#agustin madrigal

s-aint-elmo:chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice wis-aint-elmo:chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice wis-aint-elmo:chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice wi


chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice with every square meal

[ID: a series of drawings of various characters from encanto recreating the meme of will smith presenting his wife. each one is done in vibrant colours against a rectangular backdrop of solid colour, white hearts swarming enthusiastically over the characters’ heads. one: agustin, smiling widely, presents julieta, who swats at him as she leans away, one hand cupping her cheek and the edge of a bashful grin. the background is warm, bright yellow. two:felix, grinning, presents pepa, who throws her head back in laughter, one hand on her hip and the other over her heart, a rainbow arcing behind her. the background is vivid red. three: mariano, sappily smiling, presents dolores, who returns his adoring gaze, leaning closer to him with both hands clasped to her chest. the background is an intense blue. end ID.]

bonus: chief requirement to be a madrigal grandkid: want to be included in everything


[ID: grayscale drawings of the remaining madrigal grandchildren and an additional bruno recreating the meme themselves. one: isabela and mirabel enthusiastically present a flustered but appreciative luisa, who reaches up to touch the flower crown isabela has grown on her head.two: camilo (in the form of nightmare bruno) and antonio present a bewildered and alarmed bruno, who glances between the two of them, hands raised in surrender. antonio actually holds up a rat who strikes the will smith pose for him. three: camilo stands before the portrait of abuelo pedro, pointing at it with his thumb and saying: “do you think i should—” only to be cut off by another speech bubble which says, in all caps: “no, camilo.” end ID.]

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s-aint-elmo: chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice wits-aint-elmo: chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice wits-aint-elmo: chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice wit


chief requirement to become a madrigal husband: chug a gallon of LOVE MY WIFE juice with every square meal

[ID: a series of drawings of various characters from encanto recreating the meme of will smith presenting his wife. each one is done in vibrant colours against a rectangular backdrop of solid colour, white hearts swarming enthusiastically over the characters’ heads. one: agustin, smiling widely, presents julieta, who swats at him as she leans away, one hand cupping her cheek and the edge of a bashful grin. the background is warm, bright yellow. two:felix, grinning, presents pepa, who throws her head back in laughter, one hand on her hip and the other over her heart, a rainbow arcing behind her. the background is vivid red. three: mariano, sappily smiling, presents dolores, who returns his adoring gaze, leaning closer to him with both hands clasped to her chest. the background is an intense blue. end ID.]

(pedro and alma here!)

bonus: chief requirement to be a madrigal grandkid: want to be included in everything


[ID: grayscale drawings of the remaining madrigal grandchildren and an additional bruno recreating the meme themselves. one: isabela and mirabel enthusiastically present a flustered but appreciative luisa, who reaches up to touch the flower crown isabela has grown on her head.two: camilo (in the form of nightmare bruno) and antonio present a bewildered and alarmed bruno, who glances between the two of them, hands raised in surrender. antonio actually holds up a rat who strikes the will smith pose for him. three: camilo stands before the portrait of abuelo pedro, pointing at it with his thumb and saying: “do you think i should—” only to be cut off by another speech bubble which says, in all caps: “no, camilo.” end ID.]

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Good news is – I am finally making progress on “Truth or drink”. It’s approx. 3333 words as of now.

I had a sudden bolt of inspiration and re-worked Isabela’s segment, after being sure I had it covered. The new version fits her character better, so it’s a good thing. Even if it’s extra work.

I am having some trouble arranging dialogue bits in Agustín’s segment. I really want to include dialogue option A, but dialogue option B flows much more naturally. On the other hand, option B pulls the reader away from the highly emotional plot point I consider vital to this chapter. I am now trying to somehow fit option A after option B, but it doesn’t feel right. Then again, real life dialogue is not always natural. So maybe I am overthinking.

Isabela’s prompt is “Share an inspiring story from your life”. Agustín’s is “Something you enjoy doing with your sibling”.


Widower Agustín / Divorced Julieta AU

Since@daliceus is now interested in Widower Agustín / Divorced Julieta AU, I decided to try and come up with one that would work in the Encanto canon where the miracle did happen (from what I gather, the AUs so far are all modern/non-miracle AUs).

I might call this one “Disowned Julieta AU”.


Keep reading

I’m warmed up. I’m giving you some more info on Agustín’s first wife and the proper conclusion to Julieta’s first marriage.

Some more info on Agustín’s first wife.

I’m calling her Angelica “Angie” after Julieta’s voice actress.

