#whats the point


I have quite a few blocked so please spread the word


I hate the future man this shit sucks so much


It is extremely painful, to switch from happy to tear inducing sadness in a second, to have the smallest amount of time define your next emotion. I cannot keep up, It’s all bad, everything is tainted, because even in good times I anticipate the sad..every moment is spent begging my body not to betray me.

Mary Claire// trapped again


Marius, about to be être libre’d

(he doesn’t even list the pc motives to like Napoleon huh)

I had the biggest panic attack of my life last night. It came out nowhere and lasted for at least 2-3 hours. I felt like I was drown and on the edge of death the entire time. Time ticked by so slowly I felt like I was floating in a pitch black ocean. Lights were blinding, noises were somehow unbearably loud but muffled. Nothing was helping. I contemplated calling my parents, my brother and then even 911 because I couldn’t catch my breath, I couldn’t calm down. My entire house was spinning, my chest was tight and my stomach wouldnt stop flipping. I screamed, I cried. My brain pounded against my skull like a prisoner. I smacked my self hard in the face as a way to bring myself back up to the surface for air, if only just for a moment. When I finally fell asleep, I blacked out.

This is what happens when you are missing you medication. When you fall, you fall hard.

I’ve been on 30mgs of Lexapro for about a week now and idk if it’s working or if I’m so over life that I’m just numb.

wait why the hell is tumblr banning certain words, what’s goin on

And then I realise that the shell is empty. There’s no point to any of this, it’s all a

And then I realise that the shell is empty. There’s no point to any of this, it’s all a random lottery of meaningless tragedy in a series of near escapes // Reality Bites.

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i was talking abt gender w another nonbinary lesbian friend the other day and they were like i get the concept of gender envy i Do but soooo many of my friends will be like wow hes so gender! and its like just a man. literally just a man. and i was like well yes sometimes people want to be just some guy (said while sweating and shaking and shoving dozens of photos of just some guys in my gender pockets)


you dont understand i need to sound like a cartoon character i need to say yippee!!! when i’m happy and i need to scream NOOOOOOO when i’m sad
