#witchcraft blog

witchesbe-like: How To Make A Spell LocketI love lockets. Especially vintage ones that have filigree


How To Make A Spell Locket

I love lockets. Especially vintage ones that have filigree designs engraved on them. Or sometimes they come in different shapes like hearts, circles or ovals. Lockets to me already feel kind of mysterious reminding me of poison rings but for keeping photos or secrets inside. 

If you have a locket sitting around, this spell is the perfect way to switch it up and wear your locket with your spell intention. If you need a locket first, try checking out thrift shops or craft stores. You can find pretty inexpensive lockets at any jewelry rack at a second hand shop, or score a pack of them at your local craft supply store. 

Making spell lockets is really simple and only requires a few ingredients depending on what you choose to designate your locket for. 

Protection Spell Locket 

Black Obsidian Chips

Mugwort, Sage, and/or Rosemary

Black Candle Wax


Abundance Spell Locket

Citrine Chips


Green Candle Wax


Psychic Abilities Spell Locket



Purple Candle Wax


To Find Other Witches Locket



Gold candle wax


To create your spell locket set your items out in front of you and light the candle color correspondence to the spell locket you are creating. Light your candle and incense. Meditate to clear your mind and cast a white circle around yourself and your spell.  

Light your incense and cleanse your locket by passing it through the smoke first. Next, cleanse the crystal chips and herbs you will be using. 

Arrange the crystal chips in your locket. Next, arrange the herbs. Both the crystals and the herbs should be placed in a way that the locket can still be closed and latched if necessary. If you have too many pieces in your locket, reduce them by removing a few herbs and crystal chips. 

Once you have the desired amount and your locket can easily close, take your candle and let the wax drip inside setting the crystal chips and herbs inplace. (Careful not too much!) Let the wax dry. If you’ve over dripped or are no longer able to close the locket, carefully take a toothpick and scrape the excess wax off. 

Set your intention over the locket by reciting the following but paraphrasing for your intention: I create this amulet for ______________ and charge it with my intention to _________________.  (For instance you can say, “I create this amulet for protection and charge it with my intention to protect me from all harm.”)

If you are actively wearing the necklace, don’t forget to take it outside and charge it under the full moon each month. 

Graphics on this blog post were created by Obsidian Odyssey. Thank you so much for creating the amazing art art for this post! Check out her witchy blog and join her online coven. <3 

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Everybody has their own way to open and close spells and rituals. When I first started Witchcraft on

Everybody has their own way to open and close spells and rituals. When I first started Witchcraft one of the things that used to annoy me was how many variants of everything there were. I was so used to a standard of doing things it never occurred to me that everyone just connects in different ways. 

Opening and closing rituals and spells does not have to be a complicated drawn out process. Sometimes if I’m in a hurry (okay most of the time) I will just use some quick visualization and move on. But if I’m really feeling that I need to put the time in I’ll follow these steps. Like always if you don't’ connect with something, change it to work for you.

Opening your spell

Clearing your space 

If you are getting ready to perform a ritual one of the first things to do is clear the energy of the space. This is really easy and usually just achieved by lighting incense and cracking the window. (Yes I know energy can move in and out without opening any windows but the smoke needs an escape route.) 

If you are unable to light incense or the smoke is really irritating, set out a clear glass bowl of water with salt added to it. Set it out for a few minutes to clear up any energy in the room and then you can just flush it down the toilet.


After clearing the space where I will be doing some magic it’s time to clear my head. Usually this just takes a few minutes to meditate on what I call ‘the day away.’ If you’re anything like me (an over-thinker) then you know your mind is full of all the junk that you’ve been thinking about and that’s not good for spell work. You don’t want your own energy messing up your spell, so take the time and clear your mind and process out anything that will interfere with your magic. 

Casting your circle of protection 

Casting a circle for protection is super important in magic. You don’t want anything coming in and bothering you during your spell casting and you want to be safe when you are opening yourself up. 

To cast a circle, I usually just use a quick visualization and imagine a bubble around me made up of bright white light. You can crystalize the circle if you feel like you need some extra protection. 

If I’m feeling fancy, I might sit on the floor and create a physical circle with various candles (mostly tea lights). You can also add in incense, crystals or anything else to help you get into the witchy mood. 

Closing your spell

Thanking the energy in the room

Closing your spell is much easier and doesn’t really require as many steps. For me, this usually just involves me blowing out any candles or incense I have going and thanking the energy in the room. 

Releasing your circle

You will also want to release your circle of protection. If you use the visualization, you will want to visualize it dissolving or if you have candles placed around you in a circle you can start to remove them signifying the ritual is complete and the circle is no longer needed. 

