

Happy Beltane! This is not my altar but just a place I put my books and stuff :)))

♡ That naked witch in the woods

Now that we’ve discussed how to cleanse your Oracles or Tarot cards deck, let’s move on to charging/blessing and storing it correctly. I will also teach you a small ritual to help you PASSIVELY manifest your goals with Tarot.

RELATED POSTS: What to Do with a New Tarot Deck? How to Cleanse, Charge & Store Your Tarot Deck? Beginner’s Guide.


How to Charge or Bless a New Tarot Deck?

You can charge your new Tarot deck once or you can charge it after every time you cleanse the cards to give it an energy boost.

Alternatively, people also wonder how to bless their new Tarot deck?

My favourite way to bless a Tarot deck is by chanting a beautiful Mantra or an affirmation.

Charging Tarot Cards Deck with Moonlight or Sunlight.


Full Moon is the perfect time to charge your new Tarot cards deck.

You can simply place the deck on the area of your home that is usually hit with Moon light.

You can also surround your deck with crystals. Not only you will also charge your crystals with powerful energy, you will also give some of that energy to your Tarot deck.


What I do NOT recommend:

I do not recommend charging your Tarot cards deck with direct Sunlight. Depending on the material used for your Tarot deck, this can result in images fading.

INSTEAD, you can wrap your Tarot cards in a cloth and only then put them under the Sunlight to charge.

Final Tip: I advise that if you use this method, you charge your deck with BOTH Moon and Sun lights to balance the feminine energy on the Moon and the masculine energy of the Sun.

Charging Tarot Cards Deck with Music

Sound is an excellent choice for charging objects.

Choose one from the following suggestions:

  • Sound Bowls. You can use regular metal singing bowls or a crystal bowl if you have it. Those vibrations are very powerful.
  • Mantra. If you are using Sanskrit Mantra, make sure you know the meaning and also try to choose something neutral and not dedicated to a deity, unless you are working closely with a specific God or Goddess. For example, Mantra “Aham Prema” (I am Love) is a better choice than “Om, Krishna”. Also, check out 108 Mantras, they are the most powerful. These are  essentially Mantras chanted 108 times, which is considered to be the sacred number.
  • Meditation music with affirmations. There are many to choose from on YouTube. Good example is “I am the light of my soul” by Snatam Kaur.

Charging Tarot Cards Deck with Elements - Simple New Tarot Deck Ritual

This method is incredibly powerful and great to give your Tarot cards or an oracle day the ultimate energy boost. It is also the longest one in a sense that it requires the most prep time.

Just like with Sun/Moonlight method, you’ve got to keep balance when it comes to elements.

You can’t turn to the power of Fire and Earth elements and leave out Water and Air.

So, if you are choosing this method, here are the instructions:

  • Place your elements according to the four directions: East - Air, South - Fire, West - Water, North - Earth.
  • Place Tarot cards or oracle cards deck in the middle.
  • Starting with East - Air, ask the element to charge your Tarot deck. Activate each element. For example, light a candle, ring the bell or pour water in the cup.
  • So a short meditation. Just imagine how the power of the elements is charging your Tarot cards.
  • When you are done, express gratitude to the Elements and the Source.

Choose from the following to represent each Element:

Air: incense, bell, feather, smudge stick

Fire: candle, burn paper or herbs in a cauldron

Water: fill a cup or chalice with water, place sea shells, collect rain water

Earth: place salt or soil on a plate, use crystals, plants or flowers


How to Store Your Tarot Cards Deck?

There are three options for you:

1. Store it in the original box. This is perfectly acceptable.

2. Store it in a nice pouch. Preferably, this should be made from a material that is not see through.

3. Store it in a scarf. No, not in your winter cashmere infinity scarf. For divination or Tarot deck storage, use a scarf that is beautiful, it can be bright in colours and it should have flowers. This is an old practice and there is a reason behind these specifics.

Why you should store your Tarot deck using these suggestions?

Well, you probably already know the answer. Tarot absorbs energy. Tarot gives energy. Tarot exchanges energy.

