#bucky series



Series Summary: Bucky and the Reader are set up on a date, but things don’t go as well as expected.  

Pairing: Bucky X Reader

Words Count:2.9k

Warnings: angst, betrayal, self-loathing, if you squint your eyes you see some fluff, bad english.  

A/N: Shall we have a different POV of the last events?  

Feedback? Please!!!!

Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 (coming soon)

So soft.

Your skin felt so soft under the graze of his fingers tracing slow circles on your back. The slow movement of your ribcage pacing your breathing signalizing your slumber.

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Oh my god!! I’m dying this is absolutely heart wrenching and even more so now that we know what really happened. And buckys thoughts as he walked back to his room are just too cruel!


Series Summary: Bucky and the Reader are set up on a date, but things don’t go as well as expected.  

Pairing: Bucky X Reader

Words Count:3.2k+

Warnings: angst, a little more of angst, self-loathing, swearing, bad english.  

A/N: Finally, here’s some confrontations. Thank you once again @imhereforbvcky , you’re an essential part of this story.  

Feedback? Please!!!!

Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 (coming soon)

The sun hadn’t even come out when you left the tower earlier. Now it was high and burning the skin on your face, forcing you to squint your eyes and shield them with your hand.

As you got back to the Tower’s surroundings, you slowed down the frenetic rhythm of your running and the twitch in the pit your stomach made a reappearance. Not surprising at all, you hadn’t been able to go back to sleep the night before. How could you, when your mind insisted on replaying that heart-wrenching scene? When the foolish part of yourself still hoped that he would at least try to go back to your bedroom and explain that it was all some kind of misunderstanding? But of course it never happened and the door remained locked.

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I…think….you broke me….

Too many feelings.

Too much angst.

I’m devestated right now. My chest hurts. Oh gods, I think you’ve killed me


Part 12

Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Injuries, you’re gonna squeal i can’t wait
Summary: Soulmate AU in which one’s heartbeat becomes perfectly in sync with their soulmate’s once they meet.


The following couple of days had become a routine. Bucky would cater to your every want and need, making you food that you could keep down, scratching your arms or back to calm you, helping you bathe, and just talking about nothing and everything. The two of you had really gotten to know each other better than he ever thought you could in the small amount of time you had together, and you still had over a week to spend with him before his fiancée came home.

His fiancée. Bucky had barely even thought of her since the crash. She had been constantly texting and calling him, no doubt wondering why he wasn’t in contact with her while she was away, but he couldn’t bring himself to even send her a simple text. He knew she was probably worried, but he felt a surge of guilt in the pit of his stomach whenever he just saw her name flash across his cell phone screen. He knew he wasn’t in a relationship with you, but the draw he felt toward you was undeniable, and he felt he would be betraying that loyalty he felt by acknowledging his planned marriage with this other woman.

He needed to eventually, though, whether it be to confirm his relationship with Samantha or to end it altogether. Something needed to be done, but he couldn’t break off years of friendship and love over the phone. She needed to come home first, and then, once he saw her in person and looked into her blue eyes, if he felt like it would be best to let her go, he would.

In the meantime, however, all of his focus was on you. On the way you gently curled into the sheets of his bed, careful of the incision on your side. On the way you giggled at his playful jokes and groaned at the mention of the time left until you could take your next painkiller. On the way your hair was tangled beyond belief from moving your head against the pillow so much. On the way your stressed body was still so antsy to get out of bed that he almost wanted to force you back down every time you sat up in fear that you would hurt yourself.

It was passed time for you to start walking by yourself though. The routine of it all was supposed to help, and getting back to normal right away was of upmost important when it came to your injuries. Bucky had been trying to prolong it as long as possible though, because he didn’t want to see you in more pain than you were already in.

Keep reading

It’s back omg it’s back and I’m dying bc I love it too much. I almost forgot how this story makes my heart hurt. But that painful twang was there to remind me. Just absolute excellence

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader, Foggy Nelson x reader

Word Count: 2.9k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity.

