#indian writers


Days have passed, so have months.

At some point, during that time, my mind has been a blank piece of sheet, and my thoughts flowing like the ink of a broken pen.

I, and many here and there - probably, felt lost and lonely.

But everything is ephemeral, even these temporary feelings, that keep going and knocking back on my door, sometimes.

Sometimes, coming inside like a storm we try to protect ourselves from,

sometimes we decide to let them in, even welcoming with a smile, curious to learn more.

Some people call it growth, some healing, or just life.

Isn’t that life just a perpetual stream of changes and adaptations, to circumstances, people, and ourselves anyway.

Self portrait in Mumbai. May 2020

Flowing thoughts : you knew I missed you Bombay, didn’t you? (Part I)

I carried my stubborness and some wishes in my bag, on my way back to Bombay. Some places I wanted to go back to, memories I wanted to relive. Some faces I wanted to see again, some laughers I wanted to hear once more. Eager to explore around, curious about the new souls that will cross my path.

By the time I landed, I already had that feeling, as usual, the feeling of being Home. From shopping bindis and jhumke, to the walks and sunsets at Juhu, the conversations with the aunties and the drives with that one. The horns of the rikshaws in the traffic jam, the smell of the food stalls, the carefree crowd and the kids playing in the streets. And with that smile, on my face, witnessing the scene. Nevertheless, you knew I missed you Bombay, didn’t you?

Bombay | April 20’

Ig : @miraakle_

Oh heart,

I told you.

Why did you start expecting again,

Knowing that at the end you’d be hurt ?

You and I,

Are just left with memories to cherish now.


the sky was watching,

and the moon listening to her.

they knew

she likes to disappear often.

though they knew,

she can not escape them

and actually finds comfort in their company.

Sometimes, throughout some discussions, I get asked about it, unless at some point, it just crosses my mind. That notion so subjective, yet blurred and romanticized of relationships and love. And I wonder, what it actually is. 

Has not it just been put in our minds, that one specific person is here, made for us, with whom we are meant to be. I have always felt, this perception beautifully comes from books and poems, movies we have been watching while growing up, idealizing people and relationships. 

I’d like to believe so, but the raw reality just seems to be a perpetual accumulation of ephemeral circumstances. Since nothing last, and everything keep changing, for a better version of it, or not. People, feelings, situations.Yet, we live in a world, I feel, where patience has become a rare attribute, consistency and loyalty too. I see, people getting used to everything surrounding them easily. Or just being distracted.

I just see that commonly used notion of love, as a sort of thread that connects you to that soul you want to grow with during your journey. What I know, throughout the plenty discussions i had about it with diverse persons, it is a subjective notion that differs person to person anyway. Believing in one and only life partner, or just beautiful stories that build you as the person you are.