Angie was an anthropologist researching Native peoples. She met Agustín when he was researching wildlife for his studies (also lowkey hoping to find his way back to Encanto). Seeing his clumsiness, she felt bad for him and decided to help him out. Since she was better organized and more resourceful, he came to rely on her on the road. Despite his awkwardness, she appreciated his companionship. He was always so grateful for assistance and did his best to repay her kindness while so most men she knew took her for granted. With time, she came to admire the effort he put into making a life for himself, despite the many accidents and bad fortune. Eventually, she confessed that she’d developed deeper feelings for him. At this point, Agustín was ready to stop chasing a dream that would never come true and focus on the opportunities at hand. He and Angie got together.

The proper conclusion to Julieta’s marriage.

I’m calling Julieta’s first husband Esteban – since I sort of imagine him looking like the Chancellor Esteban from “Elena of Avalor”.

Some time after Julieta and Agustín have started their life together, they are tracked down by Esteban. He informs Julieta that she and Bruno had been disowned by their family (not that either of them cares). As for himself, he stays in the Casita and continues to support Alma, soaking up the community’s condolences for his wife’s betrayal. Still, he realizes he cannot live like this long-term. He wants to create a legacy, and Julieta took that away from him. Julieta is adamant she is not going back to Encanto, nor allowing Esteban to take Isabela. Esteban insists he doesn’t want to complicate Julieta’s life. He proposes that the two of them cooperate in order to have their marriage annulled. That way, Julieta can be with her new man without remorse. This is a valid point, since Agustín’s family wouldn’t accept him living in sin with someone else’s wife. Julieta herself also feels bad about forcing her lover to compromise his morals. Esteban’s offer is tempting. What he wants in return is to have Isabela stay with him some months in a year. Julieta is not particularly willing to let her daughter stay in Encanto unsupervised. Esteban says Isabela might be accompanied by Bruno or Julieta herself, he doesn’t mind. The ball is in her court.

What follows are lengthy talks between Julieta, Agustín and Bruno. Enduring two months of ostracism in a year is a small price to pay for a clean conscience, but do they have the right to compromise Isabela’s mental health? The girl has the right to know her father, but could he be trusted to not spoil her? What if Isabela receives a gift and it makes it impossible for her to live outside of Encanto?

The discussion dies when Julieta discovers she’s pregnant with Agustin’s child. This new baby deserves to have a proper family and to not be a bastard. Thus, they accept Esteban’s terms.

Julieta and Esteban’s marriage is annulled. Julieta marries Agustín and gives birth to Mirabel. Esteban marries his pregnant mistress (let’s call her Mariana) and has a son (let’s say he looks like that popular concept art for Camilo and call him Manuel “Mango”).

Feel free to comment and/or make suggestions or alternative aus to this au.

Widower Agustín / Divorced Julieta AU

Since@daliceus is now interested in Widower Agustín / Divorced Julieta AU, I decided to try and come up with one that would work in the Encanto canon where the miracle did happen (from what I gather, the AUs so far are all modern/non-miracle AUs).

I might call this one “Disowned Julieta AU”.


Thanks to Bruno’s vision, 19-year-old triplets find an injured Agustín in the mountains surrounding Encanto. Let’s say he is a Biology student doing research and got lost. Julieta heals him. He stays in the village to study local wildlife and help out. He gets injured often, so he and Julieta spend more time together. They quickly grow close.

Alma disapproves of Agustín. He is an outsider who doesn’t appreciate their miracle. Also, he is a walking disaster. Plus, there might be people looking for him from whence he came. She lets the boy know it would be best for all parties involved if he returned to the civilization. Not to mention, Julieta is as good as engaged to a childhood friend, whom Alma watched grow up and adores. Agustín concedes that his family on the outside would miss him and he couldn’t let them think he died. With a heavy heart, he bids Encanto and Julieta farewell.

Julieta never quite forgets that adorable city boy and is holding on to the hope he would return one day. At times, she fantasizes about seeking him out. Alas, she is loyal to the Encanto and feels obligated to serve the community with her gift. In the end – as she’s not getting any younger – she relents and marries her childhood friend. He doesn’t stir her heart the way Agustín did, but she convinces herself a strong friendship is more important than passion.

Julieta’s husband (let’s call him Latino Gaston) is not much of a support system. He doesn’t get why she’s upset when she’s basically a female Jesus. She cannot be open with him about her feelings, because he just tells her to fix the things she doesn’t like. After marriage – and even more so after Isabela is born – his typical self-confidence escalates to arrogance and vanity. He loves his new status as a Madrigal. What he loves even more is showing off his perfect little princess, claiming she’s going to become the leader of the community – perhaps over Julieta, who obviously has a problem speaking up for herself.