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby​​​ . All mistakes are my own.

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist

Sunday dawned and you had barely slept. Dragging yourself out of bed, you set about eating breakfast and cleaning your apartment. Your stomach is in knots considering everything that happened last night. Foggy’s adverse reaction, the revelation about Matt, the fact that your two worlds would collide tonight and, most disturbingly, the stalker. At least, you were labeling them a stalker since they were supposedly following you. 

You were still questioning that. Why would someone follow you? You are a nobody. Maybe Foggy was right and you were being followed because of who your friends are. It still didn’t make any sense to you though. You were just their friend and nothing else that you did affected their missions in any way that mattered. Matt had to be mistaken. It had to be someone following him or maybe even Foggy. It couldn’t be you but you knew in the end, no matter who the target was, your friends would help.

A quick trip to the grocery store, an afternoon of baking to calm your nerves, then on to a shower and getting ready for your friends. You aren’t sure how you feel about Foggy right now. The way he had acted the night before disappointed you immensely and now you’re questioning your feelings for him. He’s a really good guy but could you trust him when the first test of your burgeoning relationship had him turning his back on you? You had long held onto the quote, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” You didn’t often let yourself get to  “shame on me.” Too often you have let people use you, step on you, and hurt you because you thought you needed their friendship. You were never going to be a doormat again.

Now, you wondered how it was going to be with Foggy when he came and especially how Bucky, Sam, and Joaquin would be when introduced to Matt and Foggy. You hope tonight would go smoothly and you could figure out who this person that was following one of you wants. 

You set about arranging things when there’s a knock on the door. You glanced at the clock and realized it was over a half hour before anyone should be arriving. Opening the door, you come face to face with Bucky. 

“Hey! You’re early,” you smile as you let him in. 

“Yeah, I just…” Bucky looks down at his feet then back up to your face. You read him in an instant and move to hug him. 

“You’re having bad dreams again?” you say as you wrap your arms around his torso snugly. 

“Yes,” Bucky whispers, holding onto you tightly.

“They’re not real. You’re okay,” you whisper reassurances to him while the two of you sway together. It isn’t the first time he’d sought out your comfort. It took him a long time to tell you about them and he still wasn’t comfortable sharing the details.  

“Thanks, doll. So, um… are you still seeing that Foggy guy?” Bucky asks awkwardly as you separate. 

“Um, yeah. Kinda,” you say, turning away. 

“Kinda? What does that mean, doll?”

You sigh, “He…I talk about you and Sam and Joaquin a lot but…”

“He never put it together, huh?” Bucky says

“Exactly. So, when I told him, he was upset which was really hypocritical of him. And I just,” you shrug, “I like being his friend but I don’t think we’re right for each other.”

Bucky’s heart twists at the familiar sound of those words. The last thing you said to him before you left the night he kissed you, ‘I really love being your friend’, played through his head multiple times a day. He forces himself to replay it whenever he thinks of you. His way of trying to quash his feelings for you. 

“You don’t have to see him again if you don’t want to,” he says as he squeezes your hand.

“Well…actually, Matt and Foggy are coming tonight. There’s something going on that you guys need to know about.”

“What is it, doll?”

“Just… let’s wait until everyone gets here and then everything can be explained all at once. I don’t want to go over it multiple times. I have a feeling we will anyway.”

“If that’s what you want. Are you going to break it off with him tonight?”

“I don’t know, Bucky. There’s not really anything to break off. It’s just been a couple of dates. Nothing’s really happened between us. Not that he hasn’t tried,” you trail off.

“Do you feel like he’s just trying to get you in bed?”

You scoff, “that seems to be the only thing anyone wants from me lately.”

Bucky’s brows furrow, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that,“ you turn away to walk to the kitchen.

Bucky grabs your hand to stop you, “No, tell me.”