Icon Art

The art icon for this blog post was created by Obsidian Odyssey! Go check out this witches amazing artwork!

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How To Make A Spell LocketI love lockets. Especially vintage ones that have filigree designs engrave

How To Make A Spell Locket

I love lockets. Especially vintage ones that have filigree designs engraved on them. Or sometimes they come in different shapes like hearts, circles or ovals. Lockets to me already feel kind of mysterious reminding me of poison rings but for keeping photos or secrets inside. 

If you have a locket sitting around, this spell is the perfect way to switch it up and wear your locket with your spell intention. If you need a locket first, try checking out thrift shops or craft stores. You can find pretty inexpensive lockets at any jewelry rack at a second hand shop, or score a pack of them at your local craft supply store. 

Making spell lockets is really simple and only requires a few ingredients depending on what you choose to designate your locket for. 

Protection Spell Locket 

Black Obsidian Chips

Mugwort, Sage, and/or Rosemary

Black Candle Wax


Abundance Spell Locket

Citrine Chips


Green Candle Wax


Psychic Abilities Spell Locket



Purple Candle Wax


To Find Other Witches Locket



Gold candle wax


To create your spell locket set your items out in front of you and light the candle color correspondence to the spell locket you are creating. Light your candle and incense. Meditate to clear your mind and cast a white circle around yourself and your spell.  

Light your incense and cleanse your locket by passing it through the smoke first. Next, cleanse the crystal chips and herbs you will be using. 

Arrange the crystal chips in your locket. Next, arrange the herbs. Both the crystals and the herbs should be placed in a way that the locket can still be closed and latched if necessary. If you have too many pieces in your locket, reduce them by removing a few herbs and crystal chips. 

Once you have the desired amount and your locket can easily close, take your candle and let the wax drip inside setting the crystal chips and herbs inplace. (Careful not too much!) Let the wax dry. If you’ve over dripped or are no longer able to close the locket, carefully take a toothpick and scrape the excess wax off. 

Set your intention over the locket by reciting the following but paraphrasing for your intention: I create this amulet for ______________ and charge it with my intention to _________________.  (For instance you can say, “I create this amulet for protection and charge it with my intention to protect me from all harm.”)

If you are actively wearing the necklace, don’t forget to take it outside and charge it under the full moon each month. 

Graphics on this blog post were created by Obsidian Odyssey. Thank you so much for creating the amazing art art for this post! Check out her witchy blog and join her online coven. <3 

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There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes

There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes down to needing to do the inner work or just waiting a little longer than you thought necessary for the magic to happen. Just like anything else, witchcraft is a practice and spell work takes time. So if you’ve been feeling out of focus with your casting there’s probably a reason why your spells aren’t checking out. 

Read below for my top ten reasons why sometimes spells just don’t budge. 

1 You didn’t do the inner work

The number one reason why magical intention doesn’t move the energy you wanted it to is because there are blocks, energy blocks. All these blocks are blocking up your ability to push forward to what you really want. Want to focus on more of your magic? Do the work to remove the blocks so you can forge ahead. 

2 Your spell doesn’t align with your highest intention 

Yes we all have the greatest potential, but what if what you’re asking for isn’t really aligning with that? Maybe you’re destined for bigger things…like owning that big company but you’re asking for a small fry raise at a place that drives you crazy with a toxic boss instead? If you have a calling go for it, don’t settle for second best. Your magic will help you more when you’re aligned with what you’re supposed to do. 

3 You don’t have enough focus

Spells are hard to perform. They’re even harder with kids, siblings, noisey housemates or any other interruptions bargingin in during your ritual work. If you really think you weren’t focusing enough, don’t force it. Just try the spell again when you can get a little quiet time instead. 

4 It just didn’t work

For reasons beyond understanding it just wasn’t meant for you (or me). I like to think of cases like this where my spirits are looking down the tunnel of my future and saving me from some really horrible outcome. So I say in instances like these, don’t force it, just go with the flow. 

5 You’re meant to focus your energy elsewhere

Just like the spell not aligning with your highest intention, it could be that your energy is needed elsewhere. Pay attention to where you are being drawn to. Something better could be waiting around the corner. 

6 You just need to practice

Pushing your magical energy out there to attract what you want in your life is not an easy task. It takes many years of dedication and practice to get it right. No one is perfect at it, and especially if you’re just starting out you may just need to practice. Don’t get frustrated, just like anything else, practice makes spells perfect.

7 You really don’t want it

Did someone beg you to perform the spell (the worst). Or is it something you really don’t want to do or happen? Dig deep and really ask yourself those hard questions. Are you manifesting what you truly want for yourself? 