Well, that does it. Julieta packs her daughter, the basic essentials and leaves Encanto. She is done sacrificing everything for the community and getting nothing in return. She is not about to let her daughter grow up in this toxicity.

Alma makes Bruno have a vision and track Julieta down. He does. She tells him she’s not going back. He decides to stay with her.

As for Agustín – he had returned to his natal family and tried to live on. For many years, he just focused on getting education. At one point, he tried to find the Encanto again, but got injured and landed in a hospital. His family begged him to not risk his life again. Begrudgingly, he agreed – there was no guarantee he’d reach Encanto again. Knowing his bad luck, he’d kill himself somewhere along the way. He had to let go of this teenage infatuation and move on.

At some point, he fell in love with and got married. Sadly, their baby took the wrong position in the uterus. An emergency C-section was performed. The mother fought bravely, but the wound didn’t heal properly and she passed away. Agustín was devastated. At long last he had found happiness only for it to be so brutally taken away from him. He couldn’t accept it. Fortunately, his family was there for him. His wife’s family, meanwhile, cut all contact. They didn’t want to see the ‘abomination’ that killed their daughter.

A couple of years passed. While traveling for work, Agustín runs into a travelling herbalist. He knows the herbalist. She recognizes him too. They catch up. The old flame returns with double force.   

I’m usually not much of an oc person but everyone has their exception I guess. Meet Estella Madrigal! The biological child of Bruno Madrigal, as well as the adopted child of Julieta and Agustin Madrigal!

Their gift is the ability to talk to the stars at night, so she acts as night-watch for the family, basically. The stars inform her of what’s currently going on in the town, so much like Dolores she can inform the rest of the family if anything weird is afoot

                                       Masterlist ( do not reblog )Follow the story of Decay Isabela

                                      Masterlist ( do not reblog )

Follow the story of Decay Isabela following her origin from the golden child to the family shame following her blow-out at Mirabel to leaving her AU for a new life.


The start of Isabela’s turn from favour.

  • The Argument
  • Aftermath
  • Mirabel
  • Punishment.

How Isabel’s life goes on with her life within Casita and the restrictions upon her.

  • Ongoing
  • A new interest
  • The town of reminders
  • Time with Luisa.
  • Antonio’s ceremony

A year later, Isabela hopes to move on and that the punishments set would be lifted a little more.

  • A year with no change.
  • Resentment blooms 
  • A few  months later.

The family finds out of Isabela’s actions

  • A  birthday to remember

Life to the Watcher AU

  • New world, new limb
  • Meeting the group

Watcher AU Work comes at a cost, as Decay Isabela finds out 

  • Loss and injury


Please don’t reblog this, as this is a masterlist I plan to keep updating once I have drabbles and headcanons  posted and I don’t want outdated ones floating around. If you folks wants a list, then I can post a separate one but i’d love for this to remain unreblogged.  Thank you.    

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Decay AU | IsabelaIsabela was turning 21 her life took a turn from the family and her own expectatioDecay AU | IsabelaIsabela was turning 21 her life took a turn from the family and her own expectatio

Decay AU | Isabela


Isabela was turning 21 her life took a turn from the family and her own expectations. 

With Abuela’s suggestion, she and Mariano had been dating with the expectation of marriage, though she liked him as a friend, her interest in him was nothing more than that; this feeling was one sided as he liked her more romantically which did emotionally stress Isabela out as she tried to replicate his feelings more visually; to be the perfect girlfriend for him and it was working. 

It had been working well for months into dating until Mirabel had overheard her mutters of Mariano in the less-than-perfect way when trying to compartmentalise on her way back to her room for the upcoming proposal after Antonio’s ceremony. Mirabel thought she could help comfort Isabela at first but Isabela rejected her attempts; needing to cover her personal views than go against what her Abuela wanted but Mirabel was insistent that she should date someone she didn’t like.

Isabela used her gift to stop Mirabel from running off to tell their parents or Abuela by wrapping her up in vines but the situation evolved into an argument between the siblings and Isabela unknowing began to tighten the vines in her rage.

It was the shouting that Dolores alerted the family something was wrong and it horrified mostly Julieta and Abuela to see Isabela not only shouting but Mirabel being unable to breath.

Isabela was broken out of her rage by Abuela’s shouting before the vines retracted and Mirabel struggled to catch her breath that Isabela realised what she had been doing; she had been mechanically asphyxiating her sister by the strength of the vines around her ribs; not enabling Mirabel to breath in. Isabela didn’t need to be told to go to her room but she fled there regardless before Abuela could.