To prevent all this from happening in unnecessary times, it is better to keep your deck stored in a closed environment.



Final Bonus Tip!!

How to PASSIVELY Manifest Your Goals Using Tarot Cards!

What you need to do is take your Tarot cards deck and choose a card that will represent your desired goal. For example, you are seeking abundance, so you choose 10 of Pentacles.

Now, take the Court card that REPRESENTS YOU in the tarot deck.

This card will be the last one at the bottom of your deck, image facing you.

For the purposes of this exercise, stick to the astrological correspondence of the ELEMENTS. For example, if you are a female who is LEO, your Element is FIRE and your Tarot Court card is Queen of Wands.

(If you have no clue what your card is, leave a comment below and I will help you out.)

Place that “Manifestation” card, which is 10 of Pentacles in this example, on top of your court card, image facing INside of the deck.

So, your Queen of Wands image faces 10 of Pentacles.

This will create a closed energy loop and will work on passively manifesting your goal, while you are not using your cards.

If this description is confusing, check out my Instagram for video instructions.



Part 1: Why Should You Cleanse a New Tarot Deck? And How to Cleanse Your First Tarot Deck?”

When you are working with Tarot, you are working with energy.

I mentioned in my Blog post “Is Tarot Witchcraft or Evil?” that a Tarot or any kind of divination reader does not primarily work on their own energy, they act as a guide between the querent (asker) and the source where the information comes from.

Related Post: Are Tarot Cards Witchcraft, Magic or Evil? Understanding How Does A Tarot Reading Work

This does not, however, mean that the Tarot reader’s energy field does not get affected. The energy still passes through the Tarot reader and the reader not only needs to cleanse the deck, they also need to know how to protect and cleanse themselves. If that’s something you want to know more about, drop me a comment below and I would be happy to create a Blog post dedicated to protecting yourself as an energy  worker.

When you grab a new divination Tool, be it a pendulum, a set of Runes that you did not create yourself or a Tarot deck, there are some situations you need to consider:

1. Who made this object?

How was your Tarot deck created?   Are you sure the person had a good heart, positive energy and intentions? What if they were angry that day because they had an argument with their neighbors?

The strength of a negative emotion can be very powerful and it will inevitably stick to anything a person touches and what if this is your future Tarot deck?

2. Who sold you this Tarot deck?

Again, this can be a very serious matter.

It can be a beautiful store with a nice and positive worker.

It can also be a place where things have gone a wrong way and the energy is dark and ill.

And sometimes looks can be deceiving.

I hope I’ve convinced you that cleansing your Tarot deck is essential.

Ways to cleanse your Tarot cards deck


  • Smudging: cleanse your Tarot deck using herbs

This is the most popular and easy way.

How to use herbs to cleanse your Tarot deck?

You are going to burn one or mix of the following herbs and run your deck through the smoke until you FEEL like that’s enough.

Here is the list of great herbs:

1. Sage. Sage is the most used herb for smudging and for this reason it is the easiest one to acquire. Sage has  banishing and cleansing properties.

You should always keep some sage at home and you can use it once in a while to cleanse your Tarot deck if you do frequent readings or after someone touches it.

EDIT: due to some comments, I want to make something clear: I have NO MENTION of the type of Sage to use for cleansing. There are MANY different types of Sage that are used in the world. My great-great-grandmother used sage leaves for a practice similar to what now is described as “smudging” in Siberia over 100 years ago.  Use the type you are comfortable to use based on your believes and values.

2.Cedar. Cedar is also a great choice and you can do cider smudging sticks yourself if you are on a budget. Cedar is often used together with sage in a smudging stick.

3. Rosemary. Rosemary is another great herb to cleanse negative energy.

4.Mugwort. Mugwort can be ADDED into   the mix of your herbs. It’s not particularly cleansing on its own but has   good protective qualities and is said to increase psychic ability.

5.Palo Santo. Palo Santo has been used quite a lot LATELY in ritual magic and spiritual healing. You can use Palo Santo to cleanse your Tarot deck but make sure you buy it from a known supplier, as there are a lot of fakes out there.