8 The spell you used was off

Spells are weird. And there are a LOT of bad spells. Sometimes it’s hard to see which spells are not it and maybe the one you’re using just isn’t vibing with your energy. If it’s something you really want, switch up the spell and try again. 

9 You don’t believe

Belief is the number one drive in your magical force. If you don’t believe it’s like driving a car with no gas in the tank. Believe, believe, believe. 

10 You’re just having an off day

Maybe you’re just having an off day. It could be the planetary alignment, some funky person bothering your vibe at the gym, or a multitude of reasons why your energy was off. Even the best witches have off days. Dust off your spell and try again. 

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I love it when the seasons change. Each shift of warmer to cooler months feels like a fresh start, a

I love it when the seasons change. Each shift of warmer to cooler months feels like a fresh start, and the seasonal magic is really where it’s at. In the summer I like to focus on cleansing, doing things outside and lots of gatherings. But in the winter things change to a more personal perspective and I want to work on inner growth and spending time with myself. 

I’ve put together a list to give witches some ideas on what they can do this winter. Feel free to add to it in the comments and write your own take on things. Happy winter witches!

1 Winter spell jar - Sometimes I like to create a fresh spell jar for the season. I view this jar as me, my psychic energy, and I place it in things I want to cultivate during the season. Maybe it’s an image of the High Prestress from tarot, because I want to learn to connect more to my higher self. Or maybe it’s a rose quartz because I need to work on self-love. Place it in whatever feels right for you and leave it out to remind yourself of where you’re going this season. 

2 Melt away the stress snow spell - Collect snow from outside and bring it in. Pace it in the center of a circle of white candles. Say your intention over the snow and let it melt away whatever you were stressing over. Modify this spell in any way you want as a release spell. 

3 Collect snow for other spells - Snow melts. But you can use it otherwise in place of water during the winter. You can use it to cleanse crystals or wash ritual items. If you’re feeling very witchy you can collect snow from graveyards. Just be mindful of ‘who’ you’re collecting the snow from if it’s from the tops of graves. 

4 Cinnamon ornaments - Make cinnamon ornaments with cookie cutters, glue and powdered cinnamon. Mix together and make a dough, cut out with cookie cutters and tie up with string. Not only does cinnamon smell good, it brings in prosperity energy.

5 Winter wish fire spell - If you have a fire going, use it to write a wish on a bay leaf and toss it in the fire. 

6 Winter graveyard walk - Nothing is prettier than an old graveyard covered in snow. Walk around and take it in. Leave pennies as offerings to anything guarding the cemetery.

7 Winter offering - Don’t forget your ancestors this winter. Leave them out their favorite holiday treats, drinks, or light candles in memory of them. 

8 Yule ornaments - Collect pine cones, sticks, or berries from outside and make yule ornaments to hang on your Christmas tree. 

9 Pine cone candle holders - Pine cones also make great candle holders. Cut them in half and hollow out a space for a candle on the inside. Perfect if you want to add a little winter decor to your magical working space. 

10 Charm your soup for a winter healing spell - The winter blues is real, and this spell helps with feeling blah during the cold months. Make a soup (any soup, really) and say your intention over it. Mix your spoon clockwise and imagine a white light mixing into your soup, while you eat it imagine it going into your body and warming you up from the inside. 

11 Herb jar candles - Evergreen is a nice winter herb to burn and looks great in candles. Make your own jar candles with melted wax and jars you might already have. Add evergreen herbs and even white quartz crystals to the tops of your candles.

12 Lavender sachets - If you’re having trouble sleeping, make a lavender sachet. Use purple felt and sew up three sides. Flip inside out and fill with lavender herb. Sew up the remaining side. 

13 Bird feeders - Love making these during the winter. Only because I feel like birds need a break too and there’s less food for them during the winter months. Take a toilet paper roll and smear peanut butter on them, then roll them in bird seed. (Kind of preschool project, I know.) Hang them outside on your trees. 

14 Read read read! - Since most people are spending more time inside during the winter, it’s the perfect time to catch up on any witchy reading. Try your local library and see what they have on witch books, cook books and more. 

15 Orange slices - Make orange slices for citrus cleansing baths by slicing fresh oranges very thin and baking them on low 175 degrees for 3-4 hours or until they are dry. String them along for a garland for another variety. 

16 Winter blessing - Do a winter blessing spell for you and your loved ones. 

17 Baked breads and cakes - Lavender bread is my favorite but make sure you purchase edible lavender herb first. Try cinnamon cakes or anise for a winter theme. Look up the meanings of the herbal properties before adding them into your dough. 

18 Tea leaf reading - The colder months are a great time to brush up on your tea-leaf reading. You’ll need loose tea leaves and a keen eye to pick out the shapes in the cup. 