It took hours before anyone came to her; Dolores in that time kept a ear out that she wasn’t hurting herself or attempting to leave before they could decide what to do and to make sure Mirabel would recover.

Isabela was both horrified and remorseful of her actions and guilt-ridden but knew she had to wait to face the conquests of her actions, no matter what they were to be. She mostly cried; her plants around her bed turning from roses to an flurry of others that represented her emotions to the situation. Some just decayed the closest to her

Agustin and Abuela where the ones to come to her.  Agustín mostly to see how his eldest was but Abuela was firm to reprimand Isabela for her actions and how ashamed se was in her for hurting their family; that she could have easily killed Mirabel with her gift.

Isabela did apologise to Abuela and planned to apologise to Mirabel when she could but she was confined to her room for the time being so Isabela complied. Julieta bringing Isabela her meals and sat down and had a talk with her.

Isabela was relieved to hear Mirabel was okay and out of bed despite the family insisting the girl should rest. 

It took a day or so, and by mostly Mirabel’s insistence that Isabela shouldn’t be treated like a criminal or prisoner, to allow her to eat with the family where they discussion of Isabela’s punishments to be known to the family.

Isabela’s punishments:

  • Confined to Casita for 1 month, then only escorted if she was to leave.
  • 8 pm Curfew: to be in her room by 8 pm.
  • No alcohol.
  • Nullifying her relationship with Mariano
  • Limiting her use of gifts to inside her room only or to the necessity of requirement of a family member.
  • No usage of her vines without a reasonable excuse.
  • Not to be left alone with Mirabel or to seek her out.
  • Not to go near the nursery or anyone’s room. No one to enter Isabela’s room aside from an adult.

Isabela accepted the punishments as they seemed reasonable and hoped that she’d be able to earn leeway as she atoned for her actions. Mirabel had voiced against restricting Isabela’s gift and curfew as that sounded too much but Isabela politely shut her down from trying; she didn’t want her sister to get her off what she deserved for hurting, and potentially almost killing her.

Mirabel did accept Isabela’s apology and did forgive her actions but the trauma of it wasn’t going to go away and Mirabel wasn’t comfortable with being around her either but she did want to help lighten the burden of guilt that came with acting-out in anger. Mirabel’s forgiveness, Isabela didn’t feel like she deserved it but it helped a little.

Adjusting to the life style was something Isabela did find hard; mostly depressing but made careful plans of her day with it; helping her father and Tio Felix around Casita’s cleaning mostly, an awkward affair but she did her best to avoid her use of gift which was the hardest factor. 

It took a few weeks for Isabela to realise she could put her time into studying more in her confinement, seeing how her room was both a mixture of roses and other unfamiliar plants which made her realise there was more to her gift than flowers, so she asked both her mother and Dolores for books on plants and remedies. 

Her room was half jungle, half garden, growing plants with both her gift and naturally in the false sky of her room; it became her sanctuary to handle her change of life. That didn’t however stop the starting decay of grief at the edges from disappearing; it was a form of prison after all that she knew. The decay grew and shrank mostly at bed time; when the nightmares of her behaviour haunt her and leaves her feeling that grief.

Isabela kept her façade of being polite and quiet up well when outside her room; her dress clean and she looked as expected. It was soon second nature to otherwise ignore the rest of her family, mostly Mirabel’s attempts to engage her with conversation across the table. 

The rot of grief didn’t stick until after she was first allowed to leave with Luisa to go to town to pick up book and stationary supplies that she heard the gossip and cold comments having not realised that Camilo had let slip once that she had almost killed Mirabel to one of the kids. The news had spread but Isabela had no idea until then. 

Isabela cut her trip short, despite Luisa insisting to finish but Isabela had no interest to get involved with the town if they were going to be like that. Everyone knew who to blame when most flowers in Encanto withered.

With no favour of her Abuela or of the town, Isabela kept on going. She did earn more trust with her parents, Luísa, Dolores and Tio Felix but the rest, she had no idea what their thoughts were on the matter. She knew Tia Pepa’s stance was clear, given the woman never let Antonio around her any more and Camilo made sure to let her know how unhappy he was with her. 

There was no golden-girl replacement in the family but a few of the family issues like Luisa being overworked, was addressed which did lead to Isabela and Luisa spending more time together. Isabela finding this a little more awkward than Luisa but enjoyed the company at the least.

When the time of Antonio’s ceremony came around, about a year after the ‘incident’, nothing had changed for Isabela in the relief of her punishments; none of them had been lifted like she had hoped but she did want to attend.