  • Crystals: cleanse your Tarot deck using crystals

You will definitely find a lot of information of using crystals to cleanse your Tarot cards deck and divination tools BUT here’s the kicker:

You have to cleanse your crystals after you use THEM to cleanse anything because they absorb the energy like a sponge.

Nevertheless, crystals are worth to mention because they really are a great cleansing tool.

How to cleanse a Tarot deck using   crystals

With tumble stones, you are going to place them on top of your Tarot deck. There is no need to use more than 3   stones. In fact, if it’s a large crystal, one is enough.

If you are using druses, then depending on the side you can either place the deck on top of the druse or put the druse on the deck, it really doesn’t matter.

1. Clear Quartz Crystal. Clear Quartz   Crystal, just like sage is something you should always keep at home. It’s an   amazing universal crystal that can be used for any matter, from healing to charging with any intention.

2. Citrine. I have seen a lot of people using Citrine to cleanse a Tarot deck and while it’s not really a cleansing crystal, it is good at BALANCING the energies.

3. Shungite. While Shungite is mostly known for its protective qualities, it is also an excellent cleansing crystal. It is also used to cleanse water.

EXCEPTION: Using Druses to cleanse a Tarot deck.


Druses are an excellent choice for cleansing an oracle or Tarot deck for the following reasons:

  • They ALL have cleansing properties. You can use amethyst, quartz, fluorite, literally any druse you own.
  • Druses do NOT need to be cleansed as they don’t absorb energy like other crystals
  • Sea salt. Sea salt is a universal cleansing tool. Normally you leave an object in a bowl filled with sea salt for 24 hours. After that you throw the salt out.  

READ PART 2: Part 2: How to Charge or Bless a New Tarot Deck?

Final Word

All the tips we mentioned are not used exclusively for a NEW Tarot cards deck. You should cleanse your Tarot cards after the following:

· You had an energy draining Tarot reading done for a client;

· Someone touched your cards;

· You had a client with a lot of negative energy outbursts;

· You feel disconnected from your cards or the messages they give are confusing.

Lammas/Lughnasadh Pagan Holiday

Lammas or Lughnasadh is a Pagan holiday celebrated on August 1st. It symbolizes the end of the summer period (yes, even though you may not want to hear that we are on our way to the end) and the beginning of magical fall.

The Lammas holiday is also closely connected to the harvest season.

It is traditionally believed that the period of Lammas celebration was very important in the religious communities, not only from the perspective of Pagan or Christian traditions  but also due to its agricultural significance.

Lammas versus Lughnasadh. What Is The Difference?

First of all, let’s talk about terminology a bit.

Lammas comes from Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, “loaf-mass”, therefore also known as Loaf Mass Day and it is a Christian holiday.

The celebration of this holiday by the Christian community is in part similar to what we will be discussing later. The holiday signifies a period of being blessed by the first gifts of the harvest season. The wheat collected is often used to make the Lammas bread that would later be brought to church for a blessing.

Lughnasadh or Lughnasa is the name used by the “Neopagan” community and just as Lammas, marks the beginning of the harvest period. It is the time when we are grateful for the abundance of the Mother Earth.

How to pronounce Lughnasadh?

The term Lughnasadh comes from the Irish spelling of the word. The Modern way of Irish  pronunciation is Lúnasa and pronounced Loo-nuh-suh. The Classical pronunciation is /’luɣ.nə.səð/ like LUGH-nuh-sudh (where “gh” is pronounced as i a word “give” and the “dh” is like the “th” in “that”.) It is probably the most correct pronunciation of Lughnasadh, as Lugh or Lug is the God from Irish mythology and the one this holiday is dedicated to at the first place.

How Lammas Originated?

Lammas came from a desire of people to thank and celebrate the “father” Sun and the Mother Earth for the fruits of their “love” - the harvest.

To bless the marriage of God and Goddess and ask for a buy dance and prosperity in the upcoming months.

It was considered that August 1st marks the first day of fall. And on August 2nd it was already the time to pick up the harvest and so the days of hunger and need would we over.

