#aesthetic book


finally these bookstores are opened again..<3

reading a good book and drinking tea in the park equals peace of mind

Losing myself in bookshops do be my fav thing ever

do you ever just wish you could sit out of a cafe smoking a lucky strike and translating homer‘s iliad from ancient greek to english with henry winter? because same

Studied philosophy at a cafè yesterday, that chocolate was so good omg

When Victor Hugo said “oh to be lying down side by side in the same grave, hand in hand and from time to time gently stroke each other’s fingertips in the dark, that will do for my eternity” I think I might’ve stopped breathing

First thing I thought after reading the line in the first pic (from if we were villains) was that line from the secret history.

I just finished reading if we were villains and I overall liked it but I think I liked the secret history better. Opinions on these books?
