#a separate peace


Finny: I hate going into the kitchen and realizing I’m the only snack in the house

Finny: Everything is going to be alright. It’s just a crush

Gene: Hey Finny

Finny: I’m in love with you

Brinker: If I were in the tree I simply would not have fallen

Leper: Bro, Finny was in there and got the limb jounced out from under him. Not worth it

Brinker: Rip to Finny, but I’m different

Gene, yelling: Brinker! Brinker!!

Finny: Brinker Hadley!!

Gene: How many Brinkers do you think there are at this school?

Gene: I may say “fuck school,” and my god do I mean it, but I’ll cry if I get a damn B

Gene: Finny, I think you should play the role of my father

Finny: I don’t wanna be your father

Gene: That’s perfect! You already know your lines

Gene: I didn’t understand why people care so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself

Gene: I’ve only known Finny for a day and a half but if anything happened to him I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself

Did I check this book out from the library just because it made me think of a separate peace? Yes, yes I did

Brinker: I am lost for words!

Leper: Despite being lost for words, Brinker yelled at me for the next twenty-five minutes

Brownie: Let me get this straight

Leper: More like let me run this BI you

Gene: Let’s see how this PANS out

Brinker: Hopefully we’ll ACE this


Finny: I’m gay.


Finny: Are you sick?? Here, let me wrap you up in a blanket and make you some warm soup. You poor thing :(((


Finny: Oh my God shut the fuck up

Brinker: Gene, do you have a bag I could borrow?

Gene: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence

Brinker: Literally all you had to do was say no

Brinker: I’ll go for a walk somewhere I’m appreciated!

Gene: That’ll be a long walk

Gene: When I’m stressed I like to go and sit on a surface that isn’t meant to be sat on because when tomorrow comes, I will be faced with even more challenges and I am too overwhelmed to be worrying about what “is” and “is not” a “chair

Finny: Okay babe, whatever you say

Finny: Gene, what did I tell you about comparing Brinker to the Devil?

Gene: That it’s offensive to the Devil?

Gene: Next time I’m opening up to someone is my autopsy

Gene: I can’t compete with you physically and you’re no match for my brains

Finny: You’re that smart?

Gene: Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?



Brinker: Sorry, lost my cool there for a second

Finny: Can’t lose what you never had

Chet: Who needs a soulmate anyway?

Chet: My soulmate will be… books!

Gene, sighing: I’ve never had a real friend before…

Finny: I can be your friend!


Gene: I’ve also never had a boyfriend