The holiday was widely celebrated in:

  • Ireland: the name Lughnasadh comes from the Irish God Lugh and is translated at “the marriage of Lugh.
  • Scotland
  • Isle of Man
  • In Slavic countries (called “medovyi spas”)

Let’s Talk More About The Harvest.

When we hear “Lammas”, we often think about the period of harvest right away. It is the most talked about moment of Lammas or Lughnasadh but we need to truly understand what stands behind the concept of harvest.

If you are a careful reader, you have noticed I specifically say the beginning of harvest. I also want to explain more what I mean by the time of being grateful.

You see, Lammas is the day of the beginning of the harvest period and NOT the time when we are assessing the outcome and are drawing conclusions of how successful we’ve been (there will be another holiday dedicated to this, called Mabon).

But the first day of harvest is the time when the quality of life changes. It is the time when it becomes predictable what expectations we can have and taste the first ripe fruits.

Simply put, it is the moment when something you worked so hard on, finally becomes tangible and it also becomes YOURS.

A skill you were developing is almost acquired but not to the point when it becomes a reflex. The investments you’ve made are starting to produce some cash flow but still need your attention.

You also need to understand that it is not possible to continuously perfect something or wait for an opportune moment.  At some point, you need to release into the world what you have the way it is and improve things on the go.

Where am I going with this philosophical deviation, you probably are wondering…

This is what Lammas period really is about. It is the time when we transition from preparation to action.

What does it mean for you in real life situation?

Lammas gives you are opportunity of the perfect time to do something you were afraid of doing.

It may be that you were working on a website for your very own blog but we’re too afraid to press that “publish” button, thinking it is not perfect yet.

Or you may have been writing a book but haven’t started to search for a publisher, changing and tweaking things in an attempt for it to be perfect.

You may have been doing research for a new job you always wanted or university program you wanted to apply for but haven’t felt ready to finally made the move and submit an application.

Do you see the pattern?

Lammas is the time when you were ALREADY in the process of doing something but haven’t had the energy for the final step. And this period of the first week of August is for you to pull yourself together and make the move.

And when Mabon comes, we will be assessing the results of our actions.

“Can I celebrate Lughnasadh if I’m not pagan?”

First of all, like I mentioned in my other Blog posts related to the Wheel of the Year, you don’t need to be Pagan to celebrate or acknowledge Wheel of the Year holidays.

RELATED:What Is Pagan Wheel of the Year and How to Celebrate It? Beginner Pagan’s Guide

You need to be aware of the existence of the energy of the Mother Earth, it’s changes and shifts and how this affects our lives.

So, What Can You Do To Celebrate Lughnasadh/Lammas?

Lammas/Lughnasadh Traditions and Rituals

Do Some Lammas Divination Work

The period from July 31st to August 6th is the perfect time for divination work. Tarot, Runes and oracles will provide with great messages, especially in career/money (material) and love questions (especially compatibility related).

Don’t forget to show gratitude to the Universe and Mother Earth. It is important to maintain the energy exchange, at the very least with the well known gratitude and love practices.

Show gratitude towards others too, don’t forget to show acknowledgment and say “thank you”.

Make Lammas Bread

During this period, it is the great time to infuse your food and drinks with the energy of love and gratitude, as well as thank the Source and the Planet for its generosity. Of course, the best way to celebrate this holidays is to make Lammas bread. I am giving you this quick bread recipe that does not require a lot of products or special skills

Lammas Abundance Bread Recipe

For this little Ritual you will need to make (not buy!) corn bread.

Lammas Bread Ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cup of corn flour
  • 1 ½ cup wheat flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ cup of sugar 2 tbs of cooled down melted butter
  • 4 cups of milk
  • 2 tsp of baking powder


Mix flour and salt together in a deep bowl.In a separate bowl with milk add baking powder;  then add sugar and butter.Mix all the ingredients together in one bowl until the consistency is that of a sour cream. It will not be similar to regular bread dough you may be making at home.

*While you are mixing, talk into the bowl anything you want to accomplish that is related to the abundance. Whatever the abundance means to YOU. It does not have to be financial. Maybe you will feel abundant and complete when you have a large family. Then go for it.