“Please, Bucky, I can’t do this right now,” you squeeze your eyes shut as your heart breaks. 

“Do you think-”

Bucky’s words are cut off by a knock on the door. You hurry away to answer it, grateful to be avoiding the conversation. You couldn’t stand to hear Bucky explaining how you were a convenience, how he didn’t mean to hurt you, or whatever it is he was about to say. You just couldn’t do it right now. Not after the disappointment with Foggy and the confusion of this person following you. As soon as you open the door, Sam and Joaquin bustle in making jokes and being their normal jovial selves. You explain to them about Matt and Foggy joining you for the evening and watch as they exchange glances before looking at Bucky.

“Okay. This’ll make for an interesting evening,” Sam says. 

It was just a few minutes later when there was another knock on your door. You find yourself sick to your stomach as you go to answer it. This was even more awkward than you imagined and your heart was hurting immensely. 

Opening the door, you paste on a smile, “Hi Matt. How’s the head?”

“Fine. Thanks for asking,” Matt makes his way into the apartment. 

Foggy is standing a little ways away, hanging back as he looks at you with an unreadable expression. You stare across at each other for a moment before you finally break the silence, “Hi Foggy.”

“Hi beautiful,” he approaches you slowly and puts a hand to your face gingerly. “I’m so sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have gotten upset with you.” 

Before you realize what he’s doing, he’d leaned in and captured your lips with his. You quickly pull away when you hear footsteps. Glancing to your side, you see Bucky scowling at the two of you. Your heart sinks knowing that Bucky probably thinks less of you for letting Foggy kiss you.

You duck your head embarrassed by the whole situation, “Um, lemme introduce you to everyone.”

Foggy follows you to where the guys are gathered in a tense standoff. Matt’s head is cocked in Bucky’s direction with a peculiar look on his face.

“So, you must be the guy that swept our friend off her feet,” Joaquin attempts to break the ice.

Wishing the floor would swallow you whole, you laugh awkwardly, “Guys, this is Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock. They’re attorneys. Matt, Foggy, this is Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, and Sam Wilson.”

“Not that you need any introduction,” Matt extends his hand towards each to shake. 

When Foggy does the same, you watch as Joachin smiles, Sam eyes him, and Bucky positively glowers at him. Foggy seems to shrink into himself and doesn’t keep eye contact as he shakes Bucky’s hand. You can’t blame him. Bucky can be intimidating. 

Wondering if he’s annoyed with you, Foggy, or the whole situation you attempt to steer everyone to the food, “Why don’t we eat, and then I can explain what’s going on.”

“Why don’t we discuss the issue and worry about the food later?” Foggy says gently but you find it no less frustrating. 

“Because then all of her hard work would go to waste,” Bucky growls. 

“Uh, right. Good point,” Foggy demures, glancing at Matt. 

“Would you like me to make you a plate, Matt?” You ask. 

“That would be great. I tend to make a mess of things,” Matt grins and you can’t help but quirk a smile at his double meaning. 

“Right,” naming the dishes, you serve him a bit of everything and set the plate in front of him. Everyone else follows suit until the table is full. 

“Alright. While we’re enjoying this meal why don’t you start?” Sam gives a no-nonsense raise of his eyebrow.

“Well, you see, um…” you stutter. Fuck, you hadn’t taken the time to work out how to explain this. 

“If you’ll allow me?” Matt asks kindly.  

“Thank you,” you nod as he takes the lead. 

“We believe our friend here has a stalker of some kind. She’s being followed by someone. A… friend of ours realized it and had an altercation with the man when he tried to confront him. The man was skilled at fighting. We aren’t sure why but suspect that her affiliation with you is a factor,” Matt explains. 

“Who’s this ‘friend’ of yours?” Sam asks. 

“Daredevil,” Matt says clearly. 

“You know Daredevil?” Joaquin asks, wide-eyed. 

