#white coat

I feel as though I’ve climbed mountain after mountain to get here - the view is breathtaking.

I feel as though I’ve climbed mountain after mountain to get here - the view is breathtaking. In about five years’ time, I will be a PhD-prepared Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

I fought hard for this white coat, but perhaps even more importantly, God has been fighting for me over the past five years by opening doors I didn’t think I was worthy enough to walk through. He has awakened me to dreams I didn’t even know I had, and here I am chasing them with my whole heart. I’ve got several more mountains to climb, but I’m learning that I can claim victory before I’ve reached the summit.

I am proud to be a nurse and unfathomably honored I get to dedicate my career to improving end-of-life care for patients and their families.

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【暦擬人化 その17】 6/21~6/25は第28候・乃東枯(なつかれくさかるる)。 冬至のころに目を出した夏枯草(カコソウ)の花が枯れる季節。 乃東(夏枯草)とはウツボグサの花が枯れ茶褐色になった花【暦擬人化 その17】 6/21~6/25は第28候・乃東枯(なつかれくさかるる)。 冬至のころに目を出した夏枯草(カコソウ)の花が枯れる季節。 乃東(夏枯草)とはウツボグサの花が枯れ茶褐色になった花【暦擬人化 その17】 6/21~6/25は第28候・乃東枯(なつかれくさかるる)。 冬至のころに目を出した夏枯草(カコソウ)の花が枯れる季節。 乃東(夏枯草)とはウツボグサの花が枯れ茶褐色になった花【暦擬人化 その17】 6/21~6/25は第28候・乃東枯(なつかれくさかるる)。 冬至のころに目を出した夏枯草(カコソウ)の花が枯れる季節。 乃東(夏枯草)とはウツボグサの花が枯れ茶褐色になった花

【暦擬人化 その17】


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There are two kinds of people: those who want to get things done and those who don’t want to make mistakes.

- John Maxwell
