNoGain #PersonalTrainer #Sweat #Treadmill #Weights #WeightTraining #Workout
#summershredding #summershred #summershredding2019 #summershredding2018 #summershreddingclassic

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Filling super watery. AKA bloatedish. Overall the cut has been going well but we have to get shredde

Filling super watery. AKA bloatedish. Overall the cut has been going well but we have to get shredded in the next couple weeks. Should I do what it takes and kill myself to reach it or dial back and take a L.

#Fitness #FitnessAddict #GetOutside #GetStrong #GirlsWhoLift #GymLife #GymTime #NoPainNoGain #PersonalTrainer #Treadmill #Weights #WeightTraining #Workout
#summershredding #summershred #summershredding2019 #summershredding2018 #summershreddingclassic (at Planet Fitness)

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