

La segunda entrega del canal.

Espero puedan pasar a darle amor.

Y déjenme sus comentarios, díganme que les parece.


Hola personitas hermosas de Tumblr. Estoy iniciando un nuevo proyecto.

Se trata de un canal de Youtube en el cual estaré realizando lecturas de cuentos, poesía y recomendaciones de libros. También hablaré de algunas técnicas o métodos para escribir. Si se pasan a darme su visto bueno lo agradecería mucho. También es bien recibida la retroalimentación. Cualquier consejo que puedan darme lo recibiré con agrado.

Clear blue water high tide came and brought you in~~

♥︎♥︎♥︎~I once believed love would be burning red but it’s golden like daylight~♥︎♥︎♥︎

“My little baby isn’t a baby anymore!”

Gagauz Hymns

Gagauz people are maybe the most famous christian community among the Turkic people. Gagauz people are dominantly orthodox christians and today i wanted to share some of their hymns you may find quite extraordinary since the Gagauz language is not very well known. Here are some of my favourites:

Ey saabi çaardım sana:

Ey göklerdä olan bizim bobamız:

Anarak Ay Bobamızı:

Who’s right?



LMAOOO I have never seen lost but I know with 100% certainty that Paul Rudd, as always, is right. Mad Men is a not just a show about smoking and drinking and sucking and fucking it’s actually much more than that it’s actually a very high IQ show


No one I follow has mentioned this. I’ve known about it since it was announced. And I just need you all to understand that this is great news. Why are you not aware.

Want to know Lass,GogoandDwam’s favorite tattoo? Tune in to SuicideGirlson@YouTube.

#lass suicide    #gogo suicide    #dwam suicide    #youtube    #you tube    #suicidegirls    #suicide girls    #suicidegirlscom    #tattoo    #breasts    #nipples    #pierced    #hot girl    #beautiful girl    

Mystery apreciation cause he’s really cute

I made this video a month ago and completely forgot about it But anyway it’s pride month, it’s time to rewatch heartstopper once again

Regardez “DBK amputee Chinese girl” sur YouTube

#teacher    #youtube    

Творчество, как бизнес ▪ 

Как рисовать и зарабатывать деньги ▪ Лилит Саркисян про IIIIT art store

#interview    #lilitsarkisian    #киев    #украина    #youtube    

This week we take on some VERY SPECIFIC REMIXES with special guest ED SHEERAN!!

(subscribe to me on youtube here)

#ed sheeran    #thinking out loud    #the a-team    #photograph    #youtube    #youtuber    #megan mackay    #meganmackay    #megan mckay    #comedy    #sketch    #sheeran    #taylor swift    

im a little proud of this video so y'all can check it out if you want :D also i’m not the best singer but i had fun making this kjdhsfkjhs

please, check my “ritsu sakuma’s kpop playlist”


Even though this video is targeted toward screenwriters, it’s super useful for anyone writing a story (fanfic or otherwise).

The video is a highlight reel of dozens of interviews by the channel Film Courage, of screenwriters and directors, etc. The video has pulled highlights from each video, focusing on the questions that these creators ask themselves, in the story creation process, for story, character, plot, theme, etc etc etc.

If you’re currently stuck on a fic, or a short story, or whatever, take a watch through.

Questions are grouped by topic, for easy jumping around.