19 Tarot meditation - Brush up on your tarot by doing tarot meditations. Choose a tarot card that you would like to connect with more closely. Light a candle and place the card in front of you. Close your eyes and meditate with the card taking in any messages, feelings or visuals you receive. 

20 Write your grimoire - Get creative and start your own grimoire with your favorite spells and rituals. 

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How to make a kick-ass honey jarHoney Jars are nothing new. The concept is derived from adding somet

How to make a kick-ass honey jar

Honey Jars are nothing new. The concept is derived from adding something ‘sweet’ to ‘sweeten’ a person up to you. I guess I’m not the most likeable person because I’ve made quite a few honey jars over the years. But it’s always good to have people in your favor, especially in circumstances such as work, school, you know the important people who control your life (kidding!). 

Let’s take a minute here to say that a honey jar has absolutely no effect on things WHAT SO EVER. Think of it as a nice to have. Sure, it would be great if your boss was a little nicer to you, and you felt like they were on your side. But if shit hits the fan, your boss will still fire your ass even if they sort of like you as a person, so I’m just saying. A honey jar is not a controlling mechanism. It’s just a little energy thrown someone’s way to nudge them in the direction of liking you a little more than maybe they naturally would have. 

What you need to perform this spell:

A Jar (cleaned out sauce jars work well for this too.)

A spell candle in the color of your intention. 

Something of the targets or a paper with their name written on it 9 times. 


Anything else you would like to add. Some ideas include sweet herbs like lavender or rose petals, rose quartz, sweet orange essential oils or anything else you think the person might like. 

What you’ll do:

Clean out your jar well and smoke cleanse it with any incense. 

Meditate and clear your mind focusing on your target. 

Add your target’s personal item and cover with honey. 

Next add in any additional items. 

Cover your jar. 

Place a candle on top of your jar. Securing it by lighting the wick and dropping a few wax drips onto the lid of the jar. 

Let the candle burn all the way down. 

Leave your jar somewhere safe. 

Occasionally add items to it that you see fit.

*Note: Never leave your candle unattended. If you have to walk away, blow out your candle and light it when you come back.

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Fall has always been my favorite season, especially after a long summer. The way the leaves change a

Fall has always been my favorite season, especially after a long summer. The way the leaves change and everything just has this spooky ambiance to it. I like to think of fall as very introspective. Whereas summer and spring are more about growth and moving forward with something new, Fall for me is about celebrating death and the cycle of turning inward. 

Salt your doors and windows - I like to add an extra ‘layer’ of protection in the fall with all the extra spirit activity. I have overdone the salt on occasion so a small sprinkle will do. You don’t need a 3 inch thick line of salt that messes with the way your windows close. 

Tie up your herbs to dry through the winter - If I’m at a fresh market I like to pick up some herbs and dry them out for use in the season. You can even bundle them up with sage or add them to bathwater. 

DIY Candles - I have made SOME candles before but sometimes I just melt the tops of candles from the dollar store and toss in herbs and oils in the wax. You can even add crystal shards or charms that go with your intentions.

Make an apple pie (or pumpkin!) - I always try to make one good fall pie from scratch, pie crust and all. When I knead the crust I think about health and prosperity for my family.

Sweep your porch for prosperity - I do this in the summer too but keeping your porch clean of debris helps the funds flow in. 

Dry orange slices - This makes your place smell amazing. Dry some orange slices and keep them on hand for citrus cleansing baths throughout the fall. Citrus baths are especially good when you’re feeling that seasonal depression. 

Read tarot on Halloween - I always do a full reading for myself on Halloween to see what the new year brings in for me. 

Thoroughly cleanse your space - You don’t have to do this with incense. Especially if it’s cold. Just leave out bowls of water with a few Tablespoons of salt. Flush it down the toilet the next day with all the bad vibes.

Leave out offerings for ancestors - If you do ancestral offerings leave them out some apples, Whiskey, or anything they would have liked in their life.

Tidy up your spells - I try to do this a few times a year when I feel like I have too much going on. It helps me cleanse my mind and rethink all my priorities. 

Collect fall findings outside - Acorns, feathers, seeds, there are a lot of things you can find just by stepping outside that will help you along in your practice. 

Nature walks - Nature walks are also great for this. I once found a dead squirrel at a park and took it home to collect the skull. 

Make moon cookies - I love sugar cookies so sometimes I just use a glass and cut out moon phases with the dough and bake. 

Write or journal - Fall is a great time to sit by the fire or a cozy space in your house and dig into your own thoughts and just write out what you feel. 

Pick up a new witch book - My reading always gets more intense in the colder months. I think there’s just less to do and I always pick up the latest witch book to stay in the loop with what’s going on in the magical community. 