Abuela, Pepa and Camilo were against her going but Julieta and Agustin fought to let her attend that. Abuela reasoned she could if she helped with decorations (with supervision) 

In the year, Isabela’s gift had grown with her experimentation but she found a distaste of floral displays and flowers; otherplants relaxed her. She could create trees, healing herbs, poison and so much more worthwhile plants; pretty things weren’t worth it any more. For Isabela, pretty was just a bad reminder.

Isabela declined going for that reason but watched from her doorway as Antonio received his gift and locked herself from the party and went to bed. 

Isabela had hoped to get a few restrictions lifted by the end of the first year, wanting to go to the outside forests; wanting to feel more natural plant life than the magical ones in her room but Abuela wasn’t convinced Isabela had learned the value behind the punishments when Isabela asked her directly; she saw Isabela’s change from perfection in the passing year and ‘out of control’ plants in her room a sign that she had a long ways to go; that she hadn’t tried to resume her ways of being the golden child and hadn’t wanted to help as she used to if she wasn’t making flowers.

That was enough for Isabela to see the weight in the family; that she’d never be free of this inside casita or outside in Encanto, that Abuela or the people in town would bring her back to her actions against Mirabel to shut her up and make her feel bad. This non-forgiveness from half of her family grew a sense of resentment in Isabela in the wake of that revelation. The few flowers she had outside her door went from Begonia to petunia and yellow carnations very quickly.

The rot and decay grew in plain sight inside her room.

Isabela knew she had to leave Encanto. If she was not going to earn her place back in the family, if Abuela wouldn’t let her try, when she wouldn’t waste her strength on the matter. She knew she needed to find hope to keep on going. if she stayed, she knew she’d rot like her room; she knew how to grow poisons she didn’t want herself to consider using them personally. Her sisters and parents didn’t need that guilt and she didn’t want to hurt them in that way. 

So, the eve of her 23rd birthday, Isabela snuck out of Casita at night (after dosing Dolores at dinner with a delayed remedy; she didn’t want her to catch her leaving) and into the jungle.

Isabela’s forest in her room decayed fully and her door faded as she left the family.


Unknown to Isabela, Julieta and Agustín had already been fighting with Abuela after overhearing Isabela asking about lifted restrictions; they had thought that they had already been lightened but Isabela was just sticking to it out of habit, Julieta was furious because she felt Isabela had repented long enough; that her daughter’s self-isolation and distance was going to be harmful and she missed seeing her daughter with the rest of the family. Mirabel needed to get to know her sister again and it had been far too long of a punishment when Mirabel had forgiven her. 

Abuela relented after Mirabel herself got involved and it was decided for her birthday that a portion of her punishments were to be removed. 

Mirabel had been the one to wake up early on August the 7th to knock on Isabela’s door but the sight of the dark door and smell of decay had her waking the family and scared to see the cause. 

The family found the room void of life, plants dead and withered. While no sign of Isabela, they did find her collection of letters to wrote and left behind in a sealed box.

Inside the walls, Bruno wept as he had been too late to stop Isabela from leaving as a new vision tablet showed a very simple thing; Isabela fallen to the jungle floor, face down but lying in the pathway of a huge bolder that had slipped from high on up…


A vision that came true as Isabela had been attempting to scale up the mountain side with her vines, a tug had caused a cascade of supporting stones to come loose before a boulder became crashing down. 

Isabela got caught in the debris which broke her ankle and managed to grow a tree last second to take the brunt and spare her body it’s true weight but her right arm wasn’t spared; leaving her pinned to the jungle floor. 

Isabela was quick to pass out from the pain.


Pariah Julieta and Rana entered the AU in a general sweep of the AU; in part crossing off another Quantum figure for Wanderer Mirabel and to make sure it wasn’t a magical corrupt one.

But she picked up Isabela’s life signs and located her to her current predicament. Seeing the girl’s bag and clear sign she was leaving Encanto, Pariah decided to offer her a way out from her world which Isabela accepted if they could get her free.

Rana had to suggest amputation, given how long it had been; removing the boulder had more risks. So Isabela’s right arm was amputated at the shoulder (the only free part of her arm) and taken to immediate treatment and recruitment to the Watcher services.


Isabela lost her other arm a few months later on assignment but with Tek’s prothesis and magic, she was able to still use her gift through the new arms. She was given the name Decayfor herself and her AU.

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Julieta & Agustín>>KEYCHAIN<<Encanto 3/3 A post with everyone is coming tho!For both

Julieta & Agustín


Encanto 3/3 A post with everyone is coming tho!
For both sisters, I knew I wanted the husbands behind them but I wasn’t sure about the posing for these 2 PLUS Her power is less obvious than Pepa’s BUT I figured it out and they look so cute as they should be UwU

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