

Shame is a word that gets thrown around a lot, and is a word that I personally used to throw around a lot. And I would ask myself “Why do I feel ashamed?” “Is shame the same as ashamed?” and so much more. I’m talking to you a little bit about my experience with shame and vulnerability. Shame is something that can have such great weight over us if we don’t understand both the problem with shame or why we’re feeling shameful, but also if we don’t know the solution. What is your experience with shame or feeling shameful? Comment below. 

#kati morton    #katifaq    #therapy    #trauma    #ashamed    #psychology    #recovery    
Repost from @ollieblackmore using @RepostRegramApp - This happened today in #taiji #japan. Another #

Repost from @ollieblackmore using @RepostRegramApp - This happened today in #taiji #japan. Another #redcove, 20-30 #rissodolphins driven in from 20 miles out at sea, scared and exhausted. They were netted, slaughtered and one was left to die in a net. Here 3 of the family are scooped up, one juvenile most likely with its mother, heading for slaughter which they hide from view. #ashamed #endtheslaughter #emptythetanks #stopkillingdolphins #tweet4taiji #tweet4dolphins #dolphinproject @dolphin_project

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1 Peter 4:16 (NKJV) - Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glor

1 Peter 4:16 (NKJV) -
Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.

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Tattoos are a way of self expression that should never be ridiculed, ashamed, or judged. A person has every right to wear a tattoo for whatever reason they choose. Be proud of your body art!


the only thing consistent in my life is my ability to fuck myself over

Younger me would be so ashamed of myself rn… remember when being ambitious was a thing?

If you love this sport, if you call yourself a “football supporter”, you can’t possibly like the Super League.

It’s against everything football should represent: fair competition, inclusivity, talent and meritocracy. The only thing that this league represent is greed. 

They’re literally putting a tombstone over football.

As a madridista, I’m ashamed that Florentino Perez is a key person in the project that wants to turn the entire european football into an exclusive and private club where 12-15 teams are royalty just because of their power/money instead of their game.

Every year the same 12 or 15 teams will be able to compete against each other as a given, not because of their merit, not because of what they did on the pitch.

To put this in prospective, Arsenal which is currently NINTH in the Premier League standings and has not managed to qualify for the Champions League since 2016, will be able to compete every year while Leicester, that currently has TEN more points and his THIRD in the standings, won’t.

To give you another example, AC Milan is having its first good season in years, the last Champions League they played was in 2013, but yet it’ll be able to compete against the big of Europe every year even if it goes back to make shitty results.

This so called Super League will only increase the gap between the small clubs and the big ones. No more Leicester winnning the Premier, no more Ajax, Roma, Lione or Leipzig in the semifinals of the Champions League.

It’s the death of fair competition and sport merit.

It’s the death of football.

When people try to defend this shit by saying “FIFA sold the world cup to Qatar, what about that?” I have the strong desire to punch them in the face.

Justify shitty practices by pointing out other equally shitty practices, so classy. FIFA sold the World Cup to Qatar so let’s erase meritocracy from european international competitions. What’s the correlation?

If someone take a shit on the street, the solution is cleaning it up not covering the whole street with shit.

Just took some ‘before’ pictures of my body in hope that soon enough I can put them next to some 'after’ pictures. As soon as I took them I looked at them and nearly threw up. How the fuck did I let myself get like this?


Kik smiledom Skype domofslaves If u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am h

Kik smiledom

Skype domofslaves

If u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am here for you.

Daddy loves you.

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Not the first time I’ve seen that distant look on a milf following an afternoon at my flat - ashamed of what she’s done, but wondering how soon she can return…

A fragment of the first of eight pages of the drawn story “Shame and Horror in the Bathroom&rd

A fragment of the first of eight pages of the drawn story “Shame and Horror in the Bathroom” All eight pages are published for the patrons of the Sramota style:  https://www.patreon.com/ozor_nick

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This lady wanted to sunbathe naked in a place on the banks of the river, which for some reason she c

This lady wanted to sunbathe naked in a place on the banks of the river, which for some reason she considered deserted. However, accidental witness her preparations to sunbathing young anglers… What happens next?..

Continuation of this theme: https://www.patreon.com/ozor_nick

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ctopher211:EXPLICIT PICTURE: But does no one else find this hilarious? She looks so disappointed i



But does no one else find this hilarious? She looks so disappointed in herself. “Oh god, the things I’ll do for a Klondike Bar”

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