Brush up on meditation - Meditate when it’s freezing outside and warm up your inner core. Try having some relaxing hot tea beforehand. 

Record your dreams - We tend to sleep more in the fall/winter months so it’s a great time to start a dream journal. To help with remembering your dreams, sleep with your journal on your nightstand and write down anything you remember as soon as you wake up.

Thrift for witchy finds - Thrift stores are great in the fall. So much fun stuff can be found snooping around old thrift shops or even Goodwill. I’ve picked up the majority of my witch things second hand. 

Cast a fire spell in a bonfire - If you’re at a bonfire write a wish on a piece of paper and toss it in for a fun spell. 

Visit a cemetery - Nothing is better than a cemetery on a crisp Fall day. Just don’t forget to leave your pennies for the gatekeepers. 

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I don’t know if ‘spell fallout’ is already a term or not, but I always feel like it’s an important t

I don’t know if ‘spell fallout’ is already a term or not, but I always feel like it’s an important thing to discuss in Witchcraft. Basically spell fallout are the unintended or unaccounted events that happen after you perform a spell. Let’s use what happened to me as a great example of how you can F up your life with magic. 

For about 4-5 years I was working at a company that I on and off loved. At first it was not great, but we moved around and I kind of began to like where I was at and more importantly what I was working on. I learned a lot and even though it was frustrating, I wanted to be there. Then after a few years we were moved again to another space and it was a little horrible. Around that time I was super stuck and not feeling like I was experiencing any growth. Of course I blamed my environment and the circumstances around me and not my own fear-driven decision making. I could have simply looked for another job that continued my career growth. But I didn’t, I blamed everything and everyone else around me. 

Out of frustration I did a spell on the waning moon to let go of all the things that didn’t serve me. I was NOT specific and I just generally did the magic without even reading my tarot. That week I was laid off at work. I have not always been financially stable in my life and having the security of a steady paycheck was a HUGE deal for me. And now it was gone. The rug was pulled out from under me and my safe little job had vanished. Being laid off or even fired was one of my biggest fears and that experience sent me into a huge month-long panic attack. 

Of course, afterwards everything was fine. It took some time, but I was able to secure employment and continue to grow in my career. I also had a lot of personal growth related to that experience. I let go of tons of fear, moved forward with my own side business and stopped giving into other people’s expectations of me and started living for myself. 

Although these were all AMAZING things that I could never have accomplished without the help of my irresponsible spell, THERE ARE BETTER WAYS to achieve this. So before you cast a spell and turn your life into a hot mess for months on end, think about why you need the spell and all the things that could happen in your life from the casting of this one spell. And most importantly, be specific about what you want in your spell. Otherwise you’ll accidentally ‘let go’ of that job that might no longer be serving you, but is still paying the bills. 

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This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorit

This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorite!) It’s also just super useful to help manifest what you want while visualizing your goals each month. 

If you have a side hustle or small business then you know how much effort and energy it is to grow. You’re working all hours of the night, posting on social media, coming up with a strategy and even paying for ads to help bring in new sales. With that being said it’s always a good idea to back up so much mundane work with the energy of a spell for your business. 

This is a working spell, meaning it’s never really ‘complete’. You can continue to add components to it and keep the energy active as you grow your business with the spell. It also works really well for online shops and e-commerce businesses as you don’t really need a physical location to perform the spell successfully. 

What you need

  • A small box (decorated however you want)
  • A print out of your products 
  • Cinnamon oil
  • One green candle
  • 4 coins

What you’ll do

Print out your products on one piece of paper. You can make them small if you have several products, or just print out your best sellers. Anoint your candle and coins in cinnamon oil. Light the candle and place the coins around the candle. Visualize your business growth with whatever that means to you. Either acquiring more sales, clients, or shop visits. Let the candle burn down all the way. Fold up your piece of paper and place it in the box. Place the coins and any wax remnants on top of the paper, in your box. 

Keep your box on display on your altar, or in a prominent place. Add items to it as you see fit, and light a green candle next to it anointed in cinnamon oil to repeat the spell every waxing moon. 

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I’ve only ever really had to use this spell once a long time ago. A family member had recently gotte

I’ve only ever really had to use this spell once a long time ago. A family member had recently gotten into a bad marriage. It wasn’t physically abusive, but it was mentally and emotionally manipulating. The spouse was pulling apart relationships and isolating in typical narcissistic fashion. He was controlling and all around a really bad guy. I usually like to stay out of other people’s affairs, but in this case they had stopped by and I did not have a positive experience with them. It wasn’t that they did anything horribly wrong, I just didn’t like what they said or their vibe and I felt like they wanted to drag my immediate family into their rabbit hole-hot mess of a situation. So once they were gone I immediately went to work on this super simple but effective spell. 