“Kind of. I met him for the first time last night,” you stammer. 

“How do we know it’s not Daredevil following her?” Sam asks. 

“He has no reason to lie,” Foggy defends his friend. 

“How well do you know him?” Joaquin asks. 

“Very well. He wouldn’t do that,” Foggy affirms. 

“Daredevil followed her here? I thought he stayed in Hell’s Kitchen for the most part,” Bucky asks with eyes narrowed. 

“She was at my apartment in Hell’s Kitchen last night,” Foggy explains. 

“You were alone when I got here,” Bucky turns to you. “How did you get home last night?”

“I took a cab. Why?” you ask confused. 

“With who?” Bucky’s fists clench at his side and the sound of his metal arm flexing is a tell-tale sign that he’s angry about something. 

“Alone. What the hell are you getting at, Bucky?” You are confused by his demeanor and line of questioning.

“You think she has a stalker and you let her go home alone?” Bucky growls as he stands and leans over Foggy. 

“I, I, I was upset. I wasn’t thinking straight. I didn’t think about it!” Foggy defends himself. 

“It was you,” Matt says out of the blue. 

“What are you talking about, Matt?” you ask. 

“The night of your first date. Someone was following you but something was different about them than the times after that. A noise that accompanied them. It was his arm. He’s not the one following you now but that night, he was there,” Matt explains. 

“What? Bucky?” you look at your best friend in disbelief. 

“I can explain,” Bucky looks at you pleadingly. 

“You damn well better!” you shout, standing to face him. 

“Can we talk about this in private?” Bucky gestures to the doorway. 

“Sure,” you say flippantly, “I apparently don’t get any privacy but sure. Let’s go.” 

You walk out of the room and towards your bedroom, the only place that would afford you any privacy. Bucky followed you contritely but as soon as the bedroom door was closed, he started, “Doll, it’s not what you think.”

“Explain yourself,” you say quietly but with obvious anger. 

“You weren’t talking to me and so I came here to wait for you to get back so I could. Joaquin called me, told me about his conversation with you, and that you were going on a date. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. It was stupid but I was worried about you.”

“So, you could have talked to me, but you decided to follow me on my date, instead?” you ask with arms crossed. 

Bucky takes a deep breath before crossing his own arms and staring you down. He slowly leans into you as he speaks, “Yeah. I knew if you had a date you weren’t going to talk to me and when you’re upset about something you tend to get a bit reckless.”

Fuck, sometimes he knew you too well. Your body is reacting to his closeness making it hard to concentrate and, truthfully the two of you had bigger fish to fry tonight than this petty argument. You look into his eyes and relax your stance, “Fine.”

“About the other,” Bucky continues. 

“What other?” you say. 

“That comment you made earlier-”

“Later, Buck, please. Please, we have enough to concentrate on without hashing all this out again, don’t we?”

Bucky sighs, “Fine.”

“Thank you.”

“But I’m not letting it go,” Bucky says as you make your way to the door. 

You pause with your hand on the knob and nod before leading the way back to the front of the apartment. As you sat back down, everyone stared at you expectantly, “Everything’s fine. We worked it out.”

Bucky sits and stares at Matt for a moment before narrowing his eyes, “So, you’re Daredevil. Not what I expected.”

Matt smirks, “Gave myself away.”

“I thought you were blind?” Joaquin says. 

“Not exactly. I don’t see like other people. It’s like a world on fire but it allowed me to hone my other senses,” Matt explains. 

“Okay, this is all well and good but let’s get back to the problem at hand,” Sam gets everyone’s attention. “Someone is following her which means she’s in danger.”

“Honestly, guys, I still don’t think he’s following me. How do you know he isn’t following you or Foggy, Matt?” you ask. 

“Because when I was fighting him he said, ‘you won’t keep her from me’,” Matt frowns.

“You didn’t tell me that,” you breathe. 

