#neurodivergent positivity


the nd siblings gang, the four horsemen of apocalypse

To the autistic bisexuals reading this,

You are loved. You are worthy of respect. You are valued. You are deserving of all things good. Our community is glad to have you.

I hope you have a lovely day or evening.

Autism in media: I got bored so I read three science textbooks and completed all these equations and now I’m working on the coding for this app-

Autism in real life: I’m so bored that every bone in my body feels like it’s being turned into one but don’t even talkto me about doing something about it

Me:Maybe I don’t have ADHD… Maybe I’ve been faking it for attention after all.

Also me when I watch anything: Speeding up the playback because I don’t have an attention span, adding subtitles because auditory processing issues, turning the volume up to god Themselves to prevent a Thought from coming, and ending up scrolling through memes the whole time


To all other autistic people (and anyone else who may relate because of being ND or disabled):

You have worth outside of what society thinks a “functional” person looks like, and you always will.

It’s okay for you to take up space and use resources and need help. Everyone takes up space in life and needs help at times, and you are worth it.

Your life is not a waste. Really, your life is valuable just as it is, how it has been, and how it will be.

You do not deserve to be mistreated for being different and struggling with different things. No one deserves that, including you.


Hey, I don’t know who needs to hear this, but like… it’s okay to be neurodivergent. It’s okay to be autistic, or adhd, or dyslexic or dyscalculic or have down’s syndrome or ANYTHING. It’s okay if you feel like you can’t give everything 100% all the time. It’s okay if you feel tired even when you don’t think it’s justified. It’s okay to stop working and do something you like for a while, it’s okay to step away when you get overwhelmed, it’s okay to ask for help, even if you think it’s something that other people wouldn’t need.

It’s okay to be frustrated, but it’s also okay to be happy and love yourself. It’s okay to be unhappy with your struggles but it’s also okay to enjoy your gifts, your special interests, your hyperfixations, your talents, your stims, all of it. You’re awesome. Don’t let anyone tell you different.


You know who I love?

Aces/aros with ADHD

Aces/aros with depression

Aces/aros with anxiety

Aces/aros with OCD

Aces/aros with schizophrenia

Aces/aros with bipolar disorder

Aces/aros who are autistic

Aces/aros who are neurodivergent in general! I love all of you!
