

schizoaffective disorder has been a wild fucking ride. I’ve seen/dealt with so much bullshit because of it. But for years I’ve been hallucinating my childhood cat every time I’m very upset or not doing well. And it’s the most beautiful calming thing in the world. And that’s not the only beautiful thing I’ve ever had happen to me because of schizoaffective disorder and some days I just need to remind myself of that.


When the world is crashing around me (either actually crashing around me, or my brain TELLS ME it’s crashing around me), I turn to crafting to shut everyone and everything out. It quiets the demons. These are a few of my fairy miniatures that I make (I make tons and tons lol). I am eventually going to snap out of my own head and get to selling them again, but for now, I just quiet the demons with crafting these.


Anyone else have cool things they do to shut the mind demons the hell up? (I mean, haha with BPD we all have self sabotage type things we do lol, but I’m talking crafty or cool things.)



i be like “im not THAT mentally ill” and then fantasize about my beautiful yet dramatic death several times a day

Hahahaha except who tf actually learns to “control” their emotions

It’s one of those nights. I don’t even know how to tell anyone what’s wrong. I don’t really even know what’s wrong. But it’s all wrong.

I’m not ok.