“I didn’t want to scare you more than I already had. I’m sorry,” Matt looks around the table. “He’s good. Whoever he is.”

“Have you met anyone new lately?” Joaquin asks. 

“Just Foggy, Matt, and Karen. And my neighbor, Ben,” you say. 

“Ben?” Bucky asks. 

“I met him at the bar in Hell’s Kitchen the night of our first date and then…” you trail off. 

“Then what, doll?” Bucky prompts.

“He showed up here the next day. He said he was looking for an apartment. He moved in the following week,” your brain runs through your interactions with Ben. 

“What’s his last name?” Joaquin asks. 

“I… I don’t know. He never said but his wallet had the initials BP on it,” you remember. 

“What else do you know about him?” Sam questions. 

You spend some time going over everything you know about Ben, every interaction, every conversation. Together, the six of you come up with a plan to confront Ben and find out who he is working for. Bucky secures your apartment, checking everything he can think of. 

“Someone should stay with you,” Sam says with a glance at Bucky as he returns. 

“No, I’ll be fine,” you shake your head. 

“I’ll stay, beautiful. I should be with you,” Foggy says. 

Bucky’s jaw clenches as he stares at you for your reaction. 

“No, Foggy. I’ll be fine,” you say looking at your hands. 

“I think we’ll head home,” Matt says. 

“I’ll walk you out,” you say. Walking outside with them, you look at Matt, “Can you give us a minute?” 

“Yeah, of course.” 

“Thanks. For everything, Matt,” You say as he walks away. 

“Of course. We’re friends,” Matt turns back to say. 

When he’s out of earshot, you turn to Foggy, “Listen-”

“I already know, beautiful,” Foggy says. “And you’re absolutely right to. I, uh, made a pretty big jackass out of myself, didn’t I?”

“No, Foggy. You’re a sweetheart. I’d like it if we could be friends.”

Foggy nods with a small smile. You kiss his cheek, “Take care of yourself. I’ll see you later.”

“You, too. You’re always welcome to stop by Josie’s,” Foggy says before following Matt. 

You walk back inside to your three friends. They all stare at you for a moment before Sam breaks the silence, “I think one of us should stay.”

“Sam, no. I’ll be fine. I think you’re all crazy. I’m still not convinced that he’s following me. Matt’s an alarmist,” you shake your head. 

“Fine, we’ll go but take this,” Bucky hands you a .38. 

“Do you know how to use that?” Sam asks. 

You give him a disdainful look before checking the clip, replacing it, cocking the gun, and putting the safety on. You look back at him, “Yeah.”

“That’s my girl,” Bucky grins cockily. 

“Alright, I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” you say, guiding them all to the door. 

“Doll, maybe-”

“Good night, Bucky,” you push him through the door, laughing lightly. 

“Night, doll.”

You start to close the door but Bucky’s hand shoots out to stop it. 

“Oh, and I still haven’t let it go,” Bucky whispers. “See you later.”

You shut the door quickly behind him shaking your head. Shit, he was still going to make you talk through it all again. You didn’t know if your heart could take it. You clean up the remnants of dinner and then head to your bedroom but a knock on your door makes you turn on your heel. Assuming it’s one of your overprotective friends, you open the door saying, “I’m fine, really-… Ben.”

“They aren’t,” Ben says as he leans in the doorway. 

“What?” you ask breathlessly.

“Your friends. They aren’t crazy,” he says as he pushes his way into your apartment. 

Part Eight

Tuiccim’s Masterlist

Updates and taglist: Updates for series will be made weekly. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​​​ and turn on notifications for updates. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!

