
Hi skincare friends~ how’re you? I’ve been busy, but I’m doing alright. Today, we’re doing a review

Hi skincare friends~ how’re you? I’ve been busy, but I’m doing alright

Today, we’re doing a review of Dr.Ceuracle’s AC Solution Pink Gel. This is a gel cleanser for sensitive skin meant to help with issues like acne, redness, excess sebum, and large/congested pores. 

Like usual, I’ll ~quickly~ go over what it does, my experience, and recommendations. I know you guys mostly want to know if it works and if it is worth the price, so I’ll try my best to give you an idea if this is right for you or not. 

All you ladies and guys struggling with acne, sebum, and pores, this is for you. 


So,the review.

(Granted, maybe this should be considered a first impressions, because I haven’t been using it for as long as I usually like to for reviews, but all in all, I was pleasantly surprised!)

I used this as a nighttime cleanser and decided to focus it only on the parts of my face where I was having a breakout or the spots where I struggle with congested & enlarged pores.

I have endlessly dry skin, so I always get a little scared when I see a product that says “sebum controlling” because it’s usually a product geared toward oily skin types and/or suggests a matte finish, but this cleanser was actually really nice for my skin!

This cleanser left my face refreshed, deep cleansed, and bright/glowy looking. It was giving me glass skin vibes but without any sort of residue or anything left on the skin. Like it was my skin but better looking, if that makes sense, lol.

Truth be told, I don’t usually expect much from my cleansers other than cleansing my face, but I genuinely liked the way this made my skin look and feel afterwards. It kind of made me excited to try other new cleansers in the future!

So, yeah, I’d say it definitely delivers on its promises of a deep cleanse without the drying and tightness. It’s hard to avoid some feeling of dryness after cleansing because cleansing and drying with a towel process is inherently drying to the skin. 

⭐Here’s a little tip worth keeping rent free in your mind: after cleansing, don’t try or rub your face completely with a towel. Gently pat dry, use a porous cleansing sponge, or just wipe most of the moisture off with your hands. Whatever you do, just leave your skin a bit wet so your face doesn’t get tight/dry and you can start off with an added boost of moisture.⭐

Now, again, I haven’t been using it for thatlong yet, but I did see a slight visual improvement of my pores. When cleansing I actually focused on my nose and cheeks because that’s where I struggle with enlarged pores and nasty blackheads, and I think this started to diminish those blackheads even with the short amount of time I’ve been using it.

With 0.5% Salicylic acid, the cleanser promises gentle exfoliation, which helps with everything from acne to pores to improving skin texture. Salicylic acid is one of my favorite tried and true ingredients to help with blackheads and acne. It’s just always given results for me and it’s an exfoliation/acne treatment option that doesn’t irritated my reactive, sensitive skin. Salicylic acid, you’re a real one.

So: pore care, smoother texture, help with blemishes and excess sebum without being harsh/drying/irritating. I believe the claims based on how my skin has reacted so far. Now, of course, I got to put it out there every time: all our skin is different, so how we react to a product might be different too. I think rather than a product being all good or all bad, it’s just effective for some people and maybe not so much for others. 

Really not much to say in the way of negatives about this product, maybe besides the size. This cleanser is pretty tiny, at least in terms of other cleansers I typically see. Maybe an option is to use it like I did and spot cleanse areas with this instead of using as an all-over daily cleanser. I’d personally treat it as more of a spot treatment than your everyday cleanser. Or, alternatively, use this less often, if need be, such as every other night. Totally up to you and your needs!


Overall, I’d recommend this for really any skin type, especially my congested and/or oily friends with acne and pore issues. If you’re looking for something affordable to try that deep cleanses without dryness/tightness and helps with ✔️pores/blackheads, ✔️texture, ✔️blemish control, and ✔️redness, I’d say give this a go if you’re on the market. 

This gal is on sale for about $11 on Jolse as I’m posting this (originally about $13). I don’t remember the last time I bought a skincare product that was less than $11—was it my pimple patches or my cotton pads? lol, just kidding. But it is pretty affordable, I think.

Full transparency, I did ~receive~ this product from Jolse, but hold on now, don’t go getting’ any wrong ideas. I’m certainly not getting paid/sponsored/told to say thisorthat. Come on now.

And, you know, just for the record, Jolse is pretty awesome. I wouldn’t share this with you if they weren’t. Their prices are always super affordable (often they’re the cheapest compared to other places selling the same items). They routinely hold deals, coupons, and free-to-enter giveaways. Like I’m just putting this out there. Next to Yesstyle, they’re my fav spot to shop skincare. 

Well, this is the end of the review. If you got this far, thanks for reading. I know a few of you write comments on these reviews and I do read them all! Thanks for those of you leaving kind words. 

Visit SUNDAYSKIN’s IG @hellosundayskin to see video clips of the texture of this product, if you’re curious. 

─ be back soon, SUNDAYSKIN

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I was interviewed by “Kyoto Kimono Ichiba” on my life history and passion for Japanese culture. The ENGLISH VERSION of the FINAL part has been released. I would be glad if you take the time to read this well done article.




Kimono style of the last day. Kimono was worn by my grandmother decades ago.









Finally the rainy season was over in Kyoto. Enjoy the very hot summer of Kyoto.

終於,雨季在京都結束了。 我享受京都炎熱的夏天。