Pour the Lammas bread dough into a baking dish (don’t forget to butter the dish). Bake for about 40-50 minutes at 360 degrees F.When the colour is nice and golden, take the bread out and let it cool.

When you sit down for a meal, break off (not cut) a large piece of Lammas bread and say: “Large piece of bread in my hand will bring me abundance and plenty.” Don’t forget to share your food with the Gods (leave some bread in nature, the way you see fit and depending on the type of deity you are working with.)

Lughnasadh Home Blessing and Abundance Ritual

This ritual can be done during the same time as you are making your Lammas bread.

It is done to invite luck and abundance into your home. BUT. You can change your intent to protection, if you’d like.

All you need to do is to set aside some dough when you are making it for your break and create a figure of an animal. My personal suggestion is to select a farm animal due to the nature of the energy of this holiday.

When you are done, you will need to follow basic figure talisman activation steps. I have adapted the suggestions of Vadim Zeland for this.

*If you are interested in who Vadim Zeland is, click here to read more about him. His book Reality Transurfing has changed my life forever.

Animal activation steps:

  1. Come up with a name for your animal
  2. Take a deep breath. Now breathe into the animal, imagining giving it energy and life.
  3. Tell the animal its name. Tell it that you love and care for it and, in exchange, it’s helping you with (whatever you want to ask for).
  4. Place the animal anywhere in the house, depending on the task you give it.
  5. Don’t forget to revisit daily and remind the animal of your love and the important task it is doing for you.

Don’t forget to check out complete Blog Post on my website for more information on Lammas traditions, as well as my other Blog posts on Pagan holidays, Rune Meanings and more.

What Is the Wyrd Rune? Why Is Wyrd Rune Called the Blank Rune and What Does It Mean?

We are finishing our learning journey on Germanic Runes with a discussion on a Runic symbol that has always been a subject for arguments and confusions.

The Rune of Odin, or the Wyrd Rune, that we will talk about was not originally part of the Rune set used for magic.

Ogirinally, the idea to add the Wyrd Rune to the Elder Futhark was proposed by Ralph Blum, the writer of the famous books “The Book of Runes” and “The Healing Runes: Tools for the Recovery of Body, Mind, Hearth & Soul.”

Needless to say, the interpretation of Germanic Runes provided by Ralph Blum was quite different from the traditional one.

For this reason, there is a lot of controversy about his approach to Runes in general, as well as the addition of the Wyrd Rune to the Elder Futhark.

Nevertheless, we will learn it, as it is used by some for Runic Divination and causes confusion to many new Rune readers when they receive their Rune stones for divination and find an “extra, empty or blank Rune” in there.

I want you to keep in mind that the are different interpretations available for this Rune, based on the Runemaster’s experience, relationship with the Runes and tradition they follow.

It is up to you which meaning makes the most sense to you, just as it is entirely up to you whether you will use this Rune in your practice.

The Rune of Odin names

So, let’s start by declaring all the names you may come across that all refer to the same thing:

• The Wyrd Rune

•The Rune of Odin

•The Blank Rune

•The Destiny Rune

•The Rune of Fate

-All these refer to the same Runestone.

And it is important here to understand what Destiny means to you.

Do you believe that someone or something else has a control over your life and what ultimately will happen to it?

Or do you believe that YOU are in a control of your destiny?

From what you have answer to yourself right now depends the meaning of the Rune that will resonate the most with you.

Stick to that meaning. -

The Wyrd Rune Meaning – Option 1

Ralph Blum described this Rune as the time in person’s life when Destiny is at play. But he implied that your Destiny is in your OWN hands and when this Rune comes up, it is the time for you to take control and do what you judge to be right.

He believed that we make our own destiny and this Rune should act as a push for you to take control and act.

There is no advice the Wyrd Rune gives and no question this Rune can answer.It does not have a direct meaning that we can refer to when we speak of love life, career or finances.

The Wyrd Rune includes ALL the meanings and interpretations of Elder Futhark Runes. And this also answers the question: “Why Is the Wyrd Rune called the Rune of Odin?”