Tags:@badassbaker @finleyjayne @harrysthiccthighss@rebekahdawkins @learisa @liebs82 @blackkflamecandle@saiyanprincessswanie @rainbowkisses31 @whisperlullaby@thejemersoninferno @thehumanistsdiary @supraveng@chrisevansbaby@randomfandompenguin @hiddles-rose @angrythingstarlight @buckysnumberonegirl @jbbarnesgirl @late-to-the-party-81 @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky@ysmmsy@looking-for-another-world@colereads@happypopcornprincess@mrsbarnes107th@sebsgirl71479@palaiasaurus64@ginger-swag-rapunzel@libbymouse@wonderbreadbucky@vicmc624@shamelessfangirl-3@eclecticpatrolroadlawyer@red42985@themorningsunshine​ @imjustace


I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist


Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-size Reader, Foggy Nelson x Reader

Features: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity, misunderstandings. 

Summary: When Bucky finally makes his move, you can’t believe that someone like him would ever really want you. A misunderstanding creates a rift in your friendship and, when a new suitor show up, will Bucky be willing to compete for your affections?

Updates and taglist: Updates for series will be made on weekly. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​ for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Tuiccim’s Masterlist

Hey friends,

I am working on the next installment. I’m trying to get it done in the next few days. It’s been a little overwhelming lately. I appreciate you guys!



Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader     Word Count: 915

Warnings: Smut NSFW 18+ Only

Divider by @whimsicalrogers

The Coupon Book: A 12 Part Smut Series Masterlist


“Whatcha got there, doll?” Bucky eyes you as you return from a shopping trip with a few bags.

“Just some clothes and bath stuff.” You tell him. 

Bucky rifles through the bag from the bath store and pulls out a bottle of oil you had purchased. He turns it over in his hand and looks up at you. 

“Find something you’re interested in?” You ask, watching him. 

“Yeah,” Bucky smirks, “and I think you know what I’m about to say.”

“You have a coupon you’d like to use,” you take the oil from his hand and smile at him, “for a massage with a happy ending. Strip and lay on the bed.”

Keep reading



Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader, Foggy Nelson x reader

Word Count: 2.9k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity.

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby​​​ . All mistakes are my own.

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist

Sunday dawned and you had barely slept. Dragging yourself out of bed, you set about eating breakfast and cleaning your apartment. Your stomach is in knots considering everything that happened last night. Foggy’s adverse reaction, the revelation about Matt, the fact that your two worlds would collide tonight and, most disturbingly, the stalker. At least, you were labeling them a stalker since they were supposedly following you. 

You were still questioning that. Why would someone follow you? You are a nobody. Maybe Foggy was right and you were being followed because of who your friends are. It still didn’t make any sense to you though. You were just their friend and nothing else that you did affected their missions in any way that mattered. Matt had to be mistaken. It had to be someone following him or maybe even Foggy. It couldn’t be you but you knew in the end, no matter who the target was, your friends would help.

A quick trip to the grocery store, an afternoon of baking to calm your nerves, then on to a shower and getting ready for your friends. You aren’t sure how you feel about Foggy right now. The way he had acted the night before disappointed you immensely and now you’re questioning your feelings for him. He’s a really good guy but could you trust him when the first test of your burgeoning relationship had him turning his back on you? You had long held onto the quote, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” You didn’t often let yourself get to  “shame on me.” Too often you have let people use you, step on you, and hurt you because you thought you needed their friendship. You were never going to be a doormat again.

Keep reading

I realize that she’s known Bucky, Sam and Joaquin longer than Foggy and Matt, so it stands to reason they would be more worried about her. I’m hoping that Bucky is watching her windows and sees Ben is there. Maybe if Bucky rescues her from a bad situation she’ll give him a chance to tell her how he really feels. She needs to take her attitude back a notch or two or she’s going to miss out on all the lovey Buckyness. I feel I can call her on her attitude because I am a lifetime member of the Fat Girls Club. She’s got to listen to Bucky without all her insecurities filtering what he’s saying.

Your insights are always so good. Thank you so much for always being so supportive.