Like I said this is a super simple spell. All you need is a lock of hair from the person you want to stay away (your target) and a broom. A kitchen broom will work fine, it’s just for metaphorical purposes. If you can’t get a lock of hair that’s ok, you can still perform this spell. 

Take your broom and start with where the person sat, sweep all around in that area. If you have carpet sweep above the carpet. You’re going for the energy here, not really any actual dirt. Sweep in really vigorous motion getting up all of their nasty energy and move in the direction of your door. Keep sweeping. When you get to your front door, open it. Drop the lock of hair on the floor outside your door and sweep it outside along with all the energy you have gathered. Make sure to say the person’s name and that they are not welcomed back. Slam the door and lock it. 

That’s it! 

As far as the couple I had originally performed the spell for I never saw the spouse ever again and they never came back.

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Crystals are an amazing way to start your witchcraft journey. They are perfect atmosphere cleansers,

Crystals are an amazing way to start your witchcraft journey. They are perfect atmosphere cleansers, help protect and can even amplify your psychic abilities. Although everyone is drawn to different crystals for their own reasons, these are always my go-to favorites and I always highly recommend them to newbie witches.

1 - Clear Quartz The OG of crystals. This clear white stone is like the grandmother of crystals. It can replace ‘almost’ any stone in a spell and is a good all around healer, protector, cleanser. If you need to start your crystal collection, start here.

2 - Rose Quartz One of my all time favorites. Not only is this pink stone gorgeous to look at, it has amazing self love properties. I find that it helps open you up to accepting and being kinder to yourself. I always have one on my altar to remind myself that I love myself above all else.

3 - Black Tourmaline This is not the stone for everyone. If you want to try it out I recommend buying one and sitting around with it for a few days and seeing if you jive with it or not. If not, no worries replace with a Black Obsidian ideas. But if you do feel like you are bonding with your Black Tourmaline it’s perfect for keeping spirits away, bad vibes and a whole bunch of other not great stuff.

4 - Moonstone I love a good Moonstone. This beautiful iridescent stone helps me feel connected to The Goddess and all things divine feminine. I always keep one next to my altar and when I do tarot readings to help me connect to my higher self and guide my intuition.

5 - Amethyst Another OG rockstar. This purple stone is fabulous for so many things. A great protector this stone will keep you safe in any situation. It’s perfect for having around your home because it’s so pretty and it keeps the space cleansed and safe.

6 - Citrine This orange stone sometimes gets overlooked but it has great properties. Abundance, growth and energy are all in here. I keep one around to make sure things are flowing and I’m growing at the same time.

7 - Selenite This crystal usually comes in a sort of tower form. It’s a light pink but looks completely different then a Rose Quartz. It’s perfect for people who struggle with insomnia or who are restless and need guidance to find their inner peace. I always keep one in my space to instill a calmness in the room.

8 - Tigers Eye This one was one of my very first favorite stones as a kid. I could not get over the shiny orange/gold stripes mixed with brown sides. It’s still one of my favorites. It’s the perfect stone to help you focus and get rid of any fear and anxiety.

9 - Smoky Quartz A darker, richer brown tone than it’s sister clear quartz, this stone is amazing at dispelling any negativity. I actively use this crystal when cleansing my tarot or tools or just wanting to rid the space of any bad vibes.

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HOW TO MAKE A CLEANSING ROOM SPRAYI was looking for a cleansing incense a few months ago and ran acr


I was looking for a cleansing incense a few months ago and ran across a shop that sold room sprays. The idea is you can use these sprays to cleanse the ‘vibe’ in your room before ritual work. I picked up one for the Full Moon and one for the New Moon and I freaking LOVE them. Especially if I’m in a hurry and don’t want to light a whole charcoal block to cleanse with loose incense or any incense in general I just use these witchy sprays.

Both sprays are come in dark glass bottles and filled with incense, distilled water, crystals and blessed by the full moon. I use them so often now that I wanted to try my hand at making my own room spray.

This recipe is for a cleansing room spray that can be used pre any spell or ritual. It’s great for times you’re on the go and can’t light incense or are sensitive to the smoke from incense in general. Room sprays are my for sure go-to now,

What you need

One small glass spray bottle

Lavender and Sage essential oil

Moon water (bonus if it’s distilled)

One small Amethyst

What you’ll do

It’s pretty simple. You just need to place the ingredients in the spray bottle. Try decorating a sticker or label and place it on your glass bottle so you know which spray it is. If you’re curious about how to make Moon Water I’ve written about it before here. You basically leave water outside during the full moon to collect the energy and you can use the water for different things like ritual baths and to make this room spray.