Odin made a sacrifice to learn the Runes - a gift for a gift, thereby going from ignorance or blankness to knowledge and wisdom the Runes give.

If this is the option you choose to adapt in your divination, then when it comes up, your advice to yourself or a client is: “Use your head and your judgement.”

-Do you now understand why the Wyrd Rune is called “Blank”?

This Rune is like a blank piece of paper. You are free to draw or write on it what you wish, as you are free to write the story of your own life.

The Wyrd Rune Meaning – Option 2

Some Rune readers interpret the Rune differently based on their understanding of the Destiny.

They believe that this Rune is the sign of Fate, or Karma.

Karma is not a Germanic concept and the reason why I refer to it is solely for your understanding of the subject.

Nowadays, we all know (somewhat) what Karma is in Western understanding of it. Here, the Wyrd Rune means that there are powers in action greater than us that ultimately affect the outcome of the situation in question.

If this is your understanding of Destiny or Fate, then if the Wyrd Rune comes up in a reading, you interpret it as the time in person’s life that the situation is beyond their control and it is now the time to let go and trust the Universe/Fate.

The Wyrd Rune Meaning – Option 3

Lastly, some Runemaster that also practice Tarot, draw a parallel between the Wyrd Rune and Tarot cards.

So, basically, in this case, the Rune of Odin points on a situation when the information is not available to the asker.

You can compare this Rune to the High Priestess Tarot card. It is the knowledge you need to learn, research and uncover but it is not yet readily available to you.

And whether you want to learn this information is not only up to you, but may be even be not needed for you to know as this time.

The High priestess Tarot card often asks us the questions: “Are you ready to learn this information, as once you do, there is no going back.”

If this is the option that resonates with you the most, then when the Wyrd Rune comes up in a reading, it would mean that the information you are inquiring about is not yet available to you.

The Rune will not answer yes/no question either.

I want to quickly give you another example here.

For those who practice Pendulum magic. You know how we have the movements for “yes” and “no”. But when the Pendulum is quiet and does not move, we know that the answer is not available.

This would be the same with the Rune of Odin.

Interpretation of the Wyrd Rune – Practical Example

Let’s review one example of how we can potentially interpret the Wyrd Rune in a Rune reading. We will take the most popular area clients usually inquire about – love life.

In this case study you have a woman client that is asking if she will get married and start a family with her long-term boyfriend.

If you are inclined to use the first option of interpretation based on the theory of Blum, then we say that the relationship is in the hands on the woman in question. She should take charge, make a push, imply to her partner about her vision of their relationship or be direct. Whatever works for her. If she decides to have a family, she will have it but if she thinks this person ultimately is not right for her, she should walk away.

If you stick to the second option, then here we say that the Destiny is at play in this relationship. If it is meant for this couple to get married and settle down together, it will happen. But if it’s not, no matter how hard the woman tries, the partners will eventually part.

You can look at the nearby Rune or Runes for more information. They will be able to predict which way the relationship is heading.

If you follow the third option, then the answer to this question is not available at this time. Maybe the woman should reflect on her situation or find out more about her partner. There can be something about him that she yet does not know but when she learns it, she will completely change her opinion on this person.

-I hope this case study helped you to understand how to apply this Rune.

Can you omit the Wyrd Rune entirely in your practice?

Like I said before, it is entirely up to you whether you want to use the Wyrd Rune in your divination.

With keeping in mind that this Rune was not used in ancient times and it entirely a new concept, make a decision based on the path or tradition you follow. Many Runemasters do just fine without using this Rune.

Do I use the Wyrd Rune in my practice and what option do I stick to?

First of all, I have a lot of Runestones sets but I also have Rune cards that I purchased and absolutely love to use in my practice.

My Rune cards do not have an Empty card and I use them just fine as such.

I have Runestone sets that I have purchased in the past that contain an Empty Rune and, in this case, I use it.

I also leave an Empty Rune in the sets I personally make and leave it up to the purchaser of the set to decide for themselves whether to use it.