A Little Rusty


Pairing: Mechanic!Bucky x reader

Summary: As an aspiring author and current intern, getting a new car was a luxury you never dreamed of. Natasha, your roommate, used you a personal chauffeur until your car started breaking down. Luckily, you knew some people who worked at Auto Buddy, an auto shop, who could fix your car. But you hadn’t met Bucky yet, and quickly after you found out you’d be stuck with him for a little while. 

Warnings: age gap (bucky is a dilf), swearing, romance, sexual tension, mentions of domestic abuse, swearing, angst, fluff, inaccurate description of mechanical actions.  


Prologue - May 12th

Episode One - May 16th

Episode Two - May 23nd

Episode Three - May 30th

Episode Four - June 6th

Epsiode Five - June 13th

Epilogue - June 20th

tag list info: if you’d like to be added to the tag list please send an ask, it’s much easier for me to keep track of everything if all the of the requests come from the ask section. thank you!
Tag List: @imtherain@jackiehollanderr@redneckstrash@tylard-blog1@readingbooksdrinkingtea@linzc-reader@hotleaf-juice@honeybunchesofbucky@sky0401@striving4averagegirl@seybox@yaszx@happyt0exist @magicalsimp@johnricharddeacy

Hey look, a new update!  That’s like…two in the past 2 weeks.  I’m on a roll.  

I am hellbent on getting this series done and posted by the first of October.  Will I accomplish it?  Who knows.  But I’m trying.  There are some other ideas rattling around in my brain, so I’m stuck in this weird place of not being ready to be done with these characters but also kind of wanting to explore a new place.  It’s weird.  I’m tired.  Probably shouldn’t be posting considering I’m at the point of being loopy, but here I am.  Anyway…

This is a companion piece for When Everything’s Made to be Broken (I Just Want You to Know Who I Am) from Bucky’s POV - if you haven’t yet read WEMtbB, this won’t make much sense.  But you know what?  You do you, boo.

#17 takes place during part 5.  

Word count: 950

Warnings: some stress and anxiety.

He’s got the first date jitters something fierce.

Which is dumb, because this isn’t a first date.  Well, not really.  They’ve already built a relationship together, were in the process of building a life together – under unusual and not exactly ideal circumstances, but a life together nonetheless –  before that asshat found their haven and poisoned her.  Hell, he’s even technically taken her out before.  Sure it was in a barn, but he did a damn good job with it. It’s one of his favorite memories, and he knows damn well how much it meant to her.

Still.  This is different.

He stares in the mirror as his hand lifts the razor blade to his face, then puts it down.  Again.  Maybe he shouldn’t shave, she likes his scruff.  

But she also likes when he’s clean shaven.  He raises the blade again.

“Get it together, Barnes. She’s not gonna care about your goddamn facial hair.  Just shave your stupid face, that was what you were planning to do.”

Huffing impatiently at his own indecisiveness, he reaches for his phone for a second opinion.  

He sets the phone on the corner of the vanity and enables the video chat so he can still move freely. While it rings, he parts his shower damp hair - to the side rather than the center – and scoops out a bit of pomade.  Wait. Maybe just put it all back?  Maybe he should just cut it all off and be done with it.  He was planning on doing that before everything happened but hadn’t made it to any of the appointments he’d scheduled; his relationship with his hair is…complicated.

“Hey.  Everything okay, Buck?”  Steve’s face fills the display, curiosity immediately giving way to amusement. “Uh, Buck?”

Bucky knows he’s wide eyed and talking too fast, but he can’t help it.  “Stevie, I need your help.  Should I shave or leave it?  I don’t know and I don’t know why I don’t know cause it isn’t like this is actually a first date I mean I’m already fucking in love with her and we’ve lived together she already knows everything about me but I’ve never in my entire goddamn life been this nervous for a date and I thought I knew what I was doing but it turns out I don’t and – why are you laughing at me?”

Steve just shakes his head, unable to stop and form actual words.