Change it up by adding different crystals, essential oils and herbs to make sprays for energy, self love, or anything else you can think of. I would love to make a protection spray too.

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Some people think that you find witchcraft when you’re looking for something that you don’t have in

Some people think that you find witchcraft when you’re looking for something that you don’t have in your life. That thing you can’t describe but fits you perfectly once you seek it out. But I think witchcraft finds you. It puts things in place, runs books or titles across your phone, haunts you in your sleep and finally when you’ve had all you can take, you open the door. And it’s not scary, or strange, it just feels like it was right there the whole time. 

If you’ve been called to practice magic, then chances are there were signs and signals long before you realized what the heck was even going on. Maybe you’ve dreamed about things before they happened, or maybe your empathic abilities were shining bright as a kid, bringing your moods up and down. We’ve probably all had one or more of these experiences. So read on to see, were you born a witch? 

[This post is mostly just for fun… because we are really all natural witches]

You heard people talk in your head before they spoke aloud

Ever hear someone say something before they say it, just to announce the answer out loud and have them look at you like you shocked the Hell out of them? Then they swear they didn’t say it out loud. It’s because you heard it in your head first. 

You knew something was going to happen just before it happened

Maybe it was just a gut feeling, or a heightened intuition, either way you called it, and it happened. 

You got a sick or gross feeling around someone and later learned that person was trash

Everyone LOVES person X, but you always got a horrible vibe around them. Later on you hear that they did this really nasty thing, and you’re all like, I told you so. Boom. 

You had dreams about things that didn’t happen yet

Dreamed of the house before you moved in, of a visit that didn’t happen yet, or a trip in the making. You are basically a walking psychic. 

You had imaginary friends (ghosts) and talked to them as a child

You had all the friends. Only all the friends were dead. But that either didn’t bother you, OR you didn’t realize you were the only one playing dress up and tea with your dolls. 

You could step into a room, and it could really bring you down if it was depressing or lift you up if the mood was right

Hop into a room or space, and you immediately pick up the vibe, good or bad, and it can really affect your mood. Sometimes for a while too. 

When a song plays you really feel the lyrics

Maybe it’s not a pop song, but when the lyrics play the notes speak directly to your soul. 

You are well liked by animals

Go to a friend’s house and her cats are all over you. Even your neighbor iguana sits on your lap. Animals know a witch when they see one. 

You were drawn to natural things as a child like being outside, playing with rocks or bugs

You liked to play outside but it was overkill. Not only that, but you walked around barefoot, collected rocks or just felt the Earth over being inside anyway.

You never really felt like you belonged

There was always this eerie feeling that you didn’t belong. Now I know we all kinda feel that way but you’re particular, like something was missing…

You lived in your imagination and made up stories and could visualize them as a kid

Imagination was your jam. You always made up wild stories with vivid imagination and could see every single detail in all its glory.

You liked to read and could see the images play in your mind like a TV show

Reading is still your favorite hobby. And you can still play out every scene from all your favorite books in your head. 

You said things about dead relatives to your family members that you have never met 

You knew Great-Grandma had dark brown eyes and wore a pink cardigan to church even though you never met her, and she died 8 years before you were born.

You talked to trees and plants

Trees seem alive to you. You can feel their spirits and sometimes like to walk up to them and give them a high five. 

You feel called to the ocean, rain or a specific element

The ocean is a special place for you. Its mystic energy pulls you in, and you can’t ever get enough. 

You have a natural aversion to helping people

You always volunteered to babysit the class pet, help your friend move, or just be an ear when someone needed a cry. 

People seem to tell you their darkest secrets for no reason

The grocery store checkout lady spills the tea on her divorce, or the lady you babysit for vents to you about a long stressful day at work. People seem to open up to you, and you don’t really know why. 

Graveyards never bothered you

Maybe it just seemed more like a natural ending to things than a big scary end all. Either way even when you were a kid, visiting the cemetery was never even a thrill. 

The moon has always been a big deal

Were you fascinated with the moon as a child? Spend nights staring at the stars? Or was astronomy your favorite subject?  

Have you had an unusual experience that happened to you before you discovered witchcraft? Drop a line below and share your experience…! 

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Someone once told me that I was a collector of energy. That I walked around  picking up everyone els

Someone once told me that I was a collector of energy. That I walked around  picking up everyone else’s shit garbage vibes and let it effect me. And afterwards I would need so much time to decompress from even the smallest ‘peopley’ interaction. I would lay in bed and not want to get up for dayyyyyys. Of course I had to. I had to work and do all the things. But it was so overwhelming and exhausting that sometimes I felt myself dragging through the minutes just waiting to get back home. 