With regards to the Rune meaning that resonates the most with me, I stick to the second option. This is my understanding of Fate and Destiny and I read the Rune accordingly.

I hope this Blog post was helpful to you. Let me know in the comments if you use the Wyrd Rune and how do you interpret it.

For detailed Rune meanings, please visit my website. You can also download free PDFs from my Resource Library.

Remember to get a good nights rest and to do your shadow work before you sleep as well as put out your candles you lovely lovely being


And may you remember your dreams

and hopes

and asipirations

as your soul connects to the moon

and you’ll wake up with the best feeling

that your alright, 

and lil pieces of yourself still in space

making harmony with the sky

you had a long day, you did what you could, celebrate it *mwah*



The Pentagram(s) are very important in witchcraft as it represents many things, however, it’s also equally as important to recognize what they mean and the differences between them. 

The Pentagram 

In the late 1800’s Eliphas Levi wrote: The Pentagram signifies the dominion of the mind over the elements, and the demons of air, the spirits of fire, the phantoms of water, and the ghosts of earth are enchained by this sign. Equipped therewith, and suitably disposed, you may behold the infinite through the medium of that faculty which is like the soul’s eye, and you will be ministered by legions of angels and hosts of fiends. The Pentagram represents the 5 elements: Earth, Air, Wind, Fire, and Spirit. The way you draw the Pentagram can either invoke or banish whatever element in question. Each element has a different way to invoke or banish 

The Inverted Pentagram

   The Inverted Pentagram is still connected to the elements, but now spirit is always at the bottom, showing the material world ruling over spirit. It is meant to show the power of the individual, and not the powers of a divine, or dogmatic system. This symbol is generally thought of as satanic, but it has been used in other forms of magick, and is not always satanic, or inherently evil.

The Pentacle 

The Pentacle embodies all of the previously mentioned powers of the pentagram, but it is now unified, and protected by a circle. Allowing the elements to work together to focus their energy in a more harmonious way. This symbol is used to represent Wicca, and other Pagan faiths. The pentacle can also represent male, and female energy mixing together in a symbiotic relationship. The pentacle being the male energy, and the circle being the female energy. 

The Inverted Pentacle

 The inverted pentacle shows the unity of the elements inside the individual power, and it’s still a powerful protection talisman. The rest of its meaning, and energies are pretty much a mixture between the inverted pentagram, and the pentacle.

The Chaos Pentagram

The chaos pentagram is a pentagram with its main head pointing to the right. I believe it originates from the Liber AOM a chaos magick manuscript though it is quite hard to find information about. It’s used in this freestyle non-dogmatic results based magical path which is ideal for practitioners to base their arts upon, along with excellent speculations concerning magic, science and nature of universe/reality.

 The Goat of Mendes

The Goat of Mendes is an inverted pentacle esque symbol that is trademarked, copyrighted, and used by the Church of Satan. It depicts five Hebrew letters that spell out the word leviathan on the outside of each point of the inverted pentacle, then encircled by another circle. This is one of the main symbols of satanism. The Goat of Mendes is also called Sigil of Baphomet, Sabbatic Goat, and Mendes Pentacle. The meaning is the same as the inverted pentacle, but this one is more for Satanists, because it takes on certain energies of entities Satanists work with.

Sources: https://wolfofantimonyoccultism.tumblr.com/post/148321333606/pentagram-the-pentagram-is-a-five-pointed-star

I am a powerful being
I am at one with the Earth, the Universe and the Divine 
I am on the path to connect with my highest self
My former selves are letting go 
I am a model of greatness

Who is my ‘highest self’? What steps can I take to get to my highest self? Are my priorities in life aligned for what my highest self says my priorities are?

Just a daily reminder to drink water, eat food, take your meds and go drink some tea


Take a look in the mirror,

What do you see, 

I see a strong person,

Ready to take on the world, 

or your to-do list, 

or simply your morning routine,

chin up darlings,

your so deserving of your wishes *mwah*


- Z

Don’t allow yourself to be controlledIG: katiifirecat

Don’t allow yourself to be controlled
IG: katiifirecat

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