Somehow Steve manages to laugh harder, but Bucky can’t hear him anymore because it’s the type of laugh that’s gone silent save for Steve’s old man knee slaps.  Then he drops the phone, and a moment later Bucky sees Wilson’s face.

“You look like Santa Claus, man.  I don’t think she’s into that shit.”  

“Goddammit, Wilson, I –“

The screen blurs a bit before Barton’s face comes into view.  

“Doesn’t he look like Santa Claus?”  Wilson’s voice taunts from off screen, “He looks like Santa Claus.”

“He does look like Santa Claus,” Barton agrees while shoving a piece of pizza into his mouth.

Wilson’s face reappears. “Lose the beard, man.”

“It’s shaving cream, you ass.  I can’t decide whether or not I should shave for tonight.”

“You’re having an existential crisis over your facial hair?”

“Shut up, Wilson.” Bucky’s shaking hands suddenly remember the pomade, so he starts smoothing it through his hair.

The view in the screen shakes again and Steve’s vaguely apologetic face comes into view.  “Sorry, pal.”  

Bucky takes a deep breath and steels himself for his admission, “What if I screw this up?”

Steve finally takes pity on Bucky’s clearly real anxiety.  “Buck, she loves you.  She adoresyou.  I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“But –“

“Okay, first of all, one bad date isn’t gonna scare her away – but you’ve never had a bad date in your life, so I don’t why you’re so worried.”

“What if –“

“Take a deep breath, Buck. It’s gonna be okay.  You used to take girls out all the time, and they never had any complaints.”

“First of all, that was decades ago!  What if I lost my touch?  And Stevie, she’s not like those girls.  It’s herand –“


He finally stills at the tone in Steve’s voice.

“You’ve kinda been planning this for ages, right?  So you’ve already got everything planned out.”

He nods.  “Yeah, ever since she mentioned wanting to see the show, but she figured she never would.”

“You’ve got the dinner reservations set for the place Tony recommended?”

He nods.

“And the tickets for the show?”

He nods again as he exhales loudly.  “Yeah. I owe Stark big time for getting those Hamilton tickets.”

“Just the fact that you’re willing to owe Tony an unspecified favor for those tickets should tell you something.”

Bucky stares into the phone, unimpressed.

“You’ve got the keys for the right car?”

Bucky thinks for a second, then nods.

Wilson’s face appears again, “Get outta your head, Barnes!  Give that hamster a rest, would you?  It’s just a date.”

“Shut up, Wilson.”

The screen shakes when Steve takes the phone back. “Pal, you’ve got all the logistics figured out. Now all you need to do is pick up your girl and enjoy it.”

Bucky exhales noisily and nods.  “You’re right.”  

“Of course I’m right. Never thought I’d be the one giving you advice on dating, but there’s a first time for everything.  Now get off the phone and go get her.”

Bucky rolls his eyes as he disconnects the call, but he feels better because they’re right.  It is just a date.  With her.  If he can get out of his head, it’ll be as easy as breathing.

@hellomissmabel@howdoesoneadult @nykitass@danimuhle@iwillbeinmynest @shifutheshihtzu@passiononfire @learisa@widowvinter @kaaatniss@ladylizzieofdarbyshire@denialanderror @k-nighttt@givemethatgold@manders2487@afangirlrambles@polkadottedpillowcase@bluebrrn@saysay125 @aikibriarrose@saharzek@mmauricee-blog@imhereforbvcky @whenallsaidanddone@supernatural508 @scarlettsoldier @natalie-nightcourt @im-beautifully-sewn @lovemarvelousfics @feistytravel @tbetz0341 @nearly-whitches @jamie-leah @shliic @dessinemoiunehistoire @lucywinchester2000 @solarbarnes @a-proper-chicken @movingonto-betterthings@seekingkairos    @part-time-patronus @natashasnight @fairislesheets@beccaanne814@jamesbarnesappreciationclub @scottish-pepper @new-romanticz1989