Then someone told me I was a collector of energy and that I needed to be a curator instead. Keep the good things, the positive feelings and interactions but trash the rest. 

That small tiny crumb of advice changed my life. Shitty things will always happen and there’s nothing you can do to change that. But don’t collect other people’s shit energy. Don’t bring it into you space and most importantly don’t let it effect you. 

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Part II

I often see this asked and since there are so many places you could start I thought that it may be helpful to create a less overwhelming version of my “welcome” postwith a more specific lay out of some of the beginner fundamentals and how to apply them!✨

If you like this post please interact and if you haven’t already check out my first partHERE

This is a look at some of the fundamentals of the practical side of witchcraft and how to apply them into the physical aspect of your craft!







If you like this post please interact and if you haven’t already check out my first part HERE


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Human Hair in Witchcraft

Most of us have it, sometimes not enough, sometimes too much or where we don’t want it

It comes in a multitude of natural colours and textures and can be a huge part of a persons identity, culture or even religion.

Hair in the craft can be a very potent ingredient for personalisation of a spell, any hair can be used but hair from the head tends to be the most commonly used today next to pubic hair which has associations with carnal magick.

The general associations of hair is strength, psychic protection, virility as well as the connection to the person it directly came from.

Due to its nature and the fact it doesn’t decay and breakdown as quickly as the rest of the human body and is easy to legally obtain and keep, this material is an excellent material for those who wish to work with their ancestors.

Fun Fact - Those accused of being witches often had their heads shaved as it was believed that this would render them powerless.

To aid in getting a confession the bodies of accused witches were shaved bare to avoid the concealment of the devils mark.

Ways of Utilising Hair…


One for those with long hair or even partners/children with long hair.

It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but a simple braid on its own done with focus and intent can work wonders.

Strengthen or further focus your will using coloured ribbons, flowers, threads or beads with relevant correspondences for the desired effect.

**Knot Work**

As with ribbons and cords, long hair can be knotted easily and lends itself to this way or working.

You can use a single strand or more if you wish. These could be from multiple people especially if you are working something that may involve binding or tying them together. We all know it’s almost impossible to unknot hair when it’s pulled tight.

Knotting will also fall into creating witch ladders.


Ah yes; this may gross a few of you out but this is what made me think of sharing this information with you all.

If you have long hair and a lot of it you will be familiar with the brush full of hair that greats you after a good grooming session.

There are methods (and they are easy) of using human hair for felting. It’s not soft and cuddly but if you are willing to put in the time and effort it is possible to create a felted effigy of someone.

Due to the amount of hair required this one is better suited to those with long hair and looking to work on spells aimed at their own well being. I’m personally planning a little felted poppet to represent myself that I can later embellish with small drilled gems in places I require healing or help.


Long strands or hair can be used carefully as fine thread and really lends itself to a creative witch who wishes to personalise something with an embroidered or cross-stitched sigil, symbol, name or word. This could be done on fabric, cushion or even on a poppet.


Using hair to stuff a poppet or cushion.

This will work for both long and medium length hair. It would also work for short hair but a double layer of fabric may be required to avoid hairs poking out too much.

This can be used alongside other ingredients that you may want to have inside such as herbs or a few crystals.


It was very common in the Victorian era for women to collect locks of hair from their loved ones and have them in books or if they wanted to keep them close, in lockets.

Locks of hair can still be kept this way and used for personalisation but it’s also a lovely way of keeping a piece of a loved one for ancestral workings.

The ends of the loop can be kept together using general wax or as I prefer; sealing wax. The persons initial can also be pressed or carved into the wax and be kept as a trinket of sorts that can be used for focus and calling on them if they have passed.

**Art Pictures/Embroidery/Cross-stitch**

Get creative with the glue, resin or wax and use shorter hair clippings mixed with a medium.

Alternatively there are a huge number of art forms that can be created with long hair and I would strongly recommend searching online for ‘Victorian Hair Art’.

Create works of art using Hair from your family members and use it to focus spells that you want to blanket your family unit (protection).


Just shove it in

**Hair Care**

Remember that this stuff is on you 24/7 and washing it in specially created shampoos, floral rinses or even a natural hair spritz means you will carry your intent with you all day.

Setting intent whilst bushing you’re hair is also an option. As brushing also generated energy (static) it’s also a nice way of charging and storing energy.

I personally love washing my hair when I’ve had a really bad day and enjoy feeling all the heaviness and turmoil wash away down the drain. I find it really helps me focus myself as well as relax.


Matting hair from someone to bring on bad luck. This can be achieved easily by rubbing long hair between the palms of your hands.

**All words and images are my own, please make sure that credit is in place if you reblog or share it